Book Read Free

Box Set

Page 43

by Kim Petersen

  Rose reached for Bella’s hand; her faded eyes twinkled. ‘Tell me, did Mr Adams call in to see you Saturday night?’

  Bella frowned in mockery. ‘You know he did.’

  She gave her hand a gentle squeeze. It felt bony and frail in her hold, she suppressed the concern that threatened to break her expression. ‘I have to tell you something important. Remember when daddy would say I was a gift from the angels to the world?’

  Rose nodded. ‘Yes.’

  Bella leaned in and lowered her voice. ‘I found out today that I have wings,’ she whispered.

  She searched for an expression of disbelief but it didn’t come.

  A low chuckle escaped her mother lips as she reached to stroke Bella’s hair. ‘Now you know your true heritage and you’re aware that death is only a transition from one plane to the next. Now I can leave in peace, because you know you are not alone.’

  Bella gasped. ‘What do you mean, my true heritage?’

  Rose turned to the set of drawers near her bed and made slight rasping noises as she rummaged through the top one. She revealed an envelope. ‘Everything you need to know is written here. Don’t grieve my death, Bella. I will not be far from your reach,’ she said.

  Bella shut her eyes and filled her lungs with the thick stale odour that lingered between the walls while her whole being was overcome with a combination of love and foreboding. She opened her eyes again and regarded her mother. She knew it was time to let her go.

  ‘I love you,’ she croaked.

  ‘I love you too,’ Rose murmured.

  Their hands interlaced as Rose closed her eyes. Her pale lips smoothed in a serene crease before her facial muscles relaxed and slanted in the final downslide as her energy left her body. Bella felt her mother’s hands go limp. She caught the sob in her throat as a silent flood of tears cascaded down her face. She rested her head against her mother’s motionless chest. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you,’ she whispered.

  Bella envisioned her mother reuniting with her father. They stood by the glittering sapphire waters of the Golden World and appeared youthful and joyous. They smiled and waved farewell before they meshed together as one brilliant thread of light, then disappeared from her mind’s eye. Her heart swelled with love and gratitude, and although her mother’s death saddened her, she had found a place of acceptance within her soul. She knew they were not gone from her existence; only from the physical plane in which she remained.

  When Bella later left the hospital, she was surprised to feel a shift take place within her. Knowing her mother was no longer trapped in the web of illness, lifted her spirit; especially since she had perceived her parents’ reunion. She drove home in a strange state of nostalgia as she revisited her childhood. Years of treasured moments flashed through her memory in a sweet visionary display.

  She turned into her driveway to see a dark figure sitting on the porch steps. As the headlights beamed across the house, she realised it was Craig.

  He smiled as she approached. ‘Hi,’ she said.

  ‘Hi,’ he replied.

  She sat down next to him and peered into the inky street. The chill of the air turned her breath into visible puffs of mist that mingled with the night. Her eyes dropped to her boots. ‘My mother passed away tonight,’ she said.

  He wrapped a hand around hers and curled his fingers around her knuckles. ‘I’m sorry,’ he murmured.

  She bent her head to rest against his shoulder. His sweet spicy aroma gave her a sense of comfort. ‘Everything changes; even when nothing new happens, it’s still changing. We just have to learn how to cope with the transitions,’ she said.

  He reached into his satchel bag. ‘Will chocolate help with this transition?’ he offered.

  She grinned and gazed up at him. ‘Definitely.’

  ‘Millie always said the same about change. She says that is why we have the power to determine our lives; by using our thoughts and imaginations,’ he said, putting emphasis on the last of his words.

  ‘Makes sense. You two are close, aren’t you?’ she said.

  ‘She has the uncanny ability to lift my spirits. I have never known anyone like her; until now.’ His eyes drifted across to hers. ‘I don’t mean to say you are like Millie … you are very different, but you both possess a similar gift. I can’t explain it, but I can feel it.’

  She chuckled as she thought about her encounter with Millie in the studio. ‘I think I know what you mean.’ She tugged at his hand. ‘Come on, let’s go inside.’

