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Salvation in Darkness

Page 39

by Nicole Edwards

  Not that he blamed her. When he’d walked away, Kaj had known he’d hurt her. It hadn’t been his intention, but when she refused to go with him, he’d had no choice. And that was one of the main reasons he’d decided to settle down nearby. Perhaps if she could remain close to the angels, Acadia wouldn’t keep pushing him away.

  Daring to move closer, he took each step with caution. One foot then the other.

  Acadia remained where she stood, her eyes locked on his face. He could see the wariness in her eyes. She wanted him but she didn’t want to want him. He knew the feeling. It was what had plagued him for the eighteen months he’d been away from her. His heart had remained here while his duty was with the vampires. As it was, his absence had led to the demise of his father. Kaj couldn’t help thinking if he hadn’t been injured, hadn’t taken shelter here, that his father would still be alive.

  Since he couldn’t change the past, Kaj knew he had no choice but to make plans for the future. Taking care of his clans was paramount. Shoring up their armies and preparing them for battle against the shadow beasts was critical to their existence.

  But his heart was here with her and it always would be.

  “I’ve moved into the vacated residence nearby,” he told her, watching her face to gauge her reaction.

  “And this concerns me how?”

  Kaj smiled, stepping in close now that he realized she was not going to run from him.

  “Because it’s where I would like you to reside,” he said softly, lifting his hand and brushing the tips of his fingers over her smooth cheek.

  For a moment, Acadia closed her eyes. Kaj could hear the rapid thump of her heart, knew she was affected by his nearness.

  “I cannot abandon the warriors.”

  “No one’s asking you to,” he assured her. “When you’re ready, you’ll come to me, Acadia.”

  Her eyes opened, meeting his. “I’ve been thinking about that.”


  “And I’m not convinced this is a good mating. You and me.”

  Kaj smirked. “Balisra, that is not up to you to decide. The Fates have already sealed it. My heart, my very soul shall always belong to you.”

  She shook her head as though that would void his statement.

  He leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers, then reverted to his native language to express his feelings. “’Tis true, my sweet love. My heart, body, and soul are forevermore yours. There is nothing either of us shall do to change that.”

  Because he knew she didn’t understand, he relayed them in another way, curling his finger beneath her chin and tilting her head back. He met her lips with his, brushing them ever so softly.

  “When you are ready, Acadia, know I am waiting for you.”

  “If you are not here, I shall have to feed from another,” she said softly.

  Kaj pulled back, curled his hand over her cheek, and met her stare. “Balisra, it would be my honor as well as my pleasure to feed you. You must only ask.”

  “Will you feed from anyone else?”

  He shook his head. “I would rather die before I touched the flesh of another female.”

  Which was part of the problem. He hadn’t fed for a few days now, and his strength was waning.

  “Would you oblige me now, balisra?”

  Acadia nodded.

  It was all he could do not to weep, her grace unparalleled. Despite the fact he’d hurt her heart and she refused to believe he would forever remain true, his sweet Acadia still provided him the gift of life.

  The pain was unbearable.

  Thankfully, the nausea had finally abated a few hours ago, but without that discomfort plaguing her, the ache within had become her sole focus.

  Orianna had ignored it for the longest time, waiting patiently for the heurosp to tend to her, cleaning the bathroom and tidying up while Eclipse met with his brothers. She’d even managed a shower, having grown tired of her own skin after nearly two days of feeling as though she was dying.

  Now that she was finally alone, Orianna was racked with a heat that encompassed her entire being.

  Initially, she’d paced the room from one end to the other. Back and forth, back and forth. When her legs trembled from the weight, she settled onto the bed, laid out over the silky comforter. Then the scrape of her clothing had become an irritant she could no longer handle, so she’d stripped. The bedding beneath her had cooled the heat for a few minutes, but even that was fleeting.

