VIP Companion

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VIP Companion Page 15

by Thomas Henry

  Perhaps half an hour later, the center emerged from the cabin, waving Karen’s bikini bottom. The wide receiver had taken over his place in the fighting chair, so the center tottered over and sat down next to the quarterback.

  The quarterback plucked Karen’s bikini bottom from the center’s hand and held it up, letting it wave in the breeze. He went over and lowered the fish flags. He attached Karen’s bikini bottom as a fourth flag and raised them again. For a moment, I wondered why he didn’t hoist a second bikini bottom for Sally, but then I remembered that their assignation had been a secret.

  I wondered if either of the other players was going to take Karen for a last ride, but neither made a move toward the cabin. I guessed she and Sally had already fucked them dry. I lay down on the bench for a little nap.

  * * * *

  It was late afternoon by the time we got back to Kewalo Basin. I waited up on the flying bridge while the football players posed for photos with the fish. I expected them to pose with Karen, too, but they didn’t. I guess it wouldn’t have been prudent. And by now, she was back in her shorts and t-shirt, looking a bit worse for the wear after her long night.

  When the photos had all been taken, Sally and Karen kissed and hugged the players and said their goodbyes. The players climbed into a taxi and disappeared.

  Keoki was helping Sally’s driver load the baskets back in the Cadillac’s trunk. Kimo was busy stowing the fishing gear. As soon as the players left, I climbed down from the flying bridge and joined Sally and Karen on the rear deck, expecting that the three of us would go back to the Oasis, where Karen and I would load our things into my car and head out to my man-cave in Halawa.

  But Karen pulled me aside. “Listen, I’m going to hang back here for a little while and…um…help out a bit. Why don’t you go with Sally and get your car and come back for me?”

  I figured that Karen had already done her part in this enterprise, so I wasn’t sure why she felt it necessary to “help out a bit,” but I wasn’t going to make any waves by giving her a hard time about it. I just wanted to have her back in my arms again. “Well…okay,” I said. “But what about your stuff at Sally’s?”

  “Oh…just leave it there for now. I have everything I’m going to need at our place.”

  Our Place. I loved how she said that.

  Karen glanced at Keoki, who now was helping his father with the gear. “About how long will it take you to get back?” she asked me.

  “I don’t know. Half hour or so, depending on traffic.”

  “Well…why don’t you stop for a cup of coffee and make it an hour or so?”

  “Ready to go?” Sally called out as she stepped onto the dock and headed for the Cadillac.

  Karen touched my arm. “Go ahead. Come back for me in an hour…hour and a half, maybe.”

  I had an uneasy feeling, but I decided not to keep Sally waiting while I tried to figure out why. I hopped onto the dock and hurried over to her car.

  In the car, Sally leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Boy, these overnight trips really take it out of me.” She squeezed my thigh. “I don’t know how your little Karen does it.”

  I really had nothing to say. I was pretty tired myself, and my gut was in a knot over Karen’s decision to remain behind. I had been trying to ignore the elephant in the room, but I could think of only one reason for Karen to do that. A moment later, Sally confirmed my suspicion.

  “It’s Keoki’s birthday, you know. Eighteen years old today.” Sally chuckled. “Karen’s going to make a real man out of him.”

  I thought about what Sally had said about why she didn’t seduce Keoki. His daddy would kill me. “What’s his father going to say? Is he going to be huhu with Karen for deflowering his son?”

  “Are you kidding? It was his idea. Besides, I seriously doubt the boy’s a virgin. He’s just never been laid by an adult woman with Karen’s…um…experience and skills.”

  We rode in silence the rest of the way back to the Oasis. I kept remembering Keoki rubbing lotion on Karen’s breasts while his cock strained against his speedo. At the time, I thought she was just being a cock-tease and he was just engaged in some wishful thinking. Now I wondered if they both already knew what lay ahead.

  We pulled into the garage and got out of the car. Sally gave me a hug. “You’re lucky I’m so worn out, or else I’d be doing to you what Keoki is doing to Karen right now.”

