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Collected Poems

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by Robert Bly



  Stealing Sugar from the Castle: Selected and New Poems, 1950–2013

  Talking into the Ear of a Donkey

  Reaching Out to the World: New and Selected Prose Poems

  My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of Joy

  The Urge to Travel Long Distances

  The Night Abraham Called to the Stars

  The Insanity of Empire: A Book of Poems Against the Iraq War

  Eating the Honey of Words: New and Selected Poems

  Morning Poems

  Meditations on the Insatiable Soul

  What Have I Ever Lost by Dying?: Collected Prose Poems

  Angels of Pompeii

  (with Stephen Brigidi)

  Selected Poems

  Loving a Woman in Two Worlds

  The Man in the Black Coat Turns

  This Tree Will Be Here for a Thousand Years

  Old Man Rubbing His Eyes

  This Body Is Made of Camphor and Gopherwood

  (illustrated by Gendron Jensen)

  The Morning Glory

  Jumping Out of Bed

  Sleepers Joining Hands

  The Light Around the Body

  Silence in the Snowy Fields


  The Maiden King

  (with Marion Woodman)

  The Sibling Society: An Impassioned Call for the Rediscovery of Adulthood

  Remembering James Wright

  Iron John: A Book About Men

  American Poetry: Wildness and Domesticity

  A Little Book on the Human Shadow

  (with William Booth)

  Talking All Morning

  Eight Stages of Translation




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  Copyright © 2018, 2011, 2005, 2001, 1997, 1994, 1985, 1981, 1979, 1977, 1975, 1973, 1972, 1967, 1966, 1965, 1964, 1963, 1962, 1961, 1960, 1959, 1953 by Robert Bly

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

  Silence in the Snowy Fields. © 1962 by Robert Bly. Published by Wesleyan University Press. Used by permission. Morning Poems. Copyright © 1997 by Robert Bly. Printed by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. The Night Abraham Called to the Stars. Copyright © 2001 by Robert Bly. Printed by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of Joy. Copyright © 2005 by Robert Bly. Printed by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Some versions of these poems that appeared originally in other volumes were revised for Jumping Out of Bed (1987) and Reaching Out to the World: New and Selected Prose Poems (2009). © 1987 and 2009 by Robert Bly. Published by White Pine Press. Reprinted with permission.

  For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110

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  Book design by JAM Design

  Production manager: Anna Oler

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

  Names: Bly, Robert, author.

  Title: Collected poems / Robert Bly.

  Description: First edition. | New York : W. W. Norton & Company, [2018] |

  Includes index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2018028547 | ISBN 9780393652444 (hardcover)

  Classification: LCC PS3552.L9 A6 2018 | DDC 811/.54—dc23

  LC record available at

  ISBN: 978-0-39365-245-1 (ebk.)

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

  W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., 15 Carlisle Street, London W1D 3BS

  For Ruth



  Eleven Poems of Solitude

  Three Kinds of Pleasures

  Return to Solitude

  Waking from Sleep

  Hunting Pheasants in a Cornfield

  Surprised by Evening

  Thinking of Wallace Stevens on the First Snowy Day in December

  Sunset at a Lake


  Approaching Winter

  Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River

  Poem in Three Parts




  Poem against the Rich

  Poem against the British

  Where We Must Look for Help

  Remembering in Oslo the Old Picture of the Magna Carta

  Summer, 1960, Minnesota

  With Pale Women in Maryland

  Driving through Ohio

  At the Funeral of Great-Aunt Mary

  On the Ferry across Chesapeake Bay

  A Man Writes to a Part of Himself


  Driving to Town Late to Mail a Letter

  Getting Up Early

  A Late Spring Day in My Life

  Love Poem

  “Taking the Hands”

  Afternoon Sleep

  Images Suggested by Medieval Music

  Solitude Late at Night in the Woods

  Watering the Horse

  In a Train

  Silence on the Roads

  After Working

  The Clear Air of October

  Laziness and Silence

  September Night with an Old Horse


  After Drinking All Night with a Friend, We Go Out in a Boat at Dawn to See Who Can Write the Best Poem

