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One Last Shot (Blood Stone Riot Book 2)

Page 11

by Julie Archer

  The receptionist raised a perfectly-manicured eyebrow as she tapped the details into her computer. Poppy blushed. “Oh, Lexi wasn’t there. It was just me and Parker...” She scrunched up her eyes as her mouth ran away with her.

  The assistant came back with Poppy’s coat, and she gratefully pulled it around her, covering her vulnerability.

  “There is nothing to pay, madam, the bill has indeed been paid in full.” The receptionist gave Poppy a tight smile. “I hope you enjoyed your stay with us.”

  “I did, thank you,” replied Poppy. Glad that she was finally free to escape, she headed out of the door.

  As Poppy walked along to the Tube station, she breathed in lungfuls of fresh air and reflected on the events of the previous evening. What had happened between her and Parker was delicious, and she had certainly enjoyed herself.

  She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain things to Eva though. She had appeared satisfied with Poppy’s explanation and hopefully wouldn’t ask too many questions. Just as she was about to head down the stairs to the Tube, her phone vibrated with a text. She ignored it and instead rushed to buy a ticket and get onto the platform before the next train left. Once settled into a seat on the thankfully quiet train, she pulled out her phone. It was a message from Parker: Hope you are okay. We should meet later for a drink and a chat x. She stared at the screen for the duration of the journey, her thoughts still conflicted. She wasn’t the type of person to have a drunken one-night stand. But that’s what it had been. Was it the right thing to meet up with Parker again? She was still contemplating that question when it was time to get off the tube just a few minutes later. She trudged up the stairs, blinking in the sunshine as she made her way to the hotel where Eva was and where she should have been.

  Poppy let herself into their room and found Eva sitting cross-legged on the bed, the TV on low as she focused on her phone.

  “Hey, stranger, where have you been?” she said, as Poppy came through the door. “Dirty stop out!”

  Poppy froze. Was it that obvious?

  “How are you feeling?”

  Sick, thought Poppy. “Oh, much better now. I just need to get some clean clothes.” She tugged her dress down again.

  Eva frowned. “Are you okay? You look different?” Her look of concern tugged at Poppy’s conscience.

  “You know what it’s like with a migraine. You always feel a bit rough afterwards.”

  Eva’s eyes narrowed. “No, it’s not that. You look like you’ve been thoroughly shagged.”

  “Ha, ha! As if! I could barely lift my head off the pillow last night, let alone entertain the thought of having sex. And who with? It’s not as if Nate and I are on those kinds of terms at the moment.” A brief flashback of what had actually occurred flitted through her brain again. And Poppy was suddenly acutely aware that she wasn’t wearing any knickers.

  Eva shook her head. “Whatever you say. Anyway, what do you want to do now? I think I’m going home to meet Richey. He’s going to call me. We sort of spoke last night about us, which was a good thing.”

  “I’m going to meet Chrissy and Lara, I thought I’d mentioned it before?” lied Poppy. “No need to wait for me, I’ll see you at home later.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Poppy was glad when Eva finally left around an hour later, after Richey had called her. She had faffed about as best she could, taking another shower and cleansing her face properly. It was hard work keeping up an act, and she wasn’t prepared to admit to Eva what had happened yet. Her phone had rung a couple of times, and Parker’s name flashed up. She wanted to be alone when she spoke to him and waiting for Eva to leave was torture. He hadn’t left any message, and just as she was about to give up and check out, it rang again. She just missed answering it, but this time immediately called him back.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hello,” replied Poppy. “You called?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay after last night?”

  Poppy paused. “Um, yes. I’m fine.” She cringed. ‘Fine’ wasn’t quite what she meant. If anything, she was definitely more than fine.

  “Are you going straight back to North Ridge this morning?” asked Parker.

  “I have to pick India up from a friend’s house, so yes.”

  “Could we maybe meet for coffee or something before you head back? Or I could come to your hotel?”

  Poppy thought for a moment. Him coming to the hotel definitely wasn’t a good idea, who knew what might happen? “Coffee would be good. I’ll see if Daria can have India for a little longer. It would be easier than you having to come here.”

  Parker named a busy coffee place in Covent Garden that Poppy had been to a couple of times. It was a touristy place where they could easily have bumped into each other. It was perfect.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Poppy ended the call and stared at the screen for the longest time. The confusion she felt intensified. Did this mean he wanted to apologise for a huge mistake? Or was there something more to it? She didn’t know if she wanted to rush into anything so soon after she and Nate had agreed to separate. But she had enjoyed last night and Parker, well, he certainly knew what buttons to press. It was only coffee.

  She dialled Daria’s number.

  “Ah, Poppy, good, I’m glad you’ve finally got back to me.” Daria always knew how to make Poppy feel totally unorganised and inadequate. “I know you were picking up India soon, but we’ve managed to get a slot at Daisy Daze so I wondered if you’d mind if she came along? Maybe you can pick her up from there?”

  Poppy exhaled in relief. Had it been the other way around and she was asking Daria a favour, it might not be taken well. But getting time at Daisy Daze baby playground and cafe was akin to getting tickets for a sell-out boy band reunion tour. India loved it there.

