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The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance

Page 14

by Skylar Thomas

  Wyatt shakes his head, walking over to us. He trips Samuel, making him fall face first. We lock eyes before Samuel’s neck is snapped. I stare wide-eyed at the dead man inches away from me.

  “He was annoying anyways. Don’t you think, cupcake?”

  I look up in terror at the maniac standing in front of me.

  “You’re crazy!” I try to scoot away from him, but the chain only lets me get so far.

  “Only for you, my little cupcake! God, you’re so adorable.”

  I spit in his face when he tries to touch me. He wipes it off with a smirk I know all to well.

  “So, how was your first night’s sleep?” he ask casually as if we were the bestest of friends.

  “Go to hell!”

  “I don’t like the heat, so no thanks!” he says with a cocky grin. He goes over to the door, but looks back at me, looking as if he is contemplating. “How much do you think Nick weighs, cupcake?”

  “Stop calling me that! And why does it matter?”

  He shrugs his shoulders.

  I try to look around the dirty room to see if I can spot anything to release me from these chains, but there’s nothing.

  “Don’t waste your time. Nothing but this key can unlock those.”

  I huff, knowing he’s probably right. Little crazy is smart.

  “Just out of curiosity, how much do you think Nick’s wolf weighs?”

  “Why do you keep asking me dumb questions, Wyatt?”

  He smirks as he shuts the door and comes over to sit on the bed beside me. Why I’m sleeping on the floor when there’s a bed right next to me beats me.

  “You know, you should eat more. I like girls with a little more meat on them.”

  “I could give two craps about what you like!”

  He’s silent as he studies me for a while, looking up and down my body. I squirm in my position, not liking that his eyes roams on my body.

  “I almost forgot what your body looks like.”

  I shoot daggers his way, but his eyes stay glued to my private areas.

  “Should we do something about that?”

  A wave of fear comes all over me, and I hear Aurora whimper.

  Wyatt makes his way over to me in a predatory way. He slips a key out of his back pocket. He is going to unlock my chains.

  I try to scoot away from him once they’re loose, but he grabs me picks me up onto his shoulder. My body hits the hard bed. I try again to get away, but I’m just pinned to the bed.

  Handcuffs are put on my wrists, trapping me to the bed. I try to squirm out of them, but it’s useless. I look up into his eyes to see amusement in them.

  What have I done to deserve this?

  He starts to take off his clothes, his eyes never leaving mine. I thrash harder and harder against the handcuffs. I am not going to let this happen again. As Wyatt is about to take off his pants, a loud sound bounces off the walls.

  “NO!” Wyatt yells, pulling his pants back up, keeping his shirt off.

  He’s only gone for about a minute before he comes back.

  “Get dressed, slut.”

  He unlocks my cuffs and throws my clothes at me. I hurry and put the clothes on, ignoring the burning pain on my wrist. A gun is pointed to my head the whole time as I’m getting dressed.

  “Try anything. I’ll kill William,” he whispers as he grips my hair after I’m dressed.

  I nod and walk with him out of the room. We make our way up a staircase to a wooden door.

  He opens the door to a room filled with men. They all give me smug looks, some with lust and want in them.

  “She’s mine!” Wyatt yells and pulls me closer to him.

  A growl comes from beside us. I look to see a few men, blocking something.

  “Are you ready for your surprise, Rose?”

  The men part, holding a very beat up Nick.

  “NICK!” I try to approach him, but I’m shoved to the ground.

  “I SAID DON’T TRY ANYTHING!” Wyatt screams at me. He comes over to me and kicks me on my side.

  Nick growls which makes the other wolves growl.

  “QUIET EVERYBODY!” The room becomes silent as Wyatt’s voice booms through the walls.

  “Take him to the cells. His face bothers me,” Wyatt orders his men.

  I watch as they drag a screaming Nick out of the room.

  “So, were you surprised, cupcake?” he asks as he sits down in one of the chairs.

