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Billionaire's Only Marriage

Page 15

by A P Gore

  “Honey, what happened?” A hazel-eyed woman in black jeans and a blue T-shirt approached them.

  Jade wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Alice, this is Gavin Hamilton. He took care of our company while I was in Tibet. His wife's unconscious, but the doctor here doesn't know why.”

  “Oh.” Her expression turned sympathetic. “Don't worry, Mr. Hamilton, everything will be all right. I'm sure she's just having a bad day.” She patted his back. “Do you mind if I check on her?”

  Gavin nodded. She seemed like a nice person, and he hoped her words would come true. A bad day. He would actually prefer that right now. Because anything other than a bad day would break his aching heart.

  Alice went into the ER room with Tan. Five minutes later, she walked out with fear in her eyes and wet cheeks.

  Gavin sprang to his feet. “What happened? Is she all right?”

  “She’s...” She grabbed Jade's arm and burst into tears.

  Chapter 42

  Alice shook visibly, sending chills to Gavin's heart. The worn-out ER lobby shrunk on him, making it harder to breathe. His knees buckled, and he grabbed the wall to remain upright.

  Samantha. What happened?

  His started for the ER, but stopped when Alice spoke again.

  “It’s Sam. She's Sam, Jade.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “My soul sister, Sam.” She sobbed hard, clinging to Jade.

  “Soul sister?” Gavin asked, completely lost. Forget it. He would check himself.

  “Don't worry, Gavin.” Jade must have guessed his anxiety. “My wife is your wife's high school friend. They called themselves soul sisters. You must have heard about them from your wife.”

  Gavin knew squat about this soul sister thing, but hearing that Alice was more upset about who Samantha was than over any change in her condition eased his mind. Still, he went in to check on her, wanting to see her with his own eyes.

  When he stepped inside, he found Tan sitting next to the bed.

  “Any change?” he asked.

  Tan shook her head.

  Gavin’s phone beeped. It was Rosie. She asked about Samantha and told him the jet was still an hour away.

  “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT to move her in here?” Rosie asked as Gavin supervised the work going on in his apartment. He was changing one bedroom to accommodate Samantha's bed and medical equipment.

  He ignored her, instead turning to glare at the carpenter. “Make sure you bolt the equipment to the wall. I don't want any trouble or fixes once the patient shifts here.”

  “I still feel she would be better in the hospital,” Rosie said.

  “One more month. If she doesn’t wake up, I’m moving her to my apartment.” Gavin said.

  Gavin pushed his tears back. It’d been a month since Samantha had collapsed in the Caribbean. Even though he got her to New York in just a few hours, the doctors couldn't wake her. She had slipped into a coma.The worse part? They didn't know why and had no way to wake her up.

  Only waiting was the answer.

  SAMANTHA LAY ON THE hospital bed, still unconscious, looking as stunning she had when she was awake. Gavin stood next to her, staring at her peaceful face. It had been two months, and every day he prayed she would wake up.

  Maybe today would be the day.

  A small hand wrapped around his leg and pulled Gavin from his ruminations.

  “Dad, will mom wake up today?” A small boy with sea-blue eyes and curly hair clung to his leg.

  Gavin pulled Aaron up and close to his heart. His throat closed, overwhelming emotions filling his heart, but he kept everything inside. He couldn't cry in front of Aaron. For Samantha, he had to stay strong. But in reality, he was weak inside, and he had no answer to Aaron's question. He only had faith and hope that she would wake up soon.

  No one knew when she would wake up. Not a single doctor in the country knew the answer. He even consulted few in England, but no one had any answers.

  “She will soon. She will.” He planted a kiss on Aaron’s chubby cheek. For a four-year-old, Aaron had shown a lot of courage. Other than an outburst on the very first day, he never once cried. Gavin cried every night. It was weird, but the kid gave him courage to stay strong.

  “Dad, can I have vanilla coffee if I’m good?” Aaron asked in his cute voice.

