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Fates Entwined

Page 25

by Jules Barnard

  “No. Never.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “I don’t know. But then, Portia used humans and Halven to attack our people. That’s never been done before, and the angel said Portia had broken a rule. We’ve fought one another for millennia, but never have we involved the humans or your kind.”

  “Your rules are intense. Would you truly have died because you broke your oath to Portia?”

  He kissed her lips gently, and traced a finger over the small dimple in her chin. “Yes. And I would do it again. I will always protect you with my life.”

  Keen had never betrayed her. Had always put her first. It allowed her to love, and to trust.

  “Damn you.” Tears welled up once more, and she couldn’t stop them this time. “I don’t ever want to come close to losing you again, Keen Albrecht.”

  He grinned and kissed her chin. “I will do my utmost not to get killed while attempting to protect you.” His mouth trailed from her chin down to her neck and her chest, where he’d loosened her top—by tearing it down the middle.

  “See that you do,” she said dazedly as he kissed her breasts, seemed to get frustrated with the scraps of cloth still covering her chest, and removed it altogether, along with her bra.

  The next items to go were her boots, pants, and underwear.

  He grinned, pleased with his work. “You will remain like this when we are alone.”

  She leaned on her elbows as she watched him reach back and pull his fancy wedding shirt over his head and down his arms. “Is that so?”

  But as soon as he removed his boots and pants, she really couldn’t dish out any more sass. She decided she liked his plan and would insist it worked both ways.

  Keen climbed back over her, hovering, his arms braced and supporting most of his weight.

  Reese reached down and grabbed the part of him that was standing tall and reaching for her. “Have I mentioned how much I love your body?”

  “You called it too big,” he said distractedly, as he thumbed her nipples and pressed his length into her hand.

  Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. “I said it might not fit, but it does, so there’s nothing to discuss.” She squeezed the base of him and ran her hand up and circled the top with her thumb.

  He let out a slow breath, as though attempting to remain in control. “And the rest?”

  “The rest is very pretty too. When no words are coming out of your mouth.”

  “You love my mouth.” And he demonstrated how much she loved his mouth on her breast.

  “You’re right,” she said as his lips trailed a path to her belly. “I do love your mouth.”

  He looked up mischievously, and then his head dropped lower.

  She glanced down, suddenly wondering about something. “How is it that you guys have all these rules about sex for furthering the species, but oral sex, which produces no output, is just fine? You sure some angel isn’t going to catch us? You’re not going to go up in flames for being naughty like this, are you?”

  He grinned and licked her, and she moaned. He lifted his mouth briefly, and she glanced down. “No…but you will.”

  And he was right.

  The next morning Reese was tucked against Keen’s large frame. Large and small, yet somehow they fit together perfectly.

  She looked over her shoulder to find him gazing in the direction of the bedroom window, his brows drawn. “Everything okay?”

  His eyes swept over her face and he smiled. “Yes. For once.”

  Keen had been a soldier, committed to protecting Fae his entire life. Which was not to say that he hadn’t also found time for pleasure, if the magic he’d worked with his tongue last night and his hands this morning were any indication. And she really didn’t want to think about how he’d become an expert on the female body. The point was, he’d never had anything of his own. No family. Military friends, sure. But he’d asked her to be his wife last night. He was the only man in her life who’d given without expecting anything in return—the only man who’d put her first.

  She was his and he was hers.

  She rolled over and pressed her cheek to his chest. “What do we do now? Will the kingdom really accept Elena as their ruler?”

  “Yes, however begrudgingly, or I would have been down there last night with them.”

  “You’ve been reading their minds? I always forget you can do that. Maybe because you can’t read mine.” She gave him a saucy grin. Finally, something she had over him.

  He ran his hand over her bare hip. “I believe I can read your mind right now.”

  Her breathing sped up and her lips parted. Damn him. He could when he did things like that. “Fine, but only under sexual duress.” He moved to lift his hand, and she covered it with her own, forcing him to keep it right where it was.

