The World Is Flat

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The World Is Flat Page 56

by Thomas L. Friedman

Java, 111

  J.C. Penney, 118

  J.C. Williams Group Ltd., 134

  JetBlue Airways, 36-38, 443, 444, 446-47

  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 84

  Jews, 430, 436, 458, 463

  Jiang Mianheng, 423

  Jiang Zemin, 423

  p. 482 jobs: creation of, 287

  untouchable, 237, 423

  Jobs, Steve, 55

  Jockey International, 143

  Johns Hopkins University, 15-16, 113, 162, 242, 278, 293, 462

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 276

  Johnson, Paul, 328

  Joint Chiefs of StafF, 38

  Jordan, 273, 316, 34-49, 366, 461-62

  Juhaiman movement, 327

  just-in-time inventory program, 135

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  Kai Fu Li, 266-68

  Kanagawa, Treaty of ( 1854), 139

  Kannan, P. V., 25, 184-85, 263

  Karatnycky, Adrian, 395, 396

  Katz, Larry, 289

  Kennedy, John F., 254, 256, 278-79, 283, 284, 290

  Kernan, Joe, 206

  Keyhole, 159

  Khalsa, Gurujot Singh, 108

  Khomeini, Ayatollah, 404

  Khosla, Vinod, 105

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 278

  Kiuchi, Masao, 140-41

  Klamath Communications, 180

  Klausner, Rick, 381, 382

  Klein, Michael, 317

  Kleiner Perkins, 56

  Kletzer, Lori, 294-95

  Kmart, 133

  Knight, Bob, 251

  Konica Minolta Technologies bizhub, 174-76, 188

  Koo, Richard C, 262-63

  Koon, Tracy, 272-75

  Korea, see North Korea; South Korea

  Kray, Art, 315

  Krishnakumar, N., 426

  Kuehn, Kurt, 146

  Kulkarni, Vivek, 31-32, 427

  Kurtz, Howard, 93

  Kuwait, 404

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  labor markets, flexibility of, 246

  Landes, David, 324, 326

  Landor Associates, 180

  Laos, 365

  Law, Lalita, 376-77, 465, 466

  Lawrence, Robert, 284, 293

  Lebanon, 326, 345, 423

  Lenin, V. I., 395, 396

  Leninists, see Islamo-Leninists

  Lenovo, 210-11

  Leonard, Andrew, 86, 89

  Leopold, Aldo, 412

  Levin, Richard C., 247-48

  Levine, Joshua S., 296

  Levitt, Arthur, 453-54

  LG.Philips LCD, 417

  Lih, Andrew, 94-95

  Linux, 91, 97-99, 101, 103, 261

  Litan, Robert E., 293-95

  Liteon, 417

  Lithuania, 250, 251

  Los Angeles Police Department, 403

  LRN, 158, 360-63

  Lucent Technologies, 29, 68, 112-13, 163

  lump of labor theory, 227

  Lynx, 86

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  Ma, Mary, 210

  Macedonia, 321

  macroeconomic reform, 313-15, 319-20

  Mahon, Karen, 218-19

  Mail Boxes Etc., 144

  malaria, 376, 379, 381

  Malaysia, 95, 117, 208, 326, 356, 399-400, 409, 412, 414-18, 422, 435, 445

  Mali, 98

  Malleswaram College for Women, 26

  Mandelbaum, Michael, 113, 277-78, 283, 462, 463

  Mankiw, N. Gregory, 199

  Manpower Development and Training program, 279

  Mao Zedong, 116, 328, 436

  Marshall, Will, 286

  Marshall Plan, 50

  Marx, Karl, 201-4, 222

  Marx, Tzvi, 438

  Marxism-Leninism, 395, 396

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 96, 104, 113, 244, 254, 261, 267

