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Cryptic Cravings vk-8

Page 5

by Эллен Шрайбер

  “Our birthdays are just around the corner,” I said. “Becky wants to know what we’re going to do.”

  “We should celebrate them together,” he offered.

  “That’s what I said!”

  “We could throw a joint party,” he suggested.

  “Really? That would be the best birthday ever!”

  “And I think I know just the place,” Alexander said. “It’s called the Crypt.”

  Chapter 6

  Club Rumors

  The following day, Becky caught up to me after Language Arts class.

  She ran up and grabbed my arm, bursting to tell me major news. “I heard that Dullsville is getting a new club!” she said.

  I was shocked. Gossip traveled so fast in Dullsville it was scary. But this breaking news had found its way to Becky particularly fast. I had to wonder if Jagger was spreading it himself.

  “What did you hear?” I asked.

  “Just that there’s going to be a club — for us!”

  “A club? Here?” I acted surprised, but really I was. Not that there was going to be a club — but that the word was out about it already.

  “Yes. And you don’t have to be twenty-one to get in. It’s going to be awesome!”

  “Did you hear where it’s going to be?”

  “No, but as soon as I find out, I’ll let you know.”

  The irony was that Becky was telling me about the club I should have been telling her about all along. She was going to scavenge for information that I already knew. I felt guilty not telling her, but until I knew for sure about Jagger’s true intentions, I didn’t want to add gossip to the mill.

  “I can’t wait,” Becky said. “It will be fun to have a place to hang out and dance with Matt.”

  I froze. My innocent best friend was planning on coming to the club — the one that Jagger would be inviting unknown vampires to?

  “You can’t go—” I blurted out. “I mean, I don’t think it will be your type of club.”

  “Why not? It’s open to everyone.”

  That’s the problem, I thought. Mortals and vampires, too.

  Would I have to protect Becky from the modern vampire world forever? It appeared I would, at least for the near future.

  “I’m just saying,” I began, “if the popular crowd is hanging out there, then it’s not going to be a fun place for us.”

  “It’s supposed to be awesome. Matt and his friends will be going. I’m sure it will be fine — we can hang with just us.

  We’ll just keep to ourselves. And besides, clubs are dark and loud. I’ve seen them on TV.”

  “Did you hear that there’s going to be a place to rave?” a Prada-bee a few lockers away said to her friend.

  “I’ve heard about it,” the friend said. “But I don’t have any info.”

  “It would be so cool. We don’t have anywhere we can dance. At least not without a fake ID.” The Prada-bee laughed a snorty laugh.

  “Where is it going to be?” her friend asked.

  “I heard it’s going to be in that abandoned church.” The Prada-bee spoke in a whisper.

  “I was told they’re renting out the country club on Friday nights,” her friend gushed.

  “Who is ‘they’?” the Prada-bee asked.

  I leaned in.

  “I heard they’re going to have it in the graveyard. Surely you’d show up,” Trevor said, spotting me eavesdropping.

  “Last to know, as usual?” he asked.

  I didn’t even bother with a response.

  “Perhaps another highly anticipated event you won’t be invited to?”

  “What? You have to be invited?” I asked, breaking my short silence.

  “For the opening, of course,” my nemesis said. “They aren’t going to let just anyone in.”

  “They are my friends, not yours,” I said. “Believe me, I can make sure you don’t get past the bouncer.” I shut my locker.

  “Don’t be so sure,” he said. “I’m on the VIP list.” He slithered up to me so close I could smell the peppermint gum he was chewing. “And if there is a new hot spot club, you’ll be needing a date,” he said coyly. He took my hand and before I could withdraw it, he wrote his number on my palm.

  Becky passed me hand sanitizer and I did my best to rub it off.

  So the Crypt’s grand opening was by invitation only? Jagger was killer on getting the buzz started. He hadn’t even started to decorate. By the time he did open, he’d have the whole high school lined up around the block waiting to get in.

  And I wasn’t sure that was such a great thing after all. The students here would be exposed to unknown vampires.

