Death of a Dancer

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Death of a Dancer Page 14

by Irena Nieslony

  He soon reached Carlotta's room and went in with the police officer. He then sat close to Carlotta and for a moment or two said nothing. The officer awkwardly stood close by and Josh reckoned he wasn’t enjoying his job much.

  After a few minutes, Josh bent down towards Carlotta, being very careful not to put his hands on the bed. He didn’t want the officer thinking he was going to attack her. He then spoke to Carlotta in a whisper, not wanting the officer to hear.

  “Well, Carlotta, you got your just desserts, didn’t you? You betrayed your best friend and now you’re paying for it. Well done whoever did this, not that I don’t want you to wake up. It will give me nothing but pleasure to tell you to your face exactly what I think of you.”

  With that Josh got up and left, not wanting to spend another minute with his father’s mistress.

  * * *

  As Rachel made her way out of the hospital, she saw a familiar figure coming towards her. Her heart started beating faster and she felt hot. She hoped she didn’t look flushed.

  Headed for her was Chief Inspector Taylor and there was no way she could avoid him, not that she wanted to.

  The Chief Inspector also saw Rachel long before he reached her and he was elated, especially as he didn’t have Helen with him.

  “Rachel, you’re here,” he said as soon as they reached each other.

  He immediately felt stupid. It was obvious that she was there, but he couldn’t think of anything witty to say.

  "Yes,’ Rachel said and smiled, putting him a little more at ease. “I’ve been to see Carlotta, but there hasn’t been any change. Unfortunately, she’s still in a coma.”

  “What a pity. I was hoping that she had woken up and could tell us who had attacked her.”

  ‘Well, you never know what might happen. She could come out of her coma at any time; I hope so anyway.”

  Taylor looked at Rachel. He didn’t want her to go yet, so for once he threw all caution to the wind.

  “Have you time for a coffee. I know you have to get back to the hotel.”

  ‘I’d love one,” Rachel said quickly, but then wished she’d taken her time to answer. She didn’t want to sound too eager.

  “But don’t you have to go and see Carlotta?” she asked.

  “You’ve said that she’s still in a coma, so a few minutes more won’t matter. I expect the coffee here isn’t terribly good, but we’ll give it a go.”

  Within minutes they were sitting in the hospital cafe and Taylor was desperately thinking of what to say next. He had dreamt of being alone with her, but he was never tongue tied in his imaginings. He always had something amusing to say, but now all he could think of talking about was the case. What was wrong with him?

  “This coffee’s actually not that bad, is it Chief Inspector?”

  “It’s very good. They have a filter coffee machine” Taylor said.

  He had gone to get the coffees, leaving Rachel to choose a table.

  For a few moments silence prevailed before Taylor spoke again.

  “Please call me Peter,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t think he was being too forward. “I’m not interviewing you now.”

  “Alright, I will, Peter,” Rachel smiled.

  Taylor’s heart leapt. He loved her smile and she was smiling at him.

  “No Helen today, Peter? It’s strange seeing you without her?”

  “There’s a lot of paperwork to be done at the station so I left her there. I don’t think she was too pleased....”

  “I don’t suppose she finds it very exciting sitting in an office, does she?”

  “No, not at all, but she has to learn that police work isn’t just chasing robbers and murderers!”

  Taylor grinned and Rachel smiled back before the conversation died down again. Rachel was a little worried. They used to be able to talk easily with each other. Why was it so much harder now?

  “Nothing untoward has happened, has it? No more nasty letters?” Taylor interrupted her thoughts.

  "No, thank goodness, but I doubt the person who’s after me is going to give up so easily.”

  “Well, ring me immediately anything happens.”

  Rachel nodded, but they then sat there for a few moments sipping their coffee. Taylor wished he had the courage to ask her out for dinner and she hoped he would make some sort of a romantic move, but nothing happened. Rachel felt a little deflated.

  “How are your children?” she finally asked.

