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VIP Companion

Page 11

by Thomas Henry

  “Okay,” she said, “roll over onto your stomach, and turn around so you can watch Karen.” She deftly shrugged off her muumuu’s shoulder straps and let the shapeless dress float down her shapely body. As always, her huge tits were breathtaking, and as I had suspected, her boys were swinging free. Her caramel skin glistened in the dim light that filtered through the one-way glass. My cock swelled a bit as I rolled onto my stomach.

  I glanced back at Karen. Not much had changed. Yoshi was rubbing her clit more vigorously now, and probing her with the anal vibrator. Karen’s eyes were closed. Yoshi’s cock was still dangling, but it looked like it had grown a bit.

  Sally disappeared into the bathroom for a minute and returned with a bowl of nuru. She placed it on the bed next to me and climbed aboard. She straddled my thighs with her junk nestled behind my balls. She settled most of her weight on me and leaned over, touching her nipples to my back. She pressed her groin against my rump and whispered, “Does this make you nervous?”

  I shook my head slightly. “No.”

  Sally kissed the back of my neck. “Are you lying to me?”


  She briefly violated my ear with the tip of her tongue. “Just relax. You’re gonna love it!”

  “You’re talking about the massage, right?”

  “Of course,” she said as she sat back up. “To start with, anyway.”

  “So what else did you have in mind?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Let’s just see what comes up.”

  I imagined Sally’s cock stiffening. Mine really did.

  Sally dipped her hands in the nuru and dribbled it up and down my back and over my ass. She pressed her palms against the small of my back and pushed them up to my shoulders. Then she drew them back down to my waist again. She did this several times, thoroughly coating my back with the slippery gel.

  She scooted down a bit until she was straddling my knees. “You’ve got a great ass.” She squeezed my buns with both hands and then gave me a little smack. “Need a little more nuru here,” she said as she dribbled it into my crack and over the backsides of my balls.

  She trailed both thumbs through my crack and over my anus as she ran her hands over my rump a few times. Then she squeezed my nuru-slathered balls with one hand while she placed her other thumb on my anus and pressed gently. The constriction of my ass was involuntary…as was the swelling of my cock.

  I took a breath and made a conscious effort to relax. As I did, Sally’s thumb eased through my defenses. She gently worked it in and out until I was totally relaxed. “So, you never did tell me…” she said.

  “Tell you?”

  Sally found my prostate and massaged it with her thumb. “Uh-huh. Last time we were in this room together. You said you’d think about letting me fuck you.”

  My cock throbbed and Sally’s thumb had me on the verge of exploding. “Oh, yeah…forgot about that.”

  Sally continued to massage my prostate. Finally, she said, “Well, if this feels good, just imagine how my cock will feel.”

  I couldn’t form a cogent thought.

  Sally slowly withdrew her thumb. A moment later, she was lying on top of me with her rigid cock nestled in the valley between my cheeks. I had a moment of trepidation, but to my surprise, she made no effort to enter me. She just slid her body up and down and around mine. My mind relaxed, but my cock tensed.

  I looked back at Karen. Yoshi was still using the vibrating metal tube in her ass, but he had stopped rubbing her clit with his thumb. Now he was using a vibrator with a round head that reminded me of a microphone. Karen’s eyes were closed and her thighs were trembling. Her body stiffened and bucked against the vibrator. Yoshi had had his first score.

  Sally flipped over and rubbed her backside against mine. I took that as confirmation that she wasn’t going to try to fuck me. I was discomfited by the fact that I felt a twinge of disappointment.

  I took another quick look at Karen. Yoshi still had the microphone-style vibrator pressed against her clit. But now, instead of bucking against it, Karen was wriggling her hips in a futile attempt to avoid it. She obviously had crossed the threshold from pleasure into super-sensitivity, but I figured that wouldn’t last long. She’d soon be ready for more.

  Sally slid off of me and rolled onto her knees. “Turn over,” she said as she dipped her hands into the bowl of nuru. I complied, wondering what was next.