  Mattel Inc., 129

  McCaw Cellular, 58

  McCool, Rob, 86

  McCue, Mike, 68

  McDonald’s Corporation, 40-42, 195, 241, 298-300, 384, 389, 420, 424-25, 427

  MCI, 68

  McKinsey & Company, 32, 245, 363, 364

  Medicaid, 215, 285

  p. 483 Medicare, 285

  Medline, 162

  Meghna, C. M., 24

  Mehta, Pratap Bhanu, 387

  Memphis, University of, 467

  Mercedes-Benz, 123-24

  Merrill Lynch, 449

  Messman, Jack, 91

  Mexico, 20, 115, 117, 138, 296, 300, 309-10, 313, 316, 320, 323, 417

  Center of Research for Development, 336

  Central Bank of, 310

  economic reforms in, 314

  intangibles of economic development in, 330-36

  micromultinationals, 356

  Microsoft, 3, 65, 81, 163, 194, 217, 231, 233, 234, 253, 274-75, 463

  in China, 34, 266-68, 365

  Dell and, 418

  in India, 22

  Internet Explorer, 62, 63, 99

  in Jordan, 348

  MSN, 56, 171

  MSN Web Search, 153

  Office, 98, 100, 188

  and open-sourcing, 81-83, 97-102, 280

  Windows, 28, 52-54, 57, 60, 62, 64, 71, 73, 74, 80, 97, 99, 102, 161, 188, 226

  Word, 76-78, 187, 466

  middle class, 375-76, 384, 420

  MindTree, 360-62, 426

  Minnesota Conceal and Carry Law, 371-72

  Minow, Nell, 67-68

  MIPS (millions of instructions per second), 163

  Mitsubishi, 196

  Mitsuishi, Tamon, 169-70

  Mobility, 417

  Moguls, 325

  Mohegan Sun, 20

  Mohammad, Mahathir, 399-400

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 444, 448

  Mondragon, 264

  Mongolia, 366

  Montenegro, 320, 321

  Morgan Stanley, 63, 120

  Mormons, 37, 446

  Morocco, 316, 392

  morphing, 242

  Morris Air, 37, 446

  Mosaic, 58-59, 70

  Motev, Mohammed, 467

  Motorola, 168, 417

  Moussaoui, Zacarias, 445-46

  Mozilla Foundation, 99-100

  MphasiS, 12

  MP3 player, 43

  MRIs, 16

  MSI, 416

  M-System, 417

  Muhammad, 309, 397

  Mullis, Ina, 271-72

  multinational corporations, 209-10, 356

  see also specific companies

  multipurpose devices, 164-65, 174-75

  Mundie, Craig J., 53-54, 56, 76, 81, 100-102, 163, 217

  Muslims, 9, 55, 310-12, 325-29, 385, 392-407, 430, 432, 445, 456

  in India, 456-59, 464

  oil and, 461-63

  terrorists, 392, 431-32 (see also al-Qaeda)

  Mussolini, Benito, 395

  Myers, Gen. Richard, 38

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  Naím, Moisés, 323

  Nanya, 416

  Napster, 70, 164

  Naqvi, Mujteba, 414

  Nasdaq, 209, 245, 345, 346, 463

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 256, 465

  National Basketball Association (NBA), 250-52

  National Cancer Institute, 381

  National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), 58, 86-87

  National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the Twenty-first Century, 256-57

  National Foundation for American Policy, 270

  National Guard, 42, 48, 93

  National Institute for Science and Technology, 268

  National Institutes of Health (NIH), 247, 269

  National Science Board (NSB), 257-60

  National Science Foundation (NSF), 198, 255, 256, 268, 281

  NATO, 39

  Naval Historical Center
, 139

  Navy, U.S., 20, 409

  Nazis, 397

  NEC, 417

  Neeleman, David, 37-38, 443, 446-47

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 50, 104

  Neland, Glenn E., 422-23

  NeoIT, 239, 459

  Netherlands, 9, 95, 320

  NetMeeting, 187

  Netscape, 56-59, 61-64, 70, 71, 73, 79, 81, 83, 86, 105, 149, 161, 176, 231

  New Frontier, 277

  p. 484 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 245

  New York University, 465

  New Zealand, 320, 374

  Nielsen/NetRatings, 198

  Nigeria, 320, 392, 460

  Nike, 143, 144

  Nikon, 149

  Nilekani, Nandan, 5-8, 11, 28, 141-42, 238, 429, 447

  9/11, 8, 178, 198, 258, 392, 395, 400, 433, 441-53, 456, 463, 469

  airlines and, 296

  Bush urges consumption after, 252

  Exodus from New York following, 436

  Internet and, 435

  Iraq war and, 386

  Islamo-Leninism and, 395, 396, 402

  middle-class Arabs and, 403

  response of ordinary people to challenge of, 72

  visa issuance after, 259, 260

  Nixon, Richard M., 284

  Nokia, 179, 425

  Nomura Research Institute, 262

  nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 365-66, 388-89, 391

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 199, 296, 310, 313, 330, 331, 334, 336

