Book Read Free

Mr. Satisfaction

Page 19

by Jackson, Brenda

  “As opposed to my stay-at-home-mom salary,” she said.

  “Kristen, being a mother is the hardest job in the world. This watch doesn’t come close to reflecting what you truly deserve. I’m just happy to have you as a best friend.”

  “I don’t mean to put a damper on our joyous occasion, but have you heard from Maurice?”

  “Nope. I did run into Vanessa, and she said they are very happy together.”

  “I’m sorry, Madison.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault that I’m such a screwup. Why did I have to call Eric for comfort? I should’ve eaten a whole carton of super-fattening ice cream like most depressed women do.”

  “You were devastated. My goodness, you just found out the man was married. That was a tough pill to swallow.”

  “I know, but if I had just waited and heard his explanation, everything would be so different right now. I can’t dwell on the what-ifs. Maurice has moved on. Now it’s time for me to do the same.”

  “That sounds like a plan to me. We can start with New Year’s Eve. The baby will be with my parents, and Kevin already has plans with his friends. We can ring in the New Year at one of those fabulous star-studded parties you’re always invited to.”

  “I have a better idea. Originally I was supposed to go to Miami with Maurice. I have a few invites for some really hot parties we can go to instead, my treat, of course. Why should I let Maurice breaking my heart wreak havoc on celebrating the New Year?”

  “That’s my girl. This will be like old times, when I was single and we ripped the streets together. Wait until I tell Kevin—he is going to be so jealous. Girl, let me go—I have so much to do,” Kristen said as she grabbed her purse and watch.

  “We haven’t even ordered our food!”

  “Fuck eating, I have to get into my bikini anyway. I’m not about to trash all the hard work I’ve been doing these last few months. I’m going to kill them in Miami.” Kristen sprinted out of the restaurant, thrilled. Madison decided this was just what she needed to take her mind off Maurice.


  Madison and Kristen arrived in Miami, ready for a fun-filled weekend. Their car service pulled up to the Shore Club, and they immediately made themselves at home in their bungalow. Kristen pulled out her bathing suit, excited about showing off her new svelte figure. Kristen wasn’t quite at her prepregnancy weight, but she only had seven more pounds to go. “I’ll see you by the pool,” Kristen said, grabbing her shades and a couple of magazines.

  “You are not playing. I mean, we just walked through the door.”

  “How often do you think I get an all-expense-paid trip to Miami? Never! I’m not wasting a minute. I’m about to lounge at the pool with a couple of those exotic drinks and pretend I’m Halle Berry herself. Now, excuse me—it’s time to put my Hollywood face on.” Kristen slipped her shades on and headed out the door for the pool.

  “By the way, you look fabulous, Kristen,” Madison yelled, wanting to compliment her friend. Madison was happy one of them was pleased to be in Miami. Even with the change in scenery and the beautiful weather, Madison’s mind continued to drift, wondering what Maurice was doing.

  Back in New York, Maurice and Vanessa were planning for their own Miami getaway. Their flight was leaving in a couple of hours, and Vanessa was packing up her last bag. She felt this vacation was just the sort of escape the two of them needed to start rebuilding their relationship. Maurice had not been himself since she came back in his life. She knew things weren’t going to get back to normal overnight, but after they made love, she thought they would at least get somewhat closer. Vanessa had to find a way to break down the wall that Maurice had up, and this trip to Miami was guaranteed to do the trick.

  “Baby, is that you?” Vanessa called out when she heard the front door open.

  “Yes, it’s me,” Maurice answered.

  “Baby, look at this sexy negligee I picked out for our trip.” Vanessa held up a short red-lace outfit that Maurice imagined Madison in when he laid eyes on it.

  “That’s lovely,” he said casually.

  “Wait until you see me in it. Then you’ll see just how lovely it is. This may be the outfit we make a baby in.”

  “What did you say?” Maurice said, taken aback with the word baby.

  “You heard me. Don’t you think it’s time for us to start a family? I would love to have a little Maurice running around here. This trip would be a perfect time to make that happen.”

  “Vanessa, we need to talk.”

  “We better wait until we get in the car—we don’t want to miss our flight.”