  Sally dribbled ropes of gel up and down my chest and all over my cock and balls. She spread it all around with her hands and then stroked my cock with one while she fondled my balls with the other. Her strokes were long and slow. She obviously wasn’t trying to get me off yet.

  She pushed my thighs apart and sat down between them with her back toward me. She lay back on top of me and pushed herself up until her ass was on top of me with my cock trapped in her crack. She wriggled her butt around and slid her body up and down. At first, I thought she was trying to impale herself on me, but then I realized that she was just giving me a different sort of massage.

  “How you like that?” she asked. “Mmm…your cock it hard, hard, hard… Don’t you want to just jam it deep into me?”

  I took a deep breath. The thought certainly had crossed my mind, but I couldn’t let myself say it.

  Sally found my hand and pulled it to her cock. Her meaty penis was standing up straight. Her hand closed on top of mine as I gripped her and started to stroke. She moved her butt up my body just enough that my own cock sprang up between her thighs, nestled against her hairless balls. She kept her grip on my hand as I stroked her, and she used the nuru-slicked fingertips of her other hand to rub the underside of my head.

  The sensation was incredible, and I was worried that I might cum. I tried to distract myself by looking at Karen, but I couldn’t turn my head around far enough to see her.

  Apparently, Sally was on the brink, too. She suddenly stopped rubbing me and pulled my hand away from her cock. “Not yet,” she said as she slid down between my legs and turned onto her stomach. Her eyes shifted upward. I was pretty sure she was looking at Karen and Yoshi. “We have a lot of time,” she said, without looking back down. I wriggled around until I could turn my head and see what had Sally’s attention.

  Yoshi was going after Karen with a huge reciprocating vibrator that featured a triple dildo. The two longer protrusions were simultaneously fucking Karen’s dripping pussy and ass. The third was more of a nub that swirled against her clit. She was flushed and sweaty, and her whole body seemed to be convulsing. Her eyes were open, but I don’t think she was seeing anything.

  It was a lot like watching Karen being gangbanged. I was about 80% repulsed. But the other 20%...

  Sally continued to watch Karen and Yoshi for a minute or so and then rose to her knees. I tore my eyes away from Karen and looked at Sally as she dipped her hands into the bowl of nuru and dribbled it all over her breasts and down her stomach. She dipped her hands again and smeared the slippery gel all around and over her cock and balls.

  She eased herself down onto me, face-to-face, cock-to-cock. She found my hands and intertwined her fingers with mine. She moved her hips in a tight circle, rubbing our rigid cocks together. “Stop thinking about it,” she said. “Stop trying to put everyone into one category or the other. Don’t think. Just go with what your body feels.”

  At first, I thought she was talking about Karen and Yoshi. But then I realized that she was talking about what she and I were doing. I understood her point, but I wasn’t sure if I could follow her advice. But maybe if I’d had a little more to drink…

  Sally found my lips and pushed her tongue between them. I responded instinctively, without thought, as if she were any other woman. Our lips mashed together and our tongues intertwined. It was like kissing any other woman…and yet it wasn’t. It was different, somehow, but I didn’t exactly know why.

  After a while, Sally’s movements became more urgent. And then she tensed and groaned. I assumed she had cum, but we were so slick with n
uru that I wasn’t sure.

  Sally kissed her way down my chest and engulfed my cock. She sucked me briefly and then looked up at me. “Ever suck a cock?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Well…you should try it sometime. I just love it when a man cums in my mouth.” She lifted my thighs onto her shoulders and massaged my balls. She reached over and stuck her middle finger in the bowl of nuru. A moment later, it was in my ass. I had already been on the brink, so when she touched my prostate, I nearly lost it. “You really should try it sometime.” She engulfed me again, sucking me forcefully and massaging my prostate. I lasted about three seconds before I exploded into her mouth.