  Once the drinks were flowing and the heat of the dance floor kicked up, who knew which of these mortals would be hanging out with, kissing on, or being driven home by vampires from other towns? And though most of the students had contempt for me and had made my life here in Dullsville hell by either ignoring or teasing me, I couldn’t let their materialistic lives be in danger. And if anyone in this town was going to fall prey to a handsome vampire, it was going to be me.

  Becky and I were hanging out on the soccer field’s bleachers shortly after the sun set. I was doodling in my journal, drawing pictures of what I wanted the club to be like and ideas for gifts for Alexander’s upcoming birthday. I was set to meet him in an hour, after he’d awoken and had dinner. I was killing time by doodling as the soccer snobs competitively kicked the black-and-white ball up and down the field against the opposing Tigers.

  “Remember when we were here at the game with Sebastian?” Becky asked, referring to when Alexander’s best friend first arrived in Dullsville.

  “Uh-huh. .”

  “I took a picture. Of you and him.”

  “Yes. . I remember,” I said. Then it hit me what Becky had just told me.

  “Well, the weirdest thing happened. I was flipping through the photos on my phone and he’s not there.”

  “You must not have saved the picture,” I said. “I do that all the time.”

  “No — that’s not what I mean. He isn’t in the picture.”

  That was what I was afraid of. “You probably moved it,” I told her.

  She picked up the phone and showed me. “Look.”

  I saw a picture of me, smiling and angled, as if I was leaning my body against someone. Only there wasn’t anyone else in the picture.

  “Isn’t that odd?” she said, perplexed.

  “Well. . maybe he shifted out of view.”

  “I don’t remember him doing that.”

  “Or maybe you moved the camera. That happens to me all the time.”

  “I know. But the way you are sitting — if he had moved, you would have fallen over. And there is still this space. And if I moved — then there wouldn’t be all this blank space where he’d been. I can’t figure it out.”

  “Looks like they are going to score. .” I said, attempting to change the subject.

  “Don’t you admit it’s weird?” she stressed.

  What was I going to say? You took a picture of a vampire. What do you expect?

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I thought you of all people would freak out. It’s almost like out of a scary movie.”

  Becky shoved the picture in front of me again.

  “Yes. It is weird. But I’m sure he just moved away at the last minute. That’s all.”

  I returned to doodling in my journal.

  “I guess,” Becky said. “But I’m saving this picture. I was hoping to have a picture of Sebastian. At least I have a cool one of you.”

  The game was over and I saw Trevor hanging out by the trees. He was resting his arm against a trunk and was posing in a seductive way that led me to believe whomever he was talking to was of the female persuasion, and of the pretty kind. It was unlike Trevor to be secretive with his women, so I became curious. As he continued to talk and pose, the girl remained hidden in the shadows. After a few minutes I noticed something illuminated by the fie
ld lights — bright scarlet hair — the kind that came from a bottle, not used on any of the girls at our high school.

  “Where are you going?” Becky asked as I leaped over the bleachers and raced down the metal stairs.

  So that’s who’s leaking the info. Jagger must have put her up to it, I immediately surmised. If Trevor’s on board, then Jagger is sure to have a crowd. Jagger knows Trevor will tell the whole school, along with the whole town.

  “Oh, Scarlet!” I said.

  She looked surprised to see me, and stepped even further back into the shadows. Trevor also seemed taken aback by my presence.

  Just then Matt called to him as the team headed toward the gym. Trevor paused. It was odd for him to have two goth girls in his company. He was used to being surrounded by preppy, conservative types. He was reveling in his rebellious attraction to us.

  “I’ve got to go. . ” Trevor said reluctantly. I knew he wanted to stay with us, but it would have to remain a fantasy for him.

  The way he lingered in front of us by the tree, it was as if he wanted to kiss one or both of us, but he wasn’t brave enough to make a move on Scarlet in front of me. And he knew if he kissed me, I would slug him.

  “Is that Trevor’s number?” she asked, noticing the smudged digits on my palm.