  “That’s what I need to talk to you about. There’s been a change in plans.”

  “What, we’re taking a later flight?”

  “No. You’re not going.”

  “I don’t understand,” Vanessa said, sounding perplexed. “Vanessa, I don’t love you. You coming back in my life was the best thing that ever happened to me. I realized that I’m not in love with you. Whatever we had is long gone. Seeing you and being with you again has brought our relationship full circle. We’ve had our last dance. Here take this,” Maurice said, handing a stunned Vanessa some papers.

  “What is this?”

  “Our divorce papers. I finally signed them. My lawyer has drafted a wonderful settlement for you, much more than you deserve. But it’s worth it to get you out of my life.”

  “You haven’t even given us a chance to make this work.”

  “I don’t want it to work. I’m in love with another woman. I should’ve never let her go. You messed up my life once before, and I almost let you do it again. I’m praying that it isn’t too late and Madison will take me back.”

  “You can’t seriously be going back to her. You think I broke your heart? That woman will eat you up and spit you out.”

  “No, she won’t. Unlike you, she has a heart. All she ever wanted was to find true love, and she believed she found that with me. Then due to my own insecurities I tarnished that for her. Madison has more depth than any woman I’ve ever met. She’s just misunderstood, and the one person she thought she could trust hurt her the most.”

  “That all sounds very therapeutic, but she’ll never take you back.”

  “Not if I continue to stand here discussing it with you. Now, excuse me—I have a plane to catch. Please be gone by the time I get back.” Maurice felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Now all he had to do was get the woman he loved back.

  BACK IN MIAMI, Madison and Kristen were dressed and ready to party. Madison was a vision of heaven in an optical white asymmetrical gown with a gold dragon brooch. The high-heel ankle strap shoes in gold leather brought the whole ensemble together. With her hair long and flowing, she was reminiscent of a Greek goddess. “How do I look?” she asked Kristen.

  “Bitch you know you off the hook, the question is how do I look?” Kristen twirled around in her black halter dress that accentuated her shapely figure.

  “Divine, it’s time to party!” The ladies gave each other a high-five and left. The limo turned the corner to Washington Avenue, and the crowd was overflooding the entire street. Mansion was the hottest club in South Beach, but the way the street was packed, you would’ve thought it was the only one. The art deco space was widely regarded as the crown jewel of local nightlife. When Madison and Kristen stepped out of the limo they went to the side door, where all the celebrities and VIP members entered.

  “That was simple,” Kristen said in amazement.

  “You know how I roll, and standing in line is a no-no,” Madison said as they made their way to the table in the VIP section. Although the club featured four different rooms, there was only one room that interested Madison. It was already crowded, and champagne bottles were popping. It seemed that the crowd she partied with in L.A. and New York were all in this very spot. Jay-Z and Beyonce were holding court, Lindsay Lohan and her crew were on the verge of dancing on the tables. The rappers and their ever-expanding posses wer
e making their way through. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were even cuddled in a corner. Madison could tell Kristen was already getting giddy from getting a close view of all the celebrities. No matter how many celebrity parties Madison took Kristen to, she always acted as if it were her first time. After speaking and giving industry kisses to a few people, they finally sat at their table and got comfortable.

  “This place is jam-packed,” Kristen said.

  “Yeah, and it’s only going to get more crowded. That’s why I’m glad we’re in the VIP section.” When “Lighter’s Up” by Lil’ Kim came on, Madison and Kristen stood up and started dancing to the blazing track. Song after song, the ladies continued to get their groove on. When Madison eyed her watch, she realized that in a few minutes they would begin counting down to the New Year.

  “Attention everybody,” the DJ yelled to the crowd. “It is eleven fifty-eight, and it’s almost time to ring in the New Year. Everybody fill up your glass with the bubbly or go to the bar and get a drink. It’s that time.”

  Madison and Kristen had their glass filled and counted down with everyone else, “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!” The pair gulped down their champagne and then hugged intensely. “This is the best New Year ever,” Kristen said with a wide smile. After another couple of hours of Madison and Kristen dancing the night away, the two exited the club and headed back to their hotel.

