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Reckless Gamble: a billionaire high stakes suspense romance (City Sinners Book 4)

Page 31

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Everything from subtle flirting to brazen, “How about we find somewhere quiet to remove more than our masks.”

  When did women get so, well impossible to ignore? Luckily, years in the field honed his evasion skills, including not staying in the same place for too long, and always keeping a full glass in his hand. The masks should have made it harder to read their personalities, but when fake smiles were matched with dead eyes, Ed craved just one who could have warmth as well as passion, intelligence instead of gossip.

  “You okay?” Roland James offered Ed a drink.

  “Have you given up the board room for waiting tables and posh events?” Ed swapped his glass for orange juice. “Thanks, mate.”

  “I’ll do anything to make my wife happy and it’s either circulate with a full tray or get stuck for hours in conversation.”

  “Got a spare tray? I’m happy to help out if it gets me out of talking to people.”

  “Ed, you have over a hundred single women here, how about you find one to make you breakfast tomorrow. Let us happily married men live vicariously through you.”

  Just as Ed was about to blow off Roland’s suggestion, a flash of red caught his eye.

  A deep russet red gown in a sea of blacks and neutrals. Fabric folding against a body that he could only imagine. Then a pair of long legs visible through a thigh high split.

  “Who’s that?” He didn’t mean to gasp, only by the time he turned back to Roland, his only friend in the room had moved on to serve other thirsty guests.

  His attention finally piqued, Ed waited until a short break in the crowd gave him the first glimpse of an elegant woman, long jet-black hair pulled into a glossy ponytail. He loved the way the fitted bodice gave him all he needed to know about her body, without giving too much away. Imagination was a wonderful thing, and he could almost feel how the material could come apart in his hands.

  “Hi,” Ed turned to the confident voice, expecting to see a familiar face, instead just another horny woman with too much makeup and not enough self-respect.

  “Good evening,” he hesitated, already looking for an escape route.

  “Want a drink?” Couldn’t she at least try to be original?

  “Can you excuse me; I think I see an old friend.” This time Ed moved towards the last known sighting of a certain red dress, except by now it was surrounded in suits. He watched as one by one the would-be lovers were deftly dissuaded with a shy smile and a body in constant motion. A woman who was using the same techniques as himself. For a moment their eyes met, and Ed was almost certain that she winked, although with the mask he couldn’t be sure.

  He made his way through more women, almost wishing he had taken Vaughan up on the offer of a pretend girlfriend, but then he would never have a chance to meet his woman in red. Something he intended to rectify as soon as humanly possible. Still, he had to reach her before asking her name and hope she didn’t close him down as readily as she had others.

  Damn, she’d disappeared again. Ed mentally observed the room as a grid, planning how to stay ahead of other women while trying to find the only one who mattered.

  “Do I know you?” This time, the hand on his arm wasn’t letting go without a fight, but when Ed tried to spin away, his elbow bumped against … the woman in red!

  Flustered more than he had any right to be, he could only laugh and apologize, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” Luckily, no drinks had been spilt.

  “That would have to be the most elaborate set up for an introduction I’ve had tonight!” she joked; eyes already locked with his.

  “Lady, if I was going to set a trap, it would have been far more elaborate,” he assured her with a matching smile. “I’m thinking of a helicopter dropping me through the roof and scooping you up while you’re still in shock.”

  “From the shattered glass?”

  “No, by the lengths a man is willing to go to ask you for a dance.”

  “You want to dance with me?”

  “Only if you’re going to say ‘yes,’ after all, I don’t want to be treated like all the other men who have fallen at your feet tonight.”

  “Your ego is that brittle?”

  “My ego might not be, but let’s not test the strength of my heart.”

  “You are such a smooth talker!” At least she let him guide her to the dancefloor with every intention of taking her in his arms and never letting go, at least for the night.

  “This is my first masquerade ball, am I allowed to ask you for your name?” Ed wanted far more than her name, but it would at least be a start.

  “Why would we want to spoil a night of mystery?” Her lips were so close to his ear as their bodies moved in sync, oblivious to the other dancers crowded on the floor.

  “But how will I know if I see you again?” His hands tucked into the small of her back, chest to chest. If he had to dance all night until she gave up her secrets, he could wait.

  “That’s easy,” she purred. “A kiss.”

  Without warning or chance to over-think the consequences, his lips were claimed. Ed stopped any pretense of dancing to enjoy the most unexpected surprise. Pulling her tighter, their lips and then tongues explored until she broke away.

  Just in time, he thought while catching his breath, much more and his body would have exploded!


  “I could remember that kiss anywhere,” he whispered as their bodies started moving to the music again.

  “I might hold you to that!”

  For song after song, he didn’t know her name, or let her go. The chemistry between them was palpable; and the conversation didn’t go to places he usually avoided. Instead of talking about what they did for a living, he answered questions about what he believed. The characteristics he admired most in people.

  “How do you want to be remembered when you die?” she asked over a glass of white wine. Her choice, he switched from wine to juice so he could savor every moment from this night.