  Once inside, Bella placed her mother’s letter on the kitchen table for later. She preferred to read her mother’s final words when she was alone, but for now she was grateful for Craig’s presence. She put the kettle on and pulled out two mugs.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Craig came up behind her and wrapped her up in his arms

  She leaned back into him, revelling in his strong, warm arms. ‘I am actually,’ she replied.

  He gave her a squeeze. ‘Did you go to the gallery today?’

  ‘Yes, why?’ she said. Odd question at a time like this.

  His expression grew grim. ‘Because Arella was kidnapped this afternoon.’

  She pivoted on her feet. ‘What? What happened? Who would do such a thing?’

  ‘Millie’s brother.’

  They sipped steaming mugs of tea and nibbled dark chocolate as Craig filled her in on Arella’s disappearance. He threw in a brief family history so she might better understand the circumstances.

  ‘Oh … that’s who Millie was talking about today,’ she said almost to herself, recalling their earlier conversation about the serpent immersing himself into humans.

  Craig frowned. ‘Huh?’

  ‘Never mind. What’s she going to do?’

  His frown deepened. ‘She’s going there herself,’ he said.

  She gasped. ‘Is that a good idea?’

  ‘I don’t know. She’s convinced she’s the only one that can help Ace.’

  Their conversation stilted as Bella’s mind was a whirlpool. Maybe she needs my help. She thought again about the sphere of light that appeared over their joined hands, and the wings that had materialised. I should call her. Craig was watching her intently and the expression in his eyes revealed a depth of passion that struck through her awareness with a flutter.

  ‘What?’ she murmured.

  He smoothed back a lock of blonde hair that had fallen over her face. ‘What are you thinking?’ his voice was raw.

  His touch sent ripples down her spine and she fought to keep her breath even. ‘I’m wondering how I can help Millie.’

  His fingers lingered over her face while his eyes seeped into hers like a melting pot of honey. Her breath quickened with his feathery touch that traced promises against her skin. She had wanted to burn for him from the first day they met, and every inch of her yearned for him to fan her blaze. Her eyes trailed to his lips. They were plump and fleshy as they parted to speak, but she stopped him with a fast clinging kiss.

  Their mouths crushed and united with a hint of desperation while their hands snaked and tangled in each other’s hair. His breathing became short and raspy between deep explorations that heightened the arousal that scattered through her body. He trailed his warm hands under her thick sweater and found the small hooks of her bra. His probing tongue paused briefly when he unclasped the bra and freed her aching breasts.

  Bella drew back from him, panting. She looked at him through hungry eyes and her head swam with headiness as she removed her sweater and discarded the bra. His eyes stayed on her as she rolled down her stockings and panties, and threw them aside. The kitchen light skimmed over the curves of her pale body. She felt the colour flush over her cheeks and she bit down on her lip as she stood before him wearing only a red tartan skirt. His smile reassured her as she stepped closer with a purposeful sway to her hips.

  She paused. He swallowed hard and squirmed slightly on the chair while her eyes dropped to his parted legs and her mouth loosened at the sight of
the swell beneath his jeans.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he said.

  She sank to her knees, and when their eyes locked, she was overwhelmed as her emotions shifted into overdrive. ‘So are you,’ she purred.

  He snatched her up, capturing her lips and violating her mouth with his own while kneading her breasts like dough. Her moan was swallowed with their kiss, and a sense of urgency billowed through her as she became aware of her moist yearning.

  When she straddled him, he gripped her thighs and entered her. A pleasurable cry escaped her lips while her hips moved like a steam engine surging down the tracks to meet its destination. Her head spun in a dizzy pitch as her craving reached a peak and her cries reverberated in a low groan.

  Afterwards, Bella made fresh tea while he scooped up the remaining chocolate and they trekked upstairs to her bedroom. She watched him while he slowly sucked at a piece of dark chocolate.

  ‘I love the way the layers just melt in your mouth,’ she said.

  He popped a piece in his mouth. ‘Especially after a sip of hot tea,’ he said.

  ‘I’m hearing ya!’ she laughed.

  She placed her mug on the bedside table and fell into his outstretched arms. They snuggled down into the bed with their limbs intertwining. Soon, she drifted into a deep slumber.

