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Salvation in Darkness

Page 48

by Nicole Edwards

  Though she’d had a full night, Orianna had purposely not worked to the point of exhaustion. Now that the morning meal was finished, she was in their private suite, awaiting Eclipse’s return. He’d mentioned wanting to go check on Obsidian and Penelope, so she had taken the opportunity to sneak in and set the mood. A couple of candles, the fire burning in the fireplace, and she was good to go. The heurosp had already come in and turned down the bed, so there was nothing for her to do there.

  Figuring she had a few minutes, she made a beeline for the bathroom and washed her face. She followed it by brushing her teeth, then slipping into the closet to change. She had just pulled on one of Eclipse’s long-sleeve button-downs and had managed to push one button through the little hole when he appeared in the doorway looking like sin on legs.

  Because he was inspecting her like she was dessert and he didn’t know where to start first, Orianna slipped another button into place, then another, efficiently concealing her nakedness behind the dark fabric.

  “Not sure why you’re bothering.” That gruff rasp in his voice told her he was as eager for her plans as she was.

  “Did the candles tip you off?” she teased, hooking another button as she stepped toward him.

  Eclipse shook his head. “I can smell you.”

  A shiver ran down her spine.

  She was about to tease him with something else, but the words died on her tongue when he surged forward, pinning her against the four-sided, waist-high dresser in the center of the closet. Orianna had enough breath to giggle, but then that disappeared when he lifted her up and set her on the smooth marble top. There was no romance associated with his actions—he was far too intent for that—but she was absolutely fine with the whole caveman thing. Based on the hungry expression on his face, foreplay was about to ensue, and there was no reason to hold him back.

  Orianna shrieked when he gripped her calves and lifted her legs, spreading them wide. She was forced to put her hands behind her to keep from sliding on the smooth surface, and when she did, Eclipse took full advantage, his mouth finding her hot, aching sex.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned, easing onto her back and offering herself up to that exquisite tongue of his.

  It was then she realized there was a mirror on the ceiling. A freaking mirror.

  Holy shit. The scene that appeared there—her on her back, Eclipse’s dark head between her legs—that was erotic and mind-blowing.

  The racy image disappeared when Orianna closed her eyes, pleasure licking at ever nerve ending, building deep within her.

  Eclipse feasted on her like a starving man, licking, sucking, driving her right to the edge and over within minutes. But he didn’t stop there. No, her male made up for lost time, making her head spin with one orgasm after another until she was too sensitive for more. Only when she pleaded did he lift his head and meet her gaze. She half expected him to carry her out of the closet and into their bedroom, but he clearly had other plans.

  The partially buttoned shirt that covered her was no match for him. Eclipse gripped both sides and ripped it wide, the little buttons pinging off the glass doors that protected their clothes. Then the warm suction of his mouth was on her breast, her hand speared in his mohawk so she could ensure he didn’t get away. She could tell he was working his jeans off, and she wished she’d been in a position to help, because it was taking too damn long.

  When he dragged her to her feet, she squealed again, giggling as he spun her to face away from him. Before her hands caught purchase on the dresser, the shirt was tugged down her arms and left somewhere on the floor.

  The floor-length mirror was directly in front of them, offering quite the view even with the dresser blocking part of the scene playing out.

  “Brace yourself, sezari.”

  She did and just in time. Eclipse held nothing back when he pushed deep inside her, filling her, stretching her. It was absolute perfection, and she wondered how the heck they’d managed to go nearly a week without it.

  The two figures in the mirror were hotter than she’d expected, but mostly she loved watching Eclipse as he drove in deep, the sheer pleasure etched in the handsome lines of his face.

  His silver stare met hers in the mirror and held for long moments while he drove them both toward that inevitable peak.

  As his hips thrust against her, his hand appeared, sliding her hair back from her neck. Orianna tilted her head, never looking away as his fangs descended. He held her gaze as he leaned in, but then his eyes closed as he sank into her flesh. The orgasm was instant. It rocketed through her, making her legs weak. Thank goodness they had the furniture in the closet.

  For long minutes, Eclipse took by way of feeding and gave by way of screwing deep inside her. She lost track of her orgasms as they all blended into one glorious release. When his fangs retracted from her neck and his eyes met hers once more in the mirror, her sex clenched around him.

  Eclipse growled low in his throat, a warning he was close.

  “Let me feel you,” she said, holding his gaze in the mirror. “Come deep inside me.”

  The roar that split the air had the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as another lightning bolt struck. She watched his face, saw the moment he let himself go. He was the sexiest male she’d ever laid eyes on. More so now than even those four short months ago when they’d met. Funny because, at the time of their introduction, she’d thought no male could possibly be hotter. At some point along the way, he’d even outdone himself. Probably because she was seeing more than the attractive exterior. Beneath was just as alluring, maybe even more so.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  His eyes lifted, the silver glowing brightly as they did when his emotions came to the surface. “My heart belongs to you and you alone because you are my heart.”

  Orianna smiled. It was what she’d first learned to say in his language.

  She leaned her head against his cheek. “And you, my sexy reuthet, are my salvation.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  He came awake in the darkened room, his ears tuning in to see if he’d imagined someone calling his name.


