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Chloe's Dream

Page 7

by Jennifer Ann

  “It was a stellar night,” I agree, take a long drink of the frothy beer. I sigh happily to find it still chilled. “Thanks, I really needed that. I think I used up all my energy.”

  Mick sets his dark beer down after a long pull. “I’m startin’ to think I should be beggin’ for guitar lessons the way ya can play.”

  “You give me way too much credit,” I say, flushing when I remember how I missed a few notes after discovering Mick watching. “But I had a good teacher. My grandfather was a skilled musician.”

  He smiles brightly, setting both arms on the table as he leans in closer. “Ah, so it runs in the family then?”

  “I guess.” I look down at my glass of beer with blades of steel twisting through my gut. As much as I want this beautiful man, he’s not mine to have.

  “Chloe, I wish you woulda let me explain everythin’ earlier. When I told ya my life is complicated, I meant it. I shouldn’t be gettin’ you involved in m’ mess. That woman who interrupted us the other night when I was kissing you, Vivienne…we have a history, but she’s not m’girl.”

  With a small gasp, I snap my head up to meet his beautiful gaze.

  “Chloe?” Beckett asks from right behind me. I jump with a start and turn in my seat, meeting his deep scowl. “What’s going on? Why aren’t you answering your phone?”

  My palms grow sweaty with the angry tone of his voice. “I guess I forgot to turn it on after the show. What are you doing back here? I thought you were taking the van.”

  “Landon did instead.” His steely blue eyes flicker back and forth between Mick and me. “I was gonna swing by to see you at Kelly’s. Baby, you scared the shit outta me when you wouldn’t answer your phone. I thought maybe something had happened.”

  I flush brightly. Why does he have to call me “baby