Book Read Free

VIP Companion

Page 7

by Thomas Henry

  “Yeah. You don’t have to worry about that…really. I mean, I’ll be sixteen in a few days…”

  My heart skipped a beat, and I could only imagine the look of shock on my face. Lita managed to keep a straight face for a few seconds before she burst into laughter.

  “Don’t have a heart attack!” She thumped me on the chest with both fists. “I’m just joking! I turned 18 last spring!”

  I took a deep breath. “Well, at least that makes you legal. But I’m not sure it makes me any less of a pervert.”

  Lita gave me a peck on the lips and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Hey, we’re both consenting adults, doing what men and women were meant to do. You want me. I want you. That’s all that matters.”

  She was good. I knew she was just acting out her assigned role, but she had me wrapped around her little finger. I kissed her on the cheek. “Sweetheart, let’s get out of this water before we turn into prunes.”

  “Good idea. How about a nice, soft bed? And some nice hard cock?”

  Yep, wrapped around her little finger. I reluctantly lifted her off of me.

  As we climbed out of the water I realized that neither of us had thought to bring a towel. Lita just gripped my erection and we dashed back to our room.

  By the time we got to the room, all thoughts of drying off had fled my mind. As soon as I closed the door, I picked her up and tossed her onto the bed, sopping wet. Two seconds later, I had her spread wide as I buried my face in her little hairless pussy.

  I alternated between probing her with my tongue and sucking and licking her clit. She quickly became very, very creamy. I was pretty sure she didn’t have the ability to fake that, so I was gratified that she was responding so genuinely to me.

  Before long, she started to tremble. She pressed her palms against the bed and lifted her hips, bucking against my lips and tongue. “Oh, fuck…fuck…fuuuk!” She stiffened and squeezed my head between her muscular thighs, forcing me to stop. She continued to tremble for a minute or so and then slowly relaxed like she was being deflated. “Oh, fuck!” she whispered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

  I gave her a couple of minutes to return to equilibrium and then very slowly, very gently started running my tongue between her folds and over and around her clit. When I sensed that she was ready, I resumed probing her and sucking her clit. She rocked her hips in time with my movements until her thighs started to tremble again.

  I had gone down on her instead of fucking her right away, because I knew that I was so aroused that I would cum almost as soon as I penetrated her. But now, when I sensed that she was on the precipice of cuming again, I couldn’t wait any more.

  She was prepared for me. As I scrambled up on top of her, she grabbed my cock and guided me into her creamy pussy. I was balls-deep in a single push. She hooked her heels around my thighs and pulled at me. Her hands found my face and pulled me to her lips. “Kiss me! Kiss me while we cum together.”

  I did. And we did. If she was faking her orgasm, she had to be the best damned actress that ever lived.

  I, on the other hand, was not faking. It was massive, explosive, satiating…and a major anticlimax at the same time. Physically, it was the best of the best. But when I came, my sex drive evaporated as quickly as a light goes out when you flip the switch…and I was left with a stomach-churning vision of Karen’s guy pumping her full of his sperm.

  I tried to erase the image by focusing on Lita. Her hazel eyes were brimming. For a moment, I thought she had read my mind. But then she smiled, and whispered, “Wow. We did it. I, uh…I probably shouldn’t say this, but that was the first time I ever came together with a man.” She kissed me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  We lay together with me inside her for a few minutes. I was still hard, and if she had been Karen, I would have started stroking her again, making love to her and not just fucking her. But it wasn’t Karen, and I somehow felt that I would be overstaying my welcome with Lita.

  I slowly pulled out of her as I rose to my knees. My semen welled up between her folds, and when she tightened her muscles to scoot aside, it spilled down her crack and pooled on the bedspread. “Oops,” she said. She plucked a handful of tissues out of the box on the nightstand and wiped herself.

  I lay down next to her on my back. She tried to wipe me with a tissue, but it fell apart and stuck to me.

