Book Read Free

Box Set

Page 45

by Kim Petersen

  Selina shrugged before Madison noticed her eyes widen in surprise. She looked back at Arella and gasped. ‘Shit,’ she mumbled.

  Arella’s eyes rolled back in her head and her hands gripped the sides of the door frame as she trembled violently. Her hair bounced like a bobbin with the uncontrollable quaking of her body and a light humming emanated from deep within her throat.

  ‘Arella?’ Madison reluctantly stepped closer to the girl.

  Her breath paused when Arella’s shaking stopped as suddenly as it had begun. Her eyes were squeezed tightly together.

  ‘Arella?’ she repeated.

  She almost lost her footing when Arella’s eyes flew open. She caught herself, grasping a blood smeared hand to her chest. ‘Geez, you are one spooky kid,’ she laughed.

  Arella’s scanned her before settling on her face. ‘You silly wench! Hellfire, the devil and all evil are your very own morbid conception. You give too much power to ideas that don’t serve you. Evil will fail to exist when mankind ceases to give power to it,’ she stated.

  Her voice sounded exotic and foreign to the tongue of a little girl. ‘God created man free and man has gone on to create evil, hell, disease and the devil. Judgement is not a trait of God, nor is anger or damnation to so called sinners. This is an ego-driven deity created by humans – man-devised rules that cast judgement over their brothers and sisters to control through orthodox beliefs. It is not too late for you to accept the authentic love available to you. Open your eyes to the truth. We are all fuelled by the same spark of life. There is no man better, nor lesser. We are all from one source.’

  Madison’s face contorted with disbelief as something unfamiliar stirred within her. She grimaced as it prickled up her spine like a thorny vine. Arella’s eyes appeared to shine like bright blue bulbs that penetrated right through her.

  ‘Arella?’ she whispered.

  Arella’s chest grew as she took a deep breath. Her face softened and her eyes twisted to a plea. ‘The spark of God is within you,’ she murmured, before collapsing in a heap to the floor.

  ‘Arella!’ Madison approached and stood over her. ‘That was the strangest thing ever,’ she mumbled as she looked down at her.

  ‘Whatever; just get her back to bed,’ Selina huffed, carefully stepping over Arella’s body as she stalked out of the room.

  Madison gathered her up and took her back to the bedroom. When she placed her in the bed, she gazed at her curiously. She couldn’t decide whether it was annoyance or admiration that she felt. One thing is for sure; I underestimated this little brat, she mused.

  ‘We all have our own truths, little one,’ she whispered.

  As she turned to leave the room, she became aware of a flickering glow permeating her consciousness.

  She paused and glanced back at the sleeping girl. ‘Nah,’ she said with a dismissive laugh. It couldn’t be the spark of God. I’m way too ugly on the inside.

  Millie pulled on her boots and headed for the hotel door. It was still early, so she decided to walk to the cafe down the street to collect a coffee for Damon and her father. Besides, a walk in the brisk morning air would do her good. They had a big day ahead of them. Today she intended to find her daughter.

  Her thoughts turned to Bella’s call the night before. It’s funny how someone could step into your life and somehow play such a pivotal role. Try as she had, she had been unsuccessful in her quest to find the gates of the Golden World. Samantha had told her it was because she was trying too hard, and in doing so, she was unable to expand her consciousness enough to allow the experience to unfold.

  A fleeting smile played over her lips. She was grateful that Bella could find her daughter in the other realm. She knew it was worth further pondering once this was finally over with Ace.

  When Millie arrived back at the hotel some twenty minutes later, she was surprised to see Bella and Craig pulling up in a white hire car.

  Bella rushed from the car towards her. ‘Oh, thank God you’re still here. I was worried we might have been too late,’ she fretted.

  Millie motioned with the tray of coffee she was holding. ‘Just about to wake up the guys. I told you not to come.’

  ‘I know, but I had to.’ Bella glanced at Craig coming up next to her. ‘Besides, I have brought protection,’ she laughed.

  ‘Yeah, I’m just the meat-muscle over here,’ he winked, leaning to kiss Millie’s cheek.

  Millie grinned. ‘Thanks you two,’ she said. A surge of emotion rippled through her. She jiggled her head slightly to push aside the tears pooling behind her sunglasses. ‘Come on, let’s get this going, shall we?’

