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Ash and Stone (Hidden Truth Book 1)

Page 10

by Rose Alexander

  Understanding lights Berwyn's eyes as he jumps up. "They think she's Jesus!"

  "More that religions wrongly assumed the second coming was Jesus instead of Ash." Josiah shakes his head.

  "But it still means that the apocalypse is going to happen now." Berwyn bores his eyes into Gideon’s.

  "That's what all signs lead to. Her birth set off the series of events that lead to it." Gideon balls up his fists. "There are two paths. One will lead to the end of the world, and the other will lead to salvation. I can't figure out which path is right. But it all centers around the choices Ash makes. I don't know if sharing this information dooms us or saves us."

  "I thought you wanted to keep the information secret until you were sure." Josiah tilts his head, studying his brother.

  "You were right. It wouldn't be fair. Now that I feel the bond completed, I agree with your initial assessment of the situation." Gideon sighs. "Now, what do we need to do to complete this angel ward?"

  Donavan pulls out the list Cerek made, and the gargoyles look it over.

  "I can go see Josie and get the mugwort, mullion, and yarrow." Gideon points to each item on the list. “She might be able to locate those two rare ingredients too.”

  "There's a voodoo practitioner on the other side of town. He should have the tools we need and the devil's shoestring." Josiah nods to himself.

  "That just leaves goofer dust, graveyard dirt, and vinegar." Donavan sighs. "What the hell is goofer dust?"

  "The voodoo guy should have it, or know how to get it." Cerek rolls his eyes. "What do they teach you guys?"

  "We maintain the balance, not cast spells." Gideon glares at Cerek.

  "Gideon, why don't you go talk to the witches and see what they can help with." I stand up and take charge. This won't get anywhere if they keep picking at each other. I turn and look at Berwyn and Josiah. "You two go see the voodoo practitioner. Then work on the other items together."

  "Pet, you realize how late it is, right?" Usiah speaks up.

  "It may be best to wait until morning." I check the time and find he's right. I hadn't noticed the time.

  "Fine, but wouldn't it be easier to get graveyard dirt at night?" I point out.

  "I'll go get the graveyard dirt." Cerek locks eyes with me. "I need to get out and stretch my legs anyway.

  "Go with him." Gideon nods at Donavan.

  "Fine, come along." Cerek rolls his eyes.



  I wake up under a pile of heavy dogs. The Cerberus triplets shifted into their great dane forms before bed. Cerek was quiet when he returned home last night, though he was carrying a large sack of graveyard dirt. We agreed to meet with the gargoyles first thing in the morning, but the blaring alarm isn't motivating me to move.

  Usiah's grey body morphs into his human form. He stands and stretches, his clothes appearing on his body as he does.

  "I love sleeping as much as the next guy, but we really do need to protect this place." He shoots me an apologetic smile.

  "I know." I groan and shove the pillow over my face.

  Maybe if they can't see me, they'll let me sleep and do all the work without me.

  "Nope, none of that." Cerek grabs the pillow from my head. Damn, I missed him shifting. "Sugar, we need you for the protection to work."

  "Fine." I shove the blankets off and pout my lip.

  Reaching my arms over my head, my teeth chatter as I stretch my stiff muscles. I groan as my feet hit the cold floor. I still find it hard to believe this is their hot season. Usiah grabs the plush throw from the foot of the bed and wraps it around my shoulders then I pad out to the living room.

  Usiah rushes by me to the kitchen and begins pulling things out of the refrigerator. "Eggs and bacon for breakfast?"

  "Yes! I haven't had good bacon in centuries!" Cerek's eyes sparkle.

  "What's so great about bacon?" My forehead furrows.

  "Oh, sugar. You haven't lived until you've had bacon on this plane." Cerek grins, looking closer to Usiah than his own grumpy self.

  I open the curtains to the balcony and the goat bleats at me. Part of me feels guilty that we have to use this poor animal in this manner, but I don't want surprise visitors anymore. We kill animals and eat them. This isn't much different. Padding into the kitchen, I look over Usiah’s shoulder as he flips over the thin pieces of bacon.