  “Wyatt, why are you doing this? Just let Nick go, please!” Tears run down my face, not from the pain in my stomach, but from the fact that I might as well have signed Nick’s death warrant.

  “Now, why would I do that? I need him dead for you to really be mine.”

  A blindfold is placed over my head, blinding me, as Wyatt’s words sink in. I hear Wyatt give orders, but I simply block him out.

  I’m lifted from my spot on the ground and carried back to my place in another room. This time, I’m set on a bed, and only one of my hands is chained. The blindfold is ripped from my head. It takes me a few seconds, but when I do, I realize I’m not alone.

  Nick’s sitting in the corner, chained to where I previously was. His face is all bloody, cuts and bruises covering his barely covered body.

  “Nick…” I breathe out, not able to get any other words out without sobbing.

  His eyes open, meeting my watery ones.

  “I’m so sorry, Rosealine.”

  “It’s not your fault, Nick.”

  He shakes his head as tears stream down both our faces.

  “I couldn’t protect you like I promised I would. I got us kidnapped. What kind of a mate, am I?”

  I try to get up, but I remember that I’m chained. It only angers me more.

  “Nick, look at me.”

  He lifts his head to stare at me.

  “None of this is your fault. You got kidnapped when you were trying to save me. Nick, you tried. That’s all that matters. It’s my fault you’re here anyways. I’m the one that should be asking what kind of a mate I am!”

  “Wow. That was lovely, cupcake. So much emotion!”

  Wyatt’s voice startles me. Nick growls as he tries to break his chains, but once again, it’s of no use. There is the smell of silver, making it clear why he can’t move.

  Wyatt comes over to sit by me, keeping his eyes locked on Nicks. By now, Nick’s eyes are almost pitch black.

  “Why are his eyes like that?” Wyatt asks with slight fear in his eyes.

  “He’s not in control anymore,” I say and Wyatt’s eyes grow huge.

  “Stupid werewolves!” he mutters under his breath and goes to the closet in the room. Opening it up, guns, knives, and needles are stocked on shelves.

  He pulls out a syringe, taps on it, before walking over to Nick. He stabs in Nick’s shoulder. Nick growls, but it quickly dies down.

  “WHAT DID YOU PUT IN HIM?” I shout, pulling at my restraints. I watch as Nick’s body goes numb.

  “Calm down. He’s okay. He just won’t be able to shift for a couple of days. Enough time for me to kill him.”

  This time, it’s me who growls at Wyatt.

  He smirks, throwing the syringe in the trash, then joins me back on the bed. He starts to touch various parts of my body. I move away as best as I can, but it’s no luck as the other handcuff is put on.

  “Don’t deny our love, Rose. You want me just as much as I want you.”

  “Screw you, Wyatt.” I spit in his face, but all it seems to do is turn him on more.

  He rubs circles on my cheek before and then slaps me.

  The same is done to the other cheek.

  “Your skin is so much prettier when it turns a bright shade of red,” he whispers in my ear as his hand fumbles with my zipper.

  I twist my body the best I can, but his pressure only increases.

  I try to scream, but as if he predicted my move, he immediately covers my mouth. I bite the inside of his palm, making him pull back and hiss in pain.

�You slut!” His hand connects with my face once again, drawing blood.

  In seconds, my clothes are ripped off my body before I can register what’s happening. A whimper comes from the room, and when I look up, I see Nick looking at the scene in pain.

  “Please, Wyatt. Stop! You can’t do this with him in here! Please, I’m begging you.”

  He ignores me as his clothes disappear from his body. He grabs a condom from the drawer next to the bed side and puts it on before climbing back on top of me. He lines himself, looking me in the eyes before entering me. Tears well up in my eyes as I shut them tightly, trying my best not to make any noise which only would encourage him.

  The sound of skin on skin and whimpers leaving both me and Nick are heard in the room.

  After what seem like hours, Wyatt releases inside the condom, pulling out of me just right after. The tears that were once on my face have dried up on my cheeks. I keep my eyes close, not wanting to see the satisfaction in Wyatt’s eyes or the disgust in Nick’s.