  “This was such an amazing night. Thank you for taking my mind off a really painful time,” Madison said, giving Kristen a hug as the two walked toward their bungalow.

  “If you give me the chance, maybe I can make the pain go away too,” Maurice said, and both women turned toward him.

  “You have a lot of nerve showing up here after the way you treated Madison,” Kristen said, coming to the defense of her friend.

  “Thanks, but I can handle this,” Madison said, trying to calm Kristen down. Kristen stood by Madison’s side, not budging, curious to hear what Maurice had to say.

  “Maurice, what are you doing here, and how did you find out where I was?”

  “After I begged your assistant, she told me. I’m here to plead for you to take me back. I know it seems like I keep taking you on a roller-coaster ride, but I can finally say that I’m ready.”

  “What about Vanessa? I thought you were happy together.”

  “It’s over between me and Vanessa. It actually never started. You had my heart the whole time. When I caught you with that man, my pride and ego were hurt. I know that I was sending you mixed messages, and I blame myself for you turning to him. I want us to put our past behind us and start this New Year with a clean slate.”

  “But you’re still married. I’ve done the married-man thing before, and I don’t want to live my life like that. It’s not fulfilling.”

  “I don’t want you to live your life like that either. That’s why I signed the divorce papers. Here, I brought a copy so you could see for yourself.” Maurice handed Madison the papers, and Kristen gave them a meticulous look-over.

  “Damn, M and M, this looks like the real deal,” Kristen said, astounded by the turn of events.

  “It is the real deal. Madison, I’m so in love with you. I know in my heart that you’re the only woman for me. Please come with me so I can show you just how much I love you.” By this time, tears were welling up in Kristen’s eyes.

  “Girl, I think he really love you,” Kristen said, nodding her head. “I do, more than I ever thought possible.”

  “Here, Kristen.” Madison handed her the key to the room. “I’ll call you later.” The two friends hugged each other tightly.

  “You’re doing the right thing. I think God has finally answered your prayers.” Maurice grabbed Madison’s hand, and they got into his waiting limo.

  When the limo pulled up to Bentley Bay, a brand-new luxury condominium overlooking Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami from South Beach, Madison thought it was breathtaking. “This place is beautiful.”

  “Wait till you see the magnificent porte cochere featuring a water cascade and a panoramic view of Star Island,” Maurice said, glancing at the twin tower building. They took the elevator up to the twenty-fourth floor, and Madison was amazed that there were only three to four condominiums per floor. She gasped when they entered the condo and it was surrounded with huge windows. The spectacular 180-degree views of beautiful Port of Miami and the Atlantic Ocean were awe-inspiring. Maurice had the entire decor in crisp white; it seemed as though they were floating on clouds.

  It was now three in the morning, but Maurice took her outside, where a candlelit dinner awaited them. They then took a leisurely walk down the beach, and Madison was mesmerized by how the moonlit sky highlighted the turquoise water. The canoodling pair drank champagne with chocolate-covered strawberries after finding a private spot on the beach. Before long, Madison was lying on the sand, and Maurice had one hand sliding up her silky smooth thigh. He removed her silk panties and pulled down his drawstring linen pants before entering his beach princess. Her insides were as warm as the sand underneath them. Her moistness had him feeling as if he were floating in balmy water. Madison was his heavenly haven, and for that moment it seemed like they were the only two people in the world.

  When they got inside, Maurice told Madison to wait a minute while he went upstairs. He then went back downstairs and carried her to the bathroom. He placed Madison in the tub, which was carved from a block of Italian marble. Maurice drenched her skin and she closed her eyes and put her head back as Maurice’s hands explored her body. The sizzling water was making her body perspire, and as Maurice lathered her, his fingers found their way to her wet pussy. As he hit her hot spot, she began moaning with pleasure. Maurice stroking her, eventually brought her to a climax. Madison lay still as Maurice scanned her round ample breasts, toned abs and sexy belly button, and long sculpted legs. His initial reaction was to make love to her right then, but instead he carried her out of the tub and tucked her in the canopy bed.

  “I have something for you, Madison.”

  “There’s more? You’ve already made this evening so spectacular.”

