Death of a Dancer

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Death of a Dancer Page 15

by Irena Nieslony

  “Thank you very much Mrs. Fox. I’ll send in a couple of my officers to take a statement, but I’ll be off to Carly Hawkins’s home to pick her up.”

  * * *

  Taylor wished the traffic would move faster, but still what did he have to worry about? The only person in real danger was Carlotta and she was safe in hospital with the police guarding her.

  Finally, Taylor arrived at Carly’s home where he met Detective Sergeant Helen Wilson and a couple more police officers. He took Helen with him to the front door and sent the other officers to the back.

  It was Chris who answered the door.

  “What do you want?” he asked rudely.

  “We’d like to speak to your wife, sir.”

  “Well, she’s not here.”

  “We’d like to check for ourselves, if you don’t mind,” Taylor continued.

  “I do mind. Have you got a warrant?”

  “No, but I can get one in no time at all while the officers guard the house to make sure Carly doesn’t leave.”

  “Go on then, look around, you won’t find her. What do you want her for anyway?”

  “That’s between her and us, sir.”

  Chris shrugged his shoulders. Taylor thought he looked like a man who had given up.

  He and Helen proceeded to search the house, but they couldn’t find Carly.

  “I told you so,” Chris said. "She’s gone out with Diana. Don’t know where. Probably The Fox and Hounds.”

  Taylor nodded, collected his officers and dashed off, deciding first to go to Diana’s house. He had a bad feeling about this.

  * * *

  Arriving at Diana’s, they proceeded as before. The Chief Inspector and Helen went to the front door, while the other officers went to the back. Taylor rang the doorbell a couple of times, but nobody came to answer it although there were lights on. Of course, they could have gone out and left the lights on to deter burglars, but Taylor didn’t think so. He peered through the window. The curtains hadn’t been drawn, but there were net curtains. He thought he could see movement. If it was Diana or Bert, surely they would come to the door.

  Taylor wasn’t certain what to do next. He decided to bang on the window and it was then that he was sure that he saw somebody move. He hoped that the person would go to the back door and he was rewarded. A minute later, one of the officers opened the front door with the other policeman holding onto Carly, who had already been cuffed.

  ‘Where’s Diana?” Taylor asked.

  Carly said nothing, so Taylor walked past her and into the sitting room where Diana lay slumped in an armchair. There was blood pouring from her shoulder, but she looked up.

  ‘Carly went for my neck with a knife, but I moved and she got my shoulder instead.”

  “Helen, call the paramedics and get something to help stop the blood,” Taylor spoke and then went back into the corridor to speak to Carly.

  “Mrs. Hawkins, I’m arresting you for the murder of Jane Simpson and the attempted murders of Carlotta Fox and Diana Rackham.”

  He went on to read her her rights.

  “You can arrest me for the attempted murders of Carlotta and Diana, but I didn’t murder Jane. Charles did.”

  Taylor said nothing for a minute and just looked shocked.

  “Come on now,” he said when he gathered his composure. “You’re going to prison for a long time whether or not you killed Mrs. Simpson.”

  “But I didn’t. I saw Charles come out of his room just before eight thirty. I’d gone up to retouch my make-up. It must have been him.”

  “I thought you loved the man, Mrs. Hawkins?”

  “I do, but I’m not going to be with him now, so why should that witch Carlotta have him? Why shouldn’t he pay for his crime?”

  “You could just be saying this to get him away from Carlotta?”

  “I could, but I’m not. Charles murdered his wife.

  * * *

  Taylor had arranged to see Charles at his house later that evening. Charles wasn’t happy about being interviewed again, but Taylor wanted it done and dusted that day.

  Carlotta was very tired so the nurses had told Charles to go away and come back the next day when she would hopefully be feeling more herself.

  “So what’s this all about, Chief Inspector?” Charles asked, not offering him a seat, let alone a drink.