  North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 444

  North Korea, 277, 315, 419, 420, 423

  Northwest Venture Partners, 111, 372

  Norton Utilities, 418

  Norway, 320

  Novell, 74, 91

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 254

  nuclear weapons, 419, 425

  terrorists and, 426-37

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  O’Bannon, Frank, 206

  Office Depot, 299

  offshoring, 114-17, 161, 176, 227, 235

  Ogilvy & Mather, 180

  Ohio Pilot Store, 445

  Ohio State University, 117

  Ohmae, Kenichi, 32, 117

  oil, 407-12, 460-63

  O’Keefe, Sean, 256

  Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), 244-45

  Old Left, 385

  Olympic Games, 250-51, 303

  Oman, 320, 100, 96, 98

  open protocols, 61

  open-sourcing, 81-103, 161, 171, 176, 429

  free software movement and, 96-102

  intellectual commons form of, 85-95

  Opsware Inc., 70, 231-32

  Oracle, 81

  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 259-60

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 410

  Ortiz, Guillermo, 310, 323

  O’Sullivan, Fran, 210

  Otellini, Paul, 232

  Outlook Express, 187

  outsourcing, 38, 40, 161, 171, 176, 199, 227, 350, 357

  of anchored jobs, 239

  to Cambodia, 363-67

  to China, 32-36, 113, 247-49

  digital technology and, 344

  to grow, 360-63

  to India, 3-8, 11-32, 35, 38, 103-15, 187-91, 228, 260-61, 290, 426

  to Russia, 194-97

  Oxford University, 193

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  Pacific Design, 417

  Page, Larry, 153-54

  Paine Webber, 120

  Pakistan, 50, 55, 315, 320, 331, 346, 366, 404, 419, 423, 425-31, 444, 445, 456, 457, 459

  Palestinians, 349, 392, 431, 466-67

  PalmPilot, 97, 152, 167

  Panama, 319, 321

  Papa John’s pizza, 143

  parenting, 303-5

  Pasteur, Louis, 113

  patents, 30, 217-18, 269, 397

  Paul, Vivek, 30, 105-6, 109, 110, 236, 246, 356, 383-84, 426-28

  PayPal, 77-78, 146

  PCs, 52-54, 60, 61, 64, 100, 107, 108, 168, 186, 217

  in China, 127, 210

  in India, 103, 187

  Internet and, 56-59, 62, 71, 73, 179

  wireless, 160

  work flow and, 161, 176

  Pearl, Danny, 431

  Pearlstein, Steven, 263-64

  Peking University, 247

  pensions, 285-86

  Pentagon, 39

  Perkowski, Jack, 114, 116, 120-22, 124-25

  Perry, Commodore Matthew Calbraith, 139, 140

  p. 485 personal digital assistants (PDAs), 162, 164-66

  see also PalmPilot

  personal remote assistants, 31-32

  Peru, 318, 321

  Pfizer, 20

  pharmaceutical industry, 216

  Philippines, 320, 356, 416, 417, 422, 430

  photography, 341-43

  Pickering, Thomas R., 194-97

  Pizza Hut, 3

  Plow & Hearth, 145

  Poland, 263-65, 411

  Pol Pot, 396

  POP, 61

  populism, 384, 388

  Portugal, 4, 321

  poverty, 315, 318, 319, 376

  alleviation of, 389

  Powell, Colin, 212-13, 429

  Powers, Pat, 125-26

  Premji, Azim, 458

  Prickett, Glenn, 298-99, 412

  Procter & Gamble, 136

  productivity, 177-78, 318

  outsourcing and, 260-61

  Program for International Student Assessment, 272

  Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), 285-88

  property rights, 321

  Puerto Rico, 250, 251

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  Qatar, 39, 316, 400, 403, 41