  Gavin smiled at him. Aaron hadn’t called him dad at first, but one day he asked if Gavin was his dad. Gavin couldn’t refuse – technically he was and he couldn’t see disappointment in the kid’s eyes, so he said yes. But when the kid called his dad for the first time, his heart sing for the first time since Samantha’s collapse. The kid had the power to ease his heart like no other.

  Gavin observed Aaron’s blue eyes and broad grin. He got the two best things in the world from his mother.

  Gavin nodded to him, brightening Aaron's smile further.

  There was a knock on the door, and Rosie walked in.

  “Come on, Aaron. Time to get ready for school.”

  Aaron's face scrunched up distastefully, but he ran to Rosie anyway.

  A chauffer popped into the room and took Aaron away, but Rosie lingered.

  Rosie came closer and placed a hand on Gavin's shoulder. “Come back to the office. You may feel better.”

  Gavin sighed. Rosie was right. It was time to go back to his father’s office. He’d been pushing back on looking after the subsidiary for the last month, but he needed to get his butt in gear. Thanks to Jade's help, at least a few things were back on track.

  “Let's do that once we move Sam to my apartment. Did you ask the contractor about the modifications to his design for my home office?”

  Rosie folded her hands. “Are you still planning to move your office to your apartment? Your father won’t be happy about it.”

  Gavin looked at his beautiful wife lying on the bed. “Who will take care of her if I’m not there?”

  “She is in Co...” Rosie's voice trailed off, and she changed the subject. “I've conveyed your requested changes to the contractor. One bedroom is converted to accommodate Sam, and another for Aaron.” She paused, looking at her phone. “A full-time maid and nurse have been hired as well.”

  “Good.” Gavin smiled at her, but there was no joy in it. It was just a reflex, a necessity to tell Rosie that she did a good job. “What about Noah?” He rose from his chair.

  Rosie's eyes brightened. “He said he’d think about it. I bet he could pull Tecme from the dirt. He's a boy genius of investment and the start-up world.”

  “Great. But keep persuading him.” Gavin smirked. “Also, did he agree to your dad's proposal?” He lightly rapped Rosie's temple. “Even if he did, you’ll have to fight Tan. She's madly in love with him.”

  Rosie elbowed him. When they were kids, they used to play fight all the time. “Not a chance. I'm not looking for a husband yet. Just get back to the subsidiary, cause my dad is finally ready to let me join his office.”

  Gavin sighed. It would be hard for him, but she had to go back to her dad's business someday. “Give me a few more days, and you can go back. At least he won't nag you about marriage anymore. It took four years, but you proved yourself worthy for his business. Miss Hamilton.”

  Rosie smiled sheepishly. “By the way, the doctor in Russia agreed to do a video conference with you tomorrow morning. But are you sure about this? Russia?”

  Gavin stepped closer to Samantha. She looked stunning even while sleeping. “Yes. I have to try everything in my power. Even for a tiny chance.”

  Chapter 43

  Intense light pierced through her eyelids and blinded her. It felt unfamiliar, like she was seeing it for the first time in a long time. But why would that be? She tried to lift her hands and shield herself from it, but her hands felt like they weighed a hundred pounds. She could feel the soft material below her hands, but nothing else.

  “Can you please close those curtains? It'll wake up Aaron.” A sleepy but familiar voice fell on her ears. Gavin. What was he doing here? And why was Aaron with hi

  She tried to part her lips, but they declined to move. After that, she tried to move her legs, but even those didn't response. What was happening to her? Why couldn't she move her body? It felt stiff and unmovable.

  “Mr. Hamilton, please take him to your bedroom. I have to bathe your wife.”

  Gavin sighed deeply. “He wanted to sleep next to his mom.” Silence prevailed for a moment. “Okay, I'll move him, but he’ll be grumpy when he wakes up. It's his weekly mommy night.”

  After a rustle of sheets, someone left the room with heavy steps.

  Was she in a dream? What was mommy night? And how did Gavin know that Aaron turned grumpy when he didn't find her next to him in the morning?

  “Poor woman.” Something moved along her body, and then her dress was removed.

  “I say poor man.” Another sigh sounded. But this was different from the first voice. A little rude, actually. “He's so handsome, but he's stuck with a woman in a coma. Shouldn't he just leave her in the hospital? Why did he bring her home?”