  Movement is heard in the room, but all I hear is my racing heart beat. The door to the room is stormed shut, the sound echoing throughout the room.

  “Rose, I’m so—”

  “Please, don’t.” I stop him, knowing that only tears will come out of his apology. I finally open my eyes to the chipped ceiling. The cold breeze hits me and goosebumps erupt on my skin.

  The ache in my lower region restricts me from moving to cover myself up. So I lay there, vulnerable to the world, vulnerable to the man I was growing to love, and most importantly, vulnerable to the man who has stopped me from living my life without fear.

  I think back to the first time I was in this room and how lucky I was to get away. But at what cost? To have my mate killed in front of me. To have my son forced to grow up without two parents. Was it all worth it to leave Wyatt the first time?

  Flashbacks of the night I was taken come back to mind. The way he grabbed me after work, the pain I felt when he injected me with drugs, the confusion I felt as I wake up in a basement. And the fear for my son and his safety.

  The only thing that got me through those brutal days was the thought of saving William.

  William! The reason I wake up, the reason I work as much as I do, and the reason I was willing to open old feelings just so he could have a relationship with his dad.

  I lift my body gently, pain erupting from every part of my body. I wrap the sheets around my body the best I can while handcuffed. I look up to see Nick staring at me. I have to look down to not start crying again. I know he thinks this is his fault, buts it’s not.

  “You won, you know?” I say, my voice cracking from my throat being so dry.

  His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “You got me to fall in love with you,” I say, catching him off guard.

  He looks generally surprised which surprises me as well. Maybe he wasn’t so confident after all!

  “You love me?” he ask with a sad smile on his lips.

  “Yeah … always have. But you didn’t want me back then, so I was scarred. But I can’t deny it.”

  “I’m in love with you too, but I just wish we are in different circumstances.”

  I nod my head and look down at the blood-covered sheets. I notice now that my handcuffs are loose. I was so out of it when Wyatt was finished, I never noticed.


  He looks at me, his eyes looking at my free hands.

  “They’re loose. Try to get out of them, baby.”

  I do just that and end up getting them out of the handcuffs.

  I try to get up, but as soon as I steady myself, I fall. The pain in my back and legs have been to much.

  “Come on, baby. You can do it!” Nick encourages me as I try to stand up again.

  This time, I succeed as I slowly make my way over to him.

  “They’re not coming undone!” I growl out in frustration as I try to undo his.

  My hands fumble with the chains, but they’re impossible to unlock. Nick’s hands grab my face and look me in the eyes.

  “Rose, it’s okay. You tried, okay. But you need to leave. Go back to our son. I can’t move. There’s too much silver in my body. I love you,” he whispers close to my lips. Our faces touching, our tears stream down each our faces as they fell in sync.

  “I’ll send help, Nick. I promise you,” I say before connecting our lips together.

  Our lips move in sync, all emotions pouring out, words not needed.

  We pull apart when we hear footsteps approaching.

  “Go now, Rose! GO!”

  I peck his lips once more and scramble to my feet. I look back once more before opening the door and running to the open door above the staircase.

  I push hard against the door, almost falling when it opens. I’m almost to the door that leads outside when I’m pulled back harshly.

  “Not so fast, Luna,” a familiar voice says.

  I spin around to see who it is.

  I gasp in shock. “J-Jason?”



  “Jason?” I say, surprised that Nick’s third in command is in the same room as me.

  “You sound surprised, Luna? Why, you realize you’re not getting away that easy?” A deep chuckle comes from his mouth.

  “Ah, you got her. Good. Take her down back down to the cells. I’ll deal with her later,” Wyatt directs Jason as he comes in to the room with a faint smell of Nick’s blood on him.

  As Jason walks me back down to my personal hell, I take this chance to ask him why.

  “Why not, Rosealine? It’ for survival, Rosealine. Wyatt is the strongest hunter out there, and if a little white lie about being a werewolf gets me and Amber safety, then so be it. Now, stay in here or, next time, you won’t come back alive.”