  “Oh, they’re fine. They’re growing so fast; I can hardly believe it.”

  Rachel smiled, but silence reigned again.

  Why doesn’t he say anything? Doesn’t he like ne in the same way I like him? I thought he did when he asked me for coffee, but now I’m not sure. Perhaps he’s just too shy.

  “Well, Rachel, I do have to get back to work now, I’m sorry. I’ve enjoyed having coffee with you. Perhaps we can do it again?”

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  As Taylor walked away, Rachel smiled.

  He is just shy; he does like me; I’m sure of it.

  * * *

  Taylor entered Carlotta’s room. She was still lying there with her eyes closed. He went and sat by her bed looking very somber.

  “Carlotta, please wake up. We need to know who did this to you before they try again. We’re doing our best to protect you, but it might not be enough if they’re determined to kill you.”

  Carlotta didn’t stir. She was in her own world and Taylor was worried. She was their only chance of finding Jane’s killer, presuming of course that it was the same person that attacked Carlotta. Taylor was sure it was, but of course it had crossed his mind that a different person could have killed Jane.

  The Chief Inspector decided to sit with Carlotta for a little while, but nothing changed. Carlotta still lay there while a myriad of thoughts went through Taylor’s mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel and wishing he’d been more chatty while they were having coffee. She must have thought him dull. Then his mind drifted to Carlotta and he hoped that if she did survive, she didn’t end up in some half vegetative state. He wanted her to be the person she was before the attack, not a shadow of her former self. Carlotta was such a lively woman and although he didn’t approve of her affair with her best friend’s husband, he couldn’t help but like her. She was still a beautiful woman and she had a way of making you feel important. It wasn’t right that she should die in such a cruel and callous way.

  Rachel, meanwhile, was still sitting in her car. She was going through the conversation with Taylor. It was more stilted than usual, but she reckoned it was because they had both realized how much they liked each other, but didn’t know how to put it into words. Or was she just imagining his feelings for her? Then she remembered that he didn’t even know that she wasn’t seeing Josh anymore. Perhaps that was why he hadn’t asked her out. Or perhaps it was just because he was shy. Maybe she would have to suggest a date, but she wasn’t good at that sort of thing.

  Then she thought she could have got it all wrong. Perhaps he wasn’t attracted to her and she was going through all this angst for nothing. Rachel was confused again. She didn’t know now if Taylor was interested in her or if he was just being kind because so many awful things were happening to her yet again.

  As Taylor left the hospital, he thought of Rachel again. When they had been talking he was sure she was attracted to him, but now he thought he might have picked up the wrong signals. He wished he’d had more experience with women. Whatever, he had enjoyed talking to her on their own and he’d have to arrange to do it again very soon.

  Chapter 15

  When Rachel got back to Oakfield, she was confronted by a tearful Sarah.

  “Oh Rachel, something awful happened while you were out. Steven and I went to the shops; he dropped me off at the supermarket and he went to the garden centre close by. While we were shopping, someone broke in through the French windows in the sitting room and ransacked the dining room, a bit like Carlotta did, but much wo
rse. The tables have had their tablecloths pulled off and there’s broken glass all over the floor. One of the dressers has also been opened and the glasses in it have been smashed. We didn’t clear up as I thought you would want to see it.”

  "I don’t believe it. Why does this person hate me so much?” Rachel asked, all the color draining from her face. “Have you called the police?”

  “No, we haven’t. We’ve only been back ten minutes and you said you’d be home by five, which it almost is.”

  Rachel, followed by Sarah, went into the dining room. She looked around and did everything in her power to stop the tears from coming. She had been crying too much lately. Sarah hugged her and for a moment, Rachel thought why not let the tears flow. However, she was determined not to give in to this bullying. She took a deep breath and soon was back in control of the situation.

  Feeling more like herself, Rachel went to the reception desk and dialed Taylor’s mobile number. She wanted him to be the one dealing with this, not any other police officer. Taylor picked up almost immediately.