  Scanning the Mary Valley map, they decided to split up into two teams to cover more ground. Luckily, Craig had brought along two Nokia handsets from his office so they could easily keep in touch with each other. Bella insisted on accompanying Millie. It was determined that Millie, Bella and Damon would ride together, leaving Glen and Craig to sift through the opposite towns of the valley.

  They strode with determination towards the hotel car park.

  ‘You know the deal, keep in touch,’ Millie called, as Craig and Glen opened the car doors.

  She spun on her heels to catch up with Bella and Damon. Her mind clouded with apprehension as she speculated about the coming events. She was so lost in thought that she failed to hear the screeching tyres of a car as it throttled down the lot towards her.

  A loud shrill filled the air as Bella shouted at her. Millie was momentarily bewildered. What is she screaming about? Her father lunged at her. He gave her a hard shove and she found herself propelled through the air at astounding speed. Who knew her father was so strong? She hit the bitumen with a rolling thud, coming to a halt at Damon’s feet.

  She grabbed for Damon’s hand and hauled herself up. She flung herself around. ‘Dad!’ She ran towards him, vaguely hearing the car continue its screeching exit.

  Glen was lying still on the road. Blood gushed from a head wound and his clothes were frayed. Large gashes revealed more bloody wounds over his arms and legs. Craig was already crouched over him and calling for an ambulance.

  ‘Dad … dad?’ Millie sobbed, falling to her knees beside him. She fumbled to rip off her cable cardigan and swathed it over his head wound.

  Glen crooked his head in her direction. It took him a moment to focus and he squinted against the sun when his eyes found her. ‘Millie, thank God you’re okay,’ he said.

  She sighed with relief. ‘Hey, my head wound isn’t quite as bad as yours,’ she said, pointing at her grazed face. ‘I’m okay, thank you.’

  He winced. ‘Looks like I’ll be stepping out of this one. I’ll be fine; you go get our girl,’ he said.

  She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze while sirens rounded the corner to the hotel car park. ‘I will. I love you,’ she said solemnly, fighting the flood of tears that threatened to engulf her.

  ‘I love you too, Millie-pie. I’m sorry,’ he said. A lone tear fell from the corner of his eye and trickled over the side of his cheek.

  The shrilling sirens died as an ambulance and a police car pulled up alongside them. Millie stepped back as the paramedics rushed to Glen’s side armed with medical gear and a stretcher.

  As the paramedics loaded Glen into the ambulance, she fought the tremor in her fingers with grim resolve. It was while they hastily gave their statements to the police that Millie began ponder whether she had been the driver’s target. Maybe this was no accident! A chill ran down her spine. She fell against Damon’s warm chest and tried to quell her suspicions.

  She looked up at him. ‘What now?’ she said.

  His face was awash with concern. ‘Now we stick together. Let’s go,’ he instructed.

  She was in no frame of mind to argue.

  It was an hour later when they pulled into a spot in front of a small grocery store near Gympie. Bella gave her legs a stretch after being cramped in the back seat of the car. She glanced at Millie. The usual fullness of her lips had deflated into
a grim line and her grazed forehead beaded with distilled blood.

  ‘You okay?’ she said.

  Millie came up beside her. ‘Can you think of anything else from your dreams?’ she asked.

  ‘That’s all she said … but,’ she stammered.

  ‘But what?’ Millie pressed.

  She shrugged. ‘It’s probably nothing, but last night I had another dream. There were mountains … and I know this sounds weird, but I could smell fire.’

  They both turned towards the mountain ranges behind them.

  ‘Fire?’ Millie said.

  She nodded. ‘The kind of fire rich with ironbark; it was so strong … I … I don’t know if it’s connected. There was some kind of a dusty arena style structure. That’s all I remember.’

  ‘Well, it’s better than nothing. Let’s go ask around for that arena,’ she said. She turned to Damon and Craig. ‘We’ll take the grocery store. Why don’t you guys try that cafe across the street while you pick us up a coffee?’

  Bella noticed Millie’s dark braided hair brush across her back like a thick black knot as she gestured. Millie’s fingers grasped and pulled at the end of her braid, and Bella was mesmerised at the tiny twirls of her fingers as they manipulated the wispy ends. Her mind began to wander.

