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Salvation in Darkness

Page 16

by Nicole Edwards

  Hard to believe someone had bypassed all the safeguards and exposed the names of those belonging to his warriors. Michael still had no idea who had uncovered them or even how they’d been able to. But what bothered him more than the fact someone had done it was why they’d opted for those names specifically. Those vaults contained millions of names of destined souls, but they’d purposely targeted the seven who were closest to Michael.


  Oh, he had his suspicions, of course.

  Everyone knew there was no love lost between him and Lucifer. No matter how he dissected this, Michael knew his brother was the only one who stood to gain anything out of this. Obsidian, Stygian, Cimmerian, Eclipse, Piceous, Shadow, and Aphotic could’ve continued on as they’d been doing without knowing who their amsouelots were. At least not until the time was right.

  As for when that might’ve been, Michael didn’t know.

  But Lucifer had never been a patient male. Didn’t surprise him that Lucifer had created his own timeline, positioning the humans like chess pieces all in an effort to take what didn’t belong to him: Michael’s warriors.

  Back when Michael had dispatched Obsidian and his brothers to Earth, he honestly hadn’t expected them to be needed for this long. Fifteen hundred years was a long time, and from his vantage point, another fifteen hundred was likely in the cards because the humans were having enough problems on their own. They could hardly manage to keep the fragile threads of their existence from unraveling thanks to their own greed and lust. No way could they sufficiently protect themselves against the evil that walked amongst them without intervention.

  Which was the very reason Obsidian was brought into existence in the first place. Michael had always been a forward thinker, and Obsidian had been his answer to saving the humans from themselves. The others were an afterthought, but a good one, Michael would admit. The seven of them were a force to be reckoned with. Not exactly invincible, but damn close.

  But that was the problem, wasn’t it?

  Lucifer wanted them for his own armies. The most powerful beings to have ever graced Earth were vulnerable now, probably Lucifer’s plan all along.

  Or perhaps Lucifer had been playing him. With the warriors distracted by their new mission, Lucifer was gaining a stronghold on the humans, and he was getting damned creative in his efforts. The longer he held it, the more of a mess they’d be cleaning up once the warriors were refocused on the real mission. Especially if Lucifer succeeded in eliminating the vampire race. Michael had never cared much for the fanged species his father had created using the mold Michael had created for Obsidian. However, there was no denying the vampires were his warriors’ best option in shoring up their reserves. They would need the numbers in order to defeat what was coming.

  Sure, it was still imperative that the warriors locate their destinies, protect them, but Michael wasn’t sure that was the top priority right now.

  While he’d thought linking the warriors with their amsouelots would solve the issue, keep his warriors out of the hands of the enemy, there was a new problem on the horizon, one he hadn’t anticipated. The risk of what was to come was high, but the more Michael contemplated what it meant, the more he realized … it was time.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Orianna wasn’t sure how long they’d been asleep when she woke, this time to a darkened room.

  She managed to extricate herself from Eclipse’s grip and make a quick trip to the bathroom. Once she’d relieved herself and washed her hands, she took a moment to look at the woman in the mirror. Her attention was drawn to the puncture wounds on her neck as she reached up and brushed her fingers over them. She remembered the instant when Eclipse had sunk those razor-sharp teeth into her flesh. A heat so powerful had surged through her entire body, along with a liquid ecstasy that had sent her free-falling. Not even the best orgasm had ever compared to that one overwhelming moment.

  Odd how she could reflect on it now and not be scared. She should’ve been, she figured. The man she’d shared a bed with, the one who’d been inside her, had fed from her vein. It should’ve had her panicking; instead, she was wondering when he would do it again.

  Perhaps she was in shock.

  Yes, that made perfect sense. She was in shock. She had learned some very disturbing news last night, and the only way for her brain to process was to pretend it was all okay. Not only had she learned her sister was dead, but she’d also discovered some disturbing news about the world in general. According to what she’d seen with her own two eyes, vampires did exist. And if Eclipse was telling her the truth, so did angels. Since she had no reason to doubt his word, she was forced to view everything differently.