  “Oh, Inspector Taylor, Peter, something awful’s happened,” she blurted out, once again feeling upset.

  “Calm down, Rachel. What is it?” he replied softly.

  “I’ve just got back to Oakfield and while I was out, someone broke in and ransacked the dining room.”

  “I’m so sorry, Rachel. Has anything been taken?”

  "I don’t think so, but they’ve made an awful mess.”

  “Look, I’m just getting off the motorway at the Slough junction. I’ll be with you shortly.”

  Rachel breathed a sigh of relief, though she doubted if Taylor would be able to find out who had done this. It was bound to be the same person who had threatened her before and he or she had not left fingerprints on her car or on the letter.

  Rachel went back into the dining room, and with the help of Sarah and Steven, looked around the room to see if there were any items missing. They were careful not to touch anything. After a good look, Rachel was pretty sure that nothing had been stolen; it had just been an act of pure vindictiveness.

  A few of the tablecloths had been ripped, so Rachel asked Sarah to get some others organized for the evening. She was glad that she had bought extra ones. However, she knew the tables couldn’t be laid until the Chief Inspector had seen the room in the state it was in. She hoped he’d hurry up as the dining room opened for dinner at six thirty.

  Rachel was relieved when not too long after, the Chief Inspector arrived. She had to resist an urge to fall straight into his arms when she opened the front door. However what would Sarah and Steven think? And the Chief Inspector himself? What if he really didn’t have any romantic feelings towards her? Then she would feel a fool. However, Taylor did smile at Rachel and she immediately felt better.

  “What a mess,” Taylor said as soon as he saw the dining room. “I’m so sorry this has happened. Can I see the French windows?”

  “Oh my goodness, I’d forgotten about them. They’re in the sitting room.”

  Taylor and Rachel went and looked at the French windows. Whoever the culprit was had smashed the glass in one side and just walked in.

  “They must have watched Sarah and Steven leave for the shops,” Rachel spoke.

  “It looks like it. I take it the front door wasn’t open?”

  “No, we decided to give residents their own front door keys soon after Jane’s death. It seemed sensible. However, we do open it in the evening for the restaurant diners.”

  “You need to do something about that French window straight away, Rachel.”

  “Yes, I know. I’ll get Steven to do a temporary repair for the night and hopefully get someone in tomorrow. Steven’s very good with his hands. He wants to be a surgeon actually.”

  “He does? Shouldn’t he be studying now?”

  "Yes, he should. He’s been a bit naughty really. He usually only works weekends to earn a bit of extra cash, but he was worried about me after Jane was murdered so has taken a few days off. I am going to make sure he goes back to university next week though. I don’t want him to miss anything important.”

  ‘I’m sure you’ll have a job on your hands to get him to go back after all these things have happened to you.”

  "Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised. I shall just have to be firm.”

  They both smiled, Rachel happy that she was talking to Taylor with more ease than at the hospital.

  ‘I wish I had an idea who’s doing these things, Rachel,” Taylor said. “I can’t imagine that it’s any of your family. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that if Arthur, for example, wanted the house, he’d try to kill me. It’s somebody who doesn’t like me and wants to scare me, but I don’t know who. If it hadn’t happened before I ended my relationship with Josh, I would have said it was him. He was pretty angry that I finished with him.”

  Taylor couldn’t believe his ears. Rachel wasn’t seeing Josh anymore. The field was open for him and he had to act quickly.

  "He was?” he answered Rachel.

  “Yes. It made me realize that I’d made the right decision. He was quite vicious.”

  “I’m sorry. Why can’t people be dignified, I’m sure I would be.”

  "You don’t know?”

  “There’s only been my wife. We knew each other as children, went out as teenagers and married young.”

  Rachel didn’t think she’d ever met a man who had only had one woman in his life. It would be difficult to live up to her and she didn’t know if she could. She thought that Taylor must have loved her very much.