  “Shh. Shut your mouth, woman. He's sensitive about his wife. My last partner got fired because she accidently spilled a little water on her,” the first voice said. A warm moist sponge moved over her body, tickling her, but she couldn't laugh.

  “Is that it? Darn. I heard the kid isn't his, but this woman's.”

  “Is it? I thought he was his son. They get along together so well. He even sleeps in his bedroom,” the first voice said.

  Samantha's head began to throb. What kind of nightmare was this? Coma? Husband? She tried to think back to the last thing she could remember, but her head hurt so much that she gave up. After a while, sleep overtook her.

  A SHOUT WOKE SAMANTHA from a deep sleep. She still had no energy to move her hand or her eyelids. They felt heavy as a boulder. Maybe a mountain.

  Jesus! Why was this nightmare back again? Why couldn't she just wake up and find Aaron sleeping next to her? Why the torture? This time, she felt her body stiffer and in pain. A cold liquid slowly passed into her hand, like an IV was attached.

  “Aaron, don't run in there,” Gavin's voice reached her ears.

  “Dad, I want this. It's so pretty.”

  “That's a manga for grown up kids. When you turn ten, I'll open my library for you,” Gavin said, breathless as a marathoner after a long morning run.

  Something moved around her shoulder, like someone sat next to her.

  “Even if you sit next to your mom, you're not reading that manga.”

  “Come on. Let the kid enjoy it.” A very familiar but long unheard voice echoed near her head.

  “When you have a kid you'll understand, Medusa,” another familiar yet long unheard voice said.

  Medusa. Like Madison, her soul sister. Was she here? Wow, but how did she know Gavin? And the second melodious voice, that sounded like Al. Yes, it had to be Alice, her best friend from high school. They had been a group of five girls in high school, and Alice had called them soul sisters. Everyone had a short name. Alice became Al, Madison became Medusa, Samantha to Sam, Felicity to Fel, and Penelope became Penny.

  “Hi girls.” Gavin's voice softened. “When did you get here?”

  “Just got here. Al came to my hospital for her regular checkup, so I suggested we meet Sam on our way out,” Medusa said.

  Jesus. They both were here. Was Pam here too?

  “Thanks a lot,” Gavin replied, his tone showing gratitude. “I was going to call Rosie, but if one of you can stay for a couple of hours, that would be great. I have an important meeting to attend.”

  “You can leave her alone, you know,” Medusa said, as direct as ever. “You have maids and nurses to look after her and Aaron.”

  What was going on? What kind of nightmare this was? But then it felt so good to hear Gavin, Aaron, and her soul sisters.

  “I heard you're handing the IT company to Noah Mith?” Alice said.

  “Yes. I know him from childhood, and he's good at what he does. It's time I focus on Dad's business more.”

  A sob came from near her head. “Excuse me.” It was Al. “I'm sorry. I just couldn't contain it. She was so bright when we were in high school and seeing her like this...” She sighed. “I'm glad that she found you.”

  Emotions choked Samantha's heart. Why was this nightmare so real?

  “It's true,” Medusa said. “I wonder if anyone else would take care of her like you. Thanks.” Medusa could be mean, but she was pure at heart. She expressed her displeasure and gratitude in very simple ways. That was her Medusa.

  Gavin cleared his throat. “It’s fine. Aaron is so cute, anyone would happily accept him as a kid.” A moment passed silence, then Gavin cleared his throat. “Even my mom loves him so much, she’s asking me to drop him off at her house for few days, but I can't just let him go away from me.”

  Martha. Yes, she was excited to meet Aaron when they were in the Caribbean. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in her mind, and she remembered her trip to the Caribbean. She’d fought with Gavin, and she was leaving, but he told her he wanted to be her husband for real, and she’d said no because of James. But it felt so heartbreaking to refuse him. She wished she hadn’t had to.

  “Dad, Mom's finger is moving.” A tiny warm hand brushed against her finger.

