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The Doctor's Captive

Page 4

by Loki Renard

  Katie uncurled her fingers from the cutlery in question, wondering how he’d read her so very clearly.

  Jason stretched out in his chair, his tone deceptively casual as he continued. “I could let you kill me, Katie. God knows I probably deserve it for what I did to you. But I’m not going to let you have at me until I know you know the truth.”

  Katie shook her head at him. Did he really think he could mess with her mind so easily? Just tell her a story and watch her roll over? It was almost pathetic. “You’re a liar.”

  There was a haunted look in his eyes as he replied. “I wish I was.”

  * * *

  Of course she didn’t believe him. Jason had known she wouldn’t. It took more to break mental programming than wandering up to someone and telling them that their life was a lie. That meant he was going to have to play the villain once more. He was going to have to put her through the same process they had, but even more intensely, until the mental shackles broke and she was able to access the memories Oversight had worked so hard to lock away.

  “Strip, Katie.”

  She was halfway through a sip of coffee, which ended up snorted out onto the tablecloth.


  “I said strip. Now.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Strip, or I’ll give you another dose of the collar. Is that what you want?”

  She cut her eyes at him with pure loathing. “You sick…”

  “Strip, Katie.” He let his thumb drift over the little black controller and watched her eyes narrow with pure contempt.

  “Maybe I’ll just let you shock me,” she said. “Maybe I don’t really care anymore.”

  Jason dialed the intensity down to just below the point that would send her into spasm.

  “It’s going to hurt,” he warned her. Silently, he was willing her to obey, but he could see in her eyes that she was not planning on doing as she was told any time soon. Katie’s will had almost been a match for his back before her training. Now she was more stubborn than a whole herd of mules.

  She took a sip of her coffee and gave a little shrug.

  He hit the button. Coffee went everywhere, spilling over her blouse, on the tablecloth, into the saucer in front of her. Katie jumped up like a scalded cat, let out a shriek of outrage, balled her fist, and did her best to punch his lights out. Jason caught her wrist before her fist could make contact and yanked her hard against his body.

  “You’re going to obey me,” he informed her coldly. “I don’t care what I have to do to make sure you do.”

  He could have shocked her again, but that would only have made her angrier. Intensifying the dose would probably knock her out and fail to teach her any kind of meaningful lesson. No. He was going to have to do this the hard way.

  His knife was in his hand in an instant, the blade slicing through her blouse and bra.

  “No!” She shrieked the word and beat her fists against his chest in a way they both knew wouldn’t do a damn thing to him. He looked down with a triumphant smirk at her bare breasts, so beautiful and shapely. The smile fell right off his face as his eyes traveled lower—and he saw it. The jagged scar running underneath her left breast, all the way to the center of her chest and down almost to her belly button.

  “What?” She spat the word. “Didn’t realize you weren’t getting the fresh out of the box victim? Disappointed I already have a few marks on me?”

  He knew that scar. He’d been there the day it was inflicted. The day she’d thrown herself into a hail of bullets simply because she’d been ordered to do so and her training had been so utterly perfect that she hadn’t questioned it. Not even when three of them hit home. She should be dead.

  He closed his eyes, but the mental images were too strong. He had dispatched the enemy, gathered her up in his arms, and run like hell. Somehow the medic had managed to stanch the bleeding. Somehow they’d patched her up and somehow, after eighteen hours of surgery, she’d survived. But he had never been the same. His conditioning had broken down completely that day, leaving him confused, and sick—but more important, free.

  “How did you get that scar?” He asked the question to see how much she knew. How much she remembered.

  “None of your fucking business.”

  “Katie!” He snapped her name harshly, speaking in a tone that demanded obedience. “How. Did. You. Get. It?”

  Confusion swam in her eyes as she tried to access memories he knew Oversight must have suppressed.

  “I fell off a horse,” she said, not quite lying, although not telling the truth either. He would have punished her for telling the lie, if it weren’t for the fact that the lie was probably all she had.

  “No, you didn’t,” he said. “You were shot. Several times. See where the puncture wounds are?” He grazed his fingertips over the light remnants of entry wounds. “The rest of it is where they opened you up to save your life.”

  She looked down, clearly confused. “I never… huh…”

  There was no denying the physical evidence. Katie knew what a bullet wound looked like, and a surgical scar. She couldn’t deny that she was bearing both of them. It had been a mistake to implant a false memory over that experience, but Jason knew why they’d done it. They’d wanted to erase him from her mind completely.

  For all he knew, they may very well have succeeded. She showed no signs of recognizing him. No signs of noticing her old clothing either. And that meant he was going to have to escalate matters, which, in turn, meant she was probably going to hate him.

  “You were shot, Katie. Three times. Point blank range. You were shot on a mission you were never supposed to come back from. You weren’t always Oversight’s favorite agent. You’d made mistakes on previous missions. You were scheduled for termination.”

  Her eyes flashed with primal rage. “Liar.”

  He held her squirming body in one hand and let the fingers of his other drift tenderly over the scar. “Somehow, you managed to not only complete the mission, but when your commanding officer insisted the medics patch you up, at gunpoint, you survived.”

