Book Read Free

Book 'Em Bridget

Page 11

by Danielle Norman

  I drove across town to the Central Florida Fairgrounds. That was where this year’s Earth Day Birthday was being held. With bands like Three Days Grace, Atreyu, and Godsmack it was going to be crowded and crazy loud.

  “Aren’t you going to check your phone?” Piper asked.


  “You’re just going to let it ding and remind you that you have a text?”

  “Yep. I’m driving and already know who they’re from.”


  I rolled my eyes.

  “I find it hot that he’s so protective, and the way he stormed into Sixes and carried you out.” Kat fanned herself.

  “Well, I didn’t find it hot, I found it barbaric.”

  “What time did he leave last night?” Sadie asked.

  “Not long after he dropped me off.”

  “Duhhh, Sadie, it only takes ninety seconds,” Kat said between fits of laughter.

  “Um, not Ryan, he can go for hours,” Sadie said as she giggled.

  “Nooo.” I covered my ears. “You are getting as bad as Harley, talking about sex. I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Yeah, only difference is that I’m actually getting sex.” Sadie smirked.

  “Aww, fuck you.” Harley pretended to be mad.

  I turned into the fairgrounds and found a parking spot.

  “Let’s get serious, Bridget is the only one who knows what the first guy looks like. We all know Justin. None of us will appeal to these guys, which is good and bad. Good because we don’t run a risk of being abducted, but bad because these are men who hold no value for life. If we get in their way, they won’t think twice about killing us, so don’t go off anywhere alone.”

  We all nodded and then headed up to one of the security gates. The five of us stood out front talking as if we were in no hurry as we scanned the different entrances looking for someone . . . anyone that we knew.

  “There’s Switzer from OPD, let’s go to him.” Kat pointed over toward the west gate.

  “I’ve got a better idea.” Piper marched off toward a paramedic truck. “Hey, Everly.”

  I fought to hold back my laugh. Everly was one of the gang, a real Iron Orchid. She and Piper had gotten into some crazy shit over the years, and they had even involved me a time or two.

  “Can I help you?” Everly asked, waiting for Piper to say something else.

  “I don’t know, can you?”

  Everly raised one eyebrow. “Excuse me. Are you hurt?”

  Piper cracked up laughing. “It’s me. Piper.”

  “Nooo, it can’t be.”

  “Who are you all? Wait, don’t tell me.” Everly stared at each of us. “Holy shit, you’re Bridget. The green eyes give you away.” I smiled. “The height has to be Harley, which means olive skin is Kat, and last but not least is Sadie. Someone needs to tell me what is going on.”

  “We need you to put us into the back of your truck and then get us through the security gate. We have our guns and cuffs on us and kind of don’t have tickets. I can’t get into why, but we believe a detective is bad, real bad, so we can’t take a chance of him knowing that we’re here or how we’re dressed up.”

  “Sure. But what were you going to do if I wasn’t here?”

  “We would have found someone from OPD who was less likely to be talking to County about shit.”

  “I’m waiting on Logan to come back. He ran to the restroom before we head in on the south side of the fairgrounds. We will be there all night for minor emergencies, overheating, etcetera. Unless something major happens, we won’t be on transport, so if you need us, come find us.”

  “Thanks, we will.”

  Everly opened the back of her truck and we piled in. “Am I correct in guessing that Ringo had something to do with your fabulous selves?”

  “You would be correct in guessing,” I said before she closed the back doors. I wasn’t sure exactly what she told Logan, but a few minutes later the truck was moving. “My heart is racing.”

  “Mine, too.” Kat patted her chest. “I’m not exactly sure how we are going to catch him doing something. Unless we have our phones out and can actually take a video of him drugging a girl’s drink or something.”

  “I don’t think we are going to get that lucky,” I told her. “I’m hoping that we will be able to see who he is meeting with…that is, if he’s meeting with anyone. I want to know if he is the pretty face who woos the women then someone comes in and snags them, or what. Whoever interrogates him will need to know some basic points so they can scare him by making him believe they already know everything. That’s how this all works.”

