More Than Love

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More Than Love Page 2

by Abbie Kaid

  The commander was obviously done with me as he concentrated on his cigarette. I stand at attention and then give a salute before walking out of his office. From what the commander said, I know I was free to go. Walking out of the main building, I enter my truck and I'm about to turn the key when I hear a familiar voice screaming my name.

  “Steve! Wait up!” Stepping out of the car, I watch as Fred tries to catch up on me. Fred happens to be my team member and we are more like close friends.

  “What happened in there?” Fred asks, panting and trying hard to catch his breath.

  Looking at him with a smile, I replied, “Commander gave me a week off. He said I needed to unplug.”

  “Yea, he’s giving all of us a week, too. That last tour was insane!” Fred cut in immediately

  Trying not to remember where we had just come from, I heave a sigh of relief and coo softly “That was a hell of a world out there!”

  “What are you going to do?” Fred inquires seemingly worried within.

  Just like him, I honestly have no clue about my next plan. Since I haven’t had any time off in some years now, I'm basically trying hard to come up with a plan of what to do with myself. Hissing noisily, I reply “Man, I swear I don't have any idea at the moment.”

  Well, at this point it begins to look like the whole taking time off stuff was a big mistake. Or maybe it wasn't. The truth still remains that we weren't just prepared for it or certain about our plans for the next week.

  Knowing the kind of person I am, Fred suggests, “Why don’t you go to the mountains? I have a buddy with a cabin up there. It's miles away from any civilization. You will have complete peace and quiet. You could take your rifles and do some target practice. No one to bug you. It will be just what you need!”

  Thinking about it for a moment, I nod as I realize that the idea Fred gave is exactly what I need. I lightly punch Fred on the shoulder in a friendly manner and exclaim “You know what? That sounds pretty good!”

  “I guess I should give you his number then,” Fred says with a wink and then pulls out a pen and booklet. I watch him scribbling the guy's number on the paper while I'm excited about the whole idea. Fred tears out the paper he was writing the number on and hands it over to me. “Ask for Logan. He’s a really good friend of mine. Tell him I told you about his cabin and you might even get a deal.” Fred says confidently

  Staring at the paper, I'm convinced that it was the perfect idea. Turning to Fred, I shake his hand firmly and whisper with a broad “Thanks, man! I’ll see you in a week!” Fred also smiles back at me and sarcastically tries mimicking the commander's voice.

  “Enjoy yourself, man! Just remember to come back.” The way he held his face made it even more funny. Both of us giggle as I enter my truck and start up the engine. Fred waves at me before turning around to head back to the building. While the truck is still steaming, I crank the air conditioner to help cool my nerves a little bit.

  Before moving, I felt the urge to call the buddy Fred recommended. Reaching out for my phone, I grab it and begin to dial the number on the paper. Pausing for a split second, I press on the call icon and wait patiently for the phone to ring. I didn't have to wait long before hearing a voice from the other end echo a deep, “Hello?”

  “Good morning. I guess I'm speaking with Logan?” I ask politely.

  “Yes, I'm Logan. I hope you don't mind telling me your name?” Logan replies almost immediately.

  “Logan, you don’t know me, but we have a mutual friend and his name is Fred. My name is Steve. Fred and I are in the forces together. Actually, he told me that you have a cabin that I could rent. I was wondering if it’s available?” I explain in a way he would understand.

  “It depends!” Logan replies, then pauses.

  “Depends on what?”

  “When would you like to rent the cabin?” Logan asks.

  “Any chance of me getting it this weekend? I would like to head up tomorrow and stay until Sunday,” I explain while listening to Logan's response. He pauses for a moment so I try to clear up things that may be going through his mind. “I'm really sorry. I know it's super short notice, but I'm completely okay if it's not going to be possible. I just felt I should ask.” Inasmuch as there are situations where I'm optimistic, I'm really a pessimist. This way, I hardly get disappointed when things don't go as planned.

  “Actually, the cabin is available,” Logan replied and we spent some minutes exchanging the details of the location and payment arrangements. Once I finished jotting down everything, I hung up the phone and put the truck in gear, and off I drove out of the base. I had someone in mind I wanted to see now that I had the chance—my only brother. I've missed him so much. But then, I need to branch the grocery store first to grab food and beer for the weekend.