  “Be right back,” she said as she hopped out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the water running for a minute or so, and then she reappeared with a washcloth and a towel. She wiped me down and plucked the bits of tissue from me. Then she dried me with the towel before using it to wipe at the wet spot on the bed.

  While she made a quick trip back to the bathroom, I pulled off the bedcover and slipped under the top sheet. Lita came back and slipped under it next to me.

  I turned her on her side so I could spoon her. She snuggled up to me and pressed that great ass against my still tumescent cock. She wriggled her butt and said, “Just let me know when you’re ready for round two.”

  I held her and kissed her neck and cheek…and the next thing I knew, the room was totally dark and the clock on the nightstand said 2:43. And Lita was down under the top sheet, sucking my rigid cock.

  After a couple of minutes, I realized that she wasn’t sucking me to get me hard. She had long accomplished that. She was trying to make me cum.

  I wondered what she would do if I did. Would she let me cum in her mouth? I figured she would. That would be the girlfriend experience. And would she swallow? Karen and Mai always did. I imagined that Lita would as well, even if she really didn’t want to.

  I had mixed feelings about it. There’s something endearing about a woman who swallows your semen out of desire. But it’s another matter entirely if she does it only out of a feeling of obligation. Given the circumstances, I had no idea which woman Lita was.

  In any event, I knew my preference. I enjoy blowjobs, but when it comes right down to it, I prefer to cum inside the woman’s pussy. I pulled at Lita’s shoulders with my fingertips. “Come up here, Sweetheart. Give me your pussy.”

  Lita gave me one last suck and kissed the head. Then she climbed on top of me and dragged her puffy nipples up my chest. She kissed me while she guided me into her. I pushed deep and held her still for a few moments. She rested her full weight on me and laid her head on my chest. We started moving gently together, slowly meeting each other stroke-for-stroke.

  “God, I love this,” she said.

  The girlfriend experience. No doubt about it.

  * * * *

  It was pushing noon the next morning when Lita slipped out of the room for a few minutes and returned with breakfast for the two of us. Theoretically, we had until 2 pm before the first day officially ended. At that time, each “girlfriend” was supposed to leave her man and either freshen up for her second man or return to the sorority house if she had not been chosen for the second day. At 5 pm, the second-day “girlfriends” were to meet up with their men at for pre-dinner cocktails. But since Lita and I were going to be together all three days, this timetable didn’t really apply to us.

  We had a leisurely breakfast in bed, and then around 1:30, Lita said she was going to take a quick shower and then lie out in the sun while I showered and dressed. When she came out of the bathroom, she had a large towel wrapped around her. I expected her to put on a bikini, but she slipped out of the room wearing just the towel.

  When I had showered and dressed, I went out to the courtyard and confirmed what I had suspected. Lita and a couple of the other women were lying by the pool, sunbathing naked. I guess I was a little disappointed that Karen wasn’t among them.

  I wandered over to the bar and made myself a Bloody Mary. I took a sip and looked around for a place where I could sit and watch the nude women. I considered the sofa and loveseat where Max and I had watched Karen and PD that night a while back, but that would have put me in the bright sun, and I wasn’t up for that. But then I noticed that something new h
ad been added to the courtyard. It was a king-size bed with a canopy over it. And it was unoccupied.

  I sat down on the edge of the bed to sip my drink and ogle the sunbathing women. The shade of the canopy provided welcome relief from the hot sun. Hank Jr.’s “Naked Women and Beer” kept running through the back of my mind.

  It had been very late when Lita and I finally had gone to sleep last night, and even though we had slept-in this morning, I was still feeling sleep-deprived. The Bloody Mary didn’t help. I set my empty glass on the deck next to the bed and lay down. I thought I’d rest my eyes a bit until Lita finished sunbathing and got herself dressed.

  I must have drifted off to sleep because I was startled when a deep voice near me said, “I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but mind if I join you?” I caught a whiff of a man’s cologne a moment before I opened my eyes to see the handsome black man standing at the other side of the bed with a sweating beer bottle in his hand.