  “Rubbing suntan lotion on my back?”

  Sally chuckled. My stomach churned as I envisioned Keoki stripping off his speedo and mounting Karen.

  “Tell you what,” Sally said. “You have some time to kill. Let’s take a nice bath. I’ll scrub your back.”

  I had no better idea of how to spend the next hour or so, and a bath sounded really good after more than 24 hours on the ocean. I tossed my bag into the trunk of my car and followed her into the house.

  She led me through the kitchen and into the living room. I hadn’t been in there since that first night when Max and I had come in through the front door. I glanced out at the courtyard. For the first time in my experience, no one was there.

  “You’ve never been upstairs, have you?” Sally asked.

  I shook my head. I had been in this house years ago, just after it was built, but I didn’t remember it very well.

  “That’s my private area, so very few people have.” She led me over to a staircase in the corner of the living room. I kicked off my shoes.

  The stairs led up to the end of a hallway. On one side of the hallway were windows overlooking the courtyard. On the other side were three doors. At the end of the hallway was a set of double doors.

  The first door on the right was closed. The second was standing open. It was a typical bathroom, so I assumed the first had been a bedroom.

  Sally stopped at the third door and pushed it open. “This is Karen’s room,” she said. “Her private room.” I peered around the door jamb. It was a good sized room with a queen bed and windows that overlooked the street. The closet door was open, revealing a fair amount of clothing. I recognized a couple of the dresses as ones I had seen Karen wear on her dates. Until now, I’d had no concept of how much stuff she had accumulated here. I wondered if she had said to leave everything because she expected to need it here again. My churning stomach knew the answer that my conscious mind didn’t want to admit.

  Sally moved on to the double doors at the end of the hallway. “And this is my private space,” she said as she pushed both doors open with a flourish. The bedroom was huge, with windows overlooking both the courtyard and the street. In addition to the king-sized bed, there were various pieces of exercise equipment stationed around the room.

  Sally sashayed through the bedroom to another doorway. “And this,” she said with a wink, “is our destination for the moment.”

  Like the bedroom, the bathroom was huge, with two of everything except for the round, jetted tub that overlooked the side street. The bathroom obviously had been built for a couple. I wondered if Sally had ever had a partner to share it with her.

  She turned on the water and started filling the tub. She poured in something that I assumed to be bubble bath. Then in one deft move, she was out of her muumuu. A moment later, she was unbuttoning my shirt. Two moments later, my pants and boxer-briefs were around my ankles…and my balls were in Sally’s hand. I glanced down. Her fat cock was hanging limp. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed.

  “Good thing my balls aren’t this big,” she said. “I’d never be able to tuck them away.”

  I tried to imagine doing that to myself…but I just couldn’t visualize anything that wouldn’t be incredibly uncomfortable, if not downright painful.

  “Let’s rinse off in the shower while the tub is filling up,” Sally said. She took me by the hand and led me to one of the showers. She held her other hand under the water until it was warm and then she pulled me inside with her.

  We both made a pretty quick job of rinsing off without a lot of foo
ling around. The tub was filling rapidly, so we didn’t have a lot of time to dilly-dally in the shower.

  The tub was large enough for us to sit comfortably face-to-face. “So,” Sally said, “now that you’re sober…how are you feeling about last night?”

  “Most interesting fishing trip I’ve ever been on.”

  “Okay, smart-ass. You know what I mean…about you and me…what we did.” She caressed my cock with her big toe. I felt it start to swell.

  “Well…” I was at a loss for words. How exactly did I feel?


  “Oh, no…not at all.”

  Sally rubbed my inner thigh with her foot and then found my cock again. “Well, I know how he feels about it,” she said, jutting her chin toward my crotch. “But I wondered if your mind was in agreement.”

  “Oh, my mind goes along with pretty much whatever he wants,” I said.

  “Sooo… I might be able to tempt you again sometime?”

  “Temptation is a wonderful thing.”