  Quanta, 416

  Quark, 241

  Qusti, Raid, 327

  Qwest, 164


  radio frequency identification microchips (RFID), 135-36, 167

  Rainbow/PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund, 304

  Rajan, Raghuram, 234-35

  Ramanathan, Ramesh, 388

  Rao, Jaithirth “Jerry,” 11-15, 80, 109, 325, 427

  Rao, Rajesh, 29, 185-91

  Rashid, Richard A., 274-75

  Rather, Dan, 42, 44, 93

  Reagan, Ronald, 52, 55

  Red Army Faction, 396

  Red Brigades, 396

  reform, economic, 313-23, 332-33, 335

  culture and, 324-29

  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 253, 254, 275

  Republican Party, 206, 207, 215, 221, 255, 268, 281, 297, 452

  research and development (R & D), 29-30, 355

  universities and, 244-45

  Reuters, 16-21

  Reynolds, Glenn, 44

  Reynolds, Jerry, 147

  Ricardo, David, 225-27

  Ride, Sally, 392

  Roberts, Scott, 413

  Robinson, Shane, 167

  Rogers, Will, 336

  Rolls-Royce, 171-72, 211-12, 354-56

  Romania, 322

  Romer, Paul, 176, 178, 229, 230, 289-90, 306, 339

  Rose, John, 171-72, 211-12, 354-56

  Rosen, Daniel H., 334-35

  Rosenfeld, Jaeson, 364

  Rothkopf, David, 45, 46, 451

  Royal Jordanian Airlines, 345

  Rubio, Luis, 336

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 434

  Rushdie, Salman, 404

  Russia, 30, 91, 104, 138, 181-83, 193, 212, 213, 228, 274, 283, 322, 356, 385, 407, 437

  Chechnya and, 434, 436

  Energy consumption in, 408, 411

  engineers in, 258

  HP in, 209

  immigrants from, 292

  oil reserves of, 410, 41

  outsourcing to, 194-97, 261

  work flow software in, 83

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  Salem, Ali, 400, 86, 89, 136, 215

  Samsonite, 417

  Samsung, 416, 417

  Sandel, Michael J., 201-5

  Sanmina-SCI, 299

  Santana, Joe, 291-92

  Sanyo, 138, 417

  SAP, 34

  Sarkar, Monica, 299-300

  Sarnoff R & D firm, 29-30

  Sathini, A., 418

  Saudi Arabia, 55, 221, 400, 445, 456-58, 463

  culture of, 326-29

  oil in, 283, 405, 411, 412, 460, 461

  terrorism in, 402, 406

  Schacht, Henry, 113, 163-64

  Schieffer, Bob, 42-44

  Schirrmacher, Frank, 309

  Schleifer, Abdallah, 396-97

  p. 486 Schlesinger, David, 20-21

  Schmidt, Eric, 153, 156-57

  Schroeder, Gerhard, 211-12

  scientists, shortage in U.S. of, 256-60

  Scott, Lee, 158

  SDI, 417

  Seagate, 417

  search engines, 150-59, 231, 233

  Sears, 133, 138

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 245, 453-54, 456

  Segrest Farms, 143

  Seidman, Dov, 158, 360-63

  Seiyu, 139-41

  Sen, Amartya, 51

  September 11 terrorist attacks, see 9/11

  Serbia, 320

  Services over Internet Protocol (SoIP), 66

  Sharp, 417

  Shenkar, Oded, 117

  Shultz, Howard, 350

  Siemens, 263

  Business Services, 292

  Sierra Leone, 320, 321

  Sifry, Micah L., 44

  Silicon Graphics, 58

  Simon and Schuster, 106

  Simplo, 417

  Simpson, O. J., 403

  Singapore, 6, 234, 272, 320, 335, 354, 355, 417, 422

  Singh, Dinakar, 105, 209, 276-77, 329

  Singh, Manmohan, 50, 107, 314, 384

  SITE Institute, 435

  60 Minutes, 42

  Skype Technologies, 165

  Smart Modular, 417

  Smith, Adam, 199

  SMTP, 61

  SOAP, 75, 76

  social activism, 297-303

  social entrepreneurs, 363-67

  Social Security, 285

  Solectron, 299

  Solow, Robert, 177

  Somaiah, Nitu, 24

  Sony Corporation, 34, 139, 199, 301, 417

  Sophary, 366

  Soto, Hernando de, 318, 321, 98

  South Africa, 91, 209, 380

  South Korea, 35, 151, 183, 249, 257, 263, 330, 332, 398, 416, 417, 419

  energy consumption in, 410

  immigrants from, 292

  in global supply chains, 422

  Southwest Airlines, 37, 173-76, 179, 199, 446

  Soviet Union, 50, 193, 278, 283, 442

  collapse of, 48-52, 55, 182, 314, 376, 385

  former, see Russia

  space program of, 254, 256, 277, 279

  Spain, 4, 354, 355, 401, 405

  Moorish, 328, 329

  specialization, 238, 249

  Spitzer, Eliot, 19, 245-46

  sports, 250-51

  Sputnik, 254, 256, 277, 279

  Sri Lanka, 191, 430


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