  Sally stopped sucking, but kept her lips clamped around me as she gently fondled my balls and stroked my prostate. Then she used her hand to “milk” me, getting every drop before she slid her lips up and off of me. She moved up and planted her lips on mine. When I felt her tongue, I instinctively parted my lips, and a flood of my semen passed between us.

  Sally chuckled. “Surprise!” She kissed me on the nose and chin. “Next time, you can suck me off.”

  I had my doubts about that. But then, I’d never thought I’d be where I was right then. I figured it was a good thing most real women weren’t as good as Sally at giving blowjobs or I’d never get any actual pussy.

  Sally lay down next to me. I rolled over to take a look at Karen.

  Now Yoshi was using a vibrator that had five round heads arranged in a row. He ran them up and down over Karen’s pussy while the milking machine sucked frantically on Karen’s nipples. She was rolling her head from side-to-side, squirming and desperately straining against the ropes that bound her. Despite the gag, saliva was drooling from the corners of her mouth. Although I couldn’t hear her, I was sure she was screaming. Her whole body tensed and shook. Suddenly, her eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp.

  Yoshi turned to set down the vibrator and I got a good look at his fully-erect cock. As I had pretty much expected, it had been tattooed to look like a dragon. What I hadn’t expected were the pea-sized beads that had been implanted under his skin. I guess the tattoos kept me from noticing them when he was flaccid. The beads made the dragon’s eyes bulge, and they formed a row of ridges down its back.

  “Told you that you had to see it for yourself,” Sally said.

  “Yeah…I can’t even imagine…”

  “Looks like the show’s over for a little while until she comes to,” Sally said. Let’s hop in the shower and wash this stuff off.

  Now that my lust was gone, I once again felt awkward as we soaped and rinsed each other. And I was anxious to get back to the bedroom and see how Karen was doing, so I finished quickly and wrapped a towel around myself.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw that Karen was still unconscious. Yoshi was standing between her thighs slowly sliding his “dragon” in and out of her. He had adjusted her position so as to cause the beads on the dragon’s back to rub against her clit. When Karen eventually started to stir, he picked up the microphone shaped vibrator and touched it to that spot. Her eyes flew open and her body jerked.

  “Round two begins,” Sally said as she pressed her tits against my back. She put her arms around me and kissed my ear. “Don’t worry about her. She’ll be fine.”

  I had promised not to interfere, and I couldn’t watch any longer. I pushed the button that slid the panel over the window. When we were in total darkness again, I fumbled my way to the door and opened it to let in a little light so I could gather up my clothes. I gave Sally a goodnight hug and headed back to my room.

  As I crossed the courtyard, I noticed movement on the bed where Lita and I had been with Karen and Tyrone. It took me a second to recognize what I was seeing. The manatee had Lita pinned to the bed while he took her from behind. I wondered how that compared to what was being done to Karen.

  * * * *

  The next morning, I was standing at the back of my car in Sally’s garage, preparing to leave the Oasis. I had been hoping to get a chance to talk with Karen before I left, but I hadn’t seen her. I hadn’t seen Sally, either, so I didn’t know if Karen was still with Yoshi or if she was already in her room recovering from her ordeal.

  I had just dropped my bag into the trunk when Sally appeared wearing the same muumuu as the night before. She nuzzled my neck as she grasped my crotch with both hands. I was chagrined to feel my balls tighten and my cock swell. Sally definitely had me off-balance.

  “Just wanted to let you know Karen is fine,” Sally said.

  “Thanks. I’d been hoping I’d get a chance to talk to her.”

  “Oh, no…not now. She’s in her room now, sound asleep.”

  Sally rubbed my cock through my jeans. I was powerless to keep myself from swelling. “So, Lover-Boy,” Sally continued, her lips brushing against my earlobe, “I was wondering…how would you like to go bottom fishing?”

  “I assume that’s a euphemism for something. Dare I ask what?”

  Sally chuckled. “No, no, it’s not. I’m really talking about fishing. On a boat. At night.” She paused while she squeezed my now-rigid cock and nibbled on my earlobe. “Way out in the ocean.”

