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My Regelence Rake

Page 17

by J. L. Langley

  Shoving away from the counter, he headed to his bedroom. “Lights out.” The light from the fireplace in his room, glowing through the open doorway, guided him out of the dressing room.

  Perhaps he should’ve taken Rexley and Aiden up on their offer to talk instead of pretending everything was fine. They were probably in bed by now. It would be afternoon in Englor. Maybe Payton— No. Colton stepped off the cold dressing room tile onto the plush sapphire carpet of his bedroom. His bare feet sank into the pile, and he glanced down at his toes, wiggling them. Should he put stockings, boots, shirt and coat back on and go to the stables? He could get on Apollo and just keep riding. And what? Leave my family? Leave Apollonia? Leave…the future he was beginning to build?

  Snorting, Colton sauntered to his bedroom window. He pushed back the curtains. Huh, it’s snowing again. He grinned. He’d imagined marrying Sebastian for years. And this wasn’t like he’d anticipated. He’d never considered it might snow. In his fantasies, it had always been warm and sunny. Nothing would be like he’d imagined. There would be no pristine, white wedding clothes, nor an open landau coach with four white horses to take him and Father to the cathedral. And none of those things seemed important. Now the only thing that really mattered was whether Wentworth was being forced to marry him.

  Father had sworn Sebastian had talked to him before he’d made the announcement. But why? Why would Sebastian want to marry him? Was it because of the speculation on their relationship? Of course it must be. Sebastian was an honorable man. He’d feel obligated to offer for Colton’s hand.

  Someone knocked on the door, startling Colton out of his thoughts.

  If it was Father and Cony again, Colton wasn’t sure he wanted to be interrupted. “Come in.” Please be one of my brothers…but not Tarren. Tarren was way too romantic to be practical about this, and if Colton was having visitors, he needed someone he could talk to rationally.

  The door clicked open then shut.

  Resting his head on the glass, Colton looked toward Wentworth Park. Funny, he’d just been wanting someone to talk to, and now that he had someone, he wished they’d go away. Maybe if he didn’t look at them, they would.

  No such luck. There was no sound, but suddenly the heat of another body came close, standing directly behind him. He looked down.

  Two shiny black boots bracketed his foot. Something, a finger, traced down the middle of his bare back along his spine.

  Colton shivered.



  A pair of warm hands touched Colton’s back and glided to his shoulders. “Absolutely stunning.”

  Colton spun around.

  Sebastian’s gaze wandered over Colton’s nude torso, down his trousers to his feet and back up. A slow smile lit his face. “You’re even more lovely than I’d imagined.” He dragged his fingers over Colton’s pectoral muscle and to the center of his chest.

  Too surprised by Sebastian’s presence to react, Colton watched the caress all the way to the waistband of his trousers. Dust, he was nearly naked. He crossed his arms over his chest. “What’re you doing here?”

  Curling his fingers into the waistband, Sebastian pulled Colton close until they were nose to nose. Sebastian brushed a kiss over Colton’s lips. The warm breath mingled with Colton’s as Sebastian whispered, “I had to talk to you.”

  The firelight cast him in shadow, making him seem bigger somehow. His gentleness was mesmerizing, the way he watched everywhere he touched. Colton could almost believe they had some sort of a relationsh—

  His parents would be barging in at any minute. Colton leaned around him to see the door.

  Chuckling, Sebastian drew him upright and bussed his nose. “I have permission to be up here.” He cupped Colton’s cheek, sliding his thumb across Colton’s bottom lip.

  Colton closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. He should be talking, asking about the wedding and trying to get an idea how Sebastian felt, but he didn’t want to move. No. He had to. His future depended on it. He stepped out of reach. “I can’t think with you touching me like that.”

  “Fair enough.” Sebastian was quiet for several seconds as he glanced around the room. Finally, he met Colton’s gaze again. “I’m sorry about this evening. Your father got ahead of me. I should’ve talked to you before I talked to him.”

