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Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3)

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by Catherine Wolffe

  Wolfen Secrets

  (The Western Werewolf Legend #3)

  By Catherine Wolffe

  Copyright 2013 Catherine Wolffe

  All Rights Reserved

  Discover other titles by Catherine Wolffe at

  Cover design by Ally Thomas


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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Adult Content

  In order to protect minors from viewing inappropriate material, please know that this book may contain language, situations or images inappropriate for children under 18 years of age.

  Other Books by Catherine Wolffe

  Comanche Haven – Free Sample

  Comanche Haven (The Loflin Legacy: # 1)

  The Lady in the Mist (A Werewolf’s Tale) – Free Sample

  The Lady in the Mist (The Western Werewolf Legend #1)

  The Lady in the Mist (The Western Werewolf Legend #2)

  A Dance in Time (J.T. Leighton, Time Traveler #1)

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 - Solitaire

  Chapter 2 - Realizations

  Chapter 3 - Wanted

  Chapter 4 - A Night to Remember

  Chapter 5 - Clandestine Meetings

  Chapter 6 - For a Werewolf's Love

  Chapter 7 - Tomacha

  Chapter 8 - Rescue

  Chapter 9 - Wolfen Defense

  Chapter 10 - Truth or Fantasy


  Books by Catherine Wolffe

  About the Author

  Wolfen Secrets

  (The Western Werewolf Legend # 3)

  By Catherine Wolffe


  Sonja Brooks’ body jerked, waking with a jolt. She’d been dreaming again. Running trembling fingers through her hair, she released an unsteady breath. The darkness was always filled with hands clawing at her flesh, moans of anguish or sharp stabs of pain. Being a werewolf had brought all kinds of changes to her life. This latest plague was the worst. Depending on an ordered, tidy existence was a thing of the past. Would she ever be able to sleep without nightmares or rest peacefully again?

  Her mentor, the witch, Hortence, had given her potion after potion to relieve the restless nights of dream after unsettling dream. None had helped. So, the night sweats and visions continued like premonitions from a horror play.

  Her hands came down, punching the quilt on either side of her thighs in an act of frustration.

  Immediately, Ty’s arm came around her. Her lover, Tyler Loflin, wrapped her close.

  “Easy, Sonja! Baby, I’m right here.”

  His strength – so solid and dependable along with his words – so warm and gentle enveloped her. Nothing could penetrate his protection, nothing, she mused. Sonja wrapped her arms around his solid strength, languishing in his hold.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes… the dream…I had it again.” Seeking the crook of his neck as a haven, Sonja released a shaky breath. Ty’s heart beat in solid, rhythmic cadence. His long, dark hair skimmed her cheek in a soft caress.

  “Here, now, let me hold you. You can tell me what happened.” With big, bronzed hands, he adjusted the covers, arranging a nest of sorts for her comfort. "Shamans say it makes a bad dream better when you talk about the fool thing.” Ty punched up the pillows. Easing her back, he made sure she was comfortable before joining her against the cool cotton. In a gesture as old as time, he reached out, brushing her curls back from her face. “Now, that’s better?”

  She let out a slow breath. It was worth a try. Nodding, she frowned, trying to recall the details.

  “It’s the same one I keep having. We are fighting the vampires. There are so many!” Her voice cracked with the last words. She swallowed hard. The tears couldn’t break free.

  “I got you, Nymph. You’re safe. Nothing will hurt you, now. Keep going.”

  Sonja sniffed before sending him a trembling smile. She loved it when he used the pet name he’d given her right after they’d met over three months before. “All right.” Shoving at her hair, she tried again. “This time, the bloodsuckers are everywhere. They’re coming out of the woodwork, Ty.” She glanced at him, the fingers of unease showing again. “There’s so many, I don’t think we will stop them.”

  He patted her back gentle like, rocking her slightly in his hold. “Just a dream, it’s okay, I got you.”