  Harley coughed. “And you know this how?” She had a wide smile plastered on her face.

  “I watch CSI, Cold Case, and Hawaii 5-0.” They all cracked up laughing. “Oh, come on, you know that what they show on television is one hundred percent correct.”

  Our joking ended when the truck stopped and the back doors opened. We got out, carefully looking around before telling Everly goodbye.

  The field was crowded, as everyone seemed ready for the bands to get started. “We’ll go get in that long-ass line for some bottles of water.” Sadie pointed to her and Kat. “Why don’t you three do some scouting around? That line is probably a good hour wait.”

  “Call when you’re ready,” I told them.

  “Will do.” Sadie and Kat headed over to the line while Piper, Harley, and I headed for areas where girls hung out . . . the bathrooms.

  We stood, talked, scanned, and walked. Sadie called to find out where we were and caught up with us. The sun went down, and we were still at it. Not once in all that time did we see Justin or Eli’s guy Nazari.

  Had we been wrong to come? I knew I should have checked in with Eli—god, if he knew what I was up to, he would be so fucking pissed, but—

  “Check your four o’clock.” We all looked to our right and back a tad bit. Standing with a woman in tight shorts with light brown hair was Justin.

  “Fuckkk,” I whispered.

  “Someone come with me, the others stay here,” Harley commanded as she headed off toward where Justin stood. I followed close behind her.

  “Slow down, my legs aren’t as long as yours.” It took two of mine to try to stay close to her because she was on a mission. As we got closer, she finally slowed to a normal pace.

  Harley lifted her phone and snapped a picture of the woman with Justin. He jerked when her camera made that cross between a click-swish sound, but before he said anything, Harley started. “Barbie, this is how I want my hair. I told you, didn’t I tell you? You got the best haircut.” I tried to catch up with the conversation and the New York accent that Harley was using while attempting not to laugh about her calling me Barbie.

  “It is perfect, Heavenly, it would look good on you.” I made my voice extremely Southern.

  “Back the fuck away. Did you take my picture?” Justin was furious.

  “Yo, chill. We aren’t interested in no pretty boy like you. Our old men would eat you alive.”

  “I’m not interested in you, you hag. I didn’t give you permission to take my photo.”

  “Good fuckin’ news we weren’t focused on you, then. I only cared about her hair,” Harley retorted as I pulled out my phone and blindly tapped the screen until I knew it was recording.

  “If y’all get into a fight, I think we could get this onto the Maury Povich show. Have you seen how those people fight? Make it good—but don’t hit him too hard, Heavenly. Remember that you’re the one who will get in trouble ’cause you’re the black belt to the umpteenth degree or whatever that is. Okay, make it look real. Sweetheart, you with the pretty hair, smile next to your boyfriend for me.”

  “Fuck you two,” Justin said as he strode off. I glanced over to where Piper, Sadie, and Kat stood in time to see them split up. Sadie and Piper headed off in the same direction as Justin and Kat came to join us.

  Harley leaned in and spoke to the girl in a low voice. “I’m a deputy wi
th Orange County, that man you were with is under investigation by the FBI. Go find your friends, and whatever you do, do not go anywhere near him. Okay?”

  “I’m here with my parents, I’m only fifteen.”

  I thought that I was going to throw up. “Where are your parents?”

  “They’re sitting on the lawn in front of the stage.”

  “Let’s go. I’m walking with you so we know you get back safely. Whatever you do, do not go off alone again. Do you hear me?” Harley asked, and the girl nodded. We all walked with her and waited as she made her way to a couple sitting on a blanket.

  Kat had her phone against her ear and was talking, “She is fucking fifteen. Okay, we’re coming to you now.” Kat disconnected. “They are over by the west entrance.” We headed off in that direction. “I was going to say that I thought you two were hysterical until I heard that girl was fifteen. Now, I’m just sick.”

  “Me, too,” I agreed.