  Running her hand over her hair to tame the mess, she gave those bite marks one last look before heading back into the bedroom.

  Her original intention had been to get dressed and slip out, but as she stood there staring at the sleeping … angel, there was a strange pull deep inside that told her leaving was not the best thing right now. Never having been the sort to ignore her gut instinct, Orianna decided now was not the time to start.

  So rather than fumble for her clothes, she returned to the bed, slipping beneath the thick down comforter and back into Eclipse’s arms.

  “You stayed,” he said softly, his hand sliding down her spine to cup her ass.

  His skin was so warm and smooth, she let her hands do the walking, gliding across the thick contours of his shoulder, over his bicep, down his ropy forearm and back up, shifting closer.

  “I stayed,” she agreed, urging him onto his back.

  As for why she was still there, why she didn’t want to leave him, Orianna didn’t know. But she would have plenty of time to ponder that later. Right now, the only thing she wanted was to feel him inside her again. To have those big, strong hands running over every inch of her, to taste his kiss. More importantly, she wanted Eclipse to remind her she was alive. She’d felt like nothing more than a shell of herself for so long, but last night, he’d reminded her she was still here, and she could still feel.

  Straddling his thighs, Orianna continued to peer down at him when his eyes opened, the molten silver cutting through the darkness. She’d never seen anything quite so intriguing as the way his eyes shimmied and swirled, as though lit from within. It was another thing that should’ve scared her, but when it came to Eclipse, there was no fear. Only intrigue and a blossoming warmth that she wanted to explore further.

  As she sat astride him, she dragged her fingertips over the smooth flesh covering rock-hard muscle, outlining the planes and angles, working her way lower as his eyes remained locked on her face. Almost as though he didn’t want to look away. Orianna knew the feeling. There was an undeniable connection between them.

  Running her fingers over the rigid contours of his abdomen, she stopped when she reached the thick shaft resting against his belly. The memory of him pushing inside her had a chill teasing her skin. He’d been bigger than she had expected, thicker than her body could easily handle, yet she had acclimated after a moment, taking him fully. She was eager to feel him inside her once more.

  Orianna stroked him firmly as she straightened her spine, using the glow of his eyes to see his reaction. The light disappeared momentarily when he closed them, his back arching, hips thrusting upward, driving that steely length into her hand.

  In a daring act, Orianna slid her other hand between her legs, teasing her sensitive flesh. When Eclipse turned his attention to the movements, she heard the rasp of his breath, felt the anticipation in his body.

  “Keep doing that,” he uttered hoarsely.

  “What?” Orianna teased her flesh, ensuring he could see her movements. “This?”

  “Yes. Touch yourself.”

  She immediately thought about those fantasies she’d had, hearing him say that same thing before, only he hadn’t been there with her at the time.

  But I was.

  The words sounded in her mind, her eyes locking on his. He was inside h
er head. She could feel him there.

  “How?” she asked, stroking them both in tandem, ensuring the pleasure didn’t fade.

  “Telepathy,” he replied, his big hands sliding over her thighs. “It was the only way I could be with you.”

  “I tried to find you,” she admitted. “After the night in the alley.”

  Something passed over his face. Regret? Fear?

  “I was worried you’d be scared of me.”

  Because he’d killed that man.

  Orianna shook her head. “It takes more than that to scare me.”

  Are you scared of me now?

  “Not at all.” His erection flexed in her hand. “Those nights when you came to me like that … it felt amazingly real.”

  “Better than this?” he asked, his hand sliding over hers, his thumb pressing that sensitive nub between her thighs.

  “No. Not better than this.” Orianna moaned, letting her hand fall away as he took over teasing her flesh.

  It took only a few minutes before she was worked up to the point of panting. She could feel him flexing in her hand, knew he was seeking the same thing she was.

