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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 12

by Katie Dowe

  His hand went still as he stared at her. “You are pregnant?”

  “Yes,” she looked at him hopefully. “I know it is probably too soon but I want children with you Ryan and I mean it. I hope it’s a girl, but I don’t care–” his mouth descended cutting off the rest of the sentence. He kissed her roughly gentling the kiss as he bore her back on the bed. He lifted his head and looked down at her. “Are you pleased?” she whispered.

  “You have no idea,” he said huskily. “I am in love with you.”

  She shivered at that. “I know.”


  “The way you treat me.”

  “You put up with what I throw at you and never complained,” he said in wonder.

  “I love you,” she said with a little shrug. “I would have put up with anything.”

  “I had no idea love could be so wonderful,” he whispered as he bent his forehead to hers.

  “Neither did I.” she clasped him around the neck. “What are we going to do now?” she asked him.

  “You already know the answer.”

  “I do.” She whispered as she took his lips with hers. He eased up and pulled her bikini top, his fingers finding her nipples.


  “Mom, are you sure?”

  “I am positive,” she looked at her daughter as she packed out the grocery she had brought her in the pantry. Agnes realized that she was going to have to share with the neighbors. It was too much! Summer had ended and September was almost at its close. She had seen her daughter in the papers and smiling as she held her husband’s hand at some function or the other. She looked happy and so did he. And she was expecting again. What a wonderful turn of affairs!

  “I told Ryan you would say no,” she poured them some juice and came to sit next to her against the kitchen counter. “He said I should ask just the same.”

  “I am comfortable here, honey, and I have my friends here as well.” Agnes told her. “I get to visit you whenever I want and look out for my grandson. You and Ryan have been so good to me. I don’t pay bills or buy anything because I do not get the chance. The money you give me remains untouched.”

  “It is for you to buy whatever you want,” Aaliyah reminded her.

  “What do I need?”

  “Can you believe it, Mom?” she exclaimed. “I have found a man who loves me and I love him and I have a family. Sometimes, I pinch myself and wonder if I am dreaming,”

  “Good things come to those who wait, honey,” Agnes squeezed her hand. “And you waited.”

  “I am glad I did.”


  “Will you talk to your husband, Aaliyah?” Elaine demanded as she looked at her sister-in-law. They were having dinner at his mother’s one Sunday night in October. The plan was for Cameron to spend the night at his grandmother and aunt so that Ryan and Aaliyah could spend the time at the apartment.

  “I am not getting involved,” Aaliyah said with a laugh as she sat on the arm of her husband’s chair. His hand came around her immediately and he pulled her down into his lap. “Only to say that Elaine you were in love a few months ago and now it is someone else. Just saying.” She said as the girl glowered at her.

  “We all cannot be lucky like you two.” She said sulkily. She had told her brother that she wanted to transfer back to one of the American hotels as she had met someone and she wanted to be close to her nephew.

  “If you tell me that you want to be near to your family, I would have no problem with that.” Her brother said mildly as he played with his wife’s fingers. He touched her automatically and his mother and stepfather marveled at the changes in him. He had gone from being an embittered man to one who smiled more and it was all due to the woman on his lap. “What happened to the fellow in Spain?”

  “He was a player and you knew it. He was into me because of who I am.” She said sulkily.

  “And this one is not?”

  “Okay fine. I am going to enter the monastery. Is that what you want?”

  “Of course not, but if it is what you want I know a few and I could get you in. My contributions would make you a shoo in.” he said with a straight face.

  His sister looked at him for a moment and then got to her feet as the others laughed. She picked up her nephew and left the room. “You should make peace with her.” Aaliyah told him touching him tenderly on the jaw.

  “I did nothing wrong,” he kissed her fingers.

  “She just needs guidance.” She ran her fingers over his face oblivious to the other two people there.

  “Okay,” he said with a sigh as he kissed her on the mouth. “I will be back.”

  Aaliyah looked at the two people staring at her. “Something wrong?” she asked.

