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The Last Sunset

Page 2

by Tim Smith

  Sean looked at her for a moment. “Funny how people always open up to their bartender.”

  She suddenly felt embarrassed. “I don’t know what made me do that. Sorry.”

  “That’s okay.”

  She sipped her drink. Should I, or shouldn’t I? “Speaking of opening up, are you alone?”

  Sean glanced around the immediate area. “No, I count about thirty people here.”

  Tess laughed then lightly smacked his forearm on the bar. “I didn’t mean that. I meant—”

  “I know what you meant, and the answer is no, I’m not currently involved with anyone. Was that what you wanted to know?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I wanted to know.”

  “Now let me ask you one. Why are you asking?”


  “Are you asking out of genuine interest or because you’re lonely?”

  Tess looked curiously at him for a moment. “I suppose because I’m genuinely interested. I think that’s what kept me from running away last night when I saw you on the beach.”

  “Yeah, I wondered about that.” He looked at his watch. “Just so happens I get off in another hour. If you’d like to hang around, I’d be happy to show you some of the sights.”

  Tess smiled. “It’s a deal.”

  Tess and Sean strolled west on Duval Street, which was still clogged with partiers and tourists. A blend of every type of music blared forth from every bar they passed, mixed with a multicultural, aromatic mix of specialty foods.

  “This is always a party atmosphere,” Tess commented. “Like it never stops.”

  “That’s because it doesn’t.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “A little place I like that’s off the tourist path.”

  He walked her to Crabby Dick’s on Greene Street a block away. The attractive young blonde woman working the hostess station smiled when she saw Sean, then gave him a hug and a peck on his cheek.

  “I had a feeling you’d be around tonight,” she said.

  Sean smiled at her. “You know me too well, Gina. Is there anything open on the deck?”

  “I just happen to have a vacancy,” Gina replied.

  She took Tess and Sean to a table on the deck behind the restaurant and gave them menus.

  “Call me when you get time, okay?” she said.

  “You got it.”

  “You’re a funny guy, Sean,” Tess said as Gina went back to her station.

  “How so?”

  “You work in a bar and restaurant all night, then you come to a different one to unwind.”

  “It’s payback.”


  He nodded. “After serving drinks to customers and laughing at their lame jokes to coax them into buying more drinks, I can come here and get the royal treatment.”

  Tess laughed. “Never thought of it that way. There’s something rather mysterious about you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re hiding something. You said this was a great place because no one asked about your past. Is there something you’d rather they not ask?”

  Sean sat back in his chair and looked at her with a faint trace of a smile. “I thought you wanted to get over your personal loss.”

  “Oh, I’m getting over it by finding out about you. Where did you say you lived before you came here?”

  “I didn’t say specifically.”

  “I remember—Ohio. Which part?”

  “The part that’s a couple of thousand miles north of here.”

  Tess pouted. “Aw, come on. Play the game. I told you where I was from.”

  Sean looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes. “Look, I told you the reason why I came here. I needed a place to start over, and this was it.”

  “And all because of a broken heart?”

  “Can you think of a better reason?”

  “A few come to mind—you’re on the run from the mob, you’re a con artist who was about to get caught, or maybe the police want you for questioning. Perhaps you’re a spy in the employ of a foreign government.”

  Sean laughed while shaking his head. “And just what is it you do back in Norfolk—write fiction?”

  “You’re not too far off. I’m a civilian employee at the Naval base who sits behind a desk all day reviewing federal grant proposals. Now there’s some real fiction.”

  “How long are you going to be in town?”

  “Three more days.” She hesitated. “I’m dreading going back.”

  “Afraid of the embarrassment?”

  “Kind of.” She smirked. “It happened so quickly, the only people I had time to tell were my parents and my maid of honor. Boy, was she pissed about canceling her reservations.”

  Sean looked at her for a moment. “Are you afraid you’ll run into your ex?”

  Tess slowly nodded. “That, too. I’ve spent a lot of time the past few days thinking about what I’d like to do to him when I get home.”

  “What did you come up with?”

  “Something perverse involving an ant hill and a jar of honey.”

  Sean laughed. “I like the way you think.”

  “Did you obsess over what you’d do to the woman who dumped you after you got here?”

  “Not really.” He paused a moment. “What are you going to say if you run into him?”

  Tess thought for a moment. “Good luck with your new woman and I hope she gets lockjaw on your wedding night.”

  Sean laughed. “That’s cold, but I love it.”

  One of the waitresses, wearing tight white shorts and a light blue halter top that accented her bronzed complexion strolled over. She ran her fingers along Sean’s cheek and smiled.

  “Hey, I wondered when you’d find your way over here.”

  Sean smiled at her. “Have I ever let you down, Jasmine?”

  Her face took on a thoughtful expression. “Not that I can recall.”

  Sean gestured at Tess. “Jasmine, this is my friend, Tess. Tess, meet Jasmine, the best waitress south of Miami.”

  Jasmine offered a polite smile. “Pleased to meet you, but don’t believe a word this bullshit artist says. He lays on the compliments with a trowel.”

  “I never hear you complaining.”

  She winked at him. “What can I get you, big talker?”