  “We’re separated.” She slid her hand between their bodies, wiping at the tears. “I can’t see you, yet I hear you. You’re swarmed by vampires.”

  Panic clawed at her chest. She clutched at her breast, the pressure there cutting off her air. On a strangled cry, Sonja shoved away. Suddenly, his comfort had turned into a vice-like sensation. “I…I can’t breathe, Ty!”

  He released her, rolling from the bed, before, reaching for her to follow. Sonja went immediately into his hold. “Watch me, Nymph – breathe,” he commanded. “Breathe…that’s it. Now again…deep. Let it out slow. That’s a girl.” He raised her arms up over her head, standing with her until her chest eased its rapid constriction. With his big hand, Ty gently rubbed between her breasts. “Feel better?”

  She nodded. Soon, the feeling of security his hold invoked returned. The anxiety attack eased. Threading her arms around him, she smiled when his sturdy embrace encircled her once more.

  “I’ll speak to Hortence again about the damn nightmares. There has to be a better way to handle them.”

  “Do you suppose they’re more than figments of my imagination?” A frown crossed her brow. Was it possible for someone or something else to hold control over her nightmares? “Like a vampire spell or perhaps black magic?” She leaned back in his hold, gazing steadily into his eyes. “We may not be considering all the possibilities, Ty.”

  “It’s not off to consider the vampires have powers too - maybe even access to magic.” Ty shook his head before resting his brow against hers. “We know so little about these damn creatures of the night. It frustrates the hell out of me. So, somehow they get inside your head, conjuring up a wicked dream.” Gathering her close again, he tried to reassure. “Tomorrow we’ll talk to Hortence. She’s got to have something that will block the dreams. I won’t give up until I find one. I promise, Nymph.”

  Resting against his chest, the vibration of his voice next to her ear as a welcome balm, Sonja closed her eyes. Could the dreams be her anxiety manifested or the future about to play out in reality? God, she hoped not! Unable to stop her body’s cringe, the memory of the screams came back to her. In the dream, Ty needed her help, yet she wasn’t able to reach him in time.

  Chapter 1 - Solitaire

  The fire sprang up unexpected. A lone, extended note of pain erupted from somewhere in the haze of smoke and flames. Ty’s anxious search of the smoldering blaze didn’t go unnoticed.

  “She’ll be all right, Lieutenant.”

  Ty whipped around to glare into the eyes of the Guardian. “How in the bloody hell can you be sure? You stand here in the safety of the cool glade, while Sonja is out there in the flames somewhere searching for a lost child.” Unable to stand in the wolf god’s presence any longer, Ty huffed out a breath before wheeling away to stare at the flames once mo
re. “Your audacity astounds me.” He whipped back around, punching out a finger in the direction of the flames. “I want you to tell me she is here with me, you overgrown bag of bones, not “she is all right”.” He wheeled from the Guardian toward the fire again. Sparks burned his eyes. The change to a werewolf came on him like a refuge for his anger. He embraced the shift. With the glow of a shifter’s essence still fresh on his wolf’s coat, Ty growled low, leaping into the firestorm, leaving the Guardian standing there.

  He could hear the fire moan as another gust of wind fed the blaze. Hortence’s voice came to him on the wind-swept smoke. In his mind’s eye, she appeared next to the Guardian. Now, she showed up. Unbelievable!

  “He seeks his mate.” Hortence’s words rang flat.

  “Yes, he is having a hard time with the responsibilities she faces. His nature is to protect a woman. This woman is different,” the Guardian added.

  Hortence nodded absently at the flames. A great ball of fire erupted, spewing sparks into the darkness. “He will find his way. Compromise is the great mediator.”

  Guardian flicked a glance her way. “Sonja was correct. You are full of riddles and conundrums, Witch.”

  The old woman glared in return at the great hulking beast. “And you smell. What’s your point, wolf god?” Without waiting for an answer, she turned to go. “Soon, you’ll have your hands full.” She flung the jab over her shoulder as she walked away. “I’ll be taking my leave of this place now, along with its company.”