  “Carly Hawkins is adamant that you killed your wife. She says she saw you coming out of your room at Oakfield just before eight thirty.”

  “That’s absolute nonsense. I popped out of the bar to go to my car to get Jane’s present and that’s all I did. Carly’s trying to get a lighter sentence. She’s always flirting with me and saying she loves me. Fine sort of love, I’m sure.”

  “Well, we have to check everything out as I’m certain you know, sir.”

  “Can I go to bed now? I’m rather tired with all the worry about Carlotta.”

  "Yes, of course. Sorry to have bothered you.”

  However, driving home, Taylor had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  Chapter 16

  The next day and a half went by quickly. Carly was still charged with the murder of Jane Simpson; Taylor naturally refusing to take her word that Charles had killed his wife. It was almost certain that she was trying to get a shorter sentence, yet Charles also had a reason to get rid of Jane.

  Taylor decided to call everyone who had been at the hotel on the night of Jane’s birthday. He wanted to make sure that nobody had seen Charles coming out of his room just before eight thirty. In the previous interviews, none of them said that they had, but perhaps someone had forgotten or it had not registered. Taylor wanted everyone to rack their brains. Most were surprised to be asked this question and wanted to know why, but Taylor refused to answer. Of course, some guessed that Charles must now be a suspect in his wife’s death, but nobody said that they had seen him coming out of his room at eight thirty that night.

  Taylor’s last phone call was to Rachel. He was a little more open with her.

  “Rachel, Carlotta woke up and said it was Carly who hit her on the head. We’ve arrested her for the murder of Jane and the attempted murders of Carlotta and Diana. We got to Diana’s house just in time. Carly was trying to kill her when we arrived.”

  “Oh my goodness. I knew Carly had a soft spot for Charles, but I didn’t think she’d resort to murder. I can’t believe she killed Jane.”

  “Actually, she denies it. She says it was Charles.”

  "Charles!” Rachel exclaimed. “I’d never have thought.... no, that’s not true. Since finding out about his affair with Carlotta, I wouldn’t put anything past him.”

  “Do you think so? We haven’t arrested him. Possibly Carly’s trying to get off with a lighter sentence.”

  “That could also be true and she also doesn't want her darling Charles out on the market again while she’s locked up. But why did she attack Diana?”

  “Because she told me about Carlotta’s affair with Charles.”

  “I have to say that Carly sounds a little crazy.”

  “I agree. I don’t suppose you saw Charles coming out of his room at around eight thirty on the night of the party? I’m asking everybody to think hard.”

  "No, I’m afraid not.”

  “No, nobody else did either.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “If he did it, hope he makes a slip up somewhere down the line. Anyway, I’d better get going.”

  Rachel smiled as she put the phone down. She was sure Taylor had told her more than the other people.

  Almost as soon as she put her mobile down, it started ringing again. Rachel quickly picked it up, hoping it might be Taylor again, remembering that he’d forgotten to ask her something. Unfortunately, it wasn't, but she was still pleased to hear that it was Carlotta.

  “Hello Rachel. I’m being let out of hospital in an hour or so. I’d love it if you came to visit soon. You can come whene
ver you want. Charles is always so busy. He’ll be nice to me today; I mean, he is picking me up from the hospital, but he always has so much work to do that I’m sure I’ll soon be very bored. I’ve been told to take it easy for a few days.”

  “Of course I’ll come and see you as soon as I have a spare moment,” Rachel said and then paused for a moment, “Did you know that Carly accused Charles of murdering Jane?”

  Carlotta was quiet after hearing this.

  “What nonsense,” she finally said.” You think it’s ridiculous as well, don’t you Rachel?

  “Of course I do.”

  “Charles wouldn’t harm a fly. Carly is just trying to get off with less time in jail.”

  “That’s what Taylor said.”

  “You’re a bit sweet on him aren’t you?”

  “I just think he is a nice man, that’s all," Rachel replied.

  She knew she was blushing and was glad Carlotta couldn’t see her.