  “Can I help?” I offer, as the fatty meat scent fills the room and my mouth fills with saliva.

  “Sure, why don’t you crack some eggs in a bowl and whisk them.” He points to the counter next to him.

  I grab a large mixing bowl and begin cracking eggs into it. Usiah steps behind me, his chest flush against my back. He brings his mouth next to my ear and electricity shoots down my spine.

  “Do you need any help?” His voice sends tingles throughout my body.

  “I’ve got this.” I reply, breathlessly.

  “Yes you do.” His arm brushes against mine as he pulls away and returns to the frying pan. “Has anyone asked you how you’re adjusting to living here?”

  “No, but there’s been a lot going on. I’m doing fine, if that’s what you’re getting at. I just wish it wasn’t this big ordeal of finding my dad, solving a strange prophecy, and Lilith acting weird.” I open up, surprised the words flow out so easily.

  “Lilith is just being Lilith. You never know what she’s really up to until it’s over.” Usiah chuckles and winks. “I would focus on the immediate and we’ll figure her game out along the way.”

  “How do you feel about her passing you guys off to me like that?” I glance over watching for his reaction.

  “I think it’s the best thing that could have happened to us.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the edges. “Now, go relax. I’ve got the rest of this.”

  I amble to the living room and plop on the couch. There's a knock at the door and Berwyn answers it. My gargoyles enter, their arms loaded full of bags.

  "I think we have everything." Donavan grins. "Let's get this show on the road. Wait, do I smell bacon?"

  "Breakfast then ritual." Usiah calls out from the kitchen. "Ash has never eaten bacon."

  "That's a travesty." Donavan's eyes widen as his mouth gapes open. "It's good this is being remedied immediately!"

  Usiah finishes cooking and we gather around the table, digging into the eggs, bacon, and toast. My first bite makes me groan in pleasure. The salty, greasy meat is wonderful. They're right, I have been missing out!

  "Oh shit!" Cerek yells as he jumps out of his seat.

  I spin around just in time to see the little black goat jump on the table and over the railing.

  "Fuck!" Usiah groans as we all rush out onto the balcony.

  We are just in time to see the goat land on an unsuspecting woman walking down the street.

  "Do you think either of them survived?" I peer over the balcony.

  "Not likely." Josiah shakes his head.

  "Are we supposed to do something?" I chew on my bottom lip.

  "I'll call emergency services and you guys clean up anything goat related. We don't need the hassle the police provide." Gideon groans. "Why is the table next to the railing in the first place?"

  "It wasn't." I shake my head. "I'm sure it was against the building last night."

  "Maybe the goat moved it." Donavan shrugs. "Either way, we are going to need another goat when the police move out."

  "Why and how would the goat move the table? I think an angel did it." Cerek growls. "How long will it take the police to leave?"

  "Longer than I would like." Josiah frowns over the balcony.

  It doesn't make sense. Why would the goat jump over the balcony? Maybe it was hungry. No one thought to feed the poor creature, given it wasn't meant to live long.

  But what if Cerek is right? Could the angel Michael have moved the table and somehow goaded the goat to jump? It would throw a wrench in our plans, but how would he know what we were planning? We haven't smelled angel for a while now.
  Gideon pulls out his phone and makes the phone call, explaining the strange sight we witnessed, though claiming the goat fell past my balcony. The person on the other end insisted one of us go down and check if the woman was alive or not.

  "I'll go with you." I take a deep breath. "I feel responsible."

  "There's no way you are responsible." Gideon shakes his head.

  We take the stairs down at a near sprint. If she's not dead, would our hesitation doom her? I push open the doors and the birds are silent. I hadn't noticed it on the balcony, but now it feels eerie. As we approach the sidewalk where the woman is lying, there is another woman standing next to her.

  "Is she alive?" I call out, but the dark-haired woman ignores me.