  “Two of Crabby’s Pina Coladas and an appetizer platter.”

  “You got it.”

  She swayed back to the bar while Tess’s eyes followed her shapely hips. “You don’t seem to be pining for female companionship.”

  “They just want me for my t-shirts.”

  “Do a lot of women lust after you for your t-shirts?”

  Sean sighed. “It’s my cross to bear. What can I do?”

  “Switch to making key chains?”

  He laughed. “Good idea.”

  Tess giggled. “How long have you lived here?”

  “About ten years.”

  “Ever thought of going back to wherever?”

  He shook his head. “Never.”

  “Because of that personal baggage?”

  Sean gave an uneasy laugh. “Let’s... uh... hold off on the profile questions for the moment, okay?”

  Tess looked curiously at him. “Okay. Sorry if I got too close.”

  “It’s my defense mechanism. It kicks in at the damnedest times.” He paused. “I didn’t mean to come across like an ogre.”

  “You didn’t, and I understand.”

  Their attention was diverted by sounds from the small stage set up at the other end of the deck.

  “We’re in time for the floor show,” Sean said.

  A young man with a guitar took a seat on a stool and waited for the background music from the karaoke machine to kick in. He heard his cue then launched into Roy Orbison’s “I’ve Got a Woman.” Tess looked at Sean and saw him smiling while drumming his fingertips on the table. He looks at home here. I
wonder if those women are part of his harem or just friends.

  She stopped as something hit her. Hold it. You just got out of one relationship. Don’t go looking for another one so soon. You don’t know anything about this guy. She gazed at him again. Except that he’s damn good looking and a real charmer.

  The performer finished his song to applause from the audience.

  “He’s good,” Tess commented.

  “Yeah, he has a pretty big local following.”

  Their drinks and appetizers arrived. Jasmine set plates and napkins in front of them, then departed. Sean picked up a Crab Rangoon, dipped it in one of the cups of sweet and sour sauce, then took a bite. Tess selected a jumbo butterfly shrimp and crunched into it

  “Mmm, very good. I like the batter he uses. I’d like to try this at home.”

  “Good luck getting the recipe. When it comes to trade secrets, they don’t call him Crabby Dick for nothing.”

  Tess laughed. “You know a lot of people like that?”

  He reached for a conch fritter. “After a while, you cross paths with just about everybody here.”

  “Does that mean if I hit another bar and ask about the cute guy who sells t-shirts at Tequila Willie’s they’ll know who I’m talking about?”

  “You’re hell-bent on hearing my life story, aren’t you?”

  Tess placed her hand on top of his on the table and looked into his eyes. “Only the interesting parts.”

  “Which parts might those be?”

  Her fingers traced a light pattern on the back of his hand. “Like your reputation with the ladies, or if the rest of you looks as good as what I’ve seen so far.”

  “Don’t be shy. Just speak your mind.”

  “I usually do.”

  Sean sipped his Pina Colada, savored it for a moment, then slowly shook his head. “He doesn’t have it. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble winning again this year.”

  “Winning what?”

  “The annual bartender’s competition. I’ve beaten him three years running. If this is the best he can do, I’ll rack up number four.”

  Tess giggled and found herself thoroughly enjoying Sean’s company. “Is that the high point in your life?”

  “You have to be good at something. What’s wrong with being Bartender of the Year?”

  “Nothing, if that’s what you aspire to.”

  “I’ll have you know there are a lot of things I excel at.”

  “Name one,” Tess challenged.

  He took another sip before answering. “I can make a shadow puppet of Florida without using my hands.”

  Tess nearly choked on her drink, then laughed. “You’re not serious!”

  “Get a couple more of these in me, and you’ll find out. Your turn. What’re you good at?”

  She cleared her throat. What the hell... go for it. You’re hot for this guy, and he has to know it. She rested her hand on his again and peered into his eyes. “When I’m with the right guy, I can make myself come five times to his one.”

  Sean’s eyebrows arched. “With or without batteries?”

  “Who needs batteries?” She took the cherry from her drink and seductively licked the foam from it before placing it in her mouth and sucking on it. “What about you? Are you a long-distance runner or a minute-man?”

  “I’ve run a few marathons.”

  “Do you always cross the finish line?”

  “No one’s ever complained.”

  She gave him a coy look. “Not even Jasmine?”

  Sean slowly wagged his finger at her. “Careful.”

  Tess began feeling a desire to get close to Sean in the physical sense. If I don’t get this guy between my legs pretty soon, I’m going to slide off this chair. I wonder if he knows what effect he’s having on me or if he wants me as badly as I want him?

  “And to think this time last night I almost...”

  Sean reached over, placed his fingertip on her lips and slowly shook his head. “Don’t dwell on it.”

  She gave him a warm smile. “Okay, no dwelling tonight.”

  Tess placed her hand on his and traced her fingertip along his palm while giving him a soft, sultry gaze.

  “So, are a lot of women after you for your t-shirts?”

  He laughed softly. “Give me a little credit.”

  Tess sipped her drink while enjoying their flirting. “What other slogans have you come up with?”

  Sean thought for a moment. “A.M.I.I.G.A.F.”