  What she needed was Eclipse, but Orianna was beginning to wonder if this persistent ache would ever be fully quenched. It seemed to be intensifying the longer they were together, when in reality, it should’ve been easing off. That was the way it worked in the human realm, at least. Fireworks and sparks in the beginning, then a steady simmer, and finally a cooldown when the other’s familiar comfort overrode that unbridled desire. Or at least that was how she’d always thought it to work. Maybe some people went hog wild right out of the gate and it lasted for eternity.

  Of course, she knew this was some strange angel phenomenon, but come on! At what point did it give up the ghost? They were together, for goodness sake. What more did the … whoever was in charge of this want? An eternal flame that engulfed them both, rendering them useless?

  Orianna wasn’t sure she could handle that sort of flame. She was more of a gentle-flicker kinda girl.

  A distressed moan surfaced, her back arching as her hands slid over her breasts. The sensation of her own touch sparked the heat, but she knew it would only make it worse. She needed Eclipse. And she wasn’t sure she could wait.

  When he didn’t come, fear consumed her. He’d always come to her when she was in need of him. For weeks now, he’d offered himself up to her, soothing her as well as himself. Even when he hadn’t been close, he’d seemed to sense her need.

  So where was he? Why wasn’t he helping her?

  A tear leaked out of her eye, dripping down her cheek.

  Had he abandoned her like everyone else in her life? Placed her on a shelf to collect dust? Maybe all that hurling had turned him off. He’d finally seen real life closing in and decided it wasn’t for him.

  Then it dawned on her. She had told him she loved him, but he hadn’t returned the sentiment. Not in her language, anyway. What if those words he’d spoken had been a gentle letdown, not a declaration of love? Maybe he thought she could take care of herself. After all, she had told him as much when she’d refused to stay with him in the basement of her mother’s house. And she had handled the situation. Not quite well, mind you, but in a manner that hadn’t allowed things to get out of control.

  Her core was aflame, like center-of-the-Earth hot, and there was no way she could cool it on her own.

  Figuring she could explore her options, since she had no other alternatives, Orianna closed her eyes and slipped her fingers between her legs.

  “Oh, God.” That gentle brush against her flesh had chills racing down her spine, sending tingling sensations to every limb. She aimed for more, centering on her clit. If she could spark one good orgasm, perhaps she could rest for a while.

  Before long, the whimpers and moans were more from frustration than satisfaction. She thrashed on the bed, anger bubbling up because she needed relief, and this wasn’t helping.

  “Sezari? Oh, fuck, baby.”

  Her eyes shot open at the sound of Eclipse’s voice. He was tearing off his T-shirt as he strolled toward her. Her gaze settled upon all that smooth, rippling flesh, and her fingers suddenly itched to wander and explore. Though seeing him did nothing to quell the urge, it gave her a distraction. He was truly beautiful. The sexy mohawk, those iridescent eyes, the strong chin. And his body … it was absolute perfection. Long, lean, thick with muscle.


  “I’m here, sezari.”

  There was a thump, then another as his boots hit the floor. His jeans went next, and finally he was crawling over her. Like the poles of magnets, her hands clutched him, arms sliding around his torso as
she pulled him down to her.

  “I thought you left me,” she mumbled, burying her face in his neck as she let his warmth infuse her.

  “Never, sezari.”

  “I’m sorry,” she continued. “Sorry if I’m too independent. It was ingrained in me. I don’t mean—”

  “Shh, baby. You’re perfect just the way you are.” His lips grazed her forehead, her cheek, lower.

  When his mouth fused to hers, Orianna whimpered, absorbing him into every inch of her.

  There was no foreplay, but Orianna didn’t need it. Right now, she wanted him inside her, filling her, consuming her. He slid his arm beneath her right leg, drawing it up, her knee curving over his forearm and then … mother of all things holy, he was sinking inside her.

  Orianna bit his shoulder as pleasure overrode the ache. It wasn’t enough, but it was exactly what she needed. She held on tightly as he pumped his hips, the friction bringing tears to her eyes, the relief so intense.