  “Then you did ask him? He didn’t force you into it?” Colton paced around his bed and Sebastian, going to stand in front of the fire. He should put a dressing gown on. He rubbed his arms.

  “You should know me well enough to know no one forces me to do anything. I asked him, but he was quite pleased by the idea of us marrying.” Sebastian spoke from close behind then touched Colton’s back again. “Will you marry me?”

  And there it was. The question. Colton put his hand over Sebastian’s where it had come to rest on his shoulder. “I didn’t know there was a choice at this point.”

  “There is always a choice.” Sebastian kissed Colton’s knuckles. “And I’m giving it to you. If you want to back out, I’ll take the blame. I’ll let you jilt me.”

  Shaking his head, Colton stared at the red-gold flames. The heat of the fire warmed his outside, but inside he was cold. He had some pride, damn it. “I wouldn’t do that to you. This mess is all my fault. I should’ve gotten out of that stall when you told me to. This whole thing has just been blown out of proportion and—” He dropped his hand and turned around.

  “And what?” Sebastian captured Colton’s hands, holding them. He caressed the tops of Colton’s knuckles with his thumb.

  “I don’t want you to marry me out of pity or some misplaced sense of duty. I can handle the scandal, but I can’t handle your resentment for the rest of my life.” He had to have something, anything, a glimmer of hope that they could one day be more to one another. He couldn’t marry to save his own reputation. He wouldn’t.

  “And in the meantime you suffer for it.”


  Sebastian lowered his left hand and wrapped it around the back of Colton’s head. He pressed his forehead to Colton’s. “I know what that militant look is all about, but you’re wrong.” He gripped Colton’s hand and mashed it against his erection. “Does this feel like pity? Did it feel like pity last night?”

  Colton gasped, his gaze fell to his hand and he shook his head. Last night was— He sighed.

  “Marry me. You’ll be able to open your stables without scandal. Your business will suffer if you don’t and you know it. Eventually, people will have to be somewhat cordial because you are a prince and they don’t want to risk making our king too mad, but they don’t have to do business with you.”

  That was true. With this scandal, any hope of having a successful racing stud was dashed, but if he married Sebastian…

  Removing his hand from Sebastian’s cock, Colton blinked up at him. “What would you get out of the marriage?”

  Touching the mark he’d made on Colton’s neck last night, Sebastian smiled and met Colton’s gaze. “You.” His voice was soft, his eyes sparkling in the firelight. For a brief moment, Colton thought he saw something in Sebastian’s eyes. Tenderness and…something.

  Sebastian rested his cheek against Colton’s and wrapped his arms around Colton. “Think about it. We have things in common. We’re already business partners. We get along well. It’s more than a lot of people have.”

  That something in Sebastian’s gaze did funny things to Colton. Did it make him weak to want to give in? He closed his eyes and hugged Sebastian back.

  January 16, 4831: Townsend Castle.

  Colton glanced up from reading the stable blueprints on his com-pad and met his valet’s gaze. “Did you say something, Everett?”

  Everett gave Colton’s cravat one last tug and pointed at the mirror. “Take a look. You cut a dashing figure.”

  Turning toward the vanity mirror, Colton frowned. He appeared the same as always. The lavender waistcoat wasn’t to his taste—he preferred bolder colors—but
it would go nice with his charcoal-colored morning coat and light gray trousers. “Thank you, Everett. As always, you’ve done an exceptional job. I had completely forgotten I’d ordered this waistcoat.”

  “I thought it quite appropriate for a wedding, milord. If you don’t need anything else, I’ll start packing.”

  “Yes, yes that’s fine, Everett.” Colton went back to his plans. He wished Everett hadn’t mentioned the W word. Colton was trying his best not to think about the wedding. If he did, he was going to be a nervous wreck. He’d thought of little else last night after Sebastian had left. What if Sebastian didn’t show this morning? What if he realized his folly? What if the ring Colton ordered didn’t get here in time? Did they need a license?