  “So you’ve been keeping track of what’s going on? And everyone’s accepted the change?”

  “Absolutely not. They despise Halven.”

  She pulled back and covered her breasts with the sheet. He glared down at her hand and attempted to pry the sheet free. “How can they still hate us? We’ve saved their lives. Twice!”

  Giving up on the sheet in her death grip, he sighed. “They accept Elena’s actions. They do not accept Elena—”


  “As Halven. However,” he continued, cutting off what was about to be an epic rant on Fae prejudice, “they are coming around.”


  “No. But they have no choice. Elena is a direct descendant of the rightful ruler, and one of the closest links to our angelic forefathers, with or without her human father. It is why her powers are so strong and why a team of Fae followed her before she’d ever come into her powers. No one can argue she belongs in the kingdom. As for being their ruler? That is under debate. You can depend on an attack on her authority. She’ll need to be guarded.”

  Reese swung her legs over the side of the bed, taking the sheet with her. “Why didn’t you say so? We need to get down there. We need to help her keep things under control.”

  Keen looked at her body, covered by the sheer sheet. “I suppose. Though I prefer to continue practicing.”

  She smacked the Frisbee-sized hand that had reached out to grab her. “We can practice later. What happened to the Fae warrior who puts nothing ahead of duty?”

  His eyes heavy-lidded, he said, “He fell in love with a tiny human.”

  Her stomach did a backflip and her heart worked some acrobatics of its own. He was lethal when he put his mind to seduction. “Fine. A quickie. And then we get our asses down there.”

  Reese went to hop back on the bed, but Keen had already wrapped his hands around her waist and was lifting her on top of him.

  He kissed her, and she could feel him growing. “Didn’t we take care of that a few minutes ago?” She wasn’t serious. She could make love to him all day if he didn’t have a kingdom to manage…and if she didn’t have school and a life.

  “The Fae have unending stamina,” he said, kissing her neck and pulling her up so that he could reach her breasts.

  She stared at the top of his head, which she could see from this vantage point. “For real? Always?”

  He buried his face in her breasts, and she rolled her eyes. Men. “If we want,” came his muffled reply.

  She inched back down and reached for him. Sure enough, his body was primed and ready.


  And just to emphasize that point, Keen rolled her beneath him. “The question is whether or not you can keep up.”

  That was a challenge if ever she heard one. “Oh, I can keep up.” She tried to push him to the side so she could straddle him, but the man wouldn’t move. Finally, he figured out what she wanted and rolled onto his back.

  Reese climbed on top of him, enjoying her power position. He placed his hands on her hips and then slid them up toward her breasts, a lazy smile on his face. “Test me all you like. I will not fail.”

  “I’m count
ing on it.”


  Over the next two days, Elena, Derek, Keen, Reese, and the rest of the soldiers and friends supporting them put New Kingdom back in order.

  Maybe order was a bit optimistic.

  Ulric had been forced to imprison a dozen guards, who’d staged a small coup against Elena’s authority, and Elena had fought off an assassin with a lightning bolt. Keen and Derek had fought off another dozen idiots who’d thought they could get rid of Elena, but for the most part, the kingdom was getting used to her as their ruler. Particularly after she opened the New Kingdom guard and allowed in several townsmen who’d previously been relegated to farming duty.

  Elena had also given several high-ranking guards and courtiers positions within her military elite and advisory committee, and she’d named Ulric her master of the guard, replacing Keen.

  Reese had known her sister loved Ulric—she could read Illa’s emotions—but she didn’t know how quickly Illa would act on those feelings.

  Ulric and Illa were married the day after the attack. Wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. For immortals, they sure made lasting decisions quickly.

  Illa and Ulric were holding down the fort in New Kingdom now that the immediate threats had been defused. People were somewhat mollified by town brethren in new guard positions and others filling court ranks, so Derek and Elena took that opportunity to return to Old Kingdom, and Reese and Keen joined them.