  Eclipse’s head lowered, his face pressed against her shoulder as he held himself over her and gave her what she needed. Thrust and retreat, again and again, until the only thing she knew was the feel of him surrounding her.

  She wasn’t sure how many times she came, but like every time his body molded to hers, it didn’t matter. He shattered her on so many levels, physical was only a part of it. But it felt amazing, her hands running over smooth, warm skin, his back muscles flexing beneath her palms as he arched and bowed.

  “You feel so good, sezari.” His voice cracked, as though the emotion couldn’t be contained by the vibration of his vocal cords.

  Tears fell down her cheeks as she held on for dear life. He was there with her, right there in that very moment. She could feel not only his physical presence but something more. It was what she’d needed all her life, someone who would care for her, love her. Not because she was a means to an end but because she was what he needed as well.

  Eclipse’s rhythm slipped, his erection driving deep inside her again and again, but she could feel his body vibrating beneath her palms.

  “I love you, sezari,” he whispered against her ear. “You’re my everything. My here and now. My tomorrow. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

  Her nails dug into his back as those words pierced her heart, the heat swelling, encompassing her entire being until she was shuddering.

  “Eclipse … please…” Orianna cried out as he drove into her one final time.

  His muscles tensed, his head tilting back, and that familiar growl escaped him, a low, guttural sound that shattered her once more.

  Eclipse collapsed beside her, pulling her into his body, his arm beneath her head. He held her tightly to him, as though he feared she would slip away if he didn’t. Her breaths were labored, her body slick with sweat from the workout they’d just had, but she didn’t care if he squeezed the life out of her.

  “I love you, sezari, with all that I am.”

  Those words … they were what she’d needed to hear. A balm to her soul.

  She was right where she wanted to be, but more importantly, she had needed the reassurance that she was right where he wanted her to be.

  What the fuck? Seriously?”

  The question rumbled through the mansion as the sexual energy slammed through everyone inside.

  “Oh, fuck…”

  Males and females began scrambling, searching for someone to assuage the ache. Those who’d yet to experience the phenomenon appeared dumbfounded by the overwhelming sensation, the desperate need to fuck, but even they had the sense to know how to handle themselves. Oliver could hear their moans and sighs, flesh against flesh. It was the same sounds that encompassed the mansion whenever that strange energy flooded it.

  As he stood at the edge of the pool, he inhaled deeply, trying to fight it off. His shorts scraped against his oversensitive skin, the urge to rip them off nearly too great to resist.

  Had it not been for the female staring back at him with wide, uncertain eyes, he would’ve stumbled somewhere private, used his hand to release the frustration that was steadily growing into an overwhelming need. It wasn’t ideal, but it was what he’d had to do whenever it happened. If he didn’t, he feared his balls would explode.

  “Oliver?” Bijou’s green eyes were locked on him. “What is that? Why does it keep happening?”

  Even as she spoke, she stumbled toward the sauna, where she’d been headed before the wave crashed.

  “Oh, God!” Her head tilted back, the sleek line of her luscious neck beckoning him.

  “It’s okay,” he urged. “Come on.”

  Summoning as much energy as he could, he helped her into the ten-by-ten room, eased her onto one of the teak benches. The thing was maintained at a steady temperature, so it was already ridiculously warm. Perhaps not the best place for someone whose hormones were obliterated.

  When Bijou rolled onto her back, Oliver fought the urge to mount her. It was an animalistic reaction, one spurred by whatever the phenomenon was. No one seemed to have the answers, and yes, he’d attempted to get them after the first time his body had been assaulted by the overwhelming need to fuck. Oliver knew if he sank inside her, it would ease the ache for both of them, but…

  Truth was, he’d thought of little else since he’d first laid eyes on her in the dining room.

