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The Doctor's Captive

Page 9

by Loki Renard

  In spite of his desire to resist Caroline’s treatment, he could feel his balls beginning to tingle. Arousal was a funny thing. It was heightened by danger, and he knew he was in a fair amount of danger. It was also heightened by the fact that being strapped down meant that he could not do a thing to the evil wench of a woman who even now was smirking as his balls became tighter, the gel became warmer, and the head of his cock started to throb inside the device.

  “I’m not going to cum, Caroline,” he informed her. “This isn’t going to work.”

  Caroline glanced over at the ever present monitor that was measuring all his reactions. “That’s funny,” she said. “Because this tells me you’re nine seconds away from orgasm. Let’s see which of you is right, shall we? I’ll count you down.”

  “Be my guest.”

  “Nine…” she said as his balls grew tighter and his cock thickened.

  “Eight…” she counted while he looked over her shoulder, avoiding her smirking face.

  “Seven.” His toes began to curl as his cock throbbed against the oh-so-tantalizing vibrating gel lapping up the shaft.

  “Six.” He was seeping pre-cum now, he knew that because the machine said so.

  “Five.” His hips jolted of their own accord, a thrusting motion made instinctively as orgasm drew closer.

  “Four… oh, Jason,” Caroline added. “When you cum, I’m going to make you eat it. Like eating your words, but more humiliating, to have to suck your own cum from my fingers… no? Three… two…”


  Katie whipped her pistol hard against Caroline’s head and she crumpled to the floor immediately insensate. She had been sneaking in since before Caroline started the count, distracted by the prospect of forcing his orgasm.

  “Get this thing off me,” Jason growled, barely maintaining control.

  “Maybe I want to see you cum,” Katie said, a broad smile on her face. “It’s kind of nice, you being the one in restraints for once.”

  “This is not the time,” Jason growled, sweat beginning to coat his brow as the gel grew warmer and he got closer to orgasm.

  “I think you should cum for me,” Katie said, cocking her head to the side.

  “Katie, not now!” The device was applying suction now, stimulating his cock to a degree that was becoming painful.

  She rolled her eyes and flicked the switch, deactivating the machine.

  “Thank you,” he said as she drew it off his cock, leaving him with a thick, long erection still very much on the verge of climax. He saw her hungry look and shook his head at her. “Don’t get any ideas, Katie.”

  She flashed him a grin, leaned down, and wrapped her lips around his cock. That was all it took. At the touch of her mouth, so hot and so wet, he came, the cum shooting from his balls with a force that made him cry out as if in pain. She swallowed each and every drop of it, drinking him deeply in a way that surprised and aroused him.

  “Your cum is mine,” she said as if by way of explanation as Jason panted his way down from the heady climax. His cock felt pained, perhaps even somewhat bruised from Caroline’s machine, but that didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was that they were both alive.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Katie added. “I was forcing them to deactivate the implants. They’re good and fried now, so nobody is going to be snooping on us anymore.” She pressed her gun to Caroline’s head, her finger resting on the trigger. Her intention was clear, but he could not allow it.

  “No!” Jason growled the order. “Don’t shoot her, Katie. Let me out of these restraints.”

  “Why? This bitch stole our minds. She molested our souls. And she put you in a cum-milking machine.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Let me out and I’ll deal with this.”

  Katie didn’t obey him right away. She kept the gun pressed hard to Caroline’s temple. “I want to pull the trigger,” she said in vicious tones.

  “No,” Jason said. “There’s been enough life lost.”

  “What do you want to do? Let her go?” Katie’s lip curled in a snarl. “She’s not walking out of here alive.”

  “Yes, she is,” Jason replied.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because we’re going to do to her what she did to us.”

  “Revenge,” Katie nodded. “I like it.”

  “Not just revenge,” he clarified. “The only person who really understands the process of control and conditioning is Caroline. It’s her brainchild. Once she no longer has access to it, nobody does. This way we can destroy the evil in Oversight without killing a single person.”

  “Or we can destroy Oversight by killing a single person,” Katie pointed out pragmatically.

  Caroline groaned as she began to regain consciousness. This was not good. If Caroline spoke, the odds of Katie shooting her went up exponentially. His entire plan could be unraveled, and that he could not allow.

  “Katie. Get me out of these restraints. Now!” He barked the orders, his voice as authoritarian as it had ever been.

  Katie looked from Caroline to him, then did as she was told, much to Jason’s relief. One by one the shackles fell away, leaving him able to control the situation much more directly. It was good to be free again. He had not enjoyed being at Caroline’s mercy one little bit.

  “What doesn’t kill me, has made a tactical error,” Caroline said glibly. Any other woman might have been terrified at having the tables suddenly turned on her, but not Caroline. Caroline seemed… almost excited by events.

  “We will see about that,” Jason replied, narrowing his eyes at her and letting just a hint of a dark smile play about his lips. “You’ve been dismantling minds for years. Now you’ll get to experience your process for yourself.”