  Reflecting on how far I've come in life, I couldn't help but smile to myself. Dad would be proud anywhere he is at the moment, I reasoned within me. Unlike my elder brother Damen, I didn't see myself fitting into the family music business. He had no choice as the firstborn to carry on the family's legacy. It's been a while since I visited Getaway but then, I heard that Damen has really transformed it into an empire.

  Chapter 3 - Karen

  My alarm went off at exactly six-forty-five a.m. I reach over and slam the snooze button. I could barely open my eyes as I had spent almost the entire night trying to sort out things at The Starwatcher. Working as a bartender can be so stressful. Hopefully, it will be my last night there. I'll miss Frank so much. He somehow gave me hope when I had already given up on the idea of looking for a job. Aside from giving me a chance to earn monthly income, I got to know Lacie. I told her to take me along to Getaway jokingly and I was surprised when she called that I can start working once I see Mr. Damen Price. Lacie has spoken of me to him and he was eager to know how he could be of help to me. I plan on going to meet Mr. Price today in his office but I'm a little nervous. So many questions ran across my mind but somehow, I know it will be okay with Lacie having my back.

  I crawl out of bed and hop into the shower. The water feels so good beating down on my body. I stand there motionless like a zombie. It is going to be a very long day. I can sense it. In no time I'm out of the shower and slowly walk back to my bedroom to get dressed. I purposefully choose the cleavage-revealing top I could find, not because I want to seduce Mr. Price, but because soon I won't be wearing the bartenders' uniform anymore.

  I walk into his office just before nine a.m. after I knock and he asks me to come in.

  “Good morning Mr. Price,” I greet him calmly.

  Still busy with the documents on his desk, Mr. Price replies, “Yeah good morning.” Glancing over at where I stand, he motions me to take a seat. After going through his files quickly, he finally lifts his eyes and looked at me intensely. “You must be Karen?” he asks.

  As Mr. Price questions me, I nod and mumble a “yes” reply.

  “Lacie told me about you already. But please can you have patience for a week and we'll definitely get back to you. There's something we need to clear before you start working for us. I'm so sorry, I should have told Lacie to inform you early enough. Just rest and start strong,” Mr. Price explains.

  Although I'm so eager to start working in Getaway, at the same time Mr. Price is right. I need to be mentally ready for the work ahead. “Thank you so much, Mr. Price,” I exclaim with a broad smile.

  “Actually, it's Lacie that deserves the appreciation. She is the one that recommended you,” Mr. Price replies while reciprocating the smile. “I hope you have fun this one week you have.” Mr. Price adds before a voice response from the door, “Who has a one week break? I'm looking for someone to spend my own one week break with!”

  Moving away from his desk, Mr. Price turns around and hugs this very handsome guy that just entered. “How have you been, brother?” the unknown man asks Mr. Price before they did another guyish hug again. Could this be Mr. Price's brother? The thought flashes through my mind as I admire his nice body frame

  “I've been good!” Mr. Price replies before going ahead to touch the guy's shoulder again. “Dammit, Steve you're looking so good.” Mr. Price whispers while beckoning on him to sit. “So sorry I've not been checking up on you like I should. Getaway is really taking my time and all,” Mr. Price tries to explain while the other guy giggles. As a matter of fact, I'm already falling for him. He's so handsome and well-built. Just imagining being pinned down by him made me so wet in-between my legs.

  “No, I should be the one apologizing,” the charming unknown guy by the name Steve protests. “My Seal team just got back from a horrible tour and my commander decides to give us a week break,” he goes further to explain while Mr. Price tries to arrange the files on his desk. I sense he wants to go out with Steve but all of a sudden remembers that I'm still inside the office.

  “Oh, Karen!” Mr. Price exclaims. “I absolutely forgot that you are still here,” he added while I smile at him.

  “It's okay, I understand,” I say softly as Mr. Price tries to apologize. As a matter of fact, I understand how it feels seeing your brother that you haven't seen in years due to the nature of his work.