  A little girl’s voice called softly. Bella turned towards the sound as it reached her ears again and found her vision captivated with the green rolling hills. The sun’s lowering rays filtered through clouds and cast a golden streak over the plunging valleys.

  ‘Bella,’ the voice called again.

  Bella gazed at the clouds. They were full and vivid and they reminded her of sugary pillows of cotton candy. She stepped into a streaming light and started her ascension. The sun burned bright, yet as she drew closer, she felt no heat. She welcomed the sense of tranquillity that encompassed her, and accepted the blissful path into the Golden World.

  ‘Bella!’ Arella waved franticly. She was standing between the lofty arches of the unicorn gates, and leaped into her arms as Bella drew near.

  Bella laughed. ‘Arella, what are you doing here?’ She regarded the gates with a slight frown. ‘I’ve never seen these before.’

  ‘It’s my creation,’ Arella beamed. ‘Do you like them?’

  ‘Oh, nice touch; they’re breathtaking.’

  Arella gently tugged at her hand. Her little face scrunched as she became serious. ‘We don’t have much time, we are almost there.’

  ‘Almost where, honey?’ Bella said.

  ‘I’m with my uncle Ace and his girlfriend, Madison. She’s a witch and not so nice at all! We are driving in a white van … and I heard them speak of the Mary Valley. I’ve been waiting here for mummy, but she hasn’t found the way here yet. Can you tell her?’ she spluttered.

  Bella watched Arella with fascination. Her aquamarine eyes appeared dynamic and striking as they mutated between blue and green as she spoke; it was hypnotic. Then it dawned on her as she remembered the events surrounding Arella. She reached to cup Arella’s chin. ‘Of course, I’ll tell her. Are you safe?’

  Arella’s dark hair jiggled over her shoulders. ‘My uncle won’t hurt me … and he won’t let her hurt me either.’ She threw her arms around Bella’s neck. ‘I think he’s hurt other people though. Tell my mummy to be careful!’ she whispered.

  ‘I promise I will,’ Bella said.

  ‘Oh, we’re here! They’re trying to wake me! I have to go!’ Arella stammered as her image faded in a slow dissolve.

  Bella froze. She looked at the unicorn gates, her thoughts weaving in cluttered threads. Never had she communicated with someone from her world in this celestial place, and it was taking a few turns of her mind to adjust to Arella’s appearance; and her disappearance. Her thoughts began to untangle as she realised the significance of this meeting. She burned the arching gates into her memory as she intentionally willed herself to awaken.

  Bella woke with a start. Her eyes widened instantly as unicorns danced through her mind. Arella! She pried herself from under Craig’s arm and quietly padded downstairs to the kitchen. She hit the button on the kettle while she tried to gather her thoughts. It’s way too early to call Millie yet. She might think me crazy! Hmmm, she pondered, pulling out a mug and ladling it with sugar. Somehow, she knew Millie wouldn’t think she was going mad. Her eyes fell to her mother’s letter. She finished making her tea, then settled at the table to read the letter.

  ‘Dear Annabella …

  It was early. Dew clung heavily to each blade of grass and shone under the rising sun. Ace filled his lungs with the pledging fresh scent of a new day. He scanned the low mist that shrouded the waters of the river below. He could hear the rush of the river as it vigorously cascaded over rock edges, yet he could only discern the slight watery sprays from their constant conflict. He stood on the edge of a giant sandstone ledge overlooking the gorge. He could see fertile flats that gave way to rolling green pastures, and the lifeblood of the Mary Valley as the river cut and snaked its way towards the Great Sandy Strait.

  Ace had discovered this place when bushwalking not long after he had arrived at the valley the year before. He had instantly felt drawn to the magnificent view of the gorge below, and he liked the solitary feel of the boulder clearing. He had often come here to make the shift. The gorge and the precarious position of the rock reminded him of his insignificance, and he had often almost slipped to his death; he had even contemplated taking that final step. But not this day. He assumed the final yoga pose of the session and gazed at the warming sun. Arella should be due to awaken soon, and he couldn’t wait to show her his special place. He pulled the hoodie low over his head and started his jog back to the cabin. He enjoyed having his niece with him. Much more than he had anticipated.

