VIP Companion

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VIP Companion Page 14

by Thomas Henry

  “It’s really warm tonight,” Sally whispered. “I think I’ll get a little more comfortable.” She pulled off her t-shirt and stripped off her shorts, leaving her in her bikini. In the low light, I couldn’t quite see how much of a package she was showing.

  “Aren’t you warm, too?” she asked as she turned me around and unbuckled my belt. “Let’s get these off.” I lifted my butt so she could pull my jeans down my legs. This was one of those rare occasions when I wasn’t wearing western boots. As I kicked off my deck shoes, I wondered exactly what Sally had in mind. She tossed aside my jeans and said, “Now this” as she pulled my t-shirt over my head.

  Sally ran her fingertips down my bare chest. “Hmmm…I feel overdressed.” She unfastened her bikini top and tossed it on top of my t-shirt.

  She cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples. “Too bad it’s nighttime.”

  I managed to squeak out a “Why’s that?”

  “Because…if it was sunny out, we could rub suntan lotion all over each other.”

  “Yeah. Too bad.” I rolled onto my stomach and got up on my elbows to peek in at Karen and the wide receiver.

  Sally lay down right next to me, shoulder-to-shoulder, hip-to-hip. “Aren’t you jealous, watching your woman in the throes of passion with another man?”

  “Of course. My stomach’s in a knot.”

  “But it’s really making you horny, too, isn’t it?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Oh, you’re full of it!” She ran her hand up the inside of my thigh and patted my balls through my boxer-briefs. “I’ll bet you’re hard as a rock already.”

  She was right, of course. I wondered where she was going with all this. I had no doubt that Sally intended to take advantage of my arousal…and my inebriation…but I didn’t know quite how.

  “So which is better? Watching her with Yoshi, or watching her now?”

  “Now, by a long shot.”

  “Why? Black guys with big cocks turn you on more than Asian guys with dragon cocks?”

  Sally had an interesting way of posing the question. Which ‘guy’ did I like better? “Actually, it has nothing to do with the guy, per se,” I said. “It’s Karen’s reaction to the guy that does it for me. I guess, if it’s good for her, it’s good for me, too. I mean, it tears me up to watch her respond to another guy, but at the same time, it’s the ultimate turn-on.”

  “Better than making love to her yourself?”

  “No, of course not. But as a prelude.”

  “So you enjoy sex with her more after you’ve seen her with another man?”

  “You sure do ask some vexing questions. I guess it makes the sex really hot, but it also makes the lovemaking more…I don’t know…more fulfilling? It’s hard to explain, but there is something heartwarming about feeling her desire for me despite having had her brains fucked out by some other guy.”

  Sally was quiet for several minutes. I thought she’d decided to drop the subject. Then she bumped her shoulder against mine. “So…tonight must be difficult for you…getting all the stimulation of seeing her with other guys, but then…well…not getting to have her afterward.”

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “What about when you were with Lita?”

  “Lita was great, and she certainly took care of the physical aspect. But the heart wants what the heart wants.”

  “So…if you couldn’t have Karen, Lita was better than nothing?”

  “Well, it’s not quite that simple. Depends on the context. Sex with Lita, in and of itself, is wonderful. No downside whatsoever. But sex with Lita as a substitute for Karen is a mixed bag. Watching Karen with another guy twists my guts and makes my balls ache. And in a strange way, those two conditions seem to hold each other in balance. But then if I have sex with someone like Lita, the balance is lost. It takes care of the aching balls, but it still leaves me with the twisted gut.”

  “Another question,” Sally said. “How did what you and I did while we were watching Karen and Yoshi make you feel?”

  I wasn’t sure what she was asking. Was she substituting herself for Lita in her earlier line of questioning? “Not sure I understand. Are you talking about how being with you made me feel with respect to not having Karen?”

  “Oh, no…nothing to do with Karen. In and of itself. How did you feel about what we did…what we have done? I mean, I know it turned you on, but afterward…did you feel…I don’t know…ashamed or guilty? Did you regret having sex…well, sort of…with someone like me?”