  How’d the two ever get anything done? Arguing was their only means of communication. Still Ty remembered the Guardian’s words. Was it true? Sonja would have to face the demons on her own. Surely not - they were wolf mates. If anything, he’d be the one to face the bastards, not her.

  She was in the damn fire alone, right now. Struggling with something akin to panic, Ty swore low, before scanning the flames again. Where was she? Suddenly, the ground trembled as a great fireball erupted into the sky. Searing heat washed over him in waves. The fire was getting worse. He had to find her! Noting the girth and depth of the inferno, Ty sprinted forward. The fire breathed as a living thing. The flames continued to consume everything in their path. “Sonja! Where are you?” No reply! A sensation of helplessness washed over him, promising to engulf him in its grip if he wasn’t careful.

  Stumbling, he covered his muzzle with his paw. The smoke choked the oxygen out of the air, making it hard to breathe, not to mention think. Something akin to terror gripped his chest. Recalling the night she’d been bitten by her undead husband, Robert, he had to fight the notion she may be lost. “Sonja!” Ty’s howl echoed in the thick smoke. No answer! His chest tightened again as his vision raced in every direction at once. “Sonja!”

  Suddenly up ahead came a whimper. His keen ears went on alert.

  The fire moaned and yawed with another gust of wind. The flames shifted toward him. The whimpering stopped. Scanning a few feet ahead, Ty bent low on all fours, forcing his way through with the fire licking at his fur. He kept going. Scorched and singed, he paid no attention as he struggled to clear the downed timber and burning treetops. There she was, a smoldering figure staggering toward him. Her fur, matted and burned in places, resembled a half-charred piece of white paper someone had crumpled before throwing into the flames. Yet she lived. Blinking, Sonja’s werewolf stared blankly up at her mate. Those golden eyes of hers bore misery mingled with defeat. She belched a plume of smoke from her muzzle.

  “She’s gone.” With those two words, she slumped against him. The retched ache of her mind’s words wrapped around his heart and squeezed.

  Still his mind cried out with relief. Ty’s one and only wolf had made it back to him. She reeked of smoke, yet she lived. Gone was the pristine white of her mane, in its place a molten gray and black body swayed precariously in front of him. He noted the large raw patches of scorched flesh and oozing wounds scattered along her back. Still, she lived. He gathered her in his front paws, licking her muzzle. “Don’t do this to yourself, Nymph.” His wolf’s mind tried to comfort. The nudge he gave her with his snout didn’t rouse her from her misery. “Were it in my power, I’d take this from you. I’d make everything right. You should expect nothing more when dealing with the vampires. For all we know, this was a vision, like another of your hellish dreams. Take heart in the fact, you gave it your best shot.” Ty’s limited connection to her grieved him almost as much as the sadness in her eyes. “Come, let’s get you back. You’re injured.” He ran a paw over the gash in her hind leg. “A major part of my loving you lies in your courage, Nymph. I’d never question your attempt at saving a life.”

  With that, Ty nudged her neck, licking at the wound in her leg. The attention was enough to rouse Sonja. It was time to leave. The portal was in sight. She stumbled toward the light.


  Being plucked up by the scruff of her neck tested Sonja’s patience. Having fallen at the Guardian’s feet only moments before, she bore the results of a dangerous battle. One she could have easily lost. Her smoky, sooty werewolf’s fur held plenty of burns and cuts.

  “What are you looking at?” Sonja’s mental voice shot at him. Temper flared in her words. “Do you like what you see? Spectating is such a difficult job, no?”

  Ignoring her jab, the Guardian asked, “Where is Tyler?”

  “He’ll be here soon. He was right behind me.” Sonja dropped her head. “I couldn’t save the girl.”

  “You did your best.”

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t enough was it, Guardian?” The words, spat from a scorched, ash-covered muzzle were raw with the anguish of loss.