  Old Boards

  Late at Night during a Visit of Friends


  Snowfall in the Afternoon


  I. The Two Worlds

  The Executive’s Death

  The Busy Man Speaks

  Johnson’s Cabinet Watched by Ants

  Watching Television

  Smothered by the World

  A Dream of Suffocation

  Romans Angry about the Inner World

  II. The Various Arts of Poverty and Cruelty

  Come with Me

  Those Being Eaten by America

  Written in Dejection near Rome

  Listening to President Kennedy Lie about the Cuban Invasion

  The Great Society

  Suddenly Turning Away

  Three Presidents

  Hearing Men Shout at Night on MacDougal Street

  The Current Administration

  Andrew Jackson’s Speech

  Sleet Storm on the Merritt Parkway

  III. The Vietnam War

  After the Industrial Revolution, All Things Happen at Once

  Asian Peace Offers Rejected without Publication

  War and Silence

  Counting Small-Boned Bodies

  As the Asian War Begins

  At a March against the Vietnam War

  Hatred of Men with Black Hair

  Driving through Minnesota during the Hanoi Bombings

  IV. In Praise of Grief


  Turning Away from Lies

  A Home in Dark Grass

  Looking at New-Fallen Snow from a Train

  In Danger from the Outer World

  The Fire of Despair Has Been Our Saviour

  Looking at Some Flowers

  V. A Body Not Yet Born

  Looking into a Face

  Hurrying Away from the Earth

  The Hermit

  Max Ernst and the Tortoise’s Beak

  Moving Inward a
t Last

  Riderless Horses

  Evolution from the Fish

  Wanting to Experience All Things

  Opening an Oyster

  When the Dumb Speak



  Six Winter Privacy Poems

  The Turtle

  Chinese Tomb Guardians

  Shack Poem

  In a Mountain Cabin in Norway

  A Conversation

  Tao Te Ching Running

  Condition of the Working Classes: 1970

  Calling to the Badger

  Pilgrim Fish Heads

  The Teeth Mother Naked at Last

  II. Sleepers Joining Hands: A Long Poem

  The Shadow Goes Away

  Meeting the Man Who Warns Me

  The Night Journey in the Cooking Pot

  Water Drawn Up into the Head

  An Extra Joyful Chorus for Those Who Have Read This Far


  Turtle Climbing from a Rock

  Thinking of “The Autumn Fields”