  Caroline gave a little shrug. “I know how to resist better than anyone else too. You’ll never know if you’ve truly broken me. You didn’t know that Katie wasn’t fully released from her conditioning. You let her lead you into a trap.”

  Jason’s smile grew broader and more triumphant. “Did I?”

  There was a moment of silence, and then Caroline’s eyes narrowed as the implications of events made themselves clear to her. “You never intended to use an EMP here, did you? It was me you wanted all along, wasn’t it?”

  “Now you’re beginning to understand,” he smirked darkly.

  Jason had been aware at the outset that Katie would be fitted with all sorts of tracking and monitoring devices. It had made his job a great deal more difficult than it would otherwise have been, but it was all factored in from the outset. Caroline’s major sin was one of arrogance, of being so smart that she essentially outwitted herself. Without her, Oversight had lost its head. There were no redundancies in place, no backups. Oversight was, in some sick way, more like a family than an institution. And now that he had Caroline, he had every single one of them. The conditioned agents would do as Caroline said, and she would do as he said.

  He crouched down and took hold of Caroline by the back of her neck. Her eyes flashed anger at him, but something else too—excitement. It had been a very long time since Caroline was personally in the line of fire. She had overseen a great many things, but she was about to experience some of her methods for herself. With his fingers clasped tightly about her neck, he growled orders down at her.

  “Listen to me, Caroline,” he said. “You’re going to tell everyone to stand down. You’re going to tell them that there has been a change in leadership and that Jason Blake is now the man they report to.”

  There was a small microphone device on her collar that looked like a gold floral broach. Jason knew better. That little golden flower was no feminine trinket. It was the scepter and the crown. He pointed to it, then gave her a little shake.

  “Now, Caroline,” he growled.

  “You always were simple, Jason,” she said in those refined tones. “I could call every agent in here right now, guns blazing.”

  “You won’t do that,” he informed her. “Because at heart, Carolin
e, you’re a coward. You don’t want to die. And I promise you, if you say anything other than what I told you to say, I’ll let Katie shoot you.”

  Caroline gave a little shrug. “Checkmate,” she acknowledged. “You’ll need to activate the device. I turned it off for our little… reunion.”

  Jason ran his finger underneath the flower and flipped the little switch. Caroline looked him dead in the eye and spoke.

  “Attention all agents. Effective immediately, there has been a change of command. Jason Blake is your new commanding officer. Obey him as you would have obeyed me.”

  “Good girl,” Jason said, unclipping the device from her collar and pushing it into his pocket. She would not need that anymore. He glanced up at Katie to see how she was taking things. Katie did not seem impressed. Her expression told him that she’d still probably prefer to kill Caroline outright. As outwardly practical as that might have seemed, it wasn’t the best idea.

  “Don’t you dare,” he said, noting how her index finger was drifting back down from the neutral position down toward the trigger.


  “No buts,” he said. “We need her alive.”

  “For what!? We already told everyone to stand down, we can leave now.”

  “It’s simple,” he explained. “If we reprogram Caroline, implant the memories we choose into her twisted little head, then Oversight becomes our tool. The change of command she just made will hold the agents here in place, but I’m going to need her in one piece to cement my position officially.”

  “You really want back in?” Katie cocked her head to the side. “Is this what it’s all been about?”

  “I had several objectives,” Jason explained. “The first was freeing you. I’ve done that. The second was getting Caroline. I’ve done that too. The third will be my return and promotion to head of Oversight.”

  “What about me?”

  “You can do as you like, Katie,” he said. “As I said. I freed you first. If you want to live out the rest of your days in white picket comfort, you can do that. I won’t stand in your way.”

  “But you’ll be off playing secret agent.”

  “Playing secret agent?” He snorted. “If you want to put it like that.”

  “And you don’t care if I’m with you or not?”

  Jason grabbed Katie by the front of her shirt, hauled her close, and pressed a hard, passionate kiss to her lips. It soon deepened to something more tender as his tongue found entry to her mouth and slid over hers in a primal caress.

  “If you ever say I don’t care if you’re with me or not, I’ll cane your ass,” he promised gruffly as he broke the kiss. “Understand?”

  “Ugh,” Caroline groaned. “Domestic arguments. Could there be anything more tedious?”

  Jason turned to her with a dark, dangerous smile. “Let’s make things a little less tedious for you, Caroline.”

  Chapter Seven

  Caroline writhed as Katie held the vibrating wand to her pussy. It had been three days since Caroline’s conditioning had begun and she bore the marks of it across her body. Her small, neat breasts were overlaid with pink stripes where she had been punished for resistance, her nipples were erect and clamped and her lower belly was taut with excitement.

  The takeover of Oversight had been impressively smooth, largely owing to the fact that Jason seemed to have orchestrated every single part of it quite a long way ahead of time. That fact gnawed at Katie even as she watched Caroline writhe under the torment she herself had designed for others.

  “How long are we going to do this?” There was an unmistakable, undeniable whine in her voice. A sort of ‘are we there yet’ tone that made Jason lift his brow at her.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I thought you might enjoy being able to return the favor for what you were put through, but Caroline isn’t going to be our problem much longer. I’ve made alternative arrangements for her.”