  In the end, Keen had agreed to rule Old Kingdom as long as he had the majority vote among court Fae, but Radnor didn’t think that would be a problem.

  “You will live here with me,” Keen said as they made their way through the Old Kingdom castle to a bedroom they’d share for the night. Camille had been busy—with what, no one knew—so Derek, Elena, Radnor, Deirdre, Reese, and Keen had traveled the old-fashioned way. By foot.

  Traveling on foot wasn’t as painful as it would have been before Reese’s Ancient Allon transformation, but still. They had electricity, yet no cars? Fae strength made it so that running was literally faster than riding a horse and cart, the way the farmers got around, but this was taking the scenic route too literally.

  “That won’t work,” she said, as he carried her pretty gowns and her new training uniforms over his large shoulder, just as he’d done all those miles to the castle. “I can’t live here full time. I want to finish school. Which won’t be easy. As it is, I’m going to have to wear flats so no one wonders about my awesome new height.”

  He rolled his eyes, which she promptly ignored, because her height was awesome even if no one here thought so.

  “Don’t even get me started on how I’m going to keep my physical appearance from my dad, though he’s not the most observant when it comes to me; maybe it won’t matter. My mom hooked up with Hakon, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to her.” Reese’s mouth twisted. “The moment I get my hands on her, she’s getting an earful.”

  “So visit your family. I don’t understand the need to live there.”

  “I told you, school. I have to return to campus for exams. Plus, I’ll need to be at Dawson part of the time to train in Emain.”

  Reese had written a letter to her professors, which had been hand-delivered by one of the Emain Fae. She’d explained that there’d been a family emergency, and asked to turn in her work remotely. Normally, that sort of thing would never have been acceptable long-term, but Keen had connections on campus and got her professors and counselors to agree to the terms. He was less enthusiastic about her training in Emain instead of Tirnan.

  Reese didn’t want to be away from him, but she saw a future in helping Emain bridge the gap between Halven and Fae.

  He growled. “We should have married. Then you would have to do as I say.”

  Reese bent over and laughed. “You’re kidding, right? Since when do I do what you say just because you say it?”

  He reached back and swatted her ass.

  “Ow! That hurt. Your hands are like meat cleavers.”

  “Pardon,” he said abashedly, then added, “Would you like me to kiss it and make it feel better?”

  She cut him a side-eye. “No, you naughty man.”

  He grinned.

  She shook her head and made sure to wait outside while Keen unloaded their things in the room. No way was she going near a bed with him close. The guy had skills. She’d find herself on her back before she knew what hit her, with more practice in the works.

  They dropped off their clothes in the large suite they’d been assigned, and Keen tried to tempt Reese into testing out the softness of the bed. Being the only levelheaded one these days—their friends were waiting for them—she’d prudently refused.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. And he never would.

  Keen didn’t know how he’d held out against Reese as long as he had. Fortunately, he’d come to his senses.

  They made their way to the kitchen, where they met up with Derek, Elena, and Deirdre.

  Kitchens were sacred among Fae, given the quantity of food his kind ate to keep up with their fast metabolisms. Theresa, the head cook, might come from humble beginnings, but she was just below the king in terms of importance to the castle. No one crossed her, or they found themselves going hungry.

  “Just ain’t right,” she muttered. “You should be in the formal dining area, you should.” Theresa harrumphed, but she set out a massive platter of cheese, meat, and bread.

  Keen and a few others in the room visibly relaxed.

  Theresa wasn’t going to put up a fuss and refuse them food, which suited him, because eating sounded marvelous. Almost as wonderful as returning to the bedroom and seducing Reese. He’d rather be alone with his woman, but she was being difficult. As usual.

  Keen made a dash for the food—until Derek cut him off and nearly knocked the platter to the floor.

  Derek shrugged, stuffing half a loaf of bread in his mouth.