  He smiled and shrugged. “This seems to be the only decent shade out here, and I don’t really need to work on my tan.” He was hardly dressed for sunbathing, anyway. Like last night, he was wearing pleated dress pants and a loose silk shirt.

  “Yeah, sure,” I said. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  “Ain’t your hands I’m worried about.” He chuckled as he settled onto the bed and lay back on a pillow. He told me to call him Tyrone. I introduced myself, and we shook hands.

  We both were silent for a few minutes, and then he said, “How was your first night?”

  “Great. I had a nice time with my lady.”

  “Yeah, me too. But I tried to pace myself, you know? Wanted to make sure I had plenty left for the next two nights.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” I said, even though I had no such concerns, given that I was going to have the same woman all three nights.

  “Might need a little something extra for tonight, though,” he said. “Might ask Sally if she has any of those boner pills. Supposed to be good all night and more.”

  “Hoping for that four-hour erection they talk about in the commercials?”

  He chuckled again. “Oh, man…wouldn’t that be something? Especially with that fine little honey I’m gonna be slippin’ it to tonight.”

  My stomach tightened. I wondered if he could be referring to Karen. I didn’t know for certain, but I had to think she’d been assigned to one of the guys again tonight. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Which number you got tonight?” I remembered that Karen had been wearing number 17.

  “Oh, I don’t remember her number. But I think she said her name was Rachel.”

  My heart jumped into my throat. “Rachel” was the name of the long-lost love of my life. Of course, Tyrone wasn’t talking about her, but his mention of the name sent a jolt through me nonetheless. There were lots of “Rachels” in the world, so it wasn’t particularly surprising that one of the sorority girls had that name. But, I thought it odd that I didn’t remember any of them introducing herself as “Rachel” last night. I tried to recall some of their faces and wondered which one she was.

  I studied Tyrone out of the corner of my eye. He was a good-looking guy about my size. Somewhat younger…maybe late 30s. His partially unbuttoned shirt revealed a thick gold chain around his neck and a smooth chest. His loose-fitting slacks gave no hint of how big his package was.

  From his demeanor and the way he was dressed, I guessed maybe he was some kind of professional or business executive. I almost asked, but then realized that probably was an off-limits subject, given Sally’s views on confidentiality.

  I glanced over at the pool and discovered that the nude sunbathers had disappeared while I was dozing. I thought about going to look for Lita, but then I decided I probably should give her some alone-time. I figured she would come find me when she was ready.

  Tyrone and I made small talk for a few minutes and then lapsed into silence. I kept thinking about Karen, wondering if she was one of the women who had been chosen for tonight. I really couldn’t imagine that she hadn’t been.

  I heard women’s voices and turned to look. Karen and Lita were strolling side-by-side across the courtyard, directly toward me. I was surprised to see them together, smiling and exchanging comments as they intermittently glanced in my direction. I didn’t know what that meant. I gave fleeting thought to the possibility that Sally had arranged for me to be with both of them tonight, but that didn’t make much sense. I couldn’t see how that would be in Sally’s best interest. So why were they together, walking toward me?

  Lita was dressed casually in white shorts and a t-shirt that was sheer enough for me to see the dark circles of her puffy areolas. Her tiny shorts showcased her round ass and muscular thighs. I would have been very surprised if she was wearing panties. She wore white athletic shoes with no socks. I guessed maybe it was still a bit early for her to dress up for the dinner-and-dancing that were on tap for the evening.

  Karen’s outfit was stunning. From a distance, she appeared to be wearing a dark two-piece body suit of some kind. Her skin-tight pants hugged her hips and stopped at her ankles, just above the straps of her high-heeled sandals. Her matching long-sleeved halter top tied in front, reminiscent of Daisy Duke, leaving her midriff bare. As she got closer, I realized that her outfit was made of some stretchy, ornate black lace that provided the illusion that she was clothed, when in fact, she was practically nude. Her areolas and her little patch of carefully-trimmed pubic hair were clearly visible through the fabric.

