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by William Cook

  8. Bob Cousy with John Devaney, The Killer Instinct (New York: Random House, 1975), 9.

  9. UPI, “Cousy at 41, Seeks to Return as Player,” The New York Times, September 14, 1969, 29.

  10. Bill Furlong, “Bob Cousy vs. Oscar Robertson: The Struggle to Remake the Royals,” Sport, February 1970, 82.

  11. Jerry Lucas, telephone interview by the author, March 30, 2015.

  12. Bob Cousy with John Devaney, The Killer Instinct (New York: Random House, 1975), 116.

  13. Bob Cousy, letter to the author, February 26, 2015.

  14. Barry McDermott, “Royals Deal Lucas For Two; Bullet Coach Blisters Trade,” Cincinnati Enquirer, October 25, 1969, 9.

  15. McDermott, “Royals Deal,” 9.

  16. “Jerry Had ‘Inkling,’ Says Wife,” Cincinnati Enquirer, October 25, 1969, 9.

  17. Barry McDermott, “‘I Was Terrible,’ Says Cooz,” Cincinnati Enquirer, November 22, 1969, 14.

  18. McDermott, “‘I Was Terrible,’” 14.

  19. Cousy with Devaney, The Killer Instinct, 141.

  20. Barry McDermott, “Robertson, Green Just Too Tough for Bullets,” Cincinnati Enquirer, January 26, 1970, 39.

  21. McDermott, “Robertson, Green,” 39.

  22. Furlong, “Bob Cousy,” 81.

  23. Furlong, “Bob Cousy,” 81.

  24. Barry McDermott, “It Was Oscar For Gus, But O Wanted $700,000,” Cincinnati Enquirer, February 1, 1970, 1.

  25. Robertson, The Big O, 237.

  26. Thomas Rogers, “Robertson is Out of Royal Line-Up,” The New York Times, February 7, 1970, 47.

  27. Robertson, The Big O, 241.

  28. “Paulk Key Man in Oscar Trade,” Cincinnati Enquirer, April 22, 1970, 23.

  29. Cousy with Devaney, The Killer Instinct, 128.

  30. Jim Schottelkotte, “There Was No Other Way,” Cincinnati Enquirer, April 22, 1970, 23.

  31. Bill Anzer, “‘Hasn’t Hit Me Yet’ Says Oscar of Deal,” Cincinnati Enquirer, April 22, 1970, 23.

  32. Anzer, “‘Hasn’t Hit,” 23.

  Chapter 12

  1. Barry McDermott, “Working in The Market,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 24, 1970, 2.

  2. Bob Cousy with John Devaney, The Killer Instinct (New York: Random House, 1975), 146.

  3. Bill Simmons, The Book of Basketball—The NBA According to The Sports Guy (New York: Ballantine Books, 2009), 111.

  4. “‘Big O’ Completed Bucks Championship Run,”

  5. Jon Saraceno, “A Conversation with…Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,” AARP Bulletin/Real Possibilities, January/February 2015, 4.

  6. Earl Lawson, “Royals Turn to Lacey,” Cincinnati Post & Times-Star, November 8, 1971, 17.

  7. Barry McDermott, “Cousy Flays Royals After Loss to Celtics,” Cincinnati Enquirer, November 9, 1971, 21.

  8. McDermott, “Cousy Flays,” 21.

  9. Earl Lawson, “Cousy Pained to Deal Norm,” Cincinnati Post & Times-Star, November 10, 1971, 23.

  10. Barry McDermott, “Nate-Sam Show Puts Knicks to Sleep,” Cincinnati Enquirer, November 11, 1971, 51.

  11. Tom Callahan, “Royals’ Streak at 4,” Cincinnati Enquirer, February 5, 1972, 25.

  12. Tom Callahan, “Royals Leaving Cincinnati for Kansas City,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 15, 1972, 21.

  13. Tom Callahan, “Royals’ Players Vow to Fight ‘Bush’ Move,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 15, 1972, 1.

  14. Callahan, “Royals’ Players,” 1.

  15. Jim Schottelkotte, “The Demise of the Royals,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 15, 1972, 21.

  16. Bob Cousy, letter to the author, February 26, 2015.

  17. “To Many, Tiny Archibald Is Big Man,” The New York Times, March 18, 1973, 219.

  18. “To Many,” 219.

  19. Leonard Koppett, “Royals Owners Linked to Crime in Senate Hearing,” The New York Times, January 26, 1972,

  20. Jerry Lucas, telephone interview by the author, March 30, 2015.

  About the Author

  William A. Cook is the author of numerous books including twelve on baseball history and two on true crime, and has appeared in productions on ESPN2 and the MLB Network. A former healthcare administrator and township councilman in North Brunswick, New Jersey, he lives in Manalapan, New Jersey.

  Bob Cousy – Holy Cross, circa 1949.

  George Mikan – 1948 Basketball Card. (Courtesy of Bowman via WikiMedia Commons.)

  Chuck Cooper. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Bob Cousy in action. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Boston Celtics, 1957 NBA Champions. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Cincinnati Gardens.

  Cincinnati Royals, circa 1962. Bottom L to R: Oscar Robertson, Arlen Bockhorn; Top L to R: Jack Tywman, Wayne Embry, Bob Boozer. (Courtesy of Cincinnati Museum Center.)

  Bob Cousy Day Program – March 17, 1963. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Bob Cousy farewell at Boston Gardens. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Boston Celtics – 1963 NBA Champions. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  1963 Boston Celtics with President John F. Kennedy at the White House. (Courtesy of The Sports Museum.)

  Jerry Lucas – Ohio State Buckeyes.

  1966 Los Angeles Lakers. Left to Right: Elgin Baylor, Jerry Chambers, Jerry West.

  Oscar Robertson in action.

  Oscar Robertson – Milwaukee Bucks. (Courtesy of Vernon S. Braver, Public Doman via WikiMedia Commons.)

  Oscar Robertson statue at the University of Cincinnati. (Courtesy of John Ruschulte.)

  Books also by William A. Cook and Sunbury Press

  Touring America by Automobile in the 1920s: The Travel Journeys of Hepzy Moore Cook

  Lady Moguls: A History of Women Who Have Owned

  Major League Baseball Teams

  Diamond Madness Classic Episodes of Rowdyism,

  Racism and Violence in Major League Baseball

  The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping

  Published by Sunbury Press, Inc.

  Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

  Copyright © 2019 by William A. Cook.

  Cover Copyright © 2019 by Sunbury Press, Inc.

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  ISBN: 978-1-62006-210-4 (Trade paperback)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2019940318


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  Set in Bookman Old Style

  Designed by Crystal Devine

  Cover by Terry Kennedy

  Edited by Alyssa Vorbeck

  Continue the Enlightenment!



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