  We maneuvered through the throng of people, but then I pulled to a stop. Harley walked a few steps before she realized I wasn’t with her anymore and turned. “What are you doing?”

  “Look.” I pointed at the west gate toward one absolutely gorgeous man who smelled like vanilla and leather and had two perfect dimples. I knew this even though I was a good thirty yards away.

  “Is that Eli?” Kat asked. “I’ve never seen him in jeans or biker boots, and his arms? My god, that man is built. He so needs to wear black T-shirts more often. You’re gonna be fine, he won’t even recognize you. There are Piper and Sadie.” Harley directed us to a tree where the two stood. We walked over and joined them. “So, where’s Justin?”

  Piper gave a chin nod to where Justin stood talking to a blonde. We all watched him as Harley pulled out her phone and snapped a photo.

  “Uh-oh,” Sadie whispered.

  I turned to see where she was watching. Eli was walking in our direction. “Is he coming here?”

  “Stay calm, he probably just spotted Justin,” Sadie said in her same low tone.

  I tried to even my breathing as he neared us and let out a small sigh as he moved to the left. I thought I was in the clear, but then he stopped, turned, and stared at the five of us. My heart raced as I tried to appear indifferent to his attention, but then he turned back around and focused on where Justin stood.

  The sound of all five of us letting out our held breaths sounded like a whoosh of wind. “What the hell was that?” Kat asked.

  “No idea,” I said.

  We watched as Eli and Justin started talking as if they were good friends. But my heart stopped every time Eli would glance our way. He’d squint like he was studying us, and I swore to god his focus was heavier on me than on anyone else.

  Justin moved a few steps, and Eli stayed next to him. “I don’t think he’s going to let Justin out of his sight tonight, do you?” I asked.

  “Nope. I think we are good to go,” Piper agreed.

  I was exhausted, emotionally and mentally, and knowing that Eli was on Justin’s tail gave me some assurance. Maybe tonight I’d go home and have a rendezvous with Uncle ZzzQuil and maybe, just maybe, I’d get a good night’s sleep.

  The five of us headed for the exit gate and got in the line to leave. Yes, there was even a line for that.

  “Um, look to your left,” Kat warned. I did and groaned. Eli and Justin were moving our way. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Christ on a cracker, I had no luck.

  We moved along, and as our paths were about to cross, I kept my head down and listened as Harley kept up her New York accent, which sounded more like a Boston accent in the way she was dropping her R’s.

  I should have realized something was wrong when my friends went quiet. If I had, I wouldn’t have flinched when a pair of black biker boots came into my line of sight. I looked up and met Eli’s piercing stare before I quickly turned away and ignored him. The five of us moved through the gates, but I could feel the heat of his eyes boring into my back.

  Chapter 14


  I normally didn’t wake during the night, as Ma always said, I slept like the dead. So why I was awake was beyond me. I cradled my pillow against me as I tried to find a cool spot in hopes of going back to sleep.

  My mind turned to Eli and how long he’d stayed at the concert with Justin. He was probably still pissed that I hadn’t returned his calls or texts, and I was furious over that stupid note.

  I let out a little giggle, I think I should have that printed on T-shirts, kind of like T-shirts that read: ‘My parents went to Hawaii and all I got was this stupid T-shirt.’ Except mine would be, ‘I was kissed senseless, sent into orgasmic bliss, and all I got was a stupid fucking note.’ Memories of the way he’d owned my body and gave me a fucking incredible orgasm . . . had me so twisted up that if I didn’t calm down, there was no way I was getting back to sleep.


  I twisted my head and then propped up on my forearms, hoping I would hear whatever it was I’d just heard again. It sounded like a creak, almost as if someone were trying to tiptoe downstairs. My apartment was on the second floor, and as such, my base floors were wood.

  I heard it again, and this time, I reached to grab my gun, but the sound of my doorknob turning had me lying flat, pretending to be asleep as I slowly moved my hand until my fingers were wrapped around the grip of my Glock. My heart raced as I heard whomever it was move through my room.

  Please, take whatever it is you want and leave.