  “I think there may be a little more than that in it,” Carlotta replied.

  “Well, yes, a little. I didn’t like him at all the first time we met, but that’s gradually changed as I’ve got to know him.”

  ‘What about Josh?”

  “I’m sorry Carlotta, I know he was your best friend’s son, but he seemed to have a Jekyll and Hyde personality and he was quite horrible to me at the end of our second date so I ended it.”

  “Don’t worry about me, darling. I’ve never really liked him. He seemed such a nice quiet boy as a child, that is when we were out in public, but at home he could be awful to his mother if he didn’t get what he wanted. You’re better off without him. Anyway, I’d best go. The doctor should be round soon to sign me out.”

  “See you soon, Carlotta.”

  * * *

  “Don’t fuss, Charles,” Carlotta said. “I’m not a complete invalid.”

  Charles was trying to tuck a blanket round her legs.

  “I’ll get your soup now, darling. You need to get your strength back.”

  Carlotta nodded, but found it hard to smile. She wasn’t enjoying all this attention and there seemed no way to stop Charles. She preferred to see to herself.

  A little later Carlotta drifted off to sleep and when she woke up, Charles was still there watching T.V. with the headphones on.

  “You’re still here, Charles?”

  “Of course; I wouldn’t leave you.”

  “I’ve heard that Carly said you murdered Jane. What nonsense. She must be desperate for a lighter sentence, but I’m sure she’ll get a heavy one, whatever she says. The police don’t believe her anyway.”

  “No, they don’t, do they? I’ve certainly got away with that one, haven’t I, darling?”

  Carlotta gasped, hardly able to comprehend what Charles had just said. She couldn’t believe the man she had fallen in love with had killed her friend.

  “You killed Jane?” she whispered.

  “Of course I did. How else would I have got her fortune? We had a pre-nup. Whatever money we had before getting married couldn’t be taken into account if we split up. Jane was loaded, but I wouldn’t get a share of the cash if I divorced her. However, if one of us died while we were still married, the wills we made would take effect. We both left everything to each other. It had to be done."

  Carlotta got up.

  “No, I can’t accept this. How could you Charles? She was my best friend.”

  “Some best friend you were; you had an affair with me, her husband.”

  “I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. However, I didn’t want her dead. Yes, I loved you, but I assumed it would end some time and everything would go back to how it was.”

  “Well, it’s better now; it’s just you and me. We’re rich and we can do whatever we want.”

  “No, Charles. I can’t be with you anymore, not after this. You have no morals.”

  "And you have?”

  Charles burst out laughing.

  “I would never kill anyone,” Carlotta said. “Not for any reason and especially not for profit.”

  “I did this for you and you’re damn well going to stay with me.”

  Charles had become serious again and then all of a sudden he lunged at Carlotta. Despite feeling weak, she jumped up. She still had as lithe a body as she had when she was a dancer. Charles, however, had become angry and he managed to grab her, but again she was too slippery for him. Carlotta didn’t know where she was getting her energy from; she was still weak from her previous ordeal, but she knew she had to get away from Charles. There was no telling what he might do in his current frame of mind.

  Carlotta dashed to the front door and then to the elevator. Her apartment was on the fifth floor, but unfortunately the lift was currently on the ground floor. She decided to use the stairs. As she ran down, she heard Charles following. She began to feel giddy and sick, but she knew she had to go on otherwise she could end up dead.

  Finally, reaching the ground floor, she ran to the door. Looking over her shoulder, she saw an exhausted Charles coming after her. He looked red and she thought he wouldn’t make it much further. It gave her hope. As she went through the door, she bumped straight into Rachel.

  “Rachel, where’s your car?”

  "Round the corner.”

  "Quick,” she said, grabbing Rachel’s hand. “We must get away before Charles catches me.”