  “Another lie.”

  He knew he was wasting his breath. She wasn’t ready to hear the truth, not yet. She needed a damn good spanking and then a hard session to teach her a lesson. They might not be lovers anymore, hell, she might hate him, but he was her master and she was going to learn that one way or another.

  “Finish stripping,” he ordered as he let her go. “Skirt and panties off. Now.”


  “I’m getting really tired of hearing that word,” he growled. It was not difficult for him to seem menacing as he loomed over her, his eyes lit with a rage that she could not know did not come from her behavior, but his anger at himself for letting things get so far and go so badly. “Last warning, Katie.”

  She looked him dead in the eye and mimicked his words back at him. “Last warning, Katie,” she sneered mockingly.

  For a second, Jason couldn’t quite believe her nerve. He almost laughed from the shock of it, but managed to keep his composure. She was going to pay for that attitude.

  He sat down and hauled her half-naked body over his lap. She didn’t resist at first, was too busy being defiant and trying to stare him down over her shoulder. The skirt he flipped up, the panties he hauled down, baring her smart ass to his gaze.

  Jason started spanking her bottom without another word. Clearly warnings didn’t work for her, and lecturing was probably going to be wasted on her as well. A sore, hot bottom was going to be much harder to ignore. He swatted her round cheeks hard and fast, making them go from pale pink to bright red inside two minutes.

  Katie was trying to pretend that she wasn’t affected by the spanking. As far as pain went, she probably wasn’t. Katie’s pain threshold had always been high, but Jason knew a spanking was far more than the infliction of pain. She might have been able to ignore some of the sting, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that she was across his lap being punished like a naughty l
ittle girl. This wasn’t how respected agents were treated. This was how impudent little brats were treated, and seeing that’s how she had behaved, the punishment certainly fit.

  Dozens upon dozens of slaps landed on her cheeks before she started to let out little gasps of discomfort. The heat was building and her skin was going to stay tender for quite some time, but that alone wasn’t enough. Jason wanted to reinforce her juvenile helplessness. He did so by making sure that his palm never strayed near her pussy. Each slap landed in the middle of her cheeks where it would not directly stimulate her and allow her to become distracted.

  “Bad little girl,” he chastised her. “Mouthing off like that, how does your bottom feel now, Katie? Do you feel like being a brat now?”

  He followed the question with a barrage of swats to the very center of her cheeks. “I’m waiting for an answer,” he informed her. “The spanking doesn’t stop until you say you’re sorry, young lady.”

  “I’m not sorry!” Katie spat the words, still so defiant. Jason let out a sigh and turned his attentions from her bottom to her upper thighs, swatting the back of her legs. That made Katie squeal and buck immediately, cursing like a sailor.

  “The spanking ends when you behave yourself and apologize,” he informed her, going between her bottom and her thighs, painting her skin bright red with each hard swat. This was an important battle of wills, one he absolutely intended to win.

  Katie must have sensed that. Her squirming was becoming more urgent, and the bright red hue of her bottom and thighs spoke to an intense burn that he knew would not be comfortable.

  “Tell me you’re sorry, Katie,” he said in encouraging tones even as his palm landed harder and faster, taking the spanking to a crescendo that made her bottom jiggle and her toes kick against the floor.

  “Fine,” she gasped. “I’m sorry. Fuck you, I’m sorry!”

  “Not much of an apology,” he mused, smoothing his palm over her heated ass. “But you’re a work in progress, aren’t you.” He swatted her backside one last time and let her stand up. She did so on somewhat unsteady feet, her hands going back to try to keep the fabric of her skirt from falling against her bottom.

  “Now strip, Katie,” he said when she turned toward him, her face flushed almost as bright red as her bottom.

  She swore at him and began peeling off the last remnants of her clothing. Her anger at him was palpable, and when the last of her clothing was gone she stood before him naked, defiant, and beautiful. The heat in her cheeks and thighs was a beautiful contrast to the rest of her bare body, her pale skin making her look more vulnerable than ever.

  “What now?” She hurled the little words at him as if they might hurt him. She was trying to seem brave, but he could see the tremor in her body and hear the shaking of her voice.

  “Now you come with me,” he said simply.

  He led her to one of the specially prepared rooms in the house. It contained little besides a medical chair, displayed prominently in the middle of the room. Katie stopped dead when she saw it and shook her head.


  “That word again,” he sighed. “I think I’m going to have to start punishing you every time you use it.”

  “No,” she repeated, not really listening to him. Her eyes were locked on the chair as if the thing itself held power.

  “Sit down, Katie,” he said, gesturing to it. “And put your feet in the stirrups, there’s a good girl.”

  “No!” She turned and tried to run. He hit the button on his controller and under the belting force of its discharge her muscles betrayed her. She collapsed like a sack of potatoes, temporarily disabled but knowing that he had been somewhat merciful. The charge had not been anything near as strong as the one he’d first used on her.