  “Something is very right.” Rosalie shook her head. “Have you any idea what you have done?”

  “I am afraid not,” she said puzzled.

  “You changed him, Aaliyah. You changed my son and made him human again.” She said emotionally.

  “Loving me and his son changed him,” she admitted. “But he has done so much for me, too.”

  They looked up as the brother and sister came inside the room. Ryan had his arm around his sister’s shoulder and his son cradled in his arms. “We have called a truce,” he said with a grin.

  “Thank you,” Elaine mouthed to her.

  That night when they got to the apartment and were taking a bath together he ran the sponge over her flat stomach that was carrying his child. “I missed out on Cameron–”

  “No regrets,” she leaned back her head and looked up at him. “No looking back.”

  Chapter 12

  Chloe Elaine Sullivan was born on the second day of April and weighed in at six pounds four ounces. This time Aaliyah was at the medical center two days before and her husband made sure of that. He stayed there with her while both Rosalie and Agnes stayed with their son. Elaine had come back to the states where she was at her brother’s company working in the PR department. She was still seeing Brian and it seemed to be serious. Ryan had cut down on his traveling and was delegating as much as he could.

  The little girl had silky blonde hair and dark blue eyes and looked very much like her aunt. “I think she is going to grow up to be a model,” her father said huskily as he stared in fascination at the adorable baby with the pink and white complexion. She had been cleaned up and was wearing a pink and white all in one suit with her hair brushed until it shone.

  “Like you will allow that,” Aaliyah smiled contentedly as she looked at her husband and their daughter. The labor had been long, fourteen hours but she had been given an epidural so it was not as bad as Cameron’s birth.

  He looked over at her and the naked emotion that he was no longer afraid to show it. She was wearing a pale pink nightgown and she was cleaned up as well. He knew she was tired and could see her trying to keep her eyes open. “You need to sleep,” he passed Chloe to the nurse and came to sit at the side of the bed.

  “So do you,” she snuggled into his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I will if you will.”

  “Okay,” he smiled and slid down to pull her into his arms. “Go to sleep.”

  “We are blessed, aren’t we?” she murmured sleepily.

  “Yes,” he said huskily feeling the emotions swamping him. “Very.”

  “I love you Ryan,” she said and drifted off to sleep.

  “I love you more than I can express,” he whispered and feeling her even breathing and knew that she had fallen asleep. He held her in his arms and closed his eyes as he thought of the time she had come into his life. He had fought the emotions with every fiber of his being but she had broken through the bitter shell that had been his life and shown him that the past did not have to define who he wanted to be. She was loyal and loving and was the most wonderful wife and mother he had ever seen barring none. He had watched her with their son and how patient and the way she took care of him. It did not matter that the nanny was there. She had her time with him and he ad
ored her. He had taken them all over the world and rarely went anywhere without her. He bent his head and kissed the top of her head. “You saved me,” he whispered emotionally and blinked his dark blue eyes. “Thank you.”


  “The gang’s all here,” Leesa declared as soon as she and Chloe got home. She was seated in the lovely princess like pink and white nursery that Ryan had commissioned for their daughter. “You look well,” she said as she stared at the girl resting back in the lounge chair and feeding her daughter. “We have the breast cancer function this Friday, pity you won’t be there.”

  Aaliyah looked at her. “Are you okay with hosting it?”

  “Are you kidding?” she said with a laugh as she pulled up a chair. “It’s my pet project. It is going to be even bigger this year with Mark Seville getting involved. He wrote a special song for it and there is even going to be breast cancer run in the morning and even the government agencies are getting involved. I went through it and I know first-hand what it does to a person and their families. You know me darling, no half measures for me.”

  “And I am going to miss it,” Aaliyah complained as she passed her daughter to Kelly who rubbed her back before putting her in her cot.

  “You will get to watch it live on network television.” She looked around at the rest of women who were there including Princess Debbie who had come down for the event. “What do you say ladies? Shall we show our newest member how we do this?”