  “Please…” Her head lifted, eyes pleading. “Oliver, please…”

  Fucking hell. He wanted nothing more than to fall into her, but he knew that was stupid. They were only friends. Bijou deserved so much better than the likes of him. Even temporarily. Considering he’d fucked a demon … he couldn’t fathom sliding inside her sweet, warm heat, tainting her with the darkness of his soul.

  Never mind the fact they were of two completely different species. He wasn’t even sure their biologies were the same even if their instincts were.

  Her hand lifted, reaching for him.

  Oliver wasn’t even aware he’d moved, but the next thing he knew, she had pulled him down with her.

  The sweet scent of gardenias flooded his senses, made his head spin.


  “I need you,” she whimpered, pressing his hand to her breast.

  Though he made no move to take advantage, the beautiful female thrust her chest into his hand, her hips rocking beneath his.

  “It’ll pass,” he promised her. He’d experienced it enough to know. All they had to do was hold out and it would dissipate. The lingering need would eventually subside.

  Although he was starting to question that.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded, reaching for him.

  Oliver knew she would regret this, but his willpower waned, leaving him vulnerable to her desires and his own.

  Gripping her hair, he kept their mouths separated by a mere centimeter. Their breaths mingled, the need consuming them both.

  “Please, Oliver … I want you.”

  Lifting his head, he met her gaze, got lost in the sparkling green depths. She held his stare for long seconds, and within those phosphorescent orbs, he could see the approval, but he knew she wasn’t thinking clearly.

  “Fuck.” He groaned low in his throat as his mouth crushed to hers.

  A fury unlike anything he’d ever known ignited inside him, a desperate ache that had nothing to do with the energy cast off by whoever was responsible. This was something else, something more. He felt as though his skin was too small for his body, the flesh holding in a power too strong for it to maintain.

  Bijou’s soft hands slid over his wet skin, her cool fingers gliding down his back once, twice. When her nails sank into him, he hissed, the pleasure overriding any possible pain.

  “We can’t do this,” he growled, trying to refrain, failing miserably.

  “We have to,” she countered, pulling his mouth back to hers.

  She was far stronger than she appeared, her hands holding him there despite his best efforts to retreat. Or perhaps that was his brain making excuses, because there was no denying h
e wanted her more than he wanted air. This was the perfect opportunity, one the old Oliver never would’ve passed up.

  But he wasn’t that man anymore. He’d changed in the short time he’d been here in the mansion. The last thing he wanted was to take advantage of Bijou, to rip through the fabric of their newly forming friendship.

  In an effort to help ease her pain, Oliver pressed his thigh between her legs, ground against the heat he could feel through her bathing suit. Fucking hell. She was so hot…

  “Oliver!” Bijou cried out even as she attempted to slide her hands between their bodies.

  Knowing only one way to sate her and not take advantage, Oliver gripped her wrists, held them flat against the wood.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered, the deep rumble of his voice catching her attention.

  Though she trembled, she didn’t move. Not even when he shifted to the end of the bench, lowering his knees to the floor as he settled between her thighs. The scent of her arousal had him groaning, his cock throbbing painfully, desperate to feel her sliding over him.

  “Please, Oliver. Help me. Make it stop.”

  A dark rumble escaped him as he pulled her toward him, bringing his mouth closer to her sex. Bijou accommodated him, placing her feet on the edge of the bench, her knees dropping open. Tugging the wet fabric of her bathing suit to the side, he used his fingers to spread her smooth, hairless lips before lowering his head. Her juices coated his tongue, sweet ambrosia flooding his senses as he used his tongue to sate her desire.

  “Oh, God! Oliver … that’s … oh … yes!”

  Bijou’s hand sank into his hair, holding firmly as he suckled her clit, eager to give her the release she was so desperate to achieve. Truth was, he could’ve spent the rest of his fucking life with his face buried between her legs. He’d never tasted anything as fucking sweet as her, and those noises she was making… Pain infused him, made his head swim. His balls ached, but he ignored his own body as he worked her closer to climax.

  “More, Oliver…” The soft, tormented whisper nearly broke him.


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