Night Shadows

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Night Shadows Page 14

by Billiejo Priestley

  “It’s sorted. While I like staying here, seeing the other witches and such, I like having my own space, too. I know I can’t go back there because it’s too dangerous, so I’m going to view a small apartment close by this evening. Then at nights I’m going to stay there, I think. I don’t know, I just wanted the option to be able to escape if I needed to.”

  Nodding, he smiles at her. “Right, well I will likely be out all day, so I’ll text you later?” He kisses her softly, his lips lingering against hers, and then he walks out of the room. Aileen hears the front door close behind him and she props her head up in her hands, elbows on the table and eyes closed. Why me? She thinks. What are you hiding from this story, how can I do anything if I don’t know how? She just wishes she could find out how to bring the worlds together so it could be over and done with. I just want to live my life, how long is this plan you have for me going to take?

  She keeps her eyes closed and suddenly a reply echoes around her mind, the voice otherworldly. Things are already changing, Aileen, but the biggest change is yet to come. When it does, everyone, even the Monventla, will adhere to your word.

  “Hey,” Azalea says. She’s standing at the door, grinning. “Do you think Cayson would be my guinea pig?” Aileen laughs slightly, looking at her confused.

  “A guinea pig for what, Azalea? What spell are you working on today?” She has watched her from a distance; Camille’s presence had seemed to block Azalea from carrying out even the simplest spells.

  “Zander is teaching us to use magic in self-defence so that if a Monventla attacks us, we can protect ourselves. Of course, we can’t kill them, but if we can get them far away enough from us, we have the chance to run.” Aileen nods, still confused by what she needs.

  “What spell though, Azalea? I can’t say yes if I don’t know what you’re going to do to him, and I can’t say yes on his behalf anyway. That’s up to Cayson.”

  “I need to learn the spell that you did, where you threw Dan across the field. Like what Camille did, where she threw Cayson against the wall. I don’t want to throw him against the wall, or with that much force, but doing it to a witch is risky. We aren’t as strong as werewolves or vampires.” Azalea glances down to her feet, winding a lock of her hair around her finger.

  “How about this, Azalea, when he comes back I’ll sit with you, and you can ask him. Does that sound good?”

  “You’ll really let me? Zander has us practising on teddies and things.”

  Aileen laughs slightly. “Teddies are a great starting point, but they take less power, magic and energy to manipulate. Someone as big as Cayson or a vampire requires more effort. As I said though, it’s Cayson's choice. He’s still wary of magic, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much.” Azalea nods, thanking Aileen before scurrying off back to her room. Aileen glances around her; she needs to feel happy here. She doesn’t though, and that feeling she has always had seems to be growing.

  “You okay?” This time it’s Verity, a witch who is a few years older than her. That’s something else that feels weird. Why is she in charge? She’s only known she is a witch for a few months; some of the witches staying here have decades on her. Surely they’d be much more suited to lead the coven.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” She smiles gently as Verity laughs and sits opposite her.

  “Okay, now tell me the real answer? You smile and everything but every now and then you get this bewildered look on your face. It’s all happened quite fast for you, right? I imagine it’s pretty crazy.”

  Aileen nods slightly. “Crazy doesn’t even begin to cover it. I’ve always felt like there was part of me missing. I assumed it was because I was adopted and I didn’t know who my biological parents were. But then finding out who they were just made that feeling grow. I thought that finding out I was a witch would make that feeling disappear, but it just got bigger.” She shakes her head. “Anyway, it seems like the more I’m here, the more magic I find within me and the more I discover the truth, and then I just feel even more kind of… not complete.”

  “Does it go away at any point, when you’re with anyone or doing certain things?”

  Aileen nods, smiling. “It goes slightly when I’m with Cayson; it’s still there but just not as bad. It used to disappear a bit with Dan, as well. Even after everything that’s happened, when I was standing in that field with him as a vampire, it seemed to go away a bit. Which is obviously crazy, right? Dan’s a vampire trying to kill me.”