  ‘What?’ Millie demanded.

  ‘Huh?’ she blinked, and shook her head.

  Millie screwed up her face at her. ‘You’re looking at me kind of strange,’ she said.

  She felt herself blush. ‘Oh, I didn’t mean to … I … Millie there is something I need to tell you. That’s why I came here; well that and to help find Arella,’ she said. Oh great, I sound like an idiot, she chastised herself. She grabbed the ends of her hair and twirled furiously.

  ‘Well, it will have to wait,’ Millie said grimly. She grabbed her arm and tugged. ‘Let’s go.’

  When they entered the grocery store, the old man behind the counter regarded them sceptically. He chewed on a permanently wedged toothpick while beady eyes bore into them.

  Millie smiled as she approached him. ‘Hi, we are looking for some kind of arena. Do you know of any around here?’ she asked politely.

  Bella sidled up beside her. ‘Or any up in the mountain towns?’ she added.

  His lips worried at the toothpick, his bushy brows creased. ‘That depends on what kind of arena you’re talking about,’ he grumbled, gesturing towards the shopfront window. ‘We have all kinds, just like you city folk,’ he said.

  Millie’s smile froze. ‘Of course you do, but we’re searching for a dusty arena. Does that ring any bells?’ she said.

  ‘Argh … I dunno,’ he scratched the fluffy patch of hair on his head. ‘I got a bell you can both tingle around with if you like,’ he leered, exposing a neat set of yellowed teeth.

  Bella’s eyes tapered. ‘Just answer the question,’ she snapped. Dirty old man.

  He cackled loudly. ‘Thought I did,’ he said.

  Bella fought her rising frustration. ‘Listen mister, we are looking for a little girl,’ she gestured towards Millie. ‘Her little girl. She’s up here somewhere with a tall blonde guy and a red-headed woman. Do you know them?’ she said tersely.

  His beady eyes widened. ‘The witch? I heard of them, but I can’t say I’ve had the displeasure of meeting those kind,’ he said.

  Bella and Millie exchanged a look.

  ‘Where are they? Are they near an arena of some kind?’ Bella’s voice rose in pitch.

  He grunted. ‘They say she lives up on the mountain in the woods,’ he said. He leaned closer and lowered his tone. ‘They say she’s a snake-witch … people have been killed up here by snakes … strange things are happening around here.’

  ‘Is the arena in the mountains?’ Millie pressed.

  He scrutinised them before slowly nodding. ‘There is a rodeo arena up there; that’s where the first killing was. Best be careful if you’re looking for her.’

  He unfolded the edges of a worn-out map and pointed a crooked finger towards the arena’s location. ‘This is it here. There are some old shacks and cottages this side of the arena. I heard she’s there somewhere. The other side lies the gorge; nobody for miles that way,’ he rasped.

  They thanked him and eagerly made for the door.

  ‘Hey!’ the man called.

  Bella and Millie paused to look at him.

  ‘I was serious about the bell I have for you to tingle, don’t you worry about that!’ he winked, then broke out into a fit of cackles.

  Bella rolled her eyes. ‘Eww,’ she said under her breath.

  Millie turned around to peer at Bella and Craig in the back seat. She gripped the headrest to keep herself steady while the car negotiated the winding road as they climbed the ranges. She regarded them through her dark shades. They were practically glued to one another while their hands were knotted together firmly. ‘So, when did this happen?’ she sniffed.

  Bella grinned. ‘It’s been coming,’ she gushed.

  Millie eyed her closely. She looks like the cat that licked the cream, she thought. Oh, I don’t want to go there! She rolled her eyes and took a breath. ‘Okay … so, you know he’s super special, right?’

  Craig sighed. ‘Millie,’ he uttered.

  Bella smiled. ‘Oh, I know he’s a keeper,’ she winked.

  Craig turned to face Bella. ‘Really? I’m a keeper huh?’ he murmured, leaning towards her.

  She cocked her head to one side and frowned. ‘Hmmm … did I just say that out loud?’ she joked.

  Craig laughed. ‘Too late, it’s out in word-land! I heard it; Millie heard it.’