  Rachel did as she was told and ran, helping Carlotta who she could see was flagging. As they got to the car, Rachel pressed the button to open all the doors and they jumped in. She locked the doors immediately. Charles was suddenly there banging at Carlotta’s window.

  “Don’t go, Carlotta, I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  Carlotta looked down, refusing to look at his face.

  Rachel started driving straight away. She glanced at Carlotta and thought she looked worn out; not surprising as she’d just got out of hospital.

  “So Carlotta, what was that all about?”

  “Charles told me that he killed Jane and when I said I couldn’t be with him because of that, he tried to attack me.”

  “Heavens above, Carly was right after all. She saw Charles coming out of his room at Oakfield just before eight thirty on the Saturday night, but the police didn’t believe her. I guess they’ll have to now.”

  “What are we going to do, Rachel?”

  “I’ll ring Peter, Chief Inspector Taylor, and ask him.”

  Carlotta raised her eyebrows, but didn’t say anything.

  “Will you press Taylor into my mobile, please?” Rachel asked.

  She had a hands free set.

  Carlotta did this and it wasn’t long before Taylor was on the phone being told what had happened.

  “So what should we do now/” Rachel asked.

  “First of all, do you know the number plate of the car Charles Simpson is driving today?”

  “I do,” Carlotta piped up and gave it to the Chief Inspector.

  “Right, I’ll give that to the local police force. It shouldn’t take them too long to pick him up. And I want you two to go to the police station.”

  “Alright,” Rachel said.

  “You know where it is?”

  “Yes, my apartment is close to Carlotta’s so I know the area.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot. Now take care, please.”

  ‘We will.”

  “Told you,” Carlotta said. “He’s sweet on you.

  Rachel said nothing, but gave a little smile.

  * * *

  Carlotta and Rachel had given the police their statements and were now waiting for an officer to accompany them back to Carlotta’s apartment. The officer was to call a locksmith if Charles had slammed the door shut.

  “I hope Charles did shut the door,” Carlotta said, almost in tears. “Otherwise I could have been burgled.”

  “Try not to think about it,” Rachel said. “I know it’s hard, but you do need to relax. You've been through an awful lot these past few days.”

>   “I know,” Carlotta replied, tears filling her eyes again. “I never cry and now look at me. The slightest thing is setting me off.”

  “Anybody would cry if they’d had to contend with what you have.”

  "I suppose you’re right. After all, two people did try to kill me and one of them was supposed to have been in love with me. That doesn’t do much for a person’s self confidence.”

  Rachel gave Carlotta a hug and she at last tried to smile. It wasn’t like Carlotta to give in and she didn’t want to now, but it was difficult.

  A police office then came in.

  “I’m ready to take you home now, Mrs. Fox. Are you coming?” he said, looking at Rachel.

  “Yes, but I’ll follow in my own car. Carlotta’s going to get some things together and will be coming to stay with me for a few days.”

  The officer nodded and they left the police station to get into their respective cars.

  Not long after Rachel had sat behind the wheel, her mobile rang. She answered it immediately and was delighted to hear Taylor’s voice.

  “Hello. Where are you?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

  “We’ve just left the police station. Carlotta’s gone with the officer and I’m following in my car.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’ll get the news as well. The police have caught Charles.”

  “Thank goodness. I’m certain Carlotta will be relieved. I’m taking her back to Oakfield to stay with me. I think she needs a bit of TLC.”

  “What a great idea,” Taylor said and then paused before continuing. “Oh, could I book a table for one at your restaurant for tomorrow night?”

  "For you?” exclaimed Rachel.

  “Yes, for me. I’ve heard that you have an excellent chef and I’d like to try the restaurant out.”

  "What time?”

  “Is nine too late? I like to spend a bit of time with my children before they go to bed.”

  “No, nine will be fine.”

  Once Rachel had ended the call she found she was shaking. Peter Taylor was actually coming to eat in her restaurant. Most of her guests ate early so she might have time alone with him. She was excited and couldn’t wait for the following evening.


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