  “Maybe you just need some time, Aileen? Everything is really new to you, this whole world is unknown, so you instantly adapting and feeling part of it was never going to happen. Maybe a break would be good?”

  Aileen smiles wistfully. A break would be amazing, just some time where she could forget about her becoming a witch, magic, vampires, everything. And yet something keeps screaming at her that she can’t take a break, not yet, anyway.

  “Aileen, I found this,” interrupts Camille, walking in holding a leather journal. “I thought it might be a good place to write the spells and everything down? You can use a spell to hide them so that only those you allow to see it can see the spells.”

  Aileen takes the book curiously. It already looks old but in more of a cool, antique way than a dusty attic way. Maybe this will help? Since that day she unlocked everything her mind has been overwhelmed with the amount of information she’s been told: spells, magic, potions, and everything else at that. Maybe writing them down will free her mind slightly?

  “Thank you, Camille.” She should get Camille’s help, seeing as she isn’t getting pushed out of the coven completely. She may have made some mistakes but she’s one of the most knowledgeable witches here. “Can you help? Every now and then I come across something I don’t quite understand.” Maybe her helping will be a good thing? Camille nods with a smile.

  “Sure, anytime.”

  “How about now?” She may as well get started. Camille agrees, taking the seat next to her as Verity walks away.

  “So, what’s your plan? How are you going to do it?” She has no idea; she glances down to the book, confused.

  “Should they be in order? Like date, alphabetically, amount of power the spell takes? I’m not sure how I’d do it in order though to be honest, as everything in my head is muddled up.” Camille nods and smiles.

  “Maybe start with the ones that are constantly at the forefront? The ones demanding attention? They might be the ones you will need and that’s why they are always there.”

  Aileen nods and smiles, maybe then her mind will finally give her a break; let her breathe and think of something other than spells for once. She begins writing. Every now and then she asks Camille for help with things she’s uncertain of; hours seem to pass by as she scrawls black ink across the pages, sometimes telling Camille the spells, recipes and information as she writes them. A lot of the others pass by but don’t ask questions, seeing that she’s busy. Zander watches her work from afar cautiously, slightly worried. He watches as Camille walks off before sitting down with Aileen, smiling gently at her.

  “I’m not sure about this, Aileen. It is a great idea but with how toxic things have gotten with the Monventla, that book could be a weapon for disaster if they got it and a witch agreed to help them.” Aileen nods, she knows it will be.

  “I know; that’s why I’m putting several spells on it. One to hide the contents from anyone who hasn’t been given permission, one to bind the book closed so only I can open it, and another to make it invisible to everyone's eye when I’m not using it.” She has thought about it all, she will ensure no one can get into it.

  “If you’re sure; you’re in charge so I trust you. And I know, Aileen, don’t worry.” Aileen looks at him confused, moving he places the papers on the table and smiles. “We have lived here most of our lives; me, Camille and some others who were brought here as orphans. We grew up here and vowed to take care of children in the years to come. Other witches come and go, visit when they’re passing by and such, meet
up every now and again. So I understand you wanting your own space.”

  Nodding, she smiles and hugs him. “Thank you Zander, it’s really amazing the kids have a place like this that lets them be who they are, and they’re not forced to hide the fact they’re a witch.”

  He nods, smiling.

  “Fancy some company? I could ask, like, well I don’t know, but I could maybe be handy?” He passes her the papers from the apartment she is going to see and she nods in agreement.

  “Sure. If I wink at you, it means I hate it and you need to make an excuse so we can leave,” she laughs, grabbing her coat and walking out of the house with him.

  “It is nice you know; you and Cayson,” he muses as they walk together. “I get that there are risks, but there are always risks in a relationship. You and Cayson being together shows everyone that we can get along and have each other’s backs.” Aileen simply nods. To her it shouldn’t matter what background people are from; if two people like each other they should be allowed to at least try and have a relationship, no matter what colour, religion or species they are. She laughs at her own thought. Species, because clearly we’re not human. “I have to ask though, are you not scared at all about how it could go wrong?” He looks at her waiting.

