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Bound by the Red Thread

Page 9

by Rose Nickol

  “Correct. Most clubs use the stoplight system. Have you heard of it?”

  When Nicole shook her head, no Paul explained. “Green means go, I’m good. Yellow is for slow down I need a break, and red means stop. Easy to remember and easy to understand. Some couples try to complicate it, but the best way is easy and simple.”

  Nicole nodded her head. “That makes sense. Red, yellow, and green.”

  “The other advantage of using the stoplight system is when you are playing in a club and use one of those words, everyone around knows what you mean, and if the top or Dom you are playing with doesn’t respect them, a dungeon monitor or another Dom should step in to help.”

  “Dungeon monitor?” Nicole asked. She hadn’t read about that term.

  “Someone hired by the club to go around and make sure everything is safe, sane and consensual.”

  “A neutral party to arbitrate if needed?” Nicole asked.

  Paul nodded. “Would you like to try something with me. You’ve earned a few punishments in the last few days. Would you be willing to do a short scene?”

  “How could I earn a punishment if I didn’t know what was happening?” Nicole asked with a grin on her face.

  “Just go with it for now. We’ll discuss more limits and rules later if you want to continue this. For now, all I’m planning is a light play session. A little pain, a little fun. Want to try?” Now it was Paul’s turn to grin.

  Nicole put her hands on his shoulders and nodded. “You’ll stop if I ask you to?”

  “No, but I won’t push you any further than you can take. The pain will be mild and will enhance your pleasure. You might have a sore bottom for a few hours, but no bruises, and I won’t use anything but my hand on your bottom. So, what do you say?”

  Nicole stared down into his eyes and looked deep. He was telling her the truth. He wouldn’t push her. She could trust him. Deep breath. “Okay.”

  “I want you to go into the bedroom, take off all of your clothes and kneel beside the bed until I come in. Do not move from that position until I join you. Got it?”

  “Strip, kneel and wait. Got it. Now?”

  Paul nodded. “The correct way to address me is Sir. Failure to do this in the future will result in another punishment. I want you to go into the bedroom. I will be in. Wait or your punishment will be longer.”

  Nicole nodded. “Yes, Sir.” She could do this. How bad could it be? Paul placed his hands on her waist and lifted her off of his legs. He pulled her down for a quick kiss before heading her towards the bedroom.

  She went down the hall and glanced at the room he’d been sleeping in. Did he want her there or in her room? He hadn’t said. She stood in thought for a minute before going into her room. If he’d wanted her in his bed, he would have said so.

  She removed her clothes and knelt by the bed. After she sat a few minutes she realized she should have gotten a pillow to kneel on. She looked up at the bed. Should she stand up and grab a pillow or would Paul walk in and catch her out of position.

  What would he do if she did? It couldn’t be too long. She could handle it. She was glad it was warm in the house. She didn’t realize how much warmth her clothes provided. Her skin was starting to feel cold.

  Where was he? Had he forgotten he asked her to kneel nude? Surely, he had to realize she’d be getting cold. He wouldn’t leave her here much longer.

  Nicole lowered her head, letting her hair hang around her. It provided a little warmth, but not much.

  Paul stood outside the door to Nicole’s bedroom. He could see her, but she wouldn’t know he was there. Did she realize why he was making her wait? He wouldn’t leave her too long, just long enough for her mind to get into the place all submissives did when they were given some time alone.

  He wanted her to think about her upcoming punishment and why she was being punished. He’d been very careful to tell her when she’d earned one over the last few days, even though they’d only made love the one time.

  He’d debated whether he should take her again, but in the end, he couldn’t resist. He still didn’t know how this was going to work, but he knew he needed her in his life in some form. He’d do whatever he could to see her when the case was over, regardless of how things worked out. He was still hopeful that they’d be able to get Jin Peng to return her son and that she would get custody, but not sure how it was all going to work out.

  He stepped into the room and toed his shoes off, making just a little noise so that she was aware of his presence. He wanted to see if she would obey and keep her position or if she would move when she heard him.

  He’d watched her as she stood in the hall, turning from his room to hers. He’d purposely not told her which room to go into. Would she go into his room or would she wait for him to invite her in?

  Once she’d decided and gone into her bedroom he’d stealthily slipped into his room and gotten his toy bag. He wasn’t going to use most of what was in there, but he had some soft red rope that would look beautiful against her pearlescent skin.

  One day he would take her to his home and his studio. There he would suspend her in his ropes and photograph her. A picture to keep forever.

  Would she enjoy being bound? Had she ever been bound before? He loved his ropes and wasn’t sure he could give them up for anyone.

  He stood just inside the door to the bedroom watching her for a long minute before walking up beside her and placing his bag on the bed. He carefully opened the bag and placed a few things on the bed. Some he would be using and some he wouldn’t.

  He wanted her to see everything and wonder if he would be introducing her to all of the equipment. He still hadn’t spoken to her and was waiting to see if she’d react. Other than a little jump at the sound she hadn’t changed her position. Something that was very hard for a beginner. He was proud of her already.