  ‘And I heard it,’ Damon piped up from the driver’s seat.

  Bella giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in for a kiss.

  ‘Yeah, we all heard it,’ Millie muttered as she glanced at Damon. She groped for the map and studied it. ‘How far now?’ she said to Damon.

  He was about to answer when a noisy pop drowned out his voice. It was like a staccato burst echoing through the car, followed by the unmistakable clunking of a rim against the road.

  He pulled the car to a stop. ‘Well, I was about to say half hour,’ he said, getting out of the car.

  ‘Shit,’ she muttered, stepping out and surveying the shredded tyre.

  ‘Ah, sure did a good job on that one,’ Craig remarked as he too saw the damage.

  ‘I didn’t do a good job on anything,’ Damon scowled, heading for the boot.

  He grunted while he tugged at the carpet lining in search of a spare. ‘We have a jack and a spare,’ he called. He poked his head towards them. ‘Want to give me a hand?’ he said, glaring at Craig.

  ‘Sure,’ Craig shrugged, curling his long locks behind his ears and strolling towards him.

  Millie ambled down the road a little while they waited for the men to change the tyre. They were midway up the mountain with a dense undertow of bushland either side of them. In the distance she could hear the low rumbling of a steam train echoing through the valley. She glanced back at the car and sighed. She knew Bella wanted to speak to her about something important, yet she was reluctant to listen to anything right now. All she wanted was to get to her daughter; everything else would have to wait. Arella, she thought wistfully while toying with the bristly ends of a fern, I’m coming soon baby girl. Her ears pricked with the slight tingle that brushed across the back of her neck. A rustle in the undergrowth caught her attention. What is that? She leaned forward and peered into the thick grass, gasping when she caught sight of a black scaly body moving stealthily through the scrub. A snake!

  She spun around and started to run. She noticed Damon hauling in the blown tyre into the back of the car. Bella stared back at her in horror.

  ‘Millie!’ she screamed, waving her arms about wildly.

  She glanced sideways to spy four big black snakes scrambling towards her. Their bodies twisted against the gravel road as they silently slid along at great speed.

  ‘Holy shit!’ she cursed as she
picked up her pace.

  She dared not look behind her as she willed her boots to carry her faster towards the car. She scanned the scene ahead of her. Craig had shoved Bella into the car and had begun to run towards her, while Damon was closing the boot. She shook her head and raised her palm.

  ‘No! Craig, get in the car!’ she screamed.

  He blundered into her, pausing to look at the snakes that were closing in fast.

  ‘Oh dear God, how fast can snakes run?’

  He grabbed her arm roughly. ‘Snakes don’t run, Millie, they sliver. Hurry up!’ he pushed her forward.

  He crammed her into the front seat of the car and slammed the door. Bella’s ear-piercing shriek reverberated through the car as he swivelled to get into the back seat and found a black scaly body lurching into the car floor.

  ‘Argh!’ He grasped the snake and flung it behind him while another curled at his foot.

  Damon ran from behind the car and leaped into action with the jack crowbar, driving it through the air and clobbering the snake’s tail. The reptile recoiled as he brought the crowbar down hard on its head. A high-pitched hiss issued behind Damon. He spun around as another snake struck out towards him. The crowbar rattled as it collected the snake with a resounding whack. Craig shrieked. His face contorted with pain as the last snake sank its fangs deep into the flesh beneath his jeans. Damon throttled the snake until it eventually released its stubborn grip and withdrew into a quivering coil.

  Craig moaned as he grasped at his leg and leaned into the back seat of the car.

  ‘Oh my God!’ Bella ran out of the car with a T-shirt and kneeled before him. ‘Don’t move! We need to stop the venom from spreading to your heart.’

  She clenched the shirt between her teeth and ripped at the material until it became a suitable bandage. She looked up at Damon. ‘Here, hold this and pull tight when I’ve wrapped it.’ She glanced at Millie. ‘Millie, check if we have a phone signal; he needs to get to the hospital. They were red-bellied blacks; he needs the anti-venom.’

  Millie nodded vaguely while reaching for the phone, and cursed under her breath. ‘No signal. We have to go!’ she said, her voice on the verge of hysteria.


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