  I decided to be as honest as I could find the words to be. “I had some…apprehension…about the fact that I responded to you as I did. Something in the back of my mind said I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to a person with a cock. But regrets or recriminations about what we did? No, not at all.”

  “Suppose I was post-op. Would you prefer that?”

  “Prefer? No. It creeps me out just thinking about it. Well, not about you being post-op…about you having them cut off. The thought makes me cringe.”


  I took a deep breath and thanked my lucky stars that I was pretty drunk. “To tell you the truth,” I said, “there’s something about you having a penis that is a turn on. Forbidden fruit, or something. I’m not sure exactly.”

  Sally nodded toward the cabin window. “Maybe something like Karen with him? Think maybe she’s extra hot for him because he’s a studly black guy?”

  I peeked inside. Now Karen was sitting up, riding him like a rocking horse. He was squeezing her breasts and rolling her engorged nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. The look in Karen’s eyes as she gazed down at him tore at my heart. In that moment, anyway, he absolutely owned her. In the past, I’d have been comforted by the knowledge that she was going to dance the last dance with me, but now I had no idea where I stood with her.

  “Yeah, maybe so,” I said.

  Sally turned onto her back and slid her panties down her legs far enough for her to kick them off. There was just enough light for me to see that her fat cock was standing straight up, the head glistening with her own juices. She grabbed the waistband of my boxer-briefs. “Take these damned things off!”

  I didn’t know what she intended we do, but in my drunken, horny state, I knew I was going to ride the horse in whatever direction it was going. I took them off.

  Sally rolled over and hugged me, pressing her slippery erection against my thigh. She grabbed my ass cheek and squeezed. “Great ass! God, I’d like to do you right now!”

  I bit my drunken, horny tongue to keep from asking, so what’s stopping you? Apparently, not me…

  I squeezed her butt and heard my drunken, horny self say, “Not so shabby yourself.”

  A moment later, Sally was greasing my pole with some personal lubricant. At first, I wondered where she got it. But then I remembered that she had detoured to get something out of the drawer earlier. I was surprised…and slightly relieved…when she did not grease her own cock. Instead, she reached around and fingered her butt with a generous dollop.

  “But I can’t do you tonight,” Sally continued. “I gotta conserve my juices for my rendezvous with the quarterback in a little while.” She rolled onto her stomach and pushed up against me. “So tonight, you can do me.”

  I ran my hand up and down her back and over her rump. She was a bit broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips…but she did have a nice ass. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t taken a woman up the butt before.

  “C’mon,” she said. “Just climb on and watch what he’s doing to Karen.” She nodded her head toward the cabin window. “And then just let nature take its course.”

  I rolled against Sally and stretched to look into the cabin window. Now the wide receiver had Karen in the missionary position. He was kissing her and giving her long, steady strokes. She had her ankles wrapped around his thighs and was pulling at his ass with both hands. It was almost as if she were masturbating with his dick.

  I no longer had any qu
estion about which direction the horse was going. I rolled on top of Sally. Her skin was soft and smooth, and her ass felt great against my groin. I rubbed my cock up and down her crack a few times and then positioned myself to try to enter her. I pushed, but the head of my cock slipped up between her buns. I tried again, this time a little lower, and found the right spot.

  “That’s it,” Sally said. She turned her head to look at me out of the corner of her eye. “At least with me, you don’t have to worry about hitting the wrong hole!”

  We pushed against each other, and after a moment of resistance, she relaxed and the head of my cock slipped through.

  “Go easy at first,” she said. “I’m a little rusty.”

  That struck me as odd. I’d assumed that Sally was being boned as often as Karen, what with her owning a sex club and all. Go figure.

  I slowly pushed all the way into her and lay down on her. I took another peek through the cabin window. The wider receiver was laying pipe, and Karen was in ecstasy. My balls tightened and my cock throbbed. I started giving Sally slow, gentle strokes, trying to “go easy” as she had requested. But apparently, her notion of “easy” was a lot more vigorous than mine. She pushed back against me and urged me on.