  “Nicole,” he said her name softly. She kept her head down. “Good girl, you may look up now.”

  She raised her head and her eyes looking up and tilting her head back to see his face.

  “Your position is almost perfect. Spread your legs a little wider and place your hands palm up on your knees. This is how I will expect to find you anytime I ask you to kneel. That means beside the bed or anywhere else. Understand.”

  At her nod, he replied, “Verbal answers please. That way there can be no misunderstanding. If you need clarification on anything I tell you or ask, you may request it. Since tonight will be our first play session, I will not restrict your speech. On other occasions I may request that you seek permission to speak, but not tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered softly, never taking her eyes off of him.

  “I’d like you to stand now and face me. Legs shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind your back.”

  He could see her struggling to get up and reached down to put his hands under her arms and lift her to her feet.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said, her face red and lips trembling.

  “I want you to spend a little time everyday practicing until you can sit like that comfortably and get up easily. Next time I want you to place a pillow on the floor to kneel on also.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She took a step back from him and moved into the position he’d asked her to.”

  Paul took another step back and looked her up and down before indicating that she twirl by moving his finger in a circle. When she stumbled, he shook his head. “We’ll be adding some balance work to our morning sessions.”

  “I’m just nervous, Sir,” she said, her voice full of snark.

  “That’ll be five more. I’d watch my attitude, or we will have to break this into more than one session and you really don’t want that.”

  Nicole dropped her eyes, “Yes Sir,” her voice soft and compliant this time.

  Paul smiled at her and sat on the side of the bed. He crooked his finger, motioning for her to come to him.

  Nicole moved between his widespread legs and stood nervously facing him. Paul plac
ed one of his large hands on each of her hips. “Relax. What are your safe words?”

  “Red and yellow,” she answered and licked her lips.

  “I normally don’t allow safe words during a punishment, but since this is your first time, I’ll allow you to use yellow. Use it only if you need to. If I think you’re using it when you don’t need to, I’ll increase the number of swats you’ll get. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He watched her face another few seconds before flipping her until she lay over his legs.

  “Oh.” Nicole let out as her stomach made contact with his hard thighs. He pulled her close with one hand and started rubbing circles on her bottom with the other.

  Nicole grabbed on to his lower leg to balance herself. With his hand holding her waist she didn’t feel as scared about falling but being able to hold on his leg gave her a feeling of security.

  Her hair hung over her face and she leaned her face against his leg. She closed her eyes and waited for him to begin.

  He continued rubbing her bottom for a few seconds and she wondered why he wasn’t just getting it over with.

  She waited and waited, knowing it felt longer than it actually was. What was he waiting for? Should she say something?

  She heard the sound of the slap before she felt that pain. By the time the pain from the first slap registered, he had continued and placed several more slaps against her skin.

  At first, it wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be. It didn’t feel good, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t take.

  Then he started talking. “Do you remember why I’m doing this Nicole?”

  She thought about all the times over the past few days he’d told her she was going to get punished. Each time she’d done something to risk her health or her safety. Or she’d been disrespectful to him.

  The more she thought about the ways she’d acted the worse she felt. She hadn’t been acting like the responsible adult she was supposed to be. If Clifton had done some of the things she did or spoken to anyone the way she’d spoken to Paul, she would have disciplined him. No wonder Paul was disappointed in her.

  That hurt worse than the spanking he was giving her. The fact that she’d let him down and had treated him the way she had. She felt the tears beginning to flow. The more she thought about what she’d done the harder she cried.

  Paul positioned Nicole across his lap wishing he didn’t have to do this, but knowing it was something she needed. The reason she’d been pushing and acting out. Many subs needed discipline on a regular basis, and if they didn’t get the structure they needed, they became snarky and rude.

  Most of the time after a spanking they would be contrite, and they would calm down until their need for control built up again.

  He started slowly, giving her time to think and realize why he was disciplining her. Often letting a sub think about what was happening was the best punishment there was. When he felt her start to cry, to really sob, he knew she was letting it out and getting the relief she needed. Letting all the tension out was the most important part of a discipline session.

  It took subs who hadn’t been in the lifestyle a while before they realized what punishment did for them. He’d seen subs in the past acting out until they got what they wanted. The thing was to learn when they did that and give them something they didn’t like. A good Dom had an arsenal of tricks that would soon teach a sub not to act out.

  He continued her spanking longer than he’d planned, but it took a while for her to start releasing the tension.

  Once she really started sobbing, he stopped and flipped her over, holding her close and letting her cry it out.

  Nicole’s sobs began to calm.

  “Better now?” Paul asked, rubbing her back and holding her close.

  She nodded and he handed her the box of tissues that was on the bedside table. “I think we’ve done this before,” she said with a little laugh.

  “I believe you’re right.” He held a couple of tissues up to her nose for her to blow before taking the used ones from her and throwing them away.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like someone spanked me,” Nicole answered, pouting.