  Sally smiled and nodded. “Yes, it is.”

  We were silent for a little while, and then she said, “You must be happy that Karen is going home with you today.”

  I nodded, not knowing how much to say. Sally obviously had some level of interest in me, so it seemed insensitive to rub Karen in her face.

  “I think we’re both really going to miss her…for different reasons, of course,” Sally said.

  My stomach knotted. Miss her? What did Sally know that I didn’t? I did my best to keep a straight face while I waited for her to continue.

  “You know,” Sally said, “I hope you’ll continue to come around after she’s gone.”

  “I appreciate the invitation,” I said with my stomach flip-flopping, still wondering what she was talking about.

  “She’s really torn up about leaving you, you know,” Sally said. “She said her heart belongs to you.”

  But her ass is up for grabs, I thought…without really thinking.

  “But she knows you’re in love with some old girlfriend named Rachel, and she could never leave her children, anyway. So she’s going to stay with Ted.”

  Now I got it. Sally was referring to Ted being transferred by the Navy. I’d always known that day would come, but now I wondered if it was imminent. Maybe that was what Karen wanted to talk to me about…or at least part of it.

  “None of us will ever have what we really want, you know,” Sally said. “Not me, not Karen, and not even you.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, take me, for instance. I can have all the surgeries and hormones in the world, but I’ll never truly be what I want to be…a natural woman with a loving husband and children. You’ll never have the life you wanted with Rachel. No matter how much you want her to be, Karen never will be Rachel. And Karen will never have what she wants, either.”

  “And what do you think that is?”

  “She wants to be your Rachel. She’s desperately in love with you. She wants it to be you she married. She wants you to have been her husband and the father of her children. But of course, that never can be.”

  I nodded and decided to spill some of my feelings. “You know, you’re right about me being in love with Rachel…but…I think I’m in love with Karen, too. It’s like I can’t tell them apart anymore…like they’re one person. Actually, I haven’t seen Rachel in many, many years, so it’s like Karen is her reincarnation or something.

  “But,” I continued, “that said, I would never try to take Karen away from Ted and break up their family. I mean, I’ve always known that the Navy would transfer Ted and that Karen and her children would go with him.”

  “So what happens when she’s gone?”

  I shook my head. “So far, I’ve pretty much managed to keep myself in denial about that.”

  Sally turned her back toward me and slid her butt between my thighs and up against my crotch. She leaned back against my chest. “Me, too. Let’s keep denying it for a while longer.” She turned her head and kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around her substantial chest and held her quietly until the water got cold.

  When we got out of the tub, Sally grabbed a towel and dried me off. She dropped to her knees to dry my legs, and the next thing I knew, my cock was in her mouth. I hardened immediately. She gave me a few strokes and said, “When you get home, Karen is going to fall asleep, and you’re going to spend the night with blue balls.”

  I knew she was right. I couldn’t imagine that Karen would be up for having sex with me tonight. “Probably so,” I said.

  “Well, I’d feel just terrible if I let that happen.” Sally stood and pulled me into the bedroom. “Lie down on your back. We don’t have a lot of time. You need to go pretty soon.”

  * * * *

  I arrived back at the boat a little more than an hour and a half after I had left. The sun was low in the sky. Keoki was up on the front deck, hosing it down. I saw no sign of Karen, so I pulled into a parking stall and waited.

  About ten minutes later, Karen came out of the cabin, followed by Kimo. Her hair was wet, and I could make out her areolas through her damp t-shirt. Kimo held her arm as she stepped onto the dock. She gave him a hug and waived to Keoki. Then she smiled and wiggled her fingertips at me as she shuffled over to my car. I popped the trunk lid. She tossed in her bag and closed it.

  She slid into her seat and gave me a kiss. Her wet hair was cool against my cheek, but her breast was warm as it pressed against my arm. “Let’s go home,” she said.

  Despite the knot in my stomach and the numbness of my just-drained balls, I was really looking forward to being there with her. I wanted her bare skin pressed against mine while I slept with her in my arms.