  “Karen, meet my brother, Steve. He's a Naval Officer.”

  I can see the excitement in Mr. Price's face as he introduces his brother to me. For some reason, having a military officer in your family is seen as a thing of pride. Of course, they really deserve the attention and respect they get on a daily basis. It's not easy to sacrifice your happiness for the collective good of others. Sometimes it goes beyond sacrificing happiness but one's own life.

  “Is she the one I overheard you saying she should come back next week?” Steve turns to Mr. Price and asks while glancing back at me.

  Dammit, he just noticed me. I can feel my heart leap for joy as the handsome demigod fixes his deep blue eyes on me.

  “Come on Steve, she's our new staff member but we just need her to start next week since there are very important internal issues we're trying to resolve at the moment before she begins,” Mr. Price explains, being very careful not to spill the true nature of the internal issue the establishment is settling.

  Leaving his chair, Steve comes to where I'm sitting and with a whispering tone that even Mr. Price may not be able to hear, he begins by saying “Hey, I'm sorry. In actuality, I may not be your kind of perfect gentleman, but I just heard that you're free for a week and trust me my weekend is already messed up outside the military if I don't have someone to spend time with.”

  I love his boldness. It doesn't really matter how he'll view me after now; deep inside I'm already waiting for him to end his statement so I can tell him, “yes!”

  “I like you. You're so beautiful. I rarely do this,” Steve chuckles after saying this. I love his sincerity. Most guys would deny entirely that they've never done this before. Well, he didn't have to lie that it was his first time approaching a girl on their first meeting. I guess Steve understands that already.

  “Like I said, I rarely do this,” Steve continues his statement and then pauses to breathe in. I can't really tell if he was nervous or what? All of a sudden, he voices it out. “I'd love us to hang out together. I hope that's okay with you?”

  Looking back at Mr. Price's direction, I realize that he's not standing anymore. At this point, he was already sitting and smiling sheepishly in our direction. I don't know if he's a go-getter like Steve. I couldn't help but fantasize about being a part of this beautiful family. Both of us look so stunning as they smile intermittently. I didn't expect my day to turn out this amazing, but it did.

  “Yes!” I nod and then bow my head slightly down. I'm not ashamed or shy, I'm just hiding the joy of being wooed by the guy my heart is already racing for.

  “Here's my card,” Steve hands me a military-designed card before going ahead to request my contact details. “I hope I can now have your number?” he asks with a wink. After calling out my number, Steve then saved it and said we'll talk later in the day when he's less busy. I nod in agreement while standing immediately to take my leave. “Thank you, Mr. Price” I exclaim with a broad smile as I slowly bowed.

  “We'll talk later!” Steve yells at me in a funny manner before smiling.

  Casting a quick glance at him, I nod and leave the office trying hard enough to stop myself from showing how desperately I want him.

  In the evening, Steve called and we spoke long on phone. He requested that we do video call which I agreed. I was wearing pantie and bra since I'm all alone in the room. After picking his call, I noticed that he kept on fixing his attention on my tits that were struggling too hard to remain in my bra.

  "You want to see these?" I ask seductively while gesturing at my tits before shaking them .

  On the phone screen, I can see Steve lowering his hand down to his boner while making inaudible moaning sounds.

  "Hey, stop what you're doing!" I exclaim with a smile. Pausing for a while, I continue by saying, "Why don't you keep that for me till tomorrow . You're sure going to have all of me this weekend."

  I don't know where the boldness came from but Steve somehow reluctantly obeys. We begin to discuss about the things we'll be needing for the 3 days adventure. As a matter of fact, I can't wait for tomorrow to come. I have a strong feeling that it'd probably be an adventure I'd live to cherish for a lifetime.

  Chapter 4 - Steve

  I pulled into the cabin just after two-thirty p.m. I have been driving for almost four hours to get to this remote paradise. Just like Fred said, the cabin is far away from civilization. Karen and I come out of the truck and walk to the front door. There's a numeric padlock on the door. I type in the code and in no time, I hear it click while I open the door and both Karen and I walk into the cabin.