  “Yes, and I tried to burn them off. I told you — he’s not what you think he is.” I paused for a moment.

  When we were alone, I said to her, “After Alexander’s party, you all just left.”

  “Yes. I’m so sorry it ended so quickly.”

  “So, are you in town long? Will the others be joining you?” I asked with pretend innocence.

  “I can’t lie to you, Raven. We’re all still here.”

  I was so relieved my friend was confiding in me about what I already knew. I would have hated for her to have turned out to be a false friend. She had accepted me as a vampire, and then when she found out my true identity, she accepted me for being a mortal. She was a better friend to me than I’d been to her. And because she and Onyx didn’t have the history with Alexander or the cunning actions and animosity of Luna, they were the type of vampire girl friends I’d longed for all my life.

  “I was so sad when you guys left,” I said. “I knew you had to, but I was really bummed. I am relieved knowing you’re still here.”

  “I wish we could hang out,” she said sincerely. “But don’t tell Jagger you saw me if you run into him. Please.”

  “I won’t,” I said. I hated that he had a hold on her. He was providing her and her best friend with room and board, and I’m sure she didn’t want to jeopardize that. But I wanted to hang out with them and didn’t want him to get in the way of my fun. “Why don’t you and Onyx meet me tonight at the cemetery?”

  “Yes, that’s a great idea! We can have some girl time!” she said, giving me a hug.

  Then Scarlet disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 7

  Ghouls Night

  I called Alexander and explained I’d be a little late for our date since I wanted to meet Onyx and Scarlet at the cemetery. He agreed it was a good idea to get information from the girls and invited me to the Mansion when I was finished. Though I was excited to spend some time with Onyx and Scarlet, I pined for any missed hours not spent with Alexander, since we were separated for all of the daylight hours.

  When I arrived at Dullsville’s cemetery I found the grimmest sight; deep within the graveyard I spotted two goth girls sitting on tombstones, their legs dangling over the headstones — one wore white-and-black striped tights, the other torn black tights.

  When they noticed me they both rushed in my direction.

  “It’s so great to see you, Raven,” Onyx said.

  “Jagger told us not to tell you we were here—” Scarlet blurted out. “For Sebastian’s sake, he said. We shouldn’t have listened.” Scarlet was remorseful.

  “But he’s giving us a place to stay—” Onyx said defensively.

  “And Onyx has a major thing for him,” Scarlet blurted out.

  “I do not!” Onyx retorted.

  “Don’t lie.” Scarlet was brazen.

  “So what’s the real deal?” I asked.

  “Jagger plans to open a club called the Crypt,” Scarlet said as if she was sharing breaking news.

  “Will it be like the Coffin Club? With a secret dungeon?” I asked.

  Onyx nodded.

  “He’s hoping to invite vampires from around the area,” Scarlet shared.

  “There aren’t vampires around this area,” I said. “It’s only Alexander.”

  “Well, Jagger wants the Crypt to eventually be as big as the Coffin Club,” Scarlet said.

  “But it’s just not a good idea,” I urged. “Not in this small town. Everyone knows everything and they all gossip. It will be harder to conceal yourselves,” I warned.

  “We are good at being secretive,” Scarlet reassured me. “It’s our life.”

  “I know,” I said. “It’s one thing to go underground in a bigger city. But here? People will find out easily — then you’ll all be in danger,” I told them.

  “I don’t know,” Scarlet said. “We are always in danger. It’s part of being a vampire in a mortal world.”

  “But here you could be one of the few — the special ones.” I tried to convince her.

  “But it’s hard to meet other vampires,” Scarlet said. “The Coffin Club is special for us. It’s a place to be ourselves and not have to hide. Do you know how hard it is to hide every waking minute of every waking night?”

  I didn’t answer as she stared at my outfit.

  “Of course you don’t,” she said. “You are bold and outspoken. Everyone in this town knows you are different. You are yourself. I don’t think you realize how hard it would be for you to be a vampire. That there would only be a few mortals you could know. That you couldn’t be your whole self in public, like you are now.”