  As we cruised toward Halawa, I waited for Karen to say something about what she had been doing for the past hour and a half, but she just held my hand with her eyes closed. Finally, I asked, “So, how was the birthday boy?”

  Karen smiled and gave a little shrug, but her eyes remained closed. “Oh, about like I expected. You know…hard as a rock, but quick on the trigger. The first time, anyway. He did a little better the second time around.”

  “So I take it he didn’t ring your chimes?”

  “Nooo…” She was silent for a few seconds. “But his daddy did.”

  That one caught me by surprise. All things considered, I guessed it shouldn’t have, but it did. And I supposed it really didn’t matter. Once you’re in over your head, it really doesn’t matter how deep the water is.

  I gave Karen’s hand a gentle squeeze. “So, are you going to tell me what all this has been about?”

  “I’m going to try. But not right now, okay? I’m exhausted, and I imagine you’re pretty tired, too. Let’s just go home and get some sleep and then we’ll have plenty of time to talk things over.”

  I was dying to know what she was thinking, but I decided to let it go until we’d had a good sleep. And once again, my heart was warmed by her reference to my man-cave as “home.”

  We both remained silent until I pressed the remote button to raise the overhead door at my building. Karen’s eyes half-opened as she said, “Oh, we’re here already. And there’s my car…”

  I left our bags in the trunk and gave Karen my hand to help her got out of my car. She held onto my arm with both hands as we climbed the stairs. She obviously was exhausted.

  “Okay if I use the bathroom first?” she asked when we got to the bedroom.

  “Sure. Need me to scrub your back or anything?”

  Karen paused in the doorway and gave me a lazy wink. “Mmm…next time.”

  I went back to the kitchen and mixed a Tanqueray-and-tonic. I sat down at my desk and wondered how Karen was going to explain why she had been doing what she had been doing…and when and how she was planning to go back to Ted. And when she was leaving me.

  I’d drained my drink by the time Karen appeared in the doorway, wrapped in a towel, with another wrapped around her hair. “Bathroom’s all yours.”
She wandered out to the kitchen.

  I got up and went into the bathroom. Even though I had bathed with Sally, I felt like I needed another shower. My skin felt oily from the bubble bath, and I really wanted to wash the sea salt out of my hair.

  By the time I had finished my shower and blown my hair dry, Karen was in bed and sound asleep. She had covered herself with a blanket for warmth in the air-conditioned room. Her towels were heaped next to the bed.

  It was only about seven, but I was exhausted, too. I dropped my own towel and slipped under the blanket, trying not to disturb her. But she sensed that I was there and rolled over and snuggled up to me. She smelled fresh and clean, a heart-warming change from the way she had smelled of beer and semen the night before. She kissed my chest and murmured, “Love you.”

  Without a moment’s thought or hesitation, I whispered, “I love you, too.” But from the rhythm of her breathing, I suspected she already was too far gone to hear me.

  * * * *

  It was about three in the morning when I awoke to the sensation of Karen sucking my cock. At first, I was surprised that she was awake. But then I realized that we already had been sleeping for around eight hours. Even so, I couldn’t imagine that she was horny, given the amount of sex she’d had in the past day and a half.

  But maybe she wasn’t. Maybe she was just trying to take care of my needs. She had no way of knowing that Sally had drained my balls a few hours earlier.

  It wasn’t long before I was rigid and throbbing. Karen kissed the head of my cock and slid her body up mine. When she guided me into her, I was surprised by how wet she was.

  She pressed those fabulous tits against my chest and kissed me. Then she nestled her cheek against mine and rested her full weight on me, slowly easing herself up and down my length. I wrapped my arms around her and held her, gently moving my hips in concert with hers.

  Neither of us said anything as we tenderly made love. In a little while, I became aware that my cheek was wet. Karen was quietly crying. I wasn’t sure why, but tears welled in my eyes, too. Karen sniffled as she pressed her lips against my ear and whispered, “I want your baby.”


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