  I couldn’t move and had no idea if there was just one intruder or several. I tried to count the number of footsteps, but my heart was beating so loudly that I was afraid the person would hear it.

  With determined focus, I examined the sound of the shuffling. Was the intruder at my dresser? Shit, that means he’s coming my way, just come closer, let me see you. I need to get you in my line of sight.

  That was when I felt it, heat against the back of my head just before fingers slid against my scalp and yanked. “Where is it, bitch? I know you have it.”

  I squeezed my eyes closed against the pain of having my hair pulled. “What? Have what? Take whatever you want.”

  “The paper, you took a piece of paper with important information on it.” He pushed my face harder against my pillow before wrenching it back. “Don’t look at me. Just answer my fucking question, where’s the paper?”

  “I don’t have it, the FBI does. It is part of an ongoing case they are working on. As soon as they saw it, they took it from me.”

  “You fucking bitch, do you have any idea what you’ve fucking done?” With a thrust of his arm, he pushed my head forward and then released me.

  My hand was still wrapped around my gun, so as soon as I was free, I pulled, turned, and fired a round just as he moved. I was ready to fire again, but he was running from my room. I jumped from my bed and rushed to the wall, putting my back against it as I heard him yank my balcony door open. Then my apartment was silent. Holding my gun at the ready, I peered around the corner but saw nothing, just my curtains moving from the light breeze on the wind through my open balcony door. I glanced toward my front door, which was closed. Moving quickly to my nightstand, I flipped on my side lamp and then blinked several times as I got acclimated to the light. I grabbed my radio and turned toward my door because there was no way I was letting him sneak up on me again, and that was when I saw the blood splattered on the door and part of my wall.

  “Thirteen-nineteen shots fired and give me traffic.”

  Dispatch sent a long tone out as they locked down the radio channel for my use and all radio traffic was stopped as deputies tuned in to hear how they could assist.

  “Orange County, twelve alpha is ten thirty-three traffic for thirteen-nineteen, reference shots fired.”

  “Officer-involved shooting, Sagebrush apartments unit 202. I’m ten-four. Shot white male suspect in my residence, subject fled on foot. Unknown direction of travel. Unknown description of clothing.”

  I bent over and tried to cat
ch my breath as I listened to the shift commander come on to the radio. He ordered all available units to my apartment as well as air and K-9. He instructed deputies to perimeter assignments. They were setting the net and would work from outside and drag the net to the center.

  “Thirteen-nineteen, stay at your location. Make sure you’re secure.” I held my gun close to me and waited. What I wanted to do was lock my doors, but I knew better than to mess with possible evidence. Instead, I moved to my living room and sat in a chair.

  With my phone next to me, I debated whether I should call my family. If I did, they would want to be here, even if they knew better. If I called the girls, it would be the same problem. Calling Eli was out of the question. He would probably bring the whole FBI field office with him.

  Fine. I wouldn't call anyone, and they could all hear about this tomorrow.

  Sirens broke the silent night air. Vibrant beams from the helicopter lit up the raven sky. Seconds turned into minutes, and my head swam as I waited for someone to come barging through my door.

  I worked through the sounds I was hearing, fighting my body’s natural reaction to want to retreat and go into shock as a method of self-preservation. Footsteps… Voices…

  “Deputy McGuire, this is the sheriff’s office, please unlock.”

  I got up and raced to the door, turned the deadbolt, and slid the safety chain before returning to my chair.

  “May we enter?”

  “Yes.” My front door pushed open, and two deputies came in. “Hey, guys.”

  “Bridget, are you okay? What happened?” They moved into my living room, one knelt next to me, making sure that I was okay.

  “Are you okay?” Callum asked from my door as he entered next.


  “Dispatch called. Let me call Da and Aiden, they are freaking out.” Callum pulled out his phone as he moved over and peeled my gun from my hands. “I’m here, she’s fine. Shaken. I’ll call you when I know more. Stay out, they are dragging the net.” He disconnected as he removed the magazine, slid back my chamber, and emptied the round already loaded.


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