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Ascendancy Origins Trilogy

Page 24

by Bradford Bates

  As it happened, not too much time passed before my fantasy walked back out of the office. My eyes tracked her as soon as she stepped into view. She was followed closely by a lean, dark-haired man. He was carrying the box Henry had struggled with under one arm. I tore my gaze away from Sarah when I realized just who the man was. John Blackthorn was said to be the strongest Gifted in the Ascendancy. Some people whispered that his power was actually greater than Adam’s. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself; two storybook heroes just stepped in front of me. If we collected cards like the humans did, he would have been Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig all rolled into one.

  They left the office laughing and joking with each other. I hoped that when I left that the same feeling of elation would be on my face. It seemed as if the rumors were true; they were actually a couple. Some guys have all the luck. I couldn’t fault the man for falling for her. I had done it myself after just one look.

  Henry stood up from his desk and took a quick peek into Adam’s office. He turned to me and said, “Adam will see you now.” Without even a look in my direction to see if I complied, he sat down and started working.

  Finally, it was my turn to sit in a chair across from Adam. I felt a little unsure of myself, but this had to be a good thing. So far, my first trip to Adam’s office had not gone exactly to plan, but there was still time to change that. When I had received the summons in front of the rest of the trainees, I had been loud and boisterous, but now I felt a sense of unease. Adam did not look up as I entered. He was moving some papers around on his desk. I took the seat on the right. A faint smell of flowers still hung in the air around it.

  Adam looked at me, his eyes looking over the top of the paper he was reading. I could already tell this was going to be a meeting that I would not enjoy. He had a look of pity and anger on his face as he placed the paper back on his desk. I had thought this was going to be my chance, but I was coming to the realization it was going to be something different altogether. Was this going to be the day I was kicked out of the training program? Sure, I had received some warnings, but nothing that would lead to this. I mean, so what if someone let their guard down and their arm had been broken. It would only help to teach them not to do that again. I mean, this was a place for the best of the best, right?

  Adam made a show of looking over his papers again and then leaned back in his chair and started talking. “This is never something that is easy for me to do, but based on the reports I have received from your trainers, it is something that must be done. I’m afraid we can no longer train you to be a member of the Ascendancy.”

  There it was, not a single bit of it sugar-coated. My gut churned at the thought of being cast out. I didn’t want to be sent back out on the streets, to have to work a normal job. I was damned well better than that, and they knew it. There had to be something else, something I could do to fix it.

  Looking straight at Adam, I said, “This must surely be a mistake. My instructors must have told you about how well I control my gift. No one in my class can beat me in any exercise. I have everything it takes to be a full member of the Ascendancy.”

  Adam continued to avoid eye contact with me; his choice had already been made. Anything else I did here, I would just be wasting my breath. There was nothing left to do but leave. I heard the Council was always looking for talented men to work for them. Maybe I could find employment there.

  Adam let out a small sigh, and then started to speak. “Mathew, it is not your abilities that are in question. Frankly, it is your character. How many of your classmates have you injured while training? Let me try a different tact. How many have you actually tried to help? From what I have been told, the number of people you have tried to help with their training is zero. You look at all of them as if they were nothing, as if they were below you. These are the men and women that will be fighting beside you. You will be placing your life in their hands, and theirs will be in yours, yet you treat them like dirt.”

  Now he met my eye, and the intensity there shocked me into silence. “Even today when you walked into my office, how did you treat Henry? As if he was only something that stood in your way. That he was beneath your consideration. He is not just my personal assistant. He is a full member of the Ascendancy and has accomplished more in the field than you will ever know. You wrote him off because of where he sits today.”

  I had grown tired of hearing about my faults. I stood up and said, “If that is all, I will be on my way.” I started to head toward the door.

  I heard Adam’s hand slam onto the top of his desk. “Sit down! You do not get to decide when my meeting is over.”

  I moved back to my chair and sat down. Adam continued to stand, his rage was seething in the air around him. It must have been a long time since someone had tried to take control from him.

  Finally, after what felt like hours, Adam sat down again. I could feel the air in the room growing still as his rage abated. His eyes met mine again. “What makes you think you can dismiss me? You really do live in a dream world. I will snap you out of your preconceived notions of yourself quickly. The fact is you are arrogant, full of self-importance, and yet you have accomplished nothing. Fortunately for you, I need a bastard just like that for the job I need done.”

  My heart started to race in my chest. This was it. I had been on the brink of elimination, and now I was being given a mission. I could feel the sweat on my palms. The excitement must have bled into my face, because Adam made a little snort.

  He looked at me a little warily, not sure why I was so excited about our conversation. “I have a task for you that I would not feel comfortable assigning to someone with better character. It is something more suited to someone of your standards.”

  He was making a point by insulting me, but I didn’t care. All that kept running through my mind was that I was being handed my first mission, my first chance to prove my worth. I was going to become a member of the Ascendancy. I knew when I returned victorious that they would have no choice but to make me one of them.