  “That I made a difference to at least one person; that at least one person is in a better place because of something I said or did.” He didn’t need to remember all the people who he’d put in the ground. “What about you?”

  “That I lived, with no regrets and no guilt.”


  “Not yet, but definitely but with the right father.”


  “If I was married, I wouldn’t be here kissing and dancing with you,” her words distracted by yet another kiss.


  Never leaving the dancefloor, Anastacia refused to talk about herself instead allowing her gorgeous stranger to hold her close while keeping his own secrets. For them and tonight, the past didn’t matter, and Anastacia needed a night to forget the mess she’d made of her life.

  None of her friends could begin to understand; only seeing the glamorous parties, famous house guests and the sexy, successful husband. Jealous of what had been her world, they couldn’t be expected to understand what had happened behind closed doors, and truthfully, Anastacia didn’t know how to explain why it took so long to leave.

  Stuck in a different country on a diplomatic visa that her ex-husband had assured her could be withdrawn at any time.

  Surrounded by staff and bodyguards, “for her protection,” but in reality, had kept her more of a prisoner than their pet dogs.

  Not even able to open up to her father in the safety of his home—Anastacia forced a reassuring smile, admitted her marriage was over but stressed she didn’t want or need to talk about it.

  Pride and guilt. Overwhelming and when combined with the half a dozen anonymous notes that followed her half-way across the world—and the persistent feeling of always being watched—Anastacia had nothing to tell without putting others at risk.

  Silently dancing with this gorgeous stranger, Anastacia drew some self confidence in the number of potential suitors she’d turned down during the evening, and that the only man who turned her head didn’t need to ruin their dancin
g with banal small talk.

  They didn’t need conversation for Anastacia to make her own assumptions—he had the body and presence of Defence—fit could mean Army, but the self-assurance screamed Airforce. Her entire life, Anastacia had avoided becoming the stereotypical Defence brat, growing up only to date men just like her father. If she didn’t ask, the stranger wouldn’t tell, and she wouldn’t have to make comparisons.

  Without thinking, Anastacia reached up, cupping his face in her hands underneath the mask before allowing her lips to wrap around his, until he took control. His hands snaked around her hips and she had never felt more alive.

  A kiss by any other name would only be a kiss. With one touch of his lips—this stranger momentarily erased all the hurt and pain of her marriage. Filling her with a desire she’d accepted as dead and buried.

  As her hips responded, she felt the soft touch from a man who knew how to be firm, how to hurt but chose to be gentle. Breaking away from the kiss, Anastacia hadn’t caught her breath before he had her dancing in his arms and all cares melted away.

  “What does tomorrow bring for you,” he whispered.

  There was no way to explain about her father’s idea of a bodyguard. Or that she hoped tonight’s lack of sleep would be from dreaming about this man instead of fearing her ex-husband’s next move.

  “I don’t want to think about tomorrow, not when tonight is so perfect.” Anastacia didn’t have to reach up for more kisses, not when his lips found hers almost on command.

  She couldn’t fall in love with a stranger.

  The timing couldn’t have been worse.

  “What about you, what does tomorrow bring for you?” The night was still young, but if she stayed any longer, she couldn’t be responsible for her actions—which could only have consequences. He followed her towards the cloak room.

  “I would tell you, but then I’d have to—” another kiss delayed any detail.

  “You’re not going to pull a ‘National Security’ defense on me, are you?” She laughed at the flash of truth across his face.

  “I might be starting a new job.”

  “I guess, this is goodbye, then.” Anastacia hoped to leave while he wanted her to stay. While the night was still relatively young and neither of them had any reason to look back on their perfect kisses with regret.

  “Are you sure I can’t give you a lift home?” he asked yet again. In any other lifetime, Anastacia wanted nothing more, but her father’s warnings refused to stay silent.

  “Maybe another time.” Words they both knew to be untrue. Without exchanging names or seeing each other’s faces, tonight would be forever remembered for a perfect, one-night romance.

  “If I don’t see you before then, shall we at least exchange names at next year’s ball?” The stranger held open the back door of the taxicab, his lips not leaving hers until she settled into the seat, before fastening the belt around her waist.

  “Until next year,” she blew him kisses threw the window as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

  Not until the taxi stopped at a green set of traffic lights did Anastacia realize she had been too distracted to do her normal safety checks before getting in—her heart sank as the face of the driver didn’t match the face on the photo ID pinned to the windshield.

  Before she could react, both back doors opened. One man, dressed in black, got into the far side while another used a gun to force her to move into the middle seat.

  “Drive!” a calm instruction to the driver as the scream died in her throat. No one would hear and it had been so quick, no one would have even seen the smooth hijacking.

  Ed never wanted to be a babysitter, especially not for an army-brat-spoilt-princess. But when his Colonel’s daughter is abducted, beaten and abandoned in an ambulance bay, he has no choice. Now, he’ll do anything to defend his woman in red.

  Defend Her is a gripping military suspense romance that will having you on the edge of your seat. Out now.

  Sneak peek: The Bad Kitty

  Chapter 1: Normality bites

  Kitty / Catherine / Cat

  OMG! Zac Templeton was supposed to be a no-show.