  A soft hand landed firmly on his forearm.


  “It’s time, Obsidian.”

  Time? Time for—

  “Oh, fuck!” He was out of the bed and on his feet before his eyes were completely focused. A toe met the edge of the bed. A snarl ensued as pain bloomed hot and bright in his foot. He stumbled, damn near going to a knee but managing to hold himself upright as he tumbled forward onto the mattress, catching himself with his arms.

  He was so damn ready to be back in their bedroom.

  Penelope chuckled and a lamp turned on, then another.

  As he stood buck naked at the foot of the bed, he stared at his ereswa, wondering if she’d just played a prank on him. He scanned her face and realized the sweat dotting her forehead wasn’t likely the result of her amusement with his unfamiliar-room acrobatics.

  When she went to sit up, he stumbled around to her side of the bed. “Here. Let me help you.”

  “You, my dear reuthet, should probably put some pants on.”

  Right. Pants.

  As she dangled her legs over the side of the bed, Obsidian snagged his jeans from the floor. He’d discarded them there when he’d crashed for the day, so they’d work for now. He didn’t bother with a shirt or shoes. No time.

  “We don’t have far to go,” she told him when he damn near tangled his cock in his zipper. “No need to rush.”

  “You’re having a baby,” he countered. “I’d say that’s a damn good reason to rush.”

  “Are you sure you’re going to be able to do this?”

  “What?” He frowned. “You’re the one who’s got the hard job. Why are you asking me shit like that?”

  Obsidian held out his hand to help her to her feet. Her small hand went to her belly, her breaths a bit more lab
ored than he’d realized.

  “Oh, fuck it.” He lifted her into his arms. “I’m carrying you.”

  Another soft giggle. “I really can walk, you know.”

  “You shouldn’t have to.” In fact, he didn’t want her to have to do anything more than … whatever was necessary to get that baby out.

  Penelope’s arms wrapped around his neck, and though he could tell she was uncomfortable, she did her best to soothe him. “Breathe, honey.”

  Yeah. There’d be time for breathing later. Right now, he needed to get his female to the birthing room they’d set up for this very purpose.

  “Did you call Dr. A?” he asked.

  “Yep. Before I woke you up.”

  He paused and stared down at her. “What? You told her before you told me?”

  Penelope’s smile was radiant. “I’ve been timing the contractions for the past two and a half hours, Obsidian. I wasn’t about to wake you so you could do this”—she motioned to him carrying her—“before it was really time.”

  He grunted but started walking again.

  The trip from their bedroom to the infirmary was less than a minute, and when he arrived, he was surprised to see Amethyst and Apollo both there, getting everything set up. The entire space was brightly lit from the LEDs in the ceilings, intensified by all the white—floors, walls, trim. The only color was the dark blue of the scrubs both healers wore. The scent of Lysol drifted in the space, like it had recently been wiped down.

  Both healers looked up when he appeared, their eyes scanning the scene before them. Apollo offered an amused smirk and Amethyst’s smile was a bit more subtle.

  She motioned him toward the room to the right of the small station that held a computer and a printer. “You can get her comfortable.”

  He managed a nod, strolled past the healers and into the twenty-by-twenty room. It was about twice the size of the rooms they used to treat injuries, but he figured it was necessary since they had quite a bit more equipment set up, including what appeared to be a box to hold the baby. It wasn’t a box, of course, but to his overtaxed brain, it might as well have been.

  Realizing he wasn’t moving, Obsidian got with the program. He strolled to the bed and set Penelope down as though she was made of blown glass. He waited until she confirmed she was situated before releasing her and standing to his full height. Unable to help himself, he fluffed a pillow and propped it behind her head, removing the flat one. He then fluffed that pillow, too, and set it under her left arm so she could prop up a bit. On to finding the controls for the bed, he passed that over to Penelope, not wanting to hit something that might launch her across the room.

  Fuck, why was it so hot in here?

  He wiped his brow with the back of his hand and forced a smile. “Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

  Penelope looked up at him, those golden eyes glowing, her face radiant even with perspiration on her upper lip. “I’m perfect.”

  Yes, she was, but that was beside the point.

  When Apollo stepped into the room, Obsidian growled low in his throat, reaching down and dragging the thin cotton sheet up over Penelope, covering her from the waist down. She was appropriately dressed, wearing one of his dark T-shirts, in fact, but the beast within didn’t appreciate another male in the same room as her.

  “Don’t worry, big guy,” the healer said. “I’ve done this a million times, but I’m going to excuse myself from the room during her exams as well as the birth. Wouldn’t want you getting all territorial on me when they need you focused.”

  The male stepped forward, turning his full attention to Penelope. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. I’m good.”

  “Won’t be long now.” Apollo tapped the side rail of her bed before turning away.

  Another growl rumbled up Obsidian’s throat. He didn’t mean to go all He-man on the healer, but there was no denying Obsidian didn’t like the idea of any male looking at his female in any capacity, much less while she was only partially dressed. Healer or not.

  Apollo put a hand on Amethyst’s shoulder, leaned in. “I’ll be monitoring her vitals outside the room. I’ll be on standby if you need me.”