  “Okay, I give up.”

  He smiled slightly. “Ask Me If I Give A... Fish.”

  She laughed. “I like that. I really liked that other one, L.A.G.N.A.F.”

  “Oh, you mean, Let’s All Get Naked And Fish... yeah, one of my biggest sellers.”

  “Is that how you like to fish?”

  “I do some of my best fishing when I’m naked.”

  “What kind of lure works best?”

  He squeezed her hand. “What you’re using seems to be doing the trick.”

  Tess had her arm laced with Sean’s as they walked along the deserted street several blocks from town. She looked at the dimly lit houses when they passed.

  “These are what they call conch houses?” she asked.

  “That’s right.”

  “Why are they called that?”

  “It’s the wood. They’re built from Dade County pine, with wooden pegs and tongue-in-groove construction. The wood gets harder the longer it’s exposed to the elements. Some of these homes have been here for over a hundred years.”

  “That’s interesting.”

  “You’re sure you want to come here? Your room’s probably more comfortable.”

  Tess stopped, placed her arms on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “I want to get the full Key West experience.”

  He unlocked the front door of his house, held it open for her, then turned on the light.

  “Excuse the mess,” he apologized.

  Tess looked around the sparsely furnished small living room. Her eyes moved to the kitchen off to one side then traveled to a door that led to one of the two bedrooms. “Nice place. Very quaint.”

  “Thank you.”

  Before he could say another word, Tess pulled his face to hers and hungrily kissed him. Sean’s hands went to her shoulders, kneading her upper arms. She felt the wetness returning the longer she kissed him and ran her fingers through his thick tangled hair. His scent was a musky combination of manly cologne and sweat and turned her on even more.

  She stepped back to unbutton his shirt and pull it over his shoulders, exposing a firm hairy chest and torso. She ran her open palms along his chest for a moment. Sean unfastened the buttons on her top and pulled it open to reveal her braless breasts. He leaned in and took one of them in his mouth, sucking and biting her nipple. Tess took in a deep rush of breath and closed her eyes. One of her hands caressed the back of his neck while he mouthed her other breast.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “That’s the one.”

  Sean continued to suck her breast while sliding a hand down to her ass, giving her a firm squeeze before caressing it. Tess’s heart pounded a bit faster. She brought his face back to hers to resume her deep kissing, forcefully sliding her tongue into his mouth.

  Sean pulled back and took her hand. He led her to the bedroom and quickly stripped off his clothes. Tess undressed while watching him. She gasped when he pulled off his shorts, revealing his hardening cock. Wow, he wasn’t kidding with that Florida crack! It must be at least eight inches, and it’s not even hard yet.

  She dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth, hungrily sucking him into complete hardness. She closed her eyes and steadily worked more of him into her mouth, lovingly running her tongue along the sensitive underside of his head. She heard Sean moan softly while he swelled in her mouth. Tess used her hand to stroke his hard shaft while sucking him.

  She stood, took his hand and prompted him t
o the bed. They lay down side by side and Sean resumed kissing her while running his hands over body. His fingers slid in between her legs, and he played with her moist pussy, tenderly slipping a finger inside her while probing her mouth with his tongue. He moved his mouth to her sensitive breast and sucked on it while fingering her. Tess closed her eyes again and enjoyed the feeling, especially when one of Sean’s fingers found her clit. She rocked her pelvis against his hand and felt herself getting more aroused. She took in a quick breath when she felt herself climaxing.

  That’s one.

  She felt his body moving along hers as he placed his face between her legs. Tess spread her thighs in anticipation and felt his hot breath on her skin. Sean licked a trail along her thighs, then teasingly flicked his tongue over her lips. She felt his tongue lapping up her orgasm as it slid inside her. He placed his hands under her buttocks and raised her up slightly. Tess pressed her pussy to his active mouth and gasped again when he wrapped his lips around her swollen clit.

  Tess rocked her hips against him and moaned softly as Sean took her hard bud between his lips and sucked it while working his tongue over it. I can’t hold off any longer. Damn, he’s good! She moaned louder as she came again. After she subsided, Sean tortured her by continuing to lick and suck her clit. Oh, shit... he’s getting me off again! She cried out audibly and squeezed her thighs around his head as she came.

  Two and three. What else does he have in mind?

  Sean quickly found a condom in the nightstand, unrolled it on his cock then got on his knees between her legs. Tess panted and looked down as he took his cock in his hand and penetrated her tight, wet pussy. With one thrust, he was completely embedded inside her. She gasped at feeling his entire length while he steadily thrust his hips back and forth, in and out. I can feel him all the way in my throat. Damn!

  “Tess, you feel so good,” he softly said.

  “Mmm,” she responded. “I love the way you worked me over with your tongue.”

  Sean stopped thrusting, lowered himself onto her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He rolled onto his back, bringing Tess with him while staying inside her. She placed her open palms on his chest and began moving up and down on his cock, getting more aroused. She closed her eyes and panted as her clit slid along his hard shaft. Tess bounced on him faster and gasped when she felt Sean’s fingers pinching her hard nipples. Oh, God, he’s gonna bring me off again! I can’t believe how hard he is inside me.


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