  The door slams behind him, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

  How could everybody be so dumb to not notice that Jason is working for somebody else? And not just anybody. Wyatt, for goddess sake!

  Thinking about it, it was the perfect plan though. Jason knew all of Nick’s plans on going after Wyatt. As a werewolf, Jason would be stronger than most of Wyatt’s men, so he would easily be accepted in this group. Jason could also easily impress Wyatt as he strategizes basing off of his knowledge of the pack’s plans.

  I mean, I thought Wyatt was at least a decent hunter. He did kidnap the alpha of one of the best packs in the country. But if he seriously thinks that Jason is human, that just puts some doubts to the notion. Being a delta in a pack means wearing that werewolf scent stronger than most, and masking it can‘t be easy.

  As I sit on the floor, since I refuse to sit on the bed, I sniff around, getting a sick feeling in my stomach. The smell of leather and blood are mixed in the room as well as the smell of sex.

  Looking around the room, I don’t see any blood, except on the bed sheets. I can still smell Nick’s scent of rain water and trees, but there’s something else to it.

  The closet door, which holds a variety of weapons, vibrates. It’s not until the sound of a phone goes off do I realize what it is. Walking over to it, I try to pull the doors open, but it’s locked. It needs a passcode. I type in different types of numbers, but they’re all invalid.

  I try to think hard of what such an evil man would put as his code. An idea pops into my head.





  The doors open with a click. The chain falls to the ground.

  He used the day he kidnapped me the first time as his passcode. What a fool he is.

  I grab the first thing in the closet which happens to be a knife. I look down at the phone to see it going off again. I pick it up, surprised when I see a familiar face.


  I knew that bitch is capable of doing something like this.

  I wipe the dried blood off of the knife on my shorts and close the closet back. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, so I h
urry and put the blade in my pocket. I go back to my seat on the floor.

  Moments later, Wyatt enters the room with Jason on his heels. The door slams behind them with a click. They stand side by side, staring at me.

  “Should we let her watch Nick die or just let her hear it?” Wyatt asks Jason, a dumb grin on his lips.

  “I think she would love a nice show.”

  Wyatt nods and comes over to me. He lifts me up, bringing me to his face. He winks and peck me on the lips. Once he releases my lips, I spit out on the concrete, hating the taste of him in my mouth.

  As we walk down the hallway, someone’s screams get louder. I cringe when I recognize them as Nick’s.

  “Oh, it gets better,” Wyatt whispers in my ear.

  The door opens to what looks like a torture chamber. Chains, whips, knifes, needles, and about whatever else you can hurt someone with is in the room.

  In the center of the room, Nick lies, strapped to a table, blood dripping from the multiple cut wounds on his arms. He has what looks like a gag ball in his mouth.

  I’m pushed down into a seat, a front row to ‘the show’. Wyatt’s two men are on either side of Nick, holding him down as he tries to escape. Jason stands close to the door, out of Nick’s view.

  Wyatt directs his guards away, taking his spot beside the holding table. His guards sit beside me, one resting his hand on my thigh. I glare at him, only for him to wink at me. Two more men appear, sitting next to the others.

  “Alright, everybody is here besides Johnny and Mark. We should just begin, yeah?” Wyatt asks with a glint his eyes. Everybody besides me nods, encouraging the maniac.

  The gag ball is removed from Nick’s mouth, letting all his screams be heard. Wyatt makes single cuts down his arm, wallowing up the room with the smell of blood and metal. I can tell the silver in his veins is keeping him from tearing Wyatt apart.

  My body flinches every time a scream comes out of Nick’s mouth. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the horror in front of me.

  “Awww. Come on, cupcake. Just look at his face. It’s a mesmerizing sight: seeing the blood drip from such strong arms that are so helpless.”

  The room erupts in chuckles, the sound echoing in the walls.

  I barely open my eyes to see Wyatt picking up a syringe. Both me and Nick’s eyes go wide once we realize that it’s wolfbane that is inside.


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