  “Do what?” Aaliyah asked her eyes round.

  “We have been called the chocolate and cream wives of successful men and one reporter was said to have called us wives with hearts of gold.” She said with a grin. “Ciara came up with the idea some years ago when we realized that we belong to a group of exclusive people not just because our husbands are wealthy but because we are extremely fortunate to have men who love us and we love them back. We have been criticized along with our husbands and have been called the coffee and cream club because our husbands are married to African Americans and our brothers are saying that we have betrayed them by marrying white men.” She laughed as Kelly snorted. “So Ciara came up with the idea to form a network among our kids that no matter where they are they will always be in touch and look out for one another. I think it is a very good idea.”

  “So do I,” Aaliyah said excitedly. “How does this work?”

  “Ciara and Olivia and Felicia are in charge and we add the latest child to the database and upload their information. It also helps if one of them is in trouble.”

  “We have become very visible and are targets for weirdoes and our children as well.” Felicia said.

  “You added Cameron?” Aaliyah asked them.

  “Yes, we have and now we are adding Chloe.”

  “I love it and can I say that I have never been one for friends much but the group of women that I have been so fortunate to be a part of. I am thankful and I am blessed and I want to tell you how much I appreciate your friendship.” Aaliyah said tearfully.

  “You are welcome,” Princess Debbie said as she came over and gave her a hug.

  “Okay, let’s go outdoors and take in the amazingly beautiful day.” Olivia said. “I think Loretta is preparing her delicious roast beef sandwich.”


  “Marry me,” he told her one night in May. Their anniversary will be on Sunday and she had been wondering what she could get for a man who had everything.

  “What?” she had been in the middle of rubbing cream into her skin. It was late and she was pleasantly exhausted. Both children had gone off to sleep finally with Cameron declaring that he wanted to sleep next to his sister. He came behind her and turned her around to face him. “When we got married, it was just for convenience. I repeated the vows but they did not mean anything to me at the time. Now they do and I want to give you a real wedding.”

  She stared at him and felt the tears. “You do know that I am more interested in the marriage, right?” she asked huskily.

  “So am I,” he crouched in front of her. “Aaliyah Sullivan, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife again?”

  “A million times if you asked me to.” She whispered as she touched his face. “We could do it at the same chapel.”

  “Or we could have it at Costa Land,” he said with a gentle smile.

  Her eyes widened. “You mean–”

  “At Alexander and Debbie’s palace with all the works. You would wear white and Cameron could be a ring bearer if he does not manage to swallow the rings.” Their son was at the stage where he was putting everything into his mouth.



  “Our anniversary.” She paused. “Today is Wednesday, Ryan; there is not enough time.”

  “There is. I have already spoken to Alexander and Debbie about it and they are thrilled to be having the entire gang there.” He took a box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal an entire set of wedding ring. A princess cut diamond surrounded by pearls.

  “I already have a set of rings.” She said dazedly.

  “I know this is a combination of my love and gratitude to you.” He took off the ones she was wearing and slid the engagement one onto her finger. “Say yes.”

  “Yes,” she jumped into his arms and had him falling to the carpeted floor. “How on earth did I get to be so lucky?” she murmured as he wrapped his hands around her.

  “I think I am the lucky one.” He framed her face. “We leave on Saturday and you can invite your friend Maxine.”

  “She is going to be so excited.” She bent and kissed his lips. “I love you, Ryan.”

  “I love you, Mrs. Sullivan.” He told her hoarsely.


  They were so used to planning functions at short notice that pulling off a wedding was like nothing to them! They all got involved. For the first time in a very long time all the wives were available.

  “I like this one,” Kelly said looking at the slim curves of the dazzling white dress with the sweetheart neckline and the thin straps.

  “How about this?” Monique Romano held up a glossy white dress with tulles going down the ankles. The top was sheer and had inlaid peals on the bodice.