  "Who are you talking to?" Gideon's voice floats through my head.

  I point at the woman standing there. "You can't see her?"

  He shakes his head, and it dawns on me. "It's her spirit."

  As we get closer, the blood is pooling around her head and she's staring glassy eyed at the sky. There won't be any chance of bringing her back.

  "She's not breathing and there's no pulse." Gideon relays to the person on the phone. He pauses and listens for a moment. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm not sure if CPR would be useful, but if you insist I'll try."

  Gideon presses a button and a woman's voice floats out from the phone as he hands it to me.

  "I'll have to move the dead goat off of her body in order to do this." He winces.

  "Let me check with the other services. Please wait a moment." A snippy voice blares from the speaker. We can hear her asking questions through another device, then she returns to the phone. "Yes, move the goat, but carefully."

  Gideon grabs the goat by the feet and lifts him off of the body and lays him to the side.

  The woman instructs him on how to perform CPR and he follows the steps until sirens appear in the distance.

  "Is there a pulse?" The woman asks.

  "No ma'am. And no breathing either."

  “The ambulance should be there shortly. Keep going."

  He rolls his eyes, but continues giving her chest compressions, then a breath after every set. Her chest barely rises, and given her spirit standing next to the body, I know it's pointless. Though I'm not sure why she's still here. I was under the impression they moved on immediately. Maybe the shock of her sudden death jarred her from recognizing her reaper? For that matter, where is her reaper? Maybe I’m unable to see them.

  The ambulance pulls up and the paramedic pushes Gideon out of the way. The woman on the phone hangs up as soon as they arrive, and we stand back near the doors and watch the scene play out.

  They continue trying to revive the woman but end up covering her with a white sheet before they load her onto the stretcher and stick her in the ambulance. A police car arrives next and asks us a series of questions. I sure hope they were able to hide everything. This isn't a distraction we need right now. Michael has me on edge. What if he changes his mind and wants to do something to me? Life was simpler when I was just a demon.

  "We would like to see the balcony." One of the police officers states.

  "Is everything cleaned up? The police want to see the balcony." Gideon projects to everyone.

  "Of course. Sorry the elevator doesn't work and I'm on the sixth floor." I shoot him what I hope is an apologetic smile.

  The larger cop's face pales at the news, but the other just smiles back.

  "It's good." Donavan replies.

  I lead the officers up the stairs, and both are out of breath by the time we reach the last landing.

  "Sorry, it's a good daily workout." I grimace.

  "It's... totally... fine..." The officer heaves, trying to catch his breath.

  I let them in the apartment where the men are gathered around the table finishing their cold breakfast. A pang of jealousy hits me when I think of my bacon. Maybe Usiah will make more when this is over.

  I show the police to the balcony and they take notes, looking up at the roof before dismissing themselves, promising to call if they have any further questions. Josiah offers to show them the roof access.

  "We moved all the evidence of a goat up there." Cerek sends mentally.



  After the police clear out, I travel back to the farm to purchase a second goat. Cerek promised to have everything ready so we could get him in and out without a delay. Bringing another animal to the apartment building so soon after the mishap has me nervous. So does the demonic ritual they are performing, but Ash is worth it.

  "What do you mean there isn't another goat available?" I raise an eyebrow at George.

  "Someone offered me good money for my herd. I couldn't turn it down, son. These bones are old and it pays for my retirement." He shoots me an apologetic smile. "Why don't I give you a few numbers to call. I'm sure someone has what you're looking for."

  "Thanks, George." I sigh.

  There's no way this is a coincidence. That bloody angel doesn't want to be locked out. He may not want to kill Ash now, but that doesn't mean others won't. I take the list and fly back to Ash's apartment. I have a sick feeling that none of these contacts will have goats for sale either. This might make things more difficult.

  "I couldn't get a goat. I'll explain when I return." I send out as soon as I'm in range.

  "Useless pebbles." Cerek growls.