  Grrr. He was doing it again. Back to the plans. Concentrate on the plans, Colton. He focused on the blueprints. The breeding pen needed to be a bit bigger in his opinion, but the addition of a room above the birthing stall was brillia— Why was Everett packing? “What did you say?”

  Everett’s voice grew louder. “What was that, milord?”

  “Packing? What are you packing?” Colton glanced up.

  “Your things of course.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “Oh dear.” Everett frowned and exited the closet. He was only four years older than Colton, but at the moment he looked much older. He crossed his hands in front of him. “I wonder where your parents are. They haven’t come up to see you this morning, have they? Not to worry, milord. It’s just pre-wedding jitters. Everyone has them. I’m sure your parents will be up to have a talk with you.”

  Waving his valet off, Colton pursed his lips. He hadn’t even considered he’d be living somewhere else after tonight. How had he forgotten that detail? Colton got up and went into his bedroom. He tossed his com-pad on the bed and wandered over to his thinking spot. Just as he pulled the curtains back, his bedroom door opened.

  “Good morning.” Rexley closed the door behind him. “Is it still snowing?” He wore black pinstripe trousers, a white shirt and cravat. His waistcoat was burgundy, and he was without a morning coat. He was dressed as he was every morning, but something about his demeanor declared this morning different. Or maybe it was only Colton’s imagination running away with him again.

  Colton let the curtain fall closed, trying to ignore the queasiness in his belly. “It appears to have stopped for the time being. Have you been downstairs yet?”

  “Yes, why?” Rexley perched on the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I was just wondering if Wentworth has shown up yet. I— Oh never mind.”

  Rexley got up and crossed the room to stand in front of Colton. He put his hand on Colton’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Nervous?”


  Rexley arched a brow.

  Colton sighed. “Yes. And then Everett reminded me I would be living at Wentworth Park and made it even worse. Do you suppose Father and Cony will mind if I keep my room? Do you think I need to move my new stables now that I won’t be living here?”

  “Of course not. You picked a great spot for the stud. Halfway between here and Wentworth Park. And I am certain you’ll still have a room in the castle. Although I suspect they’ll give you a larger one since you’ll be married.” Rexley was right. Payton didn’t live here anymore, but he still had a room of his own. Or rather he and Simon had a room. It was down the hall from Aiden and Nate’s suites. “Relax.”

  Colton covered his face with his hands. He was overreact—

  “Don’t”—Rexley grabbed his wrists—“run your fingers through your hair. Everett will be devastated if you ruin his handiwork.”

  Colton laughed. It was hair, for goodness’ sake. Could it really be messed up? The stiffness left his shoulders. He’d needed that.

  Rexley let go and smirked. “Perhaps I’m a bit nervous for you. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “It’s not the love story I conjured in my mind all these years, but we like one another well enough, I suppose. We’ll have a comfortable marriage.” He knew Sebastian lusted after him, but after last night he was certain Sebastian also liked him. While he would’ve rather waited to see if their feelings grew, Sebastian seemed pretty adamant this was a good thing. Colton had hope. He could make this work.

  Rexley frowned.

  “Come, let me show you something.” Colton looped his arm around his older brother’s shoulders and led him to the bed. He picked up his compuscreen and handed it to Rexley.

  “Is this your stables?” Rexley used his finger to move the blueprints, looking at all sides and skimming down to the front and back elevations.

  Colton leaned into his brother so he could see the screen too. “Olympian Stables. What do you think, partner?”

  “Olympian because Apollo is the name of a Greek god?”

  “You hate it.”

  “Not at all. I love it, and I think it’s fitting. Apollo’s been the inspiration for this whole thing, so I think it’s only right to honor him. I know you’ll do good things with this. I’m looking forward to going with you to races and auctions.” He smiled.

  “I’d like that.” Colton smiled back.

  “I can watch the master at work.” Grinning, Rexley glanced back at the screen. “This looks amazing.”

  “Master? I don’t know about that. I’ll be learning the business as I go.”

  “Yes, but you know and love horses. You’re going to do just fine. And I’ll handle the money part if you like.”