  “It’s beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful I have ever seen but it is not me.” Aaliyah said tentatively. Even though she had become friends with these very powerful women, she still wondered if she said something it would offend them.

  “She is right,” Ciara said quietly giving her a quick smile. “Let her choose.” They were gathered at the Sullivan’s and had come armed with the dresses that had been sent over in a long delivery truck. Everything else were arranged and all the wives were taking part with their husbands. They were choosing the bride’s dress first.

  Aaliyah had fed her daughter and passed her to the nanny and Cameron was having his afternoon nap. She looked at the first two racks and dismissed them and then a deceptively simple white dress caught her eyes. She took it out and stared at the intricate beads on the bodice. It had thin straps holding up the bodice and crisscrossed at the back. The skirt was straight and drifted down her ankles. It was perfect!

  “I like it too,” Monique said with her gentle smile.”


  Ryan used one of his airplanes to take them over on Friday night. There was a flurry of excitement as they all met up at the airport. “I have never seen so many powerful people in one place,” Maxine whispered, her eyes shining in excitement. “And actually getting the chance to meet the Prince and Princess. I want someone to pinch me.”

  Aaliyah did so playfully and she winced.

  “I did not mean it literally.” She protested.

  “I did not know that,” Aaliyah said with a grin.

  “I have never seen you so happy,” she murmured.

  “I have never been so happy.” She looked over to where her husband was talking to the pilot. He looked so authoritative!

  Within minutes, they were airborne, with Chloe in her arms being
fed. The children chatted with one another and the men discussed businesses. The flight was twelve hours long and they arrived there at eleven in the night. They were shown to their rooms. They went straight to sleep because they were so exhausted but the day of the wedding had them up very early except the children. It was a lovely day with the sun

  high in the sky and a few scattered clouds. They were given the tour after breakfast in the large elegant dining room. The King and Queen welcomed them properly before going off to their duties.

  Very soon it was time to get ready and the ladies were getting ready in Princess Debbie’s suite while Prince Alexander went to one of the other suites where the men were getting dressed. They were getting married in the throne room.

  Lena had been flown over along with two assistants and they set to work getting the ladies ready.


  Ryan stood at the front of the huge room and it seemed like a million years before his wife came forward. The music started playing and the women along with their husbands came marching in. First it was Carrie wearing indigo blue gown with a single strap and billowing skirt. She looked up at her husband Patrick with a smile as she took her place. Then came Leesa in azure, the skirt billowing out behind her. Her hands clasped Brad’s as she too took her place. Then came Jeffry and Diana Rowland. The plus sized model looked radiant in Egyptian blue. Jeremy and Deidre Langley were next and she wore cobalt blue. Mikhail and Deandre Antonovich came after and she was wearing teal blue. Andre and Felicia Wainwright came after them and she was wearing Persian blue. Paul and Regina Brady came next and she was wearing sapphire blue. Aiden and Ciara Carter followed with Ciara wearing midnight blue followed by Kane and Kelly Takahashi and she wore Prussian blue. Nicholas and Kelsey Petersen were next and Kelsey was wearing turquoise. Prince Alexander and Princess Debbie came forward and she wore ultramarine. Lorenzo and Monique Romano were next and she was wearing olive while Scott and Kadine Taylor came behind them with Kadine wearing sea foam green. Mark and Latoya Seville were next with Latoya wearing sage. Garth and Olivia were the last couple and Olivia was wearing shamrock green. Ryan straightened as the music changed and the people got to their feet. His breath caught in his throat as his son made his way forward with a padded cushion with the rings. His dark brown hair was brushed back from his face and his dark blue eyes shone eagerly as he walked solemnly towards his dad. He was wearing identical dark blue suits and both looked very much alike. The little boy reached him and he bent to take him into his arms. They both looked to the entrance as Aaliyah came in wearing the dazzling dress and with her daughter in her arms dressed in a cotton candy pink dress that drifted around her. He met them halfway and they stood there looking at each other before they made their way to the top of the aisle.


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