  Orianna lifted her hips, leaning forward as she guided the thick crest through her slick folds before sinking down on him. Slow and steady, allowing her body to once more get accustomed to the exquisite intrusion.

  Eclipse’s head tipped back. “Orianna … sezari. Fuck, you feel good.”

  She didn’t know why, but she loved that word, especially when he said it that way, almost reverently. Didn’t matter that he followed it with crude curses, that only proved how intense the moment was.

  Eclipse’s hands slid up her thighs, squeezing gently as she rocked her hips forward and back, taking more of him inside her. He never rushed her, offering himself up for her pleasure, urging her to continue with the deep rumbles that escaped him. It was almost as though he was purring, and she took it as encouragement, giving her permission to let herself go.

  When his hands lifted, his fingers brushing over her nipples, Orianna leaned into them, sighing as he kneaded the sensitive flesh. She began rocking faster, chasing the orgasm that seemed to stay just out of reach, pleasure crashing like waves against the rocky shoreline.

  Take what you need, sezari.

  Orianna locked eyes with Eclipse, held on as she willed him to continue.

  I was with you then like I’m with you now. Always. Forever.

  A lightning bolt of lust slammed into her as his voice sounded in her mind.

  “More,” she whispered as she toppled forward. “I need more.”

  Eclipse’s big hand curled behind her head as he guided her mouth to his. Their tongues twined and danced as he took control, pumping his hips up, driving into her. Orianna held herself still, loving the way he filled her completely. The urgent shift of his hips told her he was close.

  Suddenly he pulled his mouth from hers and growled. “Come for me, Orianna. Let me feel you.”

  The desperate plea was what set her off, her body shattering into brilliant fragments of light and energy. Her fingertips tingled as the orgasm consumed her.

  A disappointed sigh escaped when Eclipse pulled out. But it didn’t last long because he flipped her onto her stomach before sliding into her from behind, driving deeper than he’d been before. Orianna gripped the sheets in her fist as he filled her to overflowing. When she felt his breath on her shoulder, she tilted her head, wanting to feel his lips on her neck, his fangs in her flesh.

  His soft rumble said he knew what she was thinking.

  “Please,” she whimpered, pushing back against every delicious thrust, attempting to increase the friction.

  Those soft lips grazed her skin seconds before he pierced her. Once more she was flying, and the sensation was mind-blowing. Not only was she aware of him moving inside her, it felt as though they were connected on a much deeper level. Then an odd thought flitted through her mind. What does his blood taste like?

  Eclipse growled roughly before he released her neck. His tongue swiped over her once, twice and then his weight lifted off her as he began plowing into her from behind. Orianna cried out as unimaginable pleasure consumed her.

  She’d hoped it would never end when another orgasm barreled down on her, ignited by one final thrust of Eclipse’s hips and that deep rumble that reverberated in his chest.

  Orianna relaxed into the mattress, then didn’t move a muscle. She couldn’t. Sleep pulled her under even as he remained deep inside her.

  Although he’d originally rejected nearly every invite to join the others for both the evening and morning meal, Oliver woke tonight feeling a bit different. Maybe optimistic, even.

  He wasn’t sure what it was, or why he was compelled to get into the thick of things, but he couldn’t shake it. Even the twenty-minute shower hadn’t returned his shit-on-the-world attitude, and quite frankly, it was starting to bug him.

  And okay, fine, maybe these people didn’t deserve his fuck-the-world bullshit. They had, after all, given him the opportunity to fit in here. Now that he wasn’t being held against his will, he could admit that he didn’t mind the angels so much. Mostly. Not that he stayed because of them. Nope, he owed that to Penelope, though he wouldn’t be the one to tell her as much.

  Oliver knew he was hard on his sister, more so than she deserved, but he had his reasons. More accurately, he carried the secrets of his mother and father, the ones they pleaded with him not to tell Penelope. Despite his anger and hatred for dear old Mom and Dad, Oliver had managed to keep them to himself all these years. And he fully intended to keep right on doing so, provided one of those sneaky angels didn’t slip off into his head and uncover the cold hard truths. By keeping his distance, he ensured they didn’t have the opportunity.