  Not only did he turn up to her parent’s party unexpectedly, but damn near took her breath away when he arrived with the first influx of early guests. Not giving her any time to prepare, change her outfit, fix her hair, makeup or adopt an air of nonchalant and unaffected coolness. Oh, and somehow remember to breathe!

  She’d crushed on him for almost ten years. Since she started high school and he became friends with her older brother.

  “Catherine, good to see you.” A polite kiss before he stood his ground at the top of the white marble stairs, blocking all other guests from reaching the entrance of her home.

  Cat tried to remain calm as the green eyes traced the curves of her grown-up body and clearly liked what they saw. For years, she had delivered soft drinks and chips to Lucas’ end of the house, all for a glimpse of the tanned surf lifesaving body and long, light brown fringe he could never keep out of his eyes. Dearest, sexy Zac who never noticed she even existed. At least not in any way that mattered.

  “Zac!” Nervously she returned the kiss wishing it was more than an exchange between old acquaintances. “I almost didn’t recognize you.” A lie but he’d never be able to tell. “I didn’t know you and Lucas kept in touch?” She had looked for his name on the acceptance list and he’d clearly been a decline.

  Her words fell over themselves as she tried to say anything to keep him from moving past her to join the party.

  “I could say the same thing about you. How’s uni? What was it, business studies?”

  Cat could have died happy. He knew what she was studying! Information that could only have come from Lucas and her brother wouldn’t volunteer unless he was asked. More importantly, he wouldn’t have said anything unless he approved of them keeping in touch.

  “Last semester finished, done and dusted; may the rest of my life begin.” There was no force of the smile, she couldn’t wait to put all study behind her and start living.

  “And here you are, a glorious vision waiting to greet us into the James residence.” He mockingly bowed although his eyes never left her body.

  “Mum wants all guests greeted by a family member, you know, help them find their way around the back to the party, complete with a drink in hand.” Yes, they had staff to help out, but family occasions such as this demanded the family touch. She’d learnt the drill before she could talk. Only, this time she wasn’t ready to let Zac pass any more than he appeared to want to join the party.

  “I think I remember my way around, but how long have they got you on guard patrol here, I want to hear all about your plans.” Again, those green eyes told her more than she expected and without reason, she shivered in the summer heat.

  How could she even think about Zac in that way after she—no.

  He’d never understand and if she couldn’t explain it to herself then how could she explain it to Zac. She loved who Kitty was and hated knowing how others would judge. Good people, nice and upstanding people, like Zac.

  Damn, Zac Templeton!

  If only the answer was easy.

  “I promised my parents I’d be here until all the guests are ticked off.” She showed him the folder with most of the names unaccounted for. “I’d love to catch up, but another time?”

  “I’ll make sure of it.” Without warning, another peck on her cheek as his eyes teased, “If I asked nicely, would you give me your number or make me go through your brother?”

  Cat had time to think while she invited the other guests into the house, sorted them out with drinks and took her time to escort each out to the backyard.

  When she returned, Zac hadn’t moved other than to help greet another couple who arrived in her absence.

  “Catherine?” he waited until there was a lull in the arrivals. “Do I need to get your brother’s permission to ask you out or will you give me your number?”

  For year
s she’d crushed on Zac, dreaming of the moment he noticed her as more than Lucas’ sister. But after these last months, it might be easier to make him go through Lucas. Her brother knew Erebus and suspected she’d run away from something. Lucas knew Zac better than anyone and wouldn’t hand over her number if Zac couldn’t be trusted.

  Cat and Kitty could trust Lucas’ judgement even if she couldn’t trust her own.

  “I’m busy here, but if Lucas gives you my number, then give me a call.”

  If Zac was man enough to ask Lucas, perhaps he was man enough to meet Kitty? She could only hope her heart wouldn’t let her down, this time.


  The smile hadn’t left his face since he saw her at the top of the stairs. Zac had crushed on his mate’s sister all through high school and even when the group still hung out in uni, he’d always wanted to know if it was fair to leave Lucus’ kid sister behind when they went out.

  Girls came into his life pretending to have an interest in him as a person while his only assets were a surfer’s body and a mind-boggling trust fund. While waiting for Catherine to grow up and notice him, he happily enjoyed the offerings women insisted he take, but even when he wished he could fall in love and settle down, none of them stayed in his life for one simple reason. They could never compete with his image of Catherine James.

  Catching up with Catherine was the only reason he’d changed his entire schedule to be in Sydney this weekend. Impossible-to-get tickets to some new opening on Broadway were given away to a favored client and surviving a thirty-odd hour flight back to Sydney all to see one woman.

  Catherine James.

  Even her name rolled off his lips like a delicate flower, a rich sweet chocolate, or even a love sonnet.

  Except now she was all grown up, with a body to melt ice and despite having a reputation as a player in some of his social circles, when it came to Catherine, he didn’t know how to even approach her.

  What was he supposed to do—go up to his old friend and say, “Hey, you know all the times I crashed at your place, well it was so I could pour your sister OJ the next morning and hear her say thanks. Now I want to ask her out, can you give me her number?”


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