  I started thrusting more forcefully, but I quickly came to the precipice, so I slowed again in an attempt to keep from cuming. “Don’t stop!” Sally said. “Don’t stop! Give it to me!”

  “But I’m gonna cum,” I said.

  “I should hope so! Rather the point of fucking me, isn’t it? C’mon! Slam me! Give it all to me!”

  For the briefest of moments, I had the irrational notion that I should stop and save it for Karen. But who was I kidding? There was no way she was going to be with me tonight…or maybe ever again. That thought brought me back from the edge long enough to give Sally’s ass a workout before I pumped a ball-draining load of semen into her.

  As I knew would be the case, my lust was gone with the first massive squirt. And now I felt only the twisted gut as I gave Karen one last glance and pulled out of Sally.

  I had barely managed to roll onto my back before Sally was on me, kissing me and rubbing her tits against my chest. “Well, Lover-Boy…we’ve had a breakthrough. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.”

  I really didn’t know how to respond to that. It certainly slaked my lust, and I had no regrets about having had sex with Sally. But it hadn’t been good in the sense that it satisfied my soul the way making love with Karen did. “Uh-huh,” I said.

  Sally snuggled up to me, and we lay there quietly for a while. I occasionally could hear Karen crying out. I wondered just how long the wide receiver could keep it up.

  Sally stirred and mumbled something about it being about time for her tryst with the quarterback. I managed to put my clothes back on and staggered my way back up to the flying bridge.

  I sat down on the bench, too drunk and tired to think clearly. I needed to sleep, but curiosity kept me awake. What exactly were Sally and the quarterback going to do? I glanced down at the rear deck. He and the center were still lying on the padded benches, apparently asleep. I leaned my head back, and the gentle rocking of the boat eased me into oblivion.

  I awoke with a start. My neck was killing me. I sat upright and rolled my head around, trying to work out the kinks. I looked at the rear deck. The center was still asleep, but the quarterback was gone. Aside from the gentle lapping of the water against the boat’s hull, I could hear nothing. Even Karen was quiet now.

  I eased over and looked down at the front deck. Sally and the quarterback were lying in the “69” position on the mat, sucking each other’s cocks. Football was never going to be quite the same for me. I lay down on the bench and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

  Some unknown amount of time later, Sally’s naked butt pushed up against my crotch. It wasn’t until I put my arm around her that I realized it wasn’t Sally at all…it was Karen. I instinctively hugged her and kissed her neck.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hi…uh…pleasant surprise...” I tried to clear the fog from my mind, wondering what was happening.

  “Needed to feel you. Wanted to ask you something.”

  I kissed her neck again. “Okay…what?”

  “When we get back tomorrow, do you have to go right home? I mean, is Mai expecting you right away?”

  “No. Actually…um…she thinks I’m on the Mainland on business.”

  “Oh! So…could we be together for a couple of days? Just the two of us? At our place?”

  Our place. The words warmed my heart and my soul burst into song. “Of course.”

  “We should talk. And I need to be with you.”

  Tears welled in my eyes. She needed to be with me. And I assumed she’d finally tell me what was going on with her. Maybe I hadn’t lost her after all.

  Karen turned and gave me a peck on the nose. Her breath smelled of beer and semen. “I gotta go before someone catches me with you.” She eased off of the bench and vanished down the ladder. I let the boat rock me back to sleep, suddenly content with the knowledge that Karen and I were about to be together again.

  * * * *

  I was awakened by the sound of the boat’s engines. I sat up and looked around. Keoki had stowed the bottom-fishing gear and pulled up the anchor, and he was letting out the trolling lines as we got underway. The wind had come up and the water had gotten choppy. Even so, the big boat handled the seas with ease, so the ride wasn’t bad.