  I'm impressed with all the detail and luxury that the cabin has to offer—a fully functional kitchen, with a modern fridge, stove, and a microwave. Looking at the living room, I can see where there's a nice stone fireplace against one wall. There are plenty of seating areas for people to sit around and socialize.

  Still surveying the place, I walk down the hall noticing three bedrooms with double beds in each, and a final master bedroom with a king-sized bed. The master bedroom had French doors that opened onto the deck that surrounds the cabin.

  I'm walking through the French doors and I notice a large, eight-person hot tub on my left. Smiling to myself, my thoughts begin to wander far. This will do just nicely!

  Turning to look at Karen, I realize that she's been following me silently without uttering a word. “Are you okay?” I ask while looking deeply into her eyes. Apparently, it didn't take much time before my eyes dropped down and stayed glued to her tits.

  “Yes, I'm good,” Karen coos while trying to muffle her slight moaning sounds as my finger begins to trace the form of her breast.

  “Do you want me to touch it?” I whisper in Karen's ear while licking her earlobe in the process. From the way Karen is moaning and squirming her body I know she's extremely wet already. Removing her clothes in a swift motion, I reach my hand to her breast and cup it firmly while flicking my finger on her nipple. Karen probably wanted me to go all fast on her but then, I had my own plans. Reaching for the back of her head with my other free hand, I hold her face in a fixed position while my tongue went inside her mouth

  I could feel Karen kissing me back with reckless abandon as her tongue intertwined with mine in a French kiss. Sucking on her tongue, I notice Karen begins to groan while thrusting her hips rhythmically to meet with my pelvic region. I could feel Karen's hands rubbing on my hairy chest while she gently touches and pinches my nipples. We lay down on the couch as we continue to make out crazily exploring each other's mouth with our tongues while the fire in the fireplace occasionally makes romantic cracking sounds in the room.

  Karen kept moaning, “Ah! Yes baby, shit!” as I begin to kiss her neckline.

  At this point, wearing clothes is not an option anymore. I begin to unbutton the rest of my shirt that Karen had already started
to unbutton before I’m tugging on Karen's earlobe with my teeth. I can feel her arms wrapping around my well-built body frame as she starts to pull me closer to herself. All of a sudden, I'm feeling the bulge inside my shorts beginning to grow harder. I use the big tent to grind Karen's crotch as she lay next to me.

  “Dammit, baby please fuck me!” Karen begs shamelessly for my dick.

  With my lips tenderly kissing her neck and with my hands permanently fixed to her tits, Karen is now moaning frantically, and I could feel her temperature increasing. The more Karen moaned loudly, the more it makes me want to turn her on. My lips kiss her neck while slowly bringing my lips along the inside of her breasts. Placing both of my hands on Karen's tits, I bury my face deep in-between them as I push them right into my face. My rough, firm, strong hands hold on her tits as my soft lips kiss and lick the valley in-between her tits.

  Moving my hand down to her thighs, I begin to rub on it, sending waves of orgasmic bliss straight to her crease. Her pleading increases automatically, “Steve! Please fuck me!” Karen screams in ecstasy as I continue to tease her.

  I love the fact that Karen isn't entirely submissive during sex. She pulls me into her arms and begins to kiss me passionately. I could feel her hands going down as she reached out to feel the bulge in the front of my trouser. She seems so horny to feel my dick in her palm as her fingers unbutton my trouser while she drags the zipper down. Slowly her hand slips inside my boxers and in no time she uses both hands to drag my pants and boxers down. I watch in excitement as both fall to my ankle.

  “I hope you're ready for what's coming,” I whisper in her ear while bending on her neck and licking her neckline and earlobe with my tongue.

  I'm no longer comfortable with my shirt on so I remove and toss it on the floor quite close to the bed. Pulling her close to me, I unfasten her bra and begin to cuddle on her tits while paying attention to the nipples and areola. I can feel Karen's hands running gently over my bare chest as she takes her time to touch and flick gently on every muscle on my body, as well as my finely toned abs. I allow her to savor my body completely while I keep flicking on her tits with my fingers. Pulling on her panties, she shifts a little bit away from me, but then removes them and tosses them on the ground, directly over my clothes.


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