  “Gosh, thanks, Daria, that would be great. I just found out the train I was getting has been cancelled and was going to call you anyway because I wouldn’t be back.” Poppy couldn’t believe how easily the lie came out. That seemed to be becoming a habit. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

  “Good, travel safe, and I’ll see you later.”

  She wished she had time to pop to the shops and get a new outfit. Her travelling outfit of jeans and a sloppy jumper somehow didn’t seem appropriate for having a face to face conversation with the man she had just slept with. But it would have to do. She did make more of an effort with her make-up than she usually would during the day. She replicated the smoky eye, with loads of mascara, but toned down the lipstick with her usual pinky-rose, barely-there colour. She stuffed her dress, the remainder of her clothes, and her toiletries into her holdall. She headed down to reception, making sure she had her room key, and checked out. It was a far less embarrassing experience than the one she had had earlier.

  For the second time that day, she headed off to the Tube. Before entering, she fired off a quick text to Parker to tell him she was on her way. A small knot of excitement formed in her stomach.

  Parker was already at the cafe when Poppy arrived. There was an empty espresso cup on the table in front of him, which meant he must have been there for some time already. He looked up and waved as he came over to help Poppy with her bags.

  “Hello again,” he said. “Let me get that.” He took the holdall and effortlessly lifted it over his head as he weaved his way back to the table. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Just a cappuccino please.”

  Parker went up to the counter, and Poppy watched him surreptitiously, pretending to be looking out the window at the people milling around outside. It didn’t look like he was here to tell her what a hideous mistake he’d made. He returned with her coffee and another espresso for him, as well as a couple of muffins.

  “I didn’t know if you’d had chance for breakfast,” he said, placing the plate in front of her.

  Poppy shook her head. “No, I didn’t. I didn’t want to outstay my welcome.” She picked a ch
unk of blueberry from the cake and chewed on it.

  They both sipped their coffee. She started to speak, and Parker talked at the same time, both of them saying “About last night.” They laughed.

  “Look, I’ll go first,” said Parker. “And then if you don’t like what I’ve got to say you can tell me.”

  “Okay,” said Poppy.

  “I had a really great time last night, it was lovely talking to you again and getting to know you more. Plus, the end of the evening was a bonus. I hadn’t expected that or planned it, before you think anything else. But,” he paused.

  Poppy looked down at the table.

  “Hey, that wasn’t a bad but!” said Parker. “Or at least I hope it’s not. Poppy, I really enjoyed last night, all of it. And I’d like to do it again. The talking, the drinking, the sex...”

  Poppy’s mind went back to some of the things they had done, and she squirmed in her seat. She crossed her legs, trying to ignore the throbbing that had started between then.

  Parker went on. “If you’d like to, of course. I know it might have been a bit awkward, with Nate being around and everything, but—”

  “There’s that but again,” said Poppy. She smiled at him. “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t think there was more to last night than just a quick shag. You made the effort to come to the house before, and I wondered about that. People like you don’t just pop in for a chat unless there’s a reason for it.”

  “Damn, rumbled!”

  “I had a good time last night too. And when you came to the house, and when we met at Jewel. But I am still married. The split from Nate is,” Poppy paused as if searching for the right words. “Undecided right now. I can’t say for sure what’s going to happen.”

  Parker nodded. “What do you think? Could you fancy going out again sometime?”

  “If that was an offer of a date, you need to work on your technique, Mr Roberts.” Poppy winked at him. “I could quite fancy going out again though, yes.”

  “And if that was your answer, your technique could do with some work too, Mrs McKenna.” Parker winced as he said Poppy’s married name. “I mean Poppy.”

  “I guess I might have to get used to being Mrs McKenna without the Mr McKenna part,” said Poppy. She sighed as her phone vibrated with a text. “I need to go if I’m going to get back to North Ridge for India.” She stood up and reached for her bag.

  Parker stood up too. He reached into his pocket for his wallet and drew out some cash. “Look, why don’t you get a taxi back to the station? Save bothering with all that stuff on the Tube.”

  Poppy looked at the small holdall and then back at Parker. “I guess you’re more used to travelling alone if you think that I’d have difficulty with that on the train. Remember I usually have a small person in tow.” She still took the cash he offered though. “But that would be really useful, thank you. It means I won’t have to run.”

  They stood there, awkwardly. Poppy wished she didn’t have to go and that they could spend the day together. They could get to know more about each other and maybe get a repeat of the previous evening.

  “I’d love it if you could stay longer,” he said as if he were reading her thoughts. “But I understand that you have to get back for India.” He touched her arm and leaned down to kiss her cheek. At the last minute, she turned and caught him full on the lips instead.

  As he drew back, her mouth turned up in a smile. “I really do have to go now.” She touched a finger to his lips. “See you soon.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Eva lay on her bed nursing the remains of a mild hangover. After Richey had spoken to Joel from Roccia the previous evening, other journalists and interested parties decided they wanted to speak to him as well, and they had ended up getting separated. She had headed back to her hotel, alone, having not been able to find Poppy, and Richey had gone back to where he was staying with the band. They had messaged each other several times during the early hours, both lamenting the fact they were apart. That morning Richey had been summoned to help the band pack up their stuff and get it back to North Ridge. Parker had thought it good practice for when they were on the road, which meant Eva had travelled back on her own. Poppy had texted her to say that she and India were spending the afternoon with Daria and her daughter, which left Eva to her own devices until Richey was home.