  Amethyst turned to look at Obsidian. “I will need him to come in once the baby’s born. It’ll be easier with two of us. That way I can continue to take care of her.”

  “Is there a problem?” he asked, suddenly feeling as though there wasn’t enough air in the ridiculously hot room.

  “Not at all. And we don’t anticipate there will be. Everything shows to be perfectly normal. Her vitals are good.”

  “Take a breath, big guy,” Apollo said before stepping out into the hall.

  Breath. Yes. That would probably be a good idea.

  Maybe more than one.

  Okay, maybe not that many or that fast.

  Obsidian was light-headed.

  “Have a seat,” Amethyst urged, dragging a chair toward him. “Now.”

  With his eyes on Penelope, Obsidian eased into the chair. His ereswa was smiling. Smiling. She held out her hand, and after a second, his brain got with the program. He reached for her, linking their fingers.

  She relaxed back on the bed and stared over at him, another beautiful smile forming. “You’ll be fine, Obsidian. I promise.”

  For fuck’s sake.

  And here he’d thought he would be the one taking care of her.

  Although he’d been trying to keep watch over Obsidian and Penelope, Michael heard the news of the birth via a message from the child’s guardian angel.

  A fucking message.

  No sooner had it come in than he disappeared himself.

  It had taken a breath for him to vanish to Earth and take form in the infirmary. Easy peasy.

  Or not.

  Evidently, Michael had overshot his trajectory, and rather than end up in the main waiting area, he found himself in a storage closet, his wings pinned up against a boatload of little rolls of white paper. When he turned, he knocked a few to the floor. In his attempt to pick them up, he knocked over a few more. That was when he said fuck it, as Shadow liked to say.

  Michael frowned, pushed his way out of the closet, and stumbled into another anteroom before finally making it to the waiting room proper.

  It was empty.

  Where was everyone?

  Surely they hadn’t decided to do this in a bedchamber. That seemed … awkward.

  Michael strolled across the gleaming white tile that reminded him far too much of Heaven. He leaned forward, glanced down the wide hallway that led back to the bar—nothing and no one—then the opposite direction, leading to the winding tunnels that ended at the vampire lair.

  Not a soul.


  What the hell?

  The gentle click of a door came from behind him. Michael spun around in time to see Obsidian’s broad back as he pulled a door closed behind him. When he turned around…

  Michael’s heart stopped beating. His lungs ceased to inflate. He was pretty sure his molecules dissolved into nothingness and wouldn’t have been surprised if he simply drifted on the warm air pushed through those metal squares in the ceiling.

  Obsidian smiled. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  Speaking required breath, so it took a moment to get his shit together, but he managed to squeak out a response. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.”

  Michael’s gaze darted between Obsidian’s face and the tiny bundle he held in his arms.

  A thick hand reached up and landed on Michael’s shoulder. He felt it even through the armor plating that protected him.

  It took effort, but he tore his gaze from the babe, meeting Obsidian’s eyes. “Healthy? Strong? How about Penelope? She okay?”

  “Everyone’s perfect.”

  Michael believed Obsidian’s tone more so than words, and based on the relief he detected, they were all well. Thanks be to God.

  “I’d like you to meet our daughter.”

  A daughter. A
precious baby girl. The pink blanket and cap should’ve given that away, but … yeah.

  “She’s beautiful,” Michael heard himself say.


  His gaze shot up to Obsidian’s face as every cell in his body stopped firing at once and there was a weird buzzing in his head and a strange sensation in his chest. Pressure. So much pressure.

  The firm hand on his shoulder tightened ever so slightly, pulling him back together.

  “Ari’el,” he whispered, eyes lowering to the babe as a tear formed. He hadn’t shed any since … not since his sweet ereswa had been taken from him. Her name: Ari’el.

  “Without you, she wouldn’t be here,” Obsidian said, his voice low and reflecting the same emotion filling Michael’s chest.

  Memories of that day on the front lawn of the mansion, Eevuhl coming at them, coming for the baby… “That was as much you as—”

  Obsidian canted his head to the side, waiting until Michael looked at him again. When he did, he said, “I’m not talking about that.”

  Michael stared at the male he’d created, the one he considered his only child. Was he saying…?

  “Fuck me running,” he mumbled, using that weird turn of phrase Eclipse had always been so fond of. He’d never understood what it meant, still didn’t, but it seemed fitting somehow.

  Obsidian chuckled. “You want to hold her?”

  Michael felt as though he should bow before her for some reason. He refrained and managed a nod instead.

  When she was placed in his arms, Michael stared down at the most precious thing to have ever touched him. Perhaps she was not of his blood, but she was as much his as Obsidian was, and that … for him that was everything. They were all he had of his very own and he’d take it.

  His eyes remained on her, scanning the tiny face, her little pink nose, the wisps of black hair peeking out from beneath that pink cap. He wondered what her fingers and toes looked like. Were they equally small?

  There was a sound behind him—a door opening, footsteps, a lot of them, actually. Instinct had his wings closing around him, shielding the baby in his arms to ensure no one harmed her.


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