  I don't see what Ash finds attractive about that group. Usiah is alright, but Cerek is a douche. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't put up with his insults. I doubt she understands that calling a gargoyle a pebble is like derogatory terms humans use for other races. Do demons do that sort of thing?

  I land on the balcony and find six sets of eyes watching me intently.

  "So someone bought all of George's goats yesterday, paying way more for them than what they're worth." I groan as I plop on the floor by Ash's leg. "I have a list of numbers to call, but my gut says no one will have any."

  "That fucking stupid angel asshole." Cerek punches the floor, sending vibrating ripples through the room.

  "Edith will be up here complaining if you keep doing that." Josiah glares at him.

  "Fuck Edith." Cerek growls, but shoves his balled up fists in his lap.

  "Let's start calling. Ash, do you have a phone?" Josiah glances at her.

  "Yeah," she pulls it out of her pocket."I haven't needed to use it." She shrugs as she leans over my shoulder and dials a number. "I have the first one."

  We take turns calling through the list and people are either unwilling to sell, or already sold their goats they were willing to part with.

  "Ok, does anyone know an angel ward that doesn't require a goat?" Ash sighs.

  "No. Angels typically respect boundaries. There hasn't been much of a need for one." Gideon smacks his forehead. "Why didn't we think of checking the repository?"

  "That's not why we were there. I doubt Julian would have helped us, anyway. He said we needed to return here." Josiah shrugs. "We will need to come up with something else."

  "Could the witches help us?" Ash stands up and paces across the room. "Maybe a personal protection of some sort?"

  "That's not a terrible idea. I'll see if I can get someone to come over." Josiah grabs his phone and steps into the kitchen.

  My phone dings with a text notification. I glance down and see it's from Josie.

  Josie: I had another vision. Clery recorded it and I'm forwarding it to you. XOXO

  A second ding comes when the video pops on screen.

  "You guys, Josie had another vision and recorded it." I call out.

  Josiah sticks his head out of the kitchen and holds up a finger, the phone planted by his ear. We wait while he finishes, and I tap my fingers on the hardwood floor, unable to sit still. What's on the video? Why did she send it to me? She has all of our numbers.

  Josiah finally gets off the phone and I press play on the video as the group gathers around me.

  "There is darkness at the h
eart of light. An ancient feud, older than time. The fire's remains will shine brightly, attracting the broken. When the first seal breaks disease will conquer the world. When the second seal blows, war will surround the lands. Don't let the seventh seal free. The army of stone will turn their backs until the battle begins. Either all will unite under the same banner, or all will fall but the ancient ones."

  The video cuts off. And I stare at the blank screen. Why the hell do they have to be so cryptic? Couldn't these prophecies just say, "Hey, Ash brings the apocalypse, here's how you save the world?"

  "Instead of focusing on these boring repetitive prophecies, let's just do something." Usiah bounces to his feet. "I know, let's ask if Josiah has good news."

  "Yes, and no. They have a plan, but they won't meet us here. We need a place untouched by man to perform the ritual. There's not many of those on Earth left." Josiah frowns.

  "I have one." Gideon's face flushes. "I go there to think."

  "Why the secrecy?" Josiah tilts his head. "Are we so bad to be around?"

  "No. I found it one day when I was flying. I love you guys, but when I'm angry, I need space. It was nice having something I didn't have to share when I was younger. As the years went by, it never occurred to me to tell you about it." He shrugs, then casts his eyes to the ground.

  "It's a pretty clearing with a stream and waterfall." I chuckle. "I followed you there eons ago."

  Gideon's eyes darken, and I prepare for him to tackle me. That's his go to response when I goad him. But instead, he sighs as he rises to his feet. "Call your witch back and tell her to meet us at the edge of her property. I'll take you all there."

  "There's an issue with that plan." Ash chews nervously on her lower lip.

  I wonder if she realizes how sexy that habit is.

  "What?" Gideon furrows his brow.

  "We can't fly." Berwyn rolls his eyes.

  "Oh, yeah." I fall over laughing.


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