  It was one of the parts of being a vampire that I thought would be the hardest for me. I’d spent my life being truthful about who I was, what thoughts I had, my style and tastes. Finally getting the bite of my lifetime would change all that in an instant. But at this moment, we weren’t really talking about me being a vampire, and I needed to fight to make this club Jagger was opening a safe one for Dullsville.

  “I totally understand and get your position,” I said. “But in this town, the Crypt wouldn’t be like the Coffin Club. In Hipsterville, everyone is accepted for being a hippie, a goth, or whatever. They’re even embraced for being different, and no one digs any deeper. Dullsvillians fear the kind of people they don’t find in their country club on the back nine, tennis courts, or cigar bar. I really can’t stress enough that the vampire part of the club here would not be like the Dungeon. It can put your existence in jeopardy. You have to believe me — you know I’m in love with a vampire. His needs come before my own. I want what’s best for him and all of you.”

  Scarlet softened and gave me a hug. “We really were lucky when you arrived at the Coffin Club. If only all mortals were like you, we wouldn’t have to hide at all and our world would be much better.”

  “Maybe we should say something to Jagger?” Onyx asked shyly.

  “That would be awesome,” I chimed in. “But he doesn’t have to stop the entire club — just the vampire part.”

  It was then I realized that what I said might be hurtful.

  “But what would be the point?” Scarlet asked, offended. “Mortals have their clubs everywhere.”

  “I’m sorry — I didn’t mean that about you. I meant nefarious vampires,” I said in an apologetic tone.

  “I know. .” she said.

  “But truthfully,” I went on, “we don’t have a club here. The Crypt could be that club, and you could be there, too. But other vampires? That’s the part that won’t work.”

  Onyx and Scarlet thought for a moment.

  “Well, I can’t tell him what to do,” Scarlet admitted. “But maybe Onyx can.”r />
  “Me?” She made a sheepish face. It was evident she adored Jagger far too much to be able to stand up to him.

  “What about Trevor?” Scarlet asked.

  “He can’t know about any of this. Not vampires. Not Alexander. Not you,” I said. “We must make a pact,” I said, “that we all will do our best to persuade Jagger to open the Crypt to mortals only — and VIVs — Very Important Vampires. You guys, Sebastian, Luna, and of course, Alexander.”

  We all put our pale hands out, one on top of the other, our wicked nail polish disappearing in the darkness. “We promise,” we said in unison. Then we released our hands.

  “And maybe, someday — you’ll come in as a mortal and leave as a vampire?” Scarlet teased.

  “That would be awesome!” I beamed. I had a few more minutes before I was to meet Alexander, so I could talk with the girls before I headed to the Mansion.

  “So what’s it like living at the factory?” I asked them.

  “It’s fun,” Scarlet said. “We miss the Coffin Club because there were more vampires to hang out with. But we were hoping that this one. .” She paused. “But now that you told us,” she continued, “I see your point.”

  “And Scarlet likes being close to Trevor,” Onyx blurted out.

  “Does he know that you’re a vampire?” I asked.

  “No!” she said. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  Scarlet kissing Trevor. The thought was too much for my stomach to take. I knew that Trevor was going to be unfaithful to my friend. I didn’t want her to be used like so many of his girls.

  “He’s not all that you think he is,” I said.

  “Hot? Gorgeous? Athletic? Rich?” Her face lit up like she was surrounded by candlelight.

  “He’s trouble,” I said.

  “I’m all about trouble.” Scarlet laughed.

  “We wish you were a vampire like us so you could hang out at the Crypt full time,” Onyx said.

  “I do, too,” I agreed dreamily. “And what’s the scoop on Sebastian and Luna?” I asked. “Does he really like her?”

  They nodded in unison.

  “And does she really like him?” I asked.

  “She acts like she does,” Scarlet began. “Always fawning over him and flashing her pink eyelashes. She gets on my nerves.” Then she looked at Onyx. “But she could be your future sister-in-law, Onyx Maxwell!” Scarlet teased.


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