  * * *

  Katie looked up at Jason as he stood over her, wishing for all that was good in the world that she could expect some kind of mercy from him. But there was none. He bent down, scooped her up and put her weak, trembling body into the chair, her hot bottom glad for the initially cool touch of the vinyl. Katie had never imagined a spanking could be so very disconcerting. It wasn’t just the lingering discomfort, the ache in her bottom. It was the way he had left her feeling small and very much in his control.

  The chair he’d placed her in was no ordinary chair. It was a medical machination, sloped so her butt ended up at the very edge of the seat, her legs supported by stirrup-like devices doctors used for gynecological exams. There were arm rests that doubled as restraint points, and further leather restraints were wrapped around her midsection and ankles until she found herself completely vulnerable and completely spread, the position of her legs capable of being changed at his will thanks to the adjustable stirrups.

  The shock of the collar had disoriented her long enough to allow him to do his nasty work, but it soon wore off, leaving her fully aware of just how much of a prisoner she was.

  “Is this the part where you torture me?”

  He shook his head curtly. “This is the part where you learn your lesson.”

  “So yes,” she said. “Well, it won’t work. I won’t tell you anything.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me anything, Katie,” he said in that voice that made her mind scrabble to understand what the hell he was doing with her. So far what he’d told her was completely outrageous. She knew damn well who she was and who she worked for. Oversight were a clandestine wing of the government, but they weren’t evil and they had certainly never sent her out to die. Especially not with Jason. The Doctor had been long before her time. She knew that much.

  But why the lies? Why was he trying to twist history? What could he possibly gain from it? She really didn’t know. What she did know was that being strapped down in the chair left her much more vulnerable than she liked—and more scared than she could begin to admit even to herself.

  “Breathe,” Jason said, putting his hand on her shoulder for a moment. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She let out a snort. If there was one thing she knew, it was that he was definitely going to hurt her.

  “What are you going to do then,” she snapped, letting her fear find expression in anger. “Sing me a lullaby?”

  Jason’s eyes gleamed as he dimmed the lights. “I’m going to make you cum.”

  Katie let out a cold laugh. “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” he said, pushing open several hatches in the wall. Behind them were arrayed a range of what looked to Katie like medical instruments.

  He took several electrodes and gently placed them on her head, sticking the tape near her temples.

  She didn’t bother asking what they were for, and he didn’t tell her. The electrodes weren’t of huge concern to her, but when he bought out two small clamps and flicked first her left nipple then her right to make them hard, she began to object.

  “Quit it!”

  He smirked slightly as he began the task of clamping her nipples, not so tightly as to be painful, but tight enough that she could feel a firm grip on both of them. There were leads running from the clamps that went to the same machine the electrodes were attached to. Clearly the whole thing was some kind of monitoring system, or perhaps… “Hey!”

  She had been so busy staring at the machine that she did not notice he had gone between her thighs with a razor and a can of shaving cream in each hand.

  “I need you completely bare for this,” he explained. “This hair only gets in the way.”

  Katie always trimmed her pussy, but that apparently was not enough. Jason spread cream over her mound and lips and began making strokes with a flat razor. Katie stayed very, very still, knowing how sharp it likely was. Her hair came off in clean lines, leaving behind entirely smooth skin. He was stripping away every last one of her defenses; even the soft down of pubic hair was not allowed to stand between them. Throughout the process Katie felt her bottom tingling, the heat he’d spanked into her cheeks staying with her as a reminder of what happened whe
n she disobeyed.

  When the last trace of hair was gone, Jason patted her freshly bare pussy possessively, his palm clasping her lips and mound for a moment. “Good,” he said. “You’re being very good, Katie.”

  She responded by swearing at him fairly viciously, making extensive reference to his maternal origin.

  Jason chuckled and swatted her pussy lips none too gently, making her jolt against her straps. “I’d gag you,” he said. “But then I wouldn’t be able to hear you beg later.”

  His words made cold ice trickle down her spine. It was difficult to maintain composure in that position, no matter how much training she’d had; none of it had prepared her for this kind of slow, intimate undoing. Torture she could have stood up against, but as his fingers began to drift up and down her pussy lips and warm pleasure began to well in her loins, Katie knew she was in trouble. The sting of his earlier slap had made her lips blush and swell in response, and now his stroking was not only soothing the sting, but creating new heat of its own.

  The Doctor was surprisingly tender as he petted her pussy, Katie found herself responding to his touch almost as if she weren’t tied down, almost as if she wanted him to touch her. For a few minutes, reality was suspended as trickles of pleasure built to greater levels of excitement.

  “Still so responsive,” he murmured more to himself than to her. The tip of his middle finger slid up around her clit and teased that hard bud until Katie found herself straining against her bonds no longer in any attempt to escape, but in an effort to get the pressure she wanted on that nexus of need.

  “You want to cum, don’t you, Katie.”

  She couldn’t say the words. She couldn’t say any words. All she could do was arch her hips as much as was possible and take whatever pleasure she could from the moment. What harm could it do to cum? There was nothing to be lost from that, only something to be gained. If he wanted to become her personal sex toy, then she’d take what he had to give. The spanking had primed her, the heat from her cheeks sinking through her loins, making her pussy wetter as Jason toyed with her. Now she felt a small sense of control returning as her body took what had been punishment and turned it to pleasure.


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