  “Good evening, sire,” Phillip greeted when Oliver joined the man in the kitchen.

  “Evening, Phillip,” he said kindly.

  For some strange reason, Oliver liked Phillip and Jeffrey and the two dozen or so others who worked within the mansion. As a matter of fact, he liked all of the staff in the angels’ employ, which was another thing that baffled him. From the moment of his arrival here, even during those days when he was forced to stay, they’d all been gracious and kind. He’d yet to find a reason to send a scathing remark their way.

  Perhaps he was evolving.

  “The evening meal shall be served momentarily, sire. May I get you anything while you wait?”

  “I’m good. Thanks,” he called out as he strolled through the open doors to the dining room, expecting the place to be empty.

  His breath caught in his throat when he saw her sitting in the far corner. The most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on was making herself comfortable at a table near the shuttered window, her attention on an electronic tablet in front of her. Oliver didn’t recognize her, but that wasn’t surprising. These days, more and more of the angels and Fae were traipsing in and out of the house. Now that Penelope had helped them to devise a schedule to allow some to come home while others went out, there was always a new face here at Angel Central.

  But none of them held a candle to this particular face.

  God, she was lovely. The silky shine of her midnight hair, the smoothness of her fair complexion, long, dark lashes that shielded what he could only assume were beautiful eyes…

  As though she heard his thoughts, the woman’s head lifted, eyes landing on him.

  Holy mother of God, those eyes were so much more than beautiful … a pure crystal green that shimmered and glowed. And those soft pink lips…

  Oliver stood there, completely lost in her beauty while she studied him, a quiet inspection from head to toe before a small smile pulled at her succulent mouth.

  “Good evening,” she said kindly, her voice as lovely as her face.

  “Hi … uh … good … hi.” Yep, that was him, unable to string together a sentence.

  Like the others he’d encountered here—aside from the staff—she didn’t conform to social
niceties. She didn’t avert her eyes, merely stared as though she expected a third eyeball to sprout on his forehead, or maybe another nose.

  “Would you care to join me?” she offered.

  “Yes.” Though the word came out, his feet didn’t move.

  She motioned to the chair beside her. “Perhaps you’d like to have a seat.”

  A seat. Yes, he would like to have one. Now.

  Why wouldn’t his feet move?

  The sound of laughter rumbling behind him got his legs with the program. He moved toward her, intent on utilizing that chair beside her before someone else did the honor.

  As he neared, an odd feeling overcame him, one he wasn’t sure he’d ever experienced before. In that brief moment in time, Oliver got the strangest sensation he was in an alternate reality, one where only the two of them existed. Gone was the hatred and anger he’d been filled with for years, in its place, a sense of … well, he’d go so far as to say it was peace, but it was so foreign, he wasn’t sure he could accurately name it.

  Somehow, he managed to pull out the chair, to drop his ass into the seat, all while never looking away from her.

  The woman held out her hand, and Oliver lost all sense of decorum, staring at it unexpectedly, as though he had no idea what to do with it. Or maybe he was scared to touch her. Fearful that if he did, he would never want to let go.

  “My name is Bijou,” she said kindly. “My father is Kaj.”

  “Kaj?” Oliver tried to place the name, couldn’t. “Bijou.”

  She smiled and he nearly fell out of his chair. “You must be Penelope’s brother. Oliver, is it?”

  He nodded, dumbfounded.

  Before she could lower her hand, Oliver’s shot out, clasping hers as though it were a lifeline that would pull him out of the treacherous water and right to the shore.

  Delicate fingers curled around his, shaking gently but firmly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Yes,” he rasped, unable to look away.

  Someone cleared their throat from across the room, startling Oliver out of his stupor. When he looked up, he noticed a big male staring back at them. His icy green eyes were similar to Bijou’s. He had the same onyx hair, the same fair coloring…


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