  Adam’s expression had grown slightly worried; maybe he was picking up on my excitement. I tried to tone it down but didn’t succeed very well. “It has come to our attention that there is a large black market operating in San Francisco. We only have a vague idea of what is transpiring at these locations. Any of our members would be spotted, which is why you’ve been selected for this mission. Someone of your character should stand less of a chance of standing out around the unsavory types that infect the underbelly of our city. Your mission is to infiltrate the market however you can, and report back to me with your findings.”

  He looked over at me again, making sure I understood what had been said so far. I gave him a slight nod, and he continued. “For this to work, you are going to have to go undercover. We will have to make it look as if you have been removed from the training program altogether. You will be expelled from the Ascendancy. I will provide you with the money you need to establish your cover, and of course, once your mission is successfully completed, we can look at your options for reinstatement.”

  The threat was hidden, but it was there, nonetheless. Fail and you have no chance at rejoining us. I had always been one to bet on myself, and this was no different. He was asking a lot of me, but I had no other options available. “I accept the mission and look forward to proving myself worthy.”

  Adam stood up and motioned for me to do the same. He handed me a small package. “Tuck that away where no one can see it.” He motioned toward the door. “I had one of your instructors clean out all of your personal possessions. We have them in a duffle for you outside. For this to work, I am also going to have to walk you out in front of everyone. Are you ready?”

  I slowly nodded and turned to follow him. Once outside, I slung the duffel bag over my shoulder. There was nothing else to be done. Before I could get started, I had to suffer the ridicule of my former trainees and Ascended. I followed Adam into the courtyard and felt the rage and shame filling me, even though I wa
s not really being removed. Adam’s assistant had given me a large smirk when I left that had almost sent me over the edge, but I held it together. This would just be one of the many challenges I faced while being undercover. I had to embrace it.

  Adam continued to parade me out in front of everyone until we reached the gate. Some of the trainees I had worked with were lined up watching me, laughing and smiling. I marked the faces that were enjoying my suffering so I wouldn’t forget them. I would show them when I returned; I would make them pay.

  I kept my head held high and I walked out of the gates. There would be hell to pay for what was done to me today, but for now, there was business to attend to. First, I needed to find a place to stay, and then I could open the package that Adam had given me. Hopefully, it included some more detailed instructions on just what exactly I needed to accomplish.

  The Ascendancy was going to be footing the bill, so I decided to stay in style. There was only one place in San Francisco that you headed to do that, the Palace. It had recently been rebuilt in 1909, after the fire had destroyed it with everything else in 1906. The rebuilt version was even more opulent than the original, if that was even possible. Now this was something to look forward to. A stay here would have normally been out of my price range for more than a few nights, but I was looking to settle in for the foreseeable future.

  Once I got checked in and had a look at that package, I figured that I deserved a nice drink. After what had happened this morning, it didn’t even feel wrong to have more than a few. This was a hotel in which presidents had stayed, and one day, people would come here knowing that I had stayed here, too. I had heard stories about the famous Pied Piper Bar and was looking forward to seeing it for myself.

  The doorman looked a little affronted about the bag I handed him. Surely he was used to seeing actual luggage and not a duffle. I paid for a week and let the attendant know I would probably be staying longer, so not to book out my suite without notifying me first. I also asked him to send a tailor up. This was probably a service that they didn’t normally provide, but I had no doubt he would be sending one of the best. The bellman opened the door to my suite and set my bag down inside the room, and I handed him a crisp one-dollar bill. He gave a nod and closed the doors on his way out.

  I took off my coat and shoes, and dug my toes into the elaborate rug. This was more like it. Hands down, this was better than my bunk bed in the training quarters. I headed over to the sitting area and removed the package Adam had given me. I propped my feet up on the footstool and started to unwrap the contents.

  I had already known that inside of the package there would be money, but the amount I found astounded me. He must have expected for me to be away for a long while or to have to use some of it for bribes. I had a small fortune sitting in front of me, enough to keep me here and living comfortably for at least two years. The next part of the package was a dossier that included the names and pictures of several local warlocks and one witch. It provided operating hours for the known establishments, and other places they had been spotted in the city.

  My first course of action would be to blend in and not approach any of the warlocks. If they thought I was still with the Ascendancy, it would just scare them away. I hoped that by integrating myself in the areas around them, after a while I could follow one without being noticed. Hopefully, that would eventually lead me to the underground market and my path back to the Ascendancy. If it proved to be impossible to tail one of them, then I was permitted to take more aggressive actions. I had the full faith of Adam behind me, and would not be punished for revealing my gift if it became necessary.

  I tucked the dossiers away and placed the money in the room’s safe. The tailor came in and took my measurements. He was prompt and efficient; he promised that he would have two new suits ready for me by the end of the week, and would bring an assortment of other dress clothes and a selection of ties and shoes when he returned. It was thrilling to be living the life of luxury, every whim catered to as I asked. With the afternoon’s business concluded, I made my way back down to the lobby in search of that drink.