  Hurried footsteps approached. A cry echoed in the room before Medusa's cheer filled the air. “Yay! She moved her finger! Gavin, call the doctor. I think she's coming out of the coma.”

  Fingers pulled at her eyelids, and an intense light fell on her eyes. She wanted to close her eyes, but the fingers forced them open. Water streamed down when she couldn't bear the light. Another cheer, and the fingers let go of her eyelids. They closed like a lid springing back closed. In that fraction of a moment, when the light didn't blind her, she saw Gavin with long hair and Aaron with a smile on his face.

  “Yes, she's awake and her pupils are reactive,” Medusa said.

  Seeing them happy. Now she could live again.

  Chapter 44

  It had been four days since she’d first moved her finger, and two days since she’d gained enough strength to open her eyes. Whenever she did, she found Gavin and Aaron around her. Aaron would play on her bed, and Gavin would try to keep him from jumping on her. She wanted to hold her child, but when he tried to hug her, it hurt like someone was breaking her bones one after another. The doctor said it was normal, since she was bedridden for almost five months, and it would take time to regain her strength.

  When Aaron wasn’t around, Gavin would come and stare at her with his warm brown eyes. She had so many questions for him, but he always shushed her, saying she needed to get well first. Then he would tell her stories of what happened around the world in the last five months, but he always kept quiet about what had happened with their lives. Whatever the reason was, she didn’t care it anymore. Having him and Aaron next to her felt warm and comfy, like having a family once again. His every action toward her or Aaron came filled with warmth and love, and Aaron treated him like a real dad.

  Gavin sat behind a table not far from her, dressed in a gray suit and matching trousers. He looked stunning as always.

  Today Al was coming to see her. Gavin told her so that morning. She was planning to ask Al what really happened. She just had to wait for her soul sister to arrive.

  Eventually, Al's smooth melodious voice filled the room. “Good morning.”

  Gavin raised his nose from his laptop. Since Samantha had woken, he had moved his desk into her room and, whenever free from Aaron’s demands and her needs, he turned his attention to the laptop. He was working hard even at night, but that never stopped him from attending to her every need. Jesus, he did everything for her. Even feeding her some tasteless soup and wiping the spills from her mouth.

  “Good Morning, Alice. Thanks for coming by.” Gavin rose and walked to Alice, giving her a half hug. “I'll be back in a couple of hours.” He stepped closer to Samantha and placed his hand on her head. “I'm sorry, I have to step out,
but I’ll back soon.”

  “O-kay,” Samantha said with considerable effort. Even saying a two syllable word was hard.

  “Alice, I hope you won't overwhelm her with new information.” He pushed a stray hair from Samantha’s forehead. He always did that, and she liked it. “Get some rest.” His lips parted, like he was going to kiss her on her forehead, but he changed his mind and moved away.

  Jesus, his touch made her heart go berserk, even after five months gap. What would have happened if he had kissed her?

  She didn’t want to think about it. Not yet.

  Al sat next to her when Gavin left with his laptop.

  “I know you must be dying to know what happened in the last four-five months.” Al brushed her fingers over Samantha's temple. “But Gavin will kill me if he hears that I told you so many things.”

  “Con-g-r-a-ts” She glanced at Al’s round belly. It suited her overall appearance. She wanted to ask so many things, like how did she get back with Jade and what happened with her mother, but her mouth failed her.

  Al smiled. “You already know? Darn, Gavin. He stole my thunder.” She rubbed her hand over her round belly. “But I guess it’s quite difficult to hide.” Her oval face glowed with divine light. “Anyway, I want to hug you so hard, but Gavin strictly prohibited that.” She stuck her lower lip out.

  Samantha forced a small smile, and god it hurt her cheeks and lips.

  “I’m so happy that Tim has a big brother already.” She clasped her arms around herself. “And by the way, Aaron has shown such maturity for his age. I couldn’t believe he was just four-and-a-half years old.”

  A wide grin tried to form on Samantha’s lips, but it was so hard and painful that she tamped it down.

  Al softly placed a hand over Samantha's. “You’ve got a great husband too. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't believe Aaron isn’t his son. He's done even more things than a real father would.”


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