  “Hopefully this will be the finishing touch,” Maurice said, handing Madison a small Neil Lane box. She was in total awe. The sparkler was a platinum Edwardian band with three large antique-cut diamonds and lots of little diamonds decorating the ornate setting. Madison’s hands were shaking as she stared at the vintage-style ring. “You know they say a three-stone ring represents past, present, and future. I’m hoping that is what our lives will reflect,” Maurice said as he got on bended knee. “Madison Monroe, will you marry me?”

  Madison couldn’t hold back her tears. They were flowing down her cheeks. “Of course I’ll marry you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never knew how wonderful love could be until I fell in love with you. I don’t have a life without you,” Madison declared.

  The two embraced, and then Maurice slowly touched her gently as if they were making love for the very first time.

  Maurice entered her, and Madison gave a deep sigh. She knew taking him back was the right decision. When their bodies were intertwined and all of him was inside her, that was the only time Madison felt completely satisfied.

  The Morning After

  Maryann Reid


  The only things in my life that ever meant anything to me are my high-breed cocker spaniel and you.” Leonard smiled as he brought his crystal wineglass to his lips. He shifted his shoulder to the right and smiled smugly. “I love you.”

  Alexis gulped down her ‘96 Veuve Clicquot like it was grape juice. “Thank you.”

  Leonard let the glass dangle from his fingertips. “Thank you?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “A handsome, rich brother with no kids and a six-figure income just told you he loves you. And all you say is thank you?”

  Alexis sucked her lips in to hide her smile. She wished she had her five-hundred-dollar Canon d
igital on her. The look on Leonard’s face was enough to charge advertisers for.

  “What else should I say?” she asked, slipping the crisp, white napkin off her lap. “To love someone is a wonderful experience that most people want to experience in a real way. So, I am thankful to be part of that for you.”

  Leonard hissed and waved down the waiter for the check. “You know, all you black bitches are the same. Then when we have an Asian or white woman on our arm, y’all all ready to take us serious. You really got issues.”

  “I tend to believe that a forty-two-year-old man who still lives with his mama is someone with deeper issues. No six-figure-income, two-house-superman, brother-Internet profile can hide that,” Alexis said as she smacked down several twenties to pay for her meal. She didn’t want to have any more attachments to him.

  Leonard’s light-skinned face turned pink. “I’m saving for my dream home. There are too many women who would understand that.”

  “What are you saving for—Xanadu? It’s been forty-two years. Twenty years after college. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a mama’s boy!”

  “A mama’s boy? Are you outta your mind? I’m VP of Investment Marketing at my firm. And I’m not going to sit here and be disrespected.”

  “Neither am I. You’ve been stringing this relationship along for four years, and frankly, I’m tired.”

  “Like I said, I’ll have no problem finding someone else.”

  “So does that mean you don’t love me anymore?” Alexis smiled coolly, stood up, and slammed her chair in.

  Leonard’s face was frozen cold as he stared at the heels of Alexis’s Jimmy Choo stilettos marching out of that Park Avenue restaurant. She knew he’d be calling back. But this time she was through dating unavailable men like Leonard. They were married to their jobs, to themselves, or to their mamas. When she reached her Fifth Avenue penthouse, Leonard had called several times with apologies. She erased the messages one by one.

  AT TWENTY-NINE, ALEXIS had had her share of BMWs—Black Men Working—all successful brothers, gainfully employed, like Leonard. They made Alexis feel like just because they finished college and got a 401(k) plan that she should be blessed by their presence. But she wasn’t an everyday woman willing to do somersaults for superior health insurance. She came from a good background, too. And if she called these men BMWs, then she was a Bentley. Not advertised on every street corner or easily affordable, and hard to get, just like her. She was raised on the Upper West Side by her father, who was the president of one of the world’s largest nonprofits. Her mother, who divorced her father when Alexis was two, lived on the Upper East Side, and worked as an art gallery curator in Harlem. Alexis went to private schools in the city and was dining at the 21 Club at age four. Her studies took her from Manhattan’s elite institutions to the Sorbonne in Paris, where she spent a summer studying her love for art and fashion.


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