  Surprisingly, the prices at the bar were fair; I had expected them to match the upscale pricing of the lodging. Taking a quick look at the menu, I placed them at just about average for the city. I pulled up a stool at the bar, hoping not to be disturbed by too many of the patrons. It was almost an inevitability that, at some point, someone would sit down and try to strike up a conversation. I was trying to dissuade people from doing that as much as I could with my body language.

  Over the bar hung a gigantic painting of the Pied Piper, leading the children to their fate. It was a sad tale that always reminded me that my word should be my bond. It seemed such a monstrous painting would be out of place for such an upscale establishment, but somehow, framed against the dark wood of the walls, it fit. I smiled up at the painting, thinking about the future, the taste of Johnny Walker Black drifting lightly over my tongue.

  There was a slight nudge to my ribs, and my first thought was that someone was trying to pick my pocket. I looked over to find a shorter man trying to climb his way onto the stool next to me. He had bumped me without so much as offering an apology.

  “Excuse me!” I said, fixing the man with my sternest gaze.

  The smart little bastard replied, “Oh, you’re excused.”

  Struggling to find the words to reply to the rude little man gave me a moment to take in his appearance. He was short and kind of round. His white hair was well kept but not fashioned in any style that I knew of. The one thing that stood out to me was his braided beard. An air of arrogance surrounded him. I found it mildly maddening that he wanted me to apologize for him bumping into me.

  He ordered the same drink I was having and then motioned to the barman to top mine off. I felt some of the anger slide away then; maybe he was just an odd little man who didn’t know any better. A free drink goes a long way to righting a small wrong.

  He looked over at me as I sipped on my newly filled glass. “Sorry about bumping into you, but I had to make sure you were the person I was looking for.” He extended his hand for me to shake. “The name is Cane, Elijah Cane.”

  I accepted the man’s hand trying to hide my surprise. Not even eight hours since leaving our base, one of the warlocks had already sought me out. “I think the drink takes the sting out of it. I’m Mathew, Mathew Zaget. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cane.”

  “I would like to ask you for a moment of your time. Would you be interested in joining me for a drink, and some simple conversation?”

  He hopped down from the stool and motioned for me to join him in one of the booths near the back of the bar. I was surprised that any of them were empty, considering how packed the place was.

  I doubted that any conversation this warlock wanted to have would be simple, but I had no choice. If I said no, my cover was blown and I had nothing. If he knew what I looked like, it was a good bet the other warlocks did, too. That put me in a tricky situation. I got up to join him but motioned to the barman to top off my glass again. I had the feeling this was going to be a long conversation. I reached for my wallet to pay and felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “Let me take care of this for you.” Mr. Cane reached past me and laid a crisp five-dollar bill on the bar and headed back to the booth.

  I slid into the booth across from the illustrious Mr. Cane, not sure of exactly what to expect from the man. Hopefully, it was good news, if it wasn’t, I had come prepared with a glass of whiskey.

  The dark-stained wood and the lack of real lighting in the bar left us in the shadows of the room. It would take a great effort for someone to notice us in this corner. I had the feeling that was his plan all along. It would keep us away from the prying ears of the folks at the bar, and the men around us were lost in their own conversations, anyway. The mood in the bar was boisterous. After a hard day’s work, these men weren’t interested in anything except laughter and drinks.

  “Thank you for joi
ning me, Mr. Zaget. After the tale I heard about your departure today, I figured you could use a drink.” He raised one of his bushy eyebrows.

  I felt a small bit of the anger come back to me then, but I found a way to bury it. “A fine whiskey can soothe even the most ruffled feathers. If you don’t mind me asking, how would someone like you hear about something like that?”

  He smiled, and for the first time, I noticed that his teeth were just a little too sharp. “For a person in my position, it pays to keep an ear to the ground. I pay very well for the information, especially when it concerns the Ascendancy.” He paused to take a drink before continuing. “I was hoping, now that you find yourself unemployed, that I could interest you in a little business arrangement. I have a few things that need sorting out that would best be handled by a third party.”

  I sat back, meeting the warlock’s eyes. “What kinds of things, and what would be in it for me?”

  I could tell that he liked my response, and he could see that I was interested in the job. This is exactly what I needed to find my way to the market. The opportunity was one that I could not pass up. Working for this smug little warlock would surely not be pleasant, but it wouldn’t last forever.

  Mr. Cane sat across from me watching my face intently. He took another sip from his drink and seemed to have reached a conclusion to his own thoughts. “Let’s just say I have a few rivals that I would like moved out of the way. If you can handle that, then I might have some more work for you. The pay is good, and the benefits are better. I happen to own several establishments that cater to your baser needs.”

  He stood up and handed me a card. “If you are interested, swing by my shop tomorrow and we can work out the details.”

  This might be my only chance to cement this relationship. I reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back toward the table. “I’m interested now.”


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