  Like the New Moon I Will Live My Life

  Some November Privacy Poems

  On a Moonlit Road in the North Woods

  The Walnut Tree Orchards

  The Hill of Hua-Tzu


  After Long Busyness

  Some Images for Death

  A Night in December

  Sleeping Faces

  The Creek by the Luan House

  The Magnolia Grove

  Another Doing Nothing Poem

  Walking in the Ditch Grass

  Tongues Whirling

  A Doing Nothing Poem

  Jumping Out of Bed

  The Poem

  Looking at Cloud Banks below the Plane Window



  A Bird’s Nest Made of White Reed Fiber

  Leonardo’s Secret

  Looking at a Dead Wren in My Hand

  Sitting on Some Rocks in Shaw Cove

  At a Fish Hatchery in Story, Wyoming

  An Octopus

  A Hollow Tree

  Looking into a Tide Pool

  Seeing Creeley for the First Time

  The Hockey Poem

  Walking on the Sussex Coast

  A Turtle

  Frost on the Windowpane

  My Three-Year-Old Daughter Brings Me a Gift

  Looking at a Dry Tumbleweed Brought In from the Snow

  Watching Andrei Voznesensky Read in Vancouver

  Standing under a Cherry Tree at Night

  Two Prose Poems on Locked-In Animals

  1.Lobsters Waiting to Be Eaten in a Restaurant Window

  2.Bored Elephants in the Circus Stable

  Waterfall Coming over a Cliff

  In the Courtyard of the Isleta Mission

  A Poem about Tennessee

  The Black Crab Demon

  A Rock Islet on the Pacific

  II. The Point Reyes Poems

  November Day at McClure’s Beach

  Welcoming a Child in the Limantour Dunes

  Trespassing on the Pierce Ranch

  Climbing Up Mount Vision with My Little Boy

  An Excursion on Tomales Bay

  Calm Morning at Drake’s Bay

  Finding a Salamander on Inverness Ridge

  Seawater Pouring Back over Stones

  The Dead Seal near McClure’s Beach

  The Large Starfish


  Going in a Helicopter from Riverside to the L.A. Airport

  The Porcupine in the Wind

  Visiting Thomas Hart Benton and His Wife in Kansas City

  Walking in the Hardangervidda

  Rendezvous at an Abandoned Farm

  A Caterpillar

  Morning by the Lake

  August Rain

  Grass from Two Years

  Christmas Eve Service at Midnight at St. Michael’s

  Opening the Door of a Barn I Thought Was Empty on New Year’s Eve


  Walking Swiftly

  A Day Alone

  The Sleeper

  Finding the Father

  The Owlets at Nightfall

  Going Out to Check the Ewes

  Galloping Horses

  A Dream of What Is Missing

  The Old Man with Missing Fingers

  Walking to the Next Farm

  The Lover’s Body as a Community of Protozoa

  Coming In for Supper

  How the Ant Takes Part

  When the Wheel Does Not Move

  Two Days on the Farm

  The Orchard Keeper

  We Love This Body

  Wings Folding Up

  Snowed In Again

  The Cry Going Out over Pastures



  October Frost

  Writing Again

  The Yearly Failure

  Sitting in Fall Grass

  Night Farmyard

  Dawn in Threshing Time

  Reading in Fall Rain

  Ocean Insects

  To Live or Not

  Cornpicker Poem


  Listening to a Cricket in the Wainscoting

  Thinking of Tu Fu’s Poem

  Digging Worms

  Walking and Sitting

  A Long Walk before the Snows Began

  A Dream on the Night of First Snow

  A Walk

  For My Brother, a Year after His Death

  Passing a Spanish Orchard by Train


  Women We Never See Again

  Fear for the Bridal Pair

  Ant Heaps by the Path

  The Artist

  Pulling a Rowboat Up among Lake Reeds

  Moving Books to a New Study

  Driving My Parents Home at Christmas

  After a Day of Work

  Walking Where the Plows Have Been Turning

  July Morning

  An Empty Place

  Prayer Service at an English Church

  Fishing on a Lake at Night

  Night of First Snow

  Moses’ Basket

  The Crow’s Head

  Frost Still on the Ground

  Late Moon

  A Dream of Retarded Children

  The Seven Stars of the Great Bear

  The Tree Knocked Down by Lightning

  Dream of an Afternoon with a Woman I Did Not Know

  Nailing a Dock Together

  An Evening When the Full Moon Rose as the Sun Set

  Out Picking Up Corn



  Snowbanks North of the House

  For My Son Noah, Ten Years Old

  The Prodigal Son

  The Sense of Decline

  The Convict and His Radio

  Mourning Pablo Neruda


  Eleven O’Clock at Night

  The Winemaker and the Captain

  The Dried Sturgeon

  A Bouquet of Ten Roses

  Visiting Emily Dickinson’s Grave with Robert Francis

  Finding an Old Ant Mansion


  The Grief of Men

  Kennedy’s Inauguration

  Written at Mule Hollow, Utah

  The Bear’s Tail

  Words Rising

  A Sacrifice in the Orchard

  My Wife’s Painting

  My Father’s Wedding

  Four Ways of Knowledge

  Fifty Men Sitting Together

  Crazy Carlson’s Meadow

  Kneeling Down to Look into a Culvert



  The Indigo Bunting

  “Out of the Rolling Ocean, the Crowd . . .”

  The Whole Moisty Night


  Letter to H

  Two People at Dawn

  Winter Poem

  In Rainy September

  The Third Body

  Two Middle-Aged Lovers

  Finding Sharks’ Teeth in a Rock


  The Roots

  What Frightened Us

  Seeing You Carry Plants In

  The Two Rivers

  Come with Me

  At Midocean

  In the Time of Peony Blossoming

  Night Frogs

  The March Buds

  The Turtle

  Such Different Wants


  The Hummingbird Valley

  Love Poem in Twos and Threes

  Returning Poem

  The Ram

  Night Winds

  Alone a Few Hours

  The Moose

  Mountain Grass

  What We Provide

  Poem on Sleep

  The Artist at Fifty

  Words Barely Heard

  The Conditions

  A Man and a Woman and a Blackbird


  The Minnow Turning




  The Horse of Desire

  Listening to the Köln Concert

  Conversation with a Holy Woman Not Seen for Many Years

  What Moves and Doesn’t Move

  The Heron Drinking

  The Good Silence

  The Hawk

  In the Month of May



  Men and Women

  Waiting for the Stars

  The Man Who Walks toward Us

  The Chinese Peaks

  Letter to James Wright

  Wallace Stevens and Florence

  On the Oregon Coast

  When William Stafford Died

  Thomas and the Codfish’s Psalm

  Honoring Sand

  Gratitude to Old Teachers

  Thoughts in the Cabin


  Visiting My Father


  2. My Father at Eighty-Six

  3. The Hard Breathing

  4. Something Has Come

  5. The Komodo Dragon

  6. The Pharaoh’s Servant

  7. Prayer for My Father

  Dream of Myself at Twelve

  In the Funeral Home

  A Dream of the Blacksmith’s Room


  Meditations on the Insatiable Soul

  Anger against Children


  St. George, the Dragon, and the Virgin


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