  All three of the football players were on the rear deck, lying on the ice boxes. I took a look at the forward deck. The mat and towels were gone. I didn’t see Sally or Karen anywhere, so they had to be down below. They both had been up most of the night, so I thought they might be sleeping.

  About an hour into our trip back to Oahu, I spotted a few birds circling in the distance. I tapped Kimo on the shoulder and pointed. He nodded and smiled and altered course toward them. The birds were circling above a floating log, and as we passed by, mahi-mahi hit three of our lures almost simultaneously.

  As the reels sang, the football players came to life, and Keoki started shouting instructions. Each player grabbed a pole while Keoki furiously cranked in the other lines. The next ten minutes or so were controlled pandemonium as the players danced around each other on the rolling deck, trying to keep the speedy fish from tangling the lines as they zipped back and forth. Keoki directed the players to bring in the fish one at a time while Kimo constantly changed course to try to prevent the fish from swimming under the boat.

  Sally and Karen appeared from below, apparently roused by the shouting. They sat side-by-side on one of the padded benches to watch the action.

  Sally was wearing a shorty muumuu. Karen was clad in a bikini that was considerably less functional as swimwear than the one she had worn yesterday. Like the bikini Bill had given her, this one had a tiny bottom, and the top wasn’t much more than two small white triangles stretched over her nipples by some string. My balls tightened, and I smiled to myself. In a couple of hours, we would be together at “our” place again.

  Keoki looked in Karen’s direction and did a quick double-take before he gaffed the first mahi and wrestled it into the ice chest. He was pulling the second over the transom when the center cursed. His line had gone slack. At first, everyone assumed the fish had thrown the hook, but by the time Keoki had flung the second mahi into the ice box, the center had reeled his line in far enough to determine that the lure was gone. That struck me as odd because the mahi weren’t big enough to break the 80-pound-test line.

  Keoki kept stealing glances at Karen as he started letting out the lines again. Kimo turned the boat to make another pass by the log.

  We were traveling with the seas, and when a wave rose behind us, we learned what had happened to the third mahi. A large shark came swimming down the face of the wave, following right behind us. Kimo apparently realized that there was no point in trolling around the log anymore, so he turned back toward Oahu.<
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  The center plopped down in the fighting chair. The other two players lifted the ice box lid a few inches and peered at the fish they had just caught. Then they closed the lid and sat down on it. The wide receiver spotted Karen and gave her a big smile. The center apparently noticed, and turned to look. He rolled his eyes and shook his head with a grin on his face.

  The center turned to Keoki and said something. Keoki looked toward Oahu, shrugged, and said something back. I had the impression he was telling the center how much longer it would take for us to get back to Kewalo Basin.

  The center hopped out of the fighting chair. He held out his massive arms to keep his balance as he lurched over to Karen. He took her by the hand and drew her into the cabin below me.

  Keoki looked after them with a scowl on his face. He busied himself hoisting the fish flags. One ono and two mahi-mahi. His body language suggested jealousy. I wondered if the young man had a crush on Karen.

  A couple of minutes after the center had taken Karen below, Sally disappeared into the cabin again. I wondered if she was intending to join them, but she soon reappeared with a plate full of sandwiches. She passed them out to Keoki and the two players, and then she climbed up to the flying bridge with sandwiches for Kimo and me.

  “Not eating?” I asked as she sat down next to me.

  Sally chuckled. “Already scarfed mine down.” She looked me up and down. “Get any sleep?”

  “Some. Not enough. You?”

  “Couple hours this morning. That’s about it.”

  We were silent for a few minutes. She patted me on the thigh. “Well, I guess I’d better get back down there and do some cleaning up before we get in.”

  I wasn’t sure if she was talking about herself or the cabin, but I assumed the latter. “Need some help?”

  “No, no. It’s not that much. Just stay up here and relax…maybe take a nap.” She got up and climbed down the ladder.

  I was tired, but I kept imagining that I could hear Karen’s voice coming from below. I knew it wasn’t possible with the sounds of the engines and the water against the hull, but it kept me awake anyway.


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