  “Why would I be?” If she’s going to die then she will, regardless of whether she’s with Cayson or not.

  “I meant for Cayson. After Yasmine I mean; I can’t imagine the pain he must have gone through. He was the one who had to kill her after she was turned. No other werewolf can carry that burden. And then to find out afterwards that she was pregnant… it was before my time but I’ve heard stories, you know.”

  Aileen turns, stopping dead in her path and staring at Zander open-mouthed. His eyes widen when he realises his mistake. “Shit, you didn’t know that part. Sorry, I didn’t even think, look-” Zander shakes his head annoyed at himself.

  “He didn’t know she was pregnant, she’d just killed three witches and a werewolf to get revenge. It was hard enough him doing it when he loved her so much, let alone when he found out he could have been a father. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry.” Aileen shakes her head.

  “It is fine, I should’ve been told. I don’t know why he didn’t just tell me that part anyway. Right, this is the place.” Aileen stands outside the small row of houses, her mind drifting to Cayson and wondering why he wouldn’t just tell her the full story. She can understand him killing her; she had turned and was dangerous. The baby, though? The baby clearly died when he killed her, maybe if he hadn’t acted so quickly he would have known. Zander and Aileen stand outside as she knocks on the door.

  The door opens and there’s a woman standing there, a warm smile stretched across her aged face. “Here to view the house?”

  Aileen nods, following the woman around and listening as she explains everything to her.

  “I’m happy to sign for it now if that’s possible?”

  The woman nods, and they spend ten minutes going through the paperwork. Zander smiles at Aileen as they both walk out of her new house together.

  “Let’s have a drink to celebrate. Screw witchy stuff for a bit,” he laughs, winking at her as they walk towards the nearest bar. Zander orders them drinks, insisting that he’ll pay as a congratulations gift, and the pair sit, drinking and talking for what seems like hours.

  “Dance.” Aileen stands up laughing, pulling Zander with her as his eyes widen.

  “I can’t dance,” he protests, but she ignores his words, pulling him to the dancefloor anyway.

  “Then you just stand there and I’ll dance around you.” They begin to dance, Zander’s arms wrapped around her as they laugh; time passing them by as they forget about the world around them.

  Cayson walks to the door and knocks, standing and watching as Camille opens it.

  “Can I see Aileen, please? She isn’t answering.” He’d already spent hours worrying before finally giving in and coming here to see if she was okay.

  "Good luck with that; her and Zander left hours ago and no-one’s seen them since. Aileen left her phone here and Zander’s is off.”

  Cayson nods worriedly; something must have happened.

  “I can get one of the others to do a location spell if you want? It’ll take a while, though.”

  Cayson shakes his head.

  “It’s fine, I will shift and see if I can hear her. It will be quicker and if she is fine I can just leave her to it.” Camille nods, shutting the door, and Cayson walks off to shift among the trees. He tries to focus on Aileen, the faint sound of her heart making him relax, yet all he can hear is the muffled sound of music, no talking. And then suddenly, without warning, the music stops and there’s nothing except silence. Panicking he shifts back and runs towards the bar; he rushes in with his eyes scouring the faces of everyone until he finally sees her and he stops in his tracks, jealously swarming within him as he sees her dancing with Zander. He walks towards them both.

  Zander, meanwhile, has seen Cayson approaching. His head lowers to Aileen’s ear. “Cayson is here, and doesn’t look happy,” he whispers, and waves a quick goodbye as he turns and walks past Cayson to leave the club. Turning, Aileen smiles widely at Cayson as she walks towards him, wrapping her arms around him. His hands stroke along her body.

  He thought she was dead, why the hell did he get blocked? His head shakes as he looks down at her, thank God she’s fine.

  “You okay?” She peers up at him and he nods, kissing her and pulling her closer. His heart still threatens to burst out of his chest, it’s thumping so hard. “Well, come with me then.” She pulls him along with her, walking out of the bar and down the road until she arrives at the small row of houses she’d been at that morning. Cayson watching everyone furtively as they go, his body still tense as she stops outside a house. Walking to the door she unlocks it, pushing the door open, she steps in pulling Cayson through. She stops and grins, Cayson looking at her confused.