  ‘What is this?’ Arella screwed up her nose at the a jar she held between her fingertips.

  Madison snatched it from her. ‘Never you mind, young lady,’ she snapped.

  Arella’s mouth curled at the edges. ‘But it looks like toad legs. Ewww!’

  She spotted another jar and her face almost exploded with bewilderment. ‘Ooo … that’s disgusting! What is in that jar? It looks like shrivelled up soggy ping-pong balls!’

  Madison rolled her eyes. ‘Just go and eat your breakfast.’

  ‘How am I supposed to eat after seeing this stuff?’ Arella retorted.

  Madison nudged her towards the kitchen. ‘Well, how about you don’t look at it?’

  Arella dragged her feet to the kitchen and sat at the small round table. ‘Too late,’ she said.

  Ace slammed through the door and gaped at them. ‘What’s going on here? I can hear you two bickering from outside,’ he said.

  ‘Are all kids this annoying?’ Madison switched on the stereo and turned the knob while giving Arella a spiteful stare.

  Natalie Imbruglia’s Torn filled the small cottage at high volume, and she began to sing along at the top of her voice.

  Ace scowled and muttered under his breath as he turned down the sound. The burn of his frown charred Madison. ‘You are behaving like a child,’ he growled.

  Madison flinched, then shrugged and made for the door. ‘Whatever; I’m going to take a shower,’ she muttered.

  He grunted then turned to Arella with a smile.

  ‘She’s got jars full of all kinds of gross things!’ Her eyes widened accusingly. ‘It’s not normal Uncle Ace; I told you she is a witch.’

  He sat next to her and ruffled her hair. ‘Hey, do you see any black cats around here?’ he joked.

  ‘Nope, but that doesn’t mean a thing,’ she said.

  ‘Why is that?’ he fought to hide his grin.

  ‘Because, if a witch becomes human, her black cat will no longer live in her house,’ she said crisply.

  ‘Oh, I’m impressed with your witch knowledge,’ he chuckled. ‘But you don’t need to worry about her, okay. She just has to get used to having you
around, that’s all.’

  Her face dropped to the cereal bowl on the table. She picked up her spoon with a short sigh and began to poke around her food.

  ‘Hey, what’s up buttercup?’ he pried.

  ‘I miss my mummy,’ she said.

  ‘I know. She will be here soon,’ he said.

  She stared into her food. ‘I know what you’re trying to do, but it won’t work because you still love her.’

  He leaned closer to her. ‘What do you know about love? You still see the world in colours as I once did.’ He brushed back a lock of her hair. ‘One day you’ll learn love only leads to tragedy and disappointment.’

  A scorching pain shot through his head and he rubbed at his temples with his fingers. He glanced at her and could see she was struggling not to cry. She looked as if she were suspended between a place of uncertainties and all-knowing; she appeared lost and found all at the same time. The bitter shell that fringed his heart lurched as his resolve cracked around the edges. He realised he hadn’t considered Arella’s feelings when he had concocted his plans. A moment of regret shuddered through him.

  Arella gazed up at him and blinked. ‘But I love you and my heart doesn’t feel tragic or disappointed.’

  ‘Finish your breakfast, I want to show you a special place; my secret place. Wanna check it out?’ he offered.

  She smiled blandly. ‘Sure, uncle Ace,’ she said.

  ‘Great! Let me go change and we’ll head off.’ He abruptly rose from the table.

  A wave of relief flooded through him when he turned his back on her. He could barely look at her without guilt creeping in. No, don’t be a soft-cock! he cursed inwardly. His mind shifted to the greater plan and he welcomed the next stab of pain as it daggered through his head. He reached the bedroom and leaned against the door while shutting his eyes. He took a breath as he allowed the internal struggle to drain from his mind. Long ago he had learned to block out the feelings that had only served to weaken him, and the shift towards the frigid chill of the black serpent came all too easily; His poisonous fangs proved too powerful for him to fight, even if he desired. Riches and power awaited with the elimination of the Ascended Angels. Now that’s worth striving for, he reminded himself as he thought about Millie’s wings. Besides, she betrayed me.


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