  “I definitely like the sound of that.”

  The door clicked open.

  Aiden bustled in, wagging a large sketchbook with him. He smiled at Colton. “Good morning.” Closing the door, he crossed the room and set the book on the bed. “Is this the stables?”

  “Yes,” Colton and Rexley answered together.

  “Nice. Has Cony been in to see you yet?”

  Weird. Everett had suggested his parents would be coming to see him this morning too. “No. I wasn’t aware I was expecting him. Do you know something I don’t?”

  Aiden shrugged. “I just assumed he’d come to have the talk.”

  Rexley snorted. “I can only imagine Cony’s slant on things. I bet by the time he’s finished you won’t have a clue whether he’s discussing the weather, the latest opera or a life-threatening medical condition.”

  Colton busted out laughing.

  Aiden grinned. “Pretty much. Can you imagine Father’s version of things?”

  “No.” Rexley thought about it for a moment. “I think Father’s accounting would be more confusing than Cony’s.”

  “Which is why I’m here. I thought he needed more info than watch your teeth and use lube.”

  Letting the screen fall on the bed, Rexley dropped his head into his hand. His shoulders began shaking. “Did Cony actually say that to you?”

  “Oh yes. Needless to say I had no idea what he meant.”

  Colton tried not to blush, but he wasn’t sure how effective he was. “Um, while I’m touched you’ve decided to spare me from Cony, I don’t need the talk. I am opening a racing stud, remember? I know what sex is.”

  “Yes, but it’s different. People aren’t like horses. So I brought my sketchbook to show you some pictures.” Aiden picked up the pad he’d brought in with him.

  “And that’s my cue to leave. Have a nice chat, gentlemen.” Rexley dipped his head and started for the door.

  Rolling his eyes, Aiden grinned. “I doubt I could show Colton anything you don’t already know.”

  Stopping, Rexley raised an eyebrow in a perfect imitation of their sire.

  A secretive smile curved Aiden’s lips, and he winked at Colton. “He has quite an impressive collection of etchings stashed in a secret file on Jeffers.”

  Colton’s gaze shot to Rexley. Rexley? Really? Rexley never did anything wrong.

  Rexley still had a raised eyebrow, but there was no other outward reaction to Aiden’s pronouncement. “I will see you both downsta
irs.” To Colton he said, “The stables are going to be first-rate.” With that he left and closed the door behind him.

  “Did he blush at all?” Aiden asked.

  “Not that I noticed.” Their brother was impossible to read when he did not want to be read. “He has pornography on Jeffers?”

  “Oh yes. I’m certain it’s his.” Aiden flipped the cover over on the sketchbook.


  “Because it’s not mine, yours, Tarren’s or Trouble’s. If they were Nate’s, he would’ve showed them to me. And Cony and Father have no need to hide such things, they would just password protect it. We aren’t allowed in their private files.”

  Well, well, Rexley was human after all. Who would’ve thought their stuffy older brother would have such things? “How did you find them?”

  “Quite by accident. I was looking through art files.” Aiden sat on the end of the bed and set the sketchpad on his lap. “Now.” He wrinkled his face up. “How do I do this?”

  Colton shrugged. “I have no idea, but I’m telling you there’s no point. I know about sexual intercourse.” Unless, of course, they were going to discuss whirligigs and traps. He still had no idea how those things pertained to marital relations, but… No, on second thought, he did not want to discuss physical intimacy with his parents or his brothers. He’d read all about it back when he was around thirteen, and he’d first heard the term rakehell in conjunction with Sebastian. Since then Colton had some experience thanks to Sebastian. Granted, it wasn’t much, but Sebastian had taught Colton that he was more than willing to try out the rest.

  Aiden turned the page, and all reluctance fled.

  The charcoal drawing was as beautiful as all of Aiden’s work. His talent really was amazing. But what held Colton so captivated was the subject matter. A penis with a ring through the head and coming out of the slit. Not only had he never even heard of such a thing, the anatomy itself was impressive.


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