  Reese shook her head as Keen nudged Derek out of the way with his elbow, a smile playing along her pretty lips. Travel to Old Kingdom had made everyone hungry. But Reese’s beautiful mouth only reminded Keen of his other hunger…

  She wouldn’t marry him—yet. Wouldn’t agree to live with him full time either, but he’d have his way. Though her plans about school and becoming an Emain soldier appeared serious.

  A Halven Emain warrior? Had she lost her mind?

  No, she was simply Reese. And he loved her, feisty though she was.

  He was no fool. He’d give her anything she wanted, as long as it made her happy.

  Keen sighed, circled Derek, who’d ignored the not-so-gentle elbow jab, and slid the tray to his side of the table, piling a slab of meat on a plate.

  Derek frowned, but didn’t complain. His plate was full. Before he could pile more food on he had to eat what was there, though it was rapidly disappearing.

  Radnor entered the kitchen and stopped beside Reese. “Here you all are.”

  Keen dished food on a separate plate and brought it to Reese. She offered him a sweet smile, making his heart beat a little faster.

  He had ignored the physical signs that indicated his feelings for Reese from the very beginning, determined to not fall in love with the beautiful Halven—or human, as he’d first thought. He’d never had a mother or sisters, but Illa had once told him that when he found the one he loved, he’d do things he never imagined just to be close to her. As far as Keen knew, Illa had never fallen in love, until she met Ulric in New Kingdom. He wasn’t sure how she knew such things at an early age, but she was right. And little did Illa know that Keen would fall in love with her very own sister.

  “I assume you will be staying with us, daughter?” Radnor said. “And for that matter, I prefer you change your last name. I’ve been thinking about it, and you are a Radnor. No more of this Fisher business.”

  Reese choked on her bite of food. “Excuse me? Fisher is my last name, given to me by the man who, you know, raised me. I won’t take your name because you think it’s a good idea. I barely
know you.”

  Ignoring her last comment, he said, “That pompous buffoon your mother married? He never deserved her. Or you.”

  Reese’s shoulders tensed.

  Keen sighed, because he knew what was coming.

  “That man,” she said, “might not have set a good example for father of the year, but he was there—mostly—and he claimed me as his.”

  “I gave you your name, not your father.”

  Her brow furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

  “I had your mother name you after my own mother, so that you would know you were mine. Would have given you my last name too, but your mother claimed some nonsense about appearances. She put up a fight about it. The woman gets tetchy when she wants her way. You had just been born and I didn’t want her to become ill with all of the energy she was expending arguing with me. I gave in on the last name, but not the first. You were named after my mother, Rohese Radnor. Your mother changed the spelling to appear more human—again, not my idea,” he said sulkily.

  Reese swallowed hard. “You named me…after your mother?”

  “Of course. You are my daughter. Would have raised you here if your mother hadn’t put up another fuss about that too. I wanted her to leave that…well, your father, but she wouldn’t. She worried about your life as a Halven in Tirnan. In the end, she was right. It wouldn’t have been safe for you, or her. I wasn’t thinking clearly. Fortunately, your mother was, but it meant I missed out on the early years of your life.”

  “You mean my entire life,” Reese said dryly.

  Radnor waved her off. “Those were but a few years. Many more to come. And this time, you are safe in our land. Relatively so,” he amended.

  She would be safe if Keen had to take down every Fae who believed her inferior. No one was better than his Reese.

  Radnor was correct: their land was relatively peaceful now. Those infected with the new disease had been quarantined and quickly cured by Elena, and Marlon’s secret lab inside the New Kingdom palace had been destroyed. Both kingdoms were on stable ground, with reasonable communication between the two, now that Keen led Old Kingdom and Elena ruled New Kingdom. That did not guarantee a truce, for there was much to negotiate that had little to do with whether Keen and Elena got along—his people were a prickly group. But for now, they were safe.


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