  “Alternative arrangements?”

  Jason spoke to his lapel. “Master team, to the conditioning chamber.”

  Within sixty seconds, the door to the room slid open and three large Oversight agents entered. They all stopped and saluted Jason, then stood at attention, waiting for his orders.

  “At ease,” Jason said, turning to Katie. “This is Mark, Jack, and Robert. I’m assigning them to continue Caroline’s conditioning.”

  “But aren’t they…” Katie made a swirling motion with her finger near her temple. How could conditioned agents decondition Caroline?

  “I deconditioned these three years ago,” Jason replied. “Caught them on a mission to Prague and broke them in a weekend. They’ve been sleepers inside Oversight for a while.”

  Katie’s eyes widened as she became even more aware of the sheer scope of Jason’s machinations. He had been planning this for years, moving men like chess pieces, cutting off Caroline without the woman ever knowing that her downfall was coming. It was incredibly impressive, and somewhat chilling all at the same time. Jason was a man who could keep multiple variables under control at the same time. People really were more like pawns than anything else to him. How could she possibly matter to a man like that?

  While Katie struggled to come to terms with what she found herself in the middle of, Jason turned back to Caroline.

  “Caroline, remember these men?”

  Caroline let out a moan that could have been a yes, or a no, or an anything else.

  “Listen to them,” Jason said. “They’re your new masters, and they’re going to be putting you through your paces.” He looked back at the three agents and nodded. “You know what to do, men,” he said, putting his arm around Katie and drawing her out of the room.

  Katie looked over her shoulder at the vanishing sight of Caroline’s naked form, now almost entirely obscured by the bulk of three virile agents as the door slid closed behind them. “What are they going to do to her?”

  “They’ll finish her rehabilitation,” Jason said. “They’ll keep watch over her and they’ll make sure she’s no risk to anyone in the future.”

  “So her punishment for all this is…” Katie shrugged.

  “To be owned by three men,” Jason replied. “To never have true freedom ever again. To spend the rest of her life the way we would have, as a puppet to the will of someone else. It’s the right decision, Katie.”

  Katie was not convinced. Keeping Caroline alive seemed like a thoroughly unnecessary risk. The woman was tougher and wilier than Jason seemed to understand. Katie didn’t know who the men who had Caroline in their care were, but she hoped like hell they were good at their jobs.

  “You’re not convinced, are you?”

  “No,” she said. “I’m not.”

  “Well, you’re just going to have to accept it.”

  Katie cut her eyes at him as she stopped and pulled away from him. “I’m not an agent anymore, Jason. And you’re not my commanding officer.”

  Jason yanked her back and looked down at her with his arrogant, dominant gaze. “I don’t care what I am, or what you are; I still love you,” he said. “And I’m still going to protect you.”

  “You’re protecting her, not me,” Katie said. “You want her alive.”

  “I want control of Oversight,” Jason said. “And I need Caroline alive for that.”

  “So this is all about your power play,” Katie spat back. “This wasn’t about saving me. You knew Caroline would come after me. You knew this would play out this way. You didn’t tell me the truth about anything until now, and I still don’t know you’re telling me the truth.”

  “You want the truth, Katie? Here’s the truth. I’m an agent. It’s what I’ve always been. It’s what I’ll always be. I’m also the effective commander of Oversight. The only person who has a choice now, is you. What do you want, Katie?”

  Katie looked him dead in the eye. “I want you to go fuck yourself.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jason had lost. He sat in the director’s suite of Oversight with
monitors pumping information across their screens and an empty feeling in his chest. For five years he had worked for this, and now it felt completely hollow, because Katie was not there to share it with him.

  She’d left almost immediately, bitter hatred in her eyes, and he’d allowed it. He couldn’t very well keep her a prisoner against her will. There was no point having worked so hard to free her just to lock her up like an animal. Katie had demanded her freedom, and he’d given it to her.

  She was being followed, of course. He knew she had settled in New York, gotten herself an apartment, and was working in private security. She was an excellent fit for the position, skilled and pretty and doing fairly well for herself.

  Jason had anticipated almost every variable in the process of taking Oversight. He had outwitted Caroline, freed the minds of dozens of people, staged a successful coup of one of the most powerful underground military installations in the world—and yet he’d failed to realize how angry Katie would be at finding out she had been part of his plan.

  She could forgive him for conditioning her in the first place. She could forgive him for everything he’d done to break her, but apparently, she could not forgive him for not telling her what the endgame was.

  Jason couldn’t blame her, he supposed. She’d been through a lot. And she’d suffered greatly at his hands. Of course she wanted her freedom. Of course she never wanted to see him again. Of course. Of fucking course.

  It was quite something, how all the power in the world could feel completely hollow when you didn’t have anyone to share it with, how the breaking of a heart made the world a pale, meaningless place. Oversight was running smoothly in spite of his misery. In many respects, it was a machine. Conditioned or deconditioned, the agents were well trained and knew how to execute their missions.


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