  “Mary and I wondered if James might have sent a friend of his to terrorize me. I don’t really think it’s likely, but you never know.”

  “It might be worth questioning him, though I expect he would only deny it.”

  Taylor’s mobile suddenly rang. He was disappointed that their conversation had been disturbed. He picked it up and didn’t say much, just listened to the person on the other end.

  It seemed an age to Rachel, but at last the call ended.

  I’ve got to get back to the hospital, Rachel.”

  “Carlotta’s alright isn’t she?” Rachel asked, looking worried.

  “Yes, she’s waking up thank goodness. With a bit of luck she’ll tell me who did this to her, that is if she remembers.”

  “I’m so pleased she’s coming out of her coma. I hope she does remember who attacked her. Then this can all be over.”

  “For Carlotta, yes, but not for you. We have to get this sorted, Rachel. I’ll send someone over to take fingerprints in here immediately. I know you have to open for dinner.”

  “Thank you. Drive carefully.”

  Taylor nodded, and then, on the spur of the moment, he went towards Rachel and hugged her.

  "Take care, Rachel.”

  Taylor only held Rachel for a few seconds and then he was gone, but she could still feel his strong arms around her even after his car had started up.

  I now know for sure that he has feelings for me.

  Rachel was trembling and her heart was beating faster than it should, but she was feeling happier than she had done for a long time.

  * * *

  Chief Inspector Taylor sped along the motorway back to the hospital, hoping that Carlotta would remember who had attacked her. If she didn’t, her life would still be in danger. The person who had smashed her head in would probably try again.

  As he drove, he couldn’t completely keep his mind on the job. It kept slipping away towards Rachel. What had she thought of the hug? He hadn’t given her time to respond before he let her go and rushed to his car. And what about earlier on in the hospital? He was pleased that he’d managed to ask her to have- a coffee with him, but he wasn’t happy about the way he had acted. He was sure that he had stumbled over his words and had been tongue-tied instead of appearing calm and sophisticated just like Rachel. She had smiled at him quite a few times, but were they just smiles of pity at his feeble attempt
s at a normal conversation?

  If only I could get up the courage to ask her out on a proper date; then I’d be put out of my misery, but what if she said no? I couldn’t bear it; I’d lose her as a friend as well as a potential lover and I couldn’t stand not seeing her again.

  The traffic was light going into London, but once inside, it started to move a little slower. Taylor became impatient, but the hospital wasn’t too far off the motorway and soon he was there.

  He rushed inside and into Carlotta’s room, afraid that she might slip back into a coma, but there she was, her hand being held by Charles.

  “I’m afraid she doesn’t remember who hit her, Chief Inspector,” Charles said as soon as he saw Taylor.

  “Is that right, Mrs. Fox?”

  Carlotta nodded.

  “Unfortunately I’m only having little flashbacks. I hope that my memory will come back properly soon.”

  The Chief Inspector sat down, not caring if Charles and Carlotta wanted to be alone. It was far more important that he stayed and found out who wanted her dead.

  * * *


  The Chief Inspector started. He had drifted off to sleep and had no idea how long he had been dozing until Carlotta’s voice woke him up.

  “What did you say, Mrs. Fox?” Taylor asked.

  “I said it was Carly who hit me over the head. I remember now. She came over at some ridiculous hour; midnight I think it was, and she stood crying on my doorstep. I naturally asked her in as she seemed very distressed. I asked if she’d like a coffee, but she wanted alcohol. I remember that distinctly because I questioned her about it. I asked if she was she sure as she seemed very drunk. I hoped she hadn’t been driving, but I couldn’t think of any other way she had got to my apartment unless she had taken a taxi. Anyway, it wasn’t my problem whether she was drinking and driving, so I got her a glass of wine. We talked a little. She told me her marriage was awful and she wanted to leave her husband. A little later I had to go to the restroom. When I came back she must have been hiding behind the door because she hit me on the head and I remember nothing else.”


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