  “You can’t save the world, Sonja.” Gently, the Guardian lowered Sonja back to the ground. She began the shift back into human form.

  There was a loud whoosh. Another smoldering, four-legged body tumbled hind feet over fore to rest at the talons of the great, hulking beast.

  “Tyler, did you find what you sought?”

  Tyler coughed and hacked up ash as he eased to his side, starting to change. “Ugh…” The transformation took a minute as he growled, before barking out a loud, “Yes!” before completing the shift. “You bastard!” With those words, he lunged at the Guardian, teeth bared.

  “I’ll rip you limb from limb, you pompous ass!”

  The Guardian stepped sideways so swiftly, the move blurred before Sonja’s vision. She leaned on a burned arm, cradling the other in her lap. True to the shifter’s gift, her arm started to mend. Glancing back up, she sighed. “Ty, please!” With her injuries, she could do little more than protest his outburst.

  Having missed his target, Ty skidded to a halt. The surprise mingled with temper on his face meant he’d not forgotten the tactics used by the Guardian. Wheeling, he snarled. “Stand and fight like a warrior, you bastard!”

  The Guardian, poised as a wolf god could be, simply continued to stand much as he had through the whole thing – patient, yet resolute.

  Nothing fueled Ty’s fury more than the perception he was the butt of someone’s joke. “You’ve taunted me for the last time, Guardian. I’m calling you out!” Stalking toward the wolf god, he thrust out a hand, shoving the hulking seven-foot-tall beast. “You think you will manipulate us like we were mere puppets?” His voice grew more incredulous with each word. “No more than pawns in your game? Is that it?” He rocked to one side and back again in agitation as impatience played across his face. “We are not your play things, Guardian. We’re living breathing, flesh and blood. We deserve respect!”

  The Guardian waited.

  Ty bent forward, clamping his hands on his knees. The surge of temper along with the fury began to ease inside him. With a deep breath, he reigned in the beastly anger.

  “You’re no match for me, Lieutenant.”

  Cutting a cool eye at the Guardian, Ty arched a brow. “Don’t think I’ll forget what you did today. I can’t stomach anymore of your little ‘tests’! Do you understand?”

  The guardian let Ty rant. He
chose to watch the fire they’d battled to save a child burn itself out on the forest floor. Whether it had been a dream or real, Sonja couldn’t say. The Wolf god didn’t move nor did he acknowledge either of them.

  Sonja reached out. “Ty, it’s okay. I’m okay. Come on, let me get something for your burn, okay?”

  Throwing up his arm, Ty effectively dislodged the hand Sonja placed on his arm. “Get away from me, woman.” He snarled again at the Guardian, clearly missing the disbelief and hurt in Sonja’s face. Ty stalked off.

  With little concern for her modesty, she approached the wolf god with a blanket wrapped about her naked body. “No survivors.” Despair filtered through her words. “I didn’t make it in time.” Wrapping her arms tighter, she hugged the blanket.

  “You sacrificed much to try. No one could have done more.” He glanced down at her and she swore he smiled. “There will be other times.”

  In the clearing haze, she surveyed the charred frame of the house. "This didn’t appear an accident. What do you know?”

  Demons don’t fight fair. “This vampire plague forces us into action when we’re least prepared. Fighting evil wherever you find it is admirable but leaves little room for error. Staging an incident like this isn’t past the vampires. You could have been kidnapped if not for Ty’s search.” He turned to her then, holding her in both hands. “No one blames you for the loss of even one life. This could have all been a ploy to catch you unaware. The culprit responsible for this deed plays games with us. We must discover his true identity and deal a heavy blow.”

  “She was just a child. How could someone, even a vampire be so cruel?” Slumping to a nearby stump, Sonja shook her weary head.

  “The one responsible has no heart, no soul. He steals from those he covets using black magic. I have seen his kind in the smoke.”


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