  So was that the price I was to pay for my sex vacation with Lita? Was Sally going to take me out on a boat at night and have her way with me?

  “Well…” I struggled for a cogent response.

  “Three days from now. We’ll stay out all night and come back the next day.”

  “We who?”

  “Oh, you and me. The captain and his son. And a few other guys…”

  This was sounding like a real sausage-fest. Knowing how Sally did things, I began to wonder if she was planning to rent my ass to some horny gay fishermen.

  “Um…a few other guys?”

  “Yeah.” Sally tugged at my cock and massaged my balls. “And Karen, of course. She should be all recovered by then.”

  I guess she felt my cock throb. “Oh, you like that idea, don’t you?”

  As always, it seemed lately, my stomach was in turmoil.

  “Karen’s going? With us and a few other guys?”

  “Uh-huh. As entertainment in case the fish don’t bite and the other fishermen get bored. So I thought maybe you’d like to go, too, and keep an eye on her.”

  Without thinking, I asked, “Who are the other guys?” And then it struck me. “Oh, I know. You can’t tell me. Confidentiality.”

  “That’s right, Lover-Boy. But I’m pretty sure you’ll recognize them. One is an NFL quarterback, and the others are two of his teammates.”

  “Starting quarterback?” I’m not much of a sports fan, but I am familiar with most of the starting quarterbacks.

  “Of course. Every year, he picks the two offensive players he thinks did the best job for him that season, and he brings them and their wives or girlfriends on an all-expenses-paid vacation to Hawaii as a reward.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, so there will be other women, too?”

  “Well…no, not on the fishing trip. That’s for the guys only. I have something else lined up for their women. It’s a little arrangement I worked out with the quarterback’s wife a few years ago.”

  “Dare I ask?”

  “Well…you know the guys don’t want the wives tagging along on the fishing trip. So I came up with something else for the women to do. Something that will make them happy to be away from their men for a while.”

  I was beginning to suspect the general nature of what that something might be. “So does this involve PD and some of his friends?”

  “Oh, aren’t you the smart one…”

  “So while the men are out fishing, the women are…”

  “Yep. Right here at the Oasis, getting some TLC. The women think the men are just fishing, and the men think the women are…I don’t know…shopping or something...they don’t really care. So everyone gets what they want, and everyone’s happy.”

  “Ok. So, if these guys are teammates, how do you explain
my presence on the boat?”

  Sally kissed me full on the lips. “I’m gonna tell them I came along because Karen was nervous about being alone all night in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of horny men, and you came along to…um…keep me company, so to speak.”

  My butt clenched again. “So if there are three of those guys, why are you just bringing Karen? Why aren’t you bringing three women?”

  “Oh, that’s how the quarterback wants it. It’s some kind of superstitious male bonding thing. The quarterback thinks sharing a woman creates a bond between the teammates, so he wants just one woman that they can pass around.”

  “When you say ‘pass around’ you mean?”

  Sally squeezed my rigid cock. “You know what I mean.”

  My stomach churned. I took a stab at humor. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing the quarterback doesn’t have a superstition involving tossing virgins into the volcano.”

  “Oh, Lover-Boy…don’t you know? Our little Karen is no virgin.” Sally patted my butt. “But you, however…”

  “Yeah…good thing I’m not their type.”

  “Oh, you never can be sure. The quarterback has eclectic tastes.”

  * * * *

  About noon, three very long days later, I pulled my car into Sally’s garage again. I was beginning to wonder if that very act was a metaphor for what lay ahead. Or was Sally thinking of parking in my garage?

  I pulled my bag out of the trunk and handed it to Sally’s driver. He deposited it in the trunk of her idling Cadillac and then opened the back door for me.

  Sally was already in the backseat. Karen was in the front passenger seat. Both appeared to be wearing shorts and t-shirts over bikinis.

  Sally gave me a big kiss on the cheek. Karen acknowledged my presence with a soft, “Hi.” The chill in the air wasn’t just from the air conditioner.


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