  “Other than that?” he asked with a grin.

  Nicole was quiet a minute before she answered. “Lighter, like a burden has been lifted.”

  “Yes. It’s a release, maybe even pleasurable?” He moved his hand, which had been resting on her hip and rubbing small soothing circles, across the top of her thigh to pull her legs open. He slid his hand into her folds and through the wetness there. “Drenched. I was sure you would be. Your mind may not like the punishment, but your body did. One day soon I’ll give you an erotic spanking for pleasure, not as a punishment.”

  Nicole glanced at him wide-eyed. “For pleasure?”

  “Yes, a fun spanking intensifies everything. If you are this wet now you will respond beautifully to what I have in mind.”

  He moved them around on the bed until Nicole was lying on her back in the middle. He reached to the foot of the bed where he’d placed some things from his bag and grabbed the red rope.

  “Do you know what Shibari is?”

  “Something to do with rope and tying?” Nicole pushed herself up into a sitting position.

  “Yes. It’s very relaxing for both participants. I’d like to do a simple hand tie. I won’t leave it on very long and can remove it the minute you become uncomfortable. Are you willing to try?”

  Nicole nodded. “I’ve seen some pictures and they are beautiful. Are you going to do something like that to me?”

  “Tonight, I’m just going to do a simple upper body tie if you are willing?”

  “Yes, I think I’d like that.”

  “Very good. I want you to kneel on the floor here.” He walked over to an area of the floor where there would be plenty of room for him to move around her.

  He picked up a pair of scissors from the bed. “These are safety shears. If anything becomes uncomfortable, I can have you free in a matter of minutes.”

  Nicole looked at the scissors and nodded. She was ready.

  “I’ll tell you everything I’m going to do as I do it. I want you to relax. Breathe with me.” He removed his shirt and moved behind her, then wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his bare chest and leaning his head forward until she could feel his breath in her ear.

  “In… and out…” he said, as he slowly took a breath in, then expelled it. His hands started moving up and down her arms with a light touch, soothing the skin and her.

  His hands moved over her shoulders, across her collar bones, over her chest, around her breasts. He skimmed his palms over her nipples, then cupped her breasts, weighing them in his hands.

  They sat on the floor his legs crossed over hers and she sat in the cradle of his thighs, the bare skin of his chest warming her.

  Nicole didn’t know how long they sat like that breathing together and his hands roving over her body. She barely realized when he moved and began to wrap the ropes around her.

  Over and through her arms, around her chest, over her stomach, to circle each breast. All the time he continued to breathe slowly and evenly, moving around her, touching her.

  It was as if the rope was an extension of his hands and she became one with it and him.

  When he finished, her arms were bound at her sides and the rope was knotted in a pattern over her stomach and around her back, circling each breast with one strand across each nipple.

  “This is called a corset. One day I will put you in a rope dress with a chastity belt. You’ll love it. I’ll rig a knot against your clit so that with every movement you will feel as if it is my hands touching you, pleasuring you. Would you like to see?”

  When she nodded, he lifted her to her feet and moved her to the mirror.

  Nicole was surprised to see the woman staring back at her. It wasn’t her; it was some sensual, sexual creature. A nymph that could lure men to their deaths. She’d
never appeared so sexy in her life. Her dark hair was in disarray around her shoulders and her lips were swollen. Her breasts were round and full. They seemed much larger than she knew they were.

  “Anything hurt?”

  “No. It’s beautiful.”

  “I’d like to take you to my home one day. I would spend hours wrapping you in my rope. I could suspend you. Would you like to fly for me?” Paul knew it took a great level of trust for a sub to be suspended, but he would love to lift Nicole and set her free. It was a paradox how freeing the ropes could feel.

  “That sounds amazing.” She turned to him and found him staring down at her. He lifted her and laid her on the bed, crawling over her and spreading her legs with his.

  “I need you. I need you now.”

  “Yes, yes.” Being bound in Paul’s ropes was one of the most erotic experiences she’d ever had in her life. Her body burned with need for him.

  He pulled a condom from his pocket and pushed his sweatpants down his legs, kicking them off and tossing them over the side of the bed. He slowly rolled the condom down his rigid length. “This is going to be fast and hard,” he told her as he fitted himself to her and filled her with one thrust.

  “Ahh,” she arched her back and tilting her hips towards him. “Yes, more, faster,” she moaned as he pistoned in and out of her.

  He slid one hand between them and began flicking her clit, giving her the pressure, she needed. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Yes, yes.” She arched more, and soon her body exploded, humming and tingling with her release.

  Paul leaned down and placed a hard kiss against her lips. “As soon as I can walk, I’ll get you out of those ropes and we’ll shower.” He fell back on the bed and pulled her close to lie with him.


  Nicole turned to look at Paul. He was so handsome sitting beside her. She couldn’t believe the twist things had taken in the last few weeks. First, they’d found out that her stalker had been one of the teenage boys from the homeless shelter she’d been helping at.


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