  She was half dozing when she heard the front door slam, followed by footsteps on the stairs. Her door was half open, and she saw Richey come past, go into his room, and come out a couple of minutes later, a towel wrapped around his waist. Although it wasn’t unheard of for them to bump into each other in that state, after the previous evening it was all Eva could do to contain herself.

  “Hey, you’re back.”

  “Yeah, took longer than I thought.”

  “Why don’t you come in here?”

  “I’m hot and sweaty. I need to take a shower.”

  “Don’t bother on my account,” murmured Eva.

  “I heard that!”

  She heard the bathroom door close. Eva tormented herself with images of Richey in the shower as she made out the sound of running water from the bathroom. She tried to find a distraction and began tidying up the pile of clothes that had built up on her chair. She sorted them out into piles on the bed, anything to stop herself from thinking about him.

  “Where does this one go?”

  Eva turned and saw Richey was holding up a midnight blue silk and lace chemise. His torso was glistening with droplets of water, and she couldn’t help but stare at his tattoos again. He’d been working out more to get in physical shape for the tour, and it was definitely helping to get him more defined.

  “You could always put it on... no, scrap that.” He dropped it to the floor and stepped towards her. “I’m feeling a little underdressed here.”

  Richey reached for the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head, his eyes appraising her. She unzipped her jeans and pushed them down, standing in front of him in just her bra and knickers. She sensed him catch his breath, and he shoved the neatly-sorted clothes piles onto the floor with one sweep of his arm. He manoeuvred her back towards the bed and gently eased her onto it. He joined her, his knees straddling her hips as he leaned down to kiss her, the towel precariously close to falling away. She pulled him down on top of her, enjoying the weight of his body, his damp hair falling forward and tickling her skin. His hands went to her breasts and eased them out of the cups of her bra. Her nipples sprang to attention as his thumbs caressed them, and she grew wet at his touch. It had been a long time since anyone had stirred anything like that in her, not since Jed. Quickly, she banished him from her head. It was Richey who was here now, and he was the one she wanted. Eva reached up and grasped the towel in one hand. She pulled it away, revealing Richey’s erect cock.

  “Have you got any protection?”

  “In there...”

  Richey reached into the drawer of her bedside table and rummaged around for what he needed. “Well, well, what do we have here?”

  As well as the pack of condoms, he pulled out a small vibrator. Eva giggled and covered her face.

  “I guess this will keep you going while I’m away.” He knelt back, a wicked grin on his face. “Close your eyes.”

  Reluctantly, Eva did as she was told. His breath was close to her ear as his lips gently kissed their way down the side of her neck, before moving to the base of her throat and down her chest. She heard a sharp buzzing sound as he switched the device on and jumped as he brought the tip to one of her nipples and his mouth to the other. The sensations made her belly pulse. His free hand trailed lazily across her stomach and along the top of her thigh but didn’t move inwards to where she most wanted him. Her hands clutched at the duvet as he continued the stimulation, swapping his mouth and the vibrator, her back arching as the throbbing need increased between her legs. She reached for his hand, wanting to guide him where she craved it the most, but he drew away.

  “Don’t move,”
he said. “Put your hands above your head.”

  She did as he said and laced her fingers together, trying to stop herself from falling over the edge. He deftly removed her knickers and moved back to kiss her, his long hair brushing her sides as he met her lips. The gentle teasing was driving her crazy. Before she could kiss him back, she felt the toy on her throbbing clit. A burst of pleasure dissolved into her bloodstream as he gently massaged her with it and her body bucked in response. Her insides contracted as he increased the pressure and slid a finger into her wet core, finding her most sensitive spot.

  “Jesus!” Her eyes flew open, and she found herself drowning as she met his. She glanced down at his cock and knew that he was ready. “I want you inside me.”

  He didn’t need asking twice as he pulled on a condom and thrust easily inside her. Eva wrapped her legs around Richey’s waist and drew him deeper into her, rocking together in the same rhythm. She clawed at him as he completely claimed her, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he got closer to orgasm. He clutched at her shoulders as he tensed and then collapsed on top of her. When Richey had regained some semblance of composure, he carefully withdrew and sat back on his knees, staring down at Eva.

  “You were definitely worth waiting for,” he said. A slow, sated smile spread across his face, and Eva found herself mirroring it.

  “And so were you,” she replied.

  Chapter Thirty

  Poppy poured Eva a glass of wine as they settled down on the sofa for an evening of trashy television, snacks, and gossip. Originally Eva had been due to go out with Richey, but the band had decided they needed a last-minute rehearsal so she was at a loose end. Poppy was grateful because she really needed to tell someone what had gone on at the Roccia Awards. She was desperate for advice.

  Eva lunged for a slice of the vegetarian supreme pizza. Poppy knew it was her favourite and had made sure there was plenty.


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