  When they were about ten feet away, Karen suddenly veered around the bed. As Lita climbed on top of me, Karen climbed on top of Tyrone. She straddled him on her hands and knees and said, “Hello again. I’m Rachel….in case you forgot.” She leaned down and gave him a gentle, lingering kiss full on the lips. “I’m really excited about being with you tonight.”

  I had no idea what Lita was saying to me as she straddled me and lay down on top of me. My mind was spinning from the fact that Karen had introduced herself to Tyrone as “Rachel.” There was no way that Sally had coincidentally assigned that nickname to Karen. Karen had to have chosen it herself, knowing fully well that, for me, she had become the modern incarnation of my Rachel.

  Karen spread her knees wider, lowering herself fully onto Tyrone’s body. His hands slid up and down her back and over the roundness of her lace-covered rump. They kissed slowly, deeply, making irksome smacking and slurping noises.

  I felt my cock harden against the warmth of Lita’s crotch. She apparently noticed.

  “Oh, god,” she whispered with her lips grazing my ear. “It’s just like last night all over again.”

  I assumed she was referring to how watching Karen with the scruffy haole guy had made us both so hot. “Uh-huh,” I managed to mumble, notwithstanding the huge knot in my stomach.

  “She’s kind of a mystery,” Lita whispered. “I sure would like to know who she is and why she’s doing this.” Yeah, you and I both, sister.

  “You two just walked over here together,” I whispered. “Didn’t you chat with her?”

  “Not really. We just happened to be coming this way at the same time, and we commented to each other about that coincidence.”

  Lita kissed me and then whispered in my ear again. “Let’s watch them for a while, okay?” She tugged on my earlobe with her teeth. “Then I’ll take you to our room and show you what I learned.”

  I nodded and looked back at Karen. She and Tyrone were still kissing passionately. Finally, Karen broke off their kiss and said, “I’m really happy you chose me. I was hoping you would.”

  Tyrone palmed her butt cheeks with his big hands and squeezed. “Yeah, me too. I really wanted you.” He kissed her on the nose. “Sally says you’re new…says you’ve never been with a black man before.”

  Karen shook her head slightly and lied through her teeth. “No, never. This will be my first time.” She kissed him on the lips. “I’m really excited. In fact�
��this is kinda embarrassing...” She kissed him again. “Because…I’m already wet, just thinking about it.” She took a ragged breath. “But to tell you the truth…I’m kinda nervous about it, too.”

  Tyrone kissed her nose again and wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be gentle with you.”

  Karen’s eyes flickered to mine and then looked up at him. “I appreciate that…but not too gentle, okay?”

  “Oh, I like your attitude. I’m gonna have fun with you tonight.”

  They kissed and rubbed and groped each other. Tyrone ran his hands down inside Karen’s lace pants and over the swell of her bare butt. He gave her ass a squeeze with both hands and pressed his crotch against her pussy.

  Karen rubbed his chest through his shirt with both hands. Then she pressed those big tits against his chest as she held his face with her hands and flicked the tip of his tongue with her own.

  Tyrone grabbed a fistful of her hair and kissed her fervently. Then he pulled her up and stretched down the front of her top to free one of her breasts. Karen rubbed and kissed his shaved head and groaned as he mashed her breast against his face and sucked her nipple.

  With her chest up against his face, Karen’s hips were no longer hiding his groin. The tent in his pants left no doubt that the man was packing.

  Tyrone rolled Karen onto her side and buried his face in her neck. She gazed into my eyes as she moaned and intertwined her legs with his.

  They kissed passionately. Karen draped her leg over his and pressed her pussy against the bulge in his pants. He rolled her onto her back with her legs spread and dry humped her, stifling her moans with his mouth.

  Karen cried out as he rolled her back on top again. Both of her breasts were hanging free now. Karen rubbed her bare breasts against his shirt and reached down between them to grab his cock through his pants.

  She tugged at his cock as they continued to kiss. Then she moaned and started making little whimpering sounds. Her breathing was ragged as she whispered, “I want you inside me.”


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