  “Guess what? It’s mine, I signed for it! It’s fully furnished so no hassle, and there’s even-”

  Cayson swallows her words, kissing her forcefully as he pushes her body back against the wall. His hands pull her closer as she moans, his heart still pounding away. He was worried, he’s still worried, and he can’t get the thought out of his head that something bad had happened to her.

  Aileen moves, her hands pushing against his chest as she looks into his eyes, sensing his worry. “What’s wrong, Cayson? I can sense it, there’s something wrong.” He nods, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against hers for a second before drawing back.

  “Nothing’s wrong. You weren’t answering for hours and I got worried but I told myself you were fine. And then Camille said no-one had seen you or Zander for hours and neither of you were picking up calls. I shifted and could just about sense you, then suddenly nothing. There was nothing, it was like you were gone, dead, and I panicked.”

  Aileen nods, watching as his head shakes. “I just feel like no matter how close you are, or how much I feel you and see you’re okay it isn’t enough.” He kisses her again, his body slamming hers against the wall as his hands work deftly on removing their clothes. Aileen moves her hands to stroke along his body, feeling the definition beneath his flawless skin. His mouth presses against her neck as his hands lift her, legs wrapping around his body as his cock pushes into her sex, the movement fluid and easy and just feeling right. His body pins hers flat against the wall as his hips begin moving, a steady rhythm building. Cayson’s hands grip her hips tightly, moaning as tiny gasps escape Aileen’s mouth at the feeling of him deep inside her. His hands grasp her tighter as he keeps going; every movement trying to prove to his mind that she’s okay. Aileen’s moans become louder as she orgasms, dropping her head to Cayson’s shoulder. His body shakes with both the effort to stop himself from losing control and his own pleasure. He lifts Aileen, letting her stand and then goes to step back, Aileen pulling him closer.

  “Don’t stop. Please!�
� She pleads loudly, still leaning against the wall on legs that feel as if they’re made of jelly as he shakes his head.

  “I should go.” He can’t stay feeling like this, if he loses all control he could shift and if he is close to her when he does she’ll get hurt. Her hands pull him closer as she moans.

  “Soon, please, just stay a bit longer,” Aileen pulls him closer. “It’s been ages since we had time alone.” She kisses him again, Cayson groaning and letting her wrap her hands in his hair.

  “Definitely staying,” he mumbles and bites down her neck again, tongue sliding across the trail of purple marks he’s leaving. If he gets too close to be losing control he will leave, he will try to control it, but for now he needs her. His hands lift her again as Aileen wraps her legs around his body, her hands weaving tighter into his hair as she’s trapped between his body and the wall. Aileen finds herself getting lost in him; she senses something is different. It’s a change she likes, and it only draws her in more. Cayson grinds his hips against her; his still-hard cock pressing against her stomach, and as Aileen presses her mouth against his neck. Cayson’s nails dig into her hips as he feels himself losing more control, his eyes closing as he tries to control his emotions while hearing Aileen screaming in pleasure against him.

  Moving he carries her through to the bedroom, his arms laying her on the bed as he leans over her, entering her once more and crying out at the feeling. Their kiss is passionate and forceful, their hips moving in unison as the moon casts an ethereal glow around the room. The hands on the clock continue to turn, the hours of the night passing the lovers by in their haze of passion. When Aileen finally falls asleep, exhausted, the early morning sunlight is shining through the windows.

  Cayson looks down at her naked body, the patchwork of bruises making his stomach churn. His head shakes and he moves to close the curtains before lying next to her. He tries to sleep but it seems his mind has another idea, plaguing him with images of the bruises that are already blossoming across her pale skin from the force he had used. He usually hides, shifts form until his emotions calm down and how he felt before is gone. Now, this time, he feels the guilt building within him. Why did he stay and not just leave? Cayson finds himself struggling to settle. He can’t bring himself to shut his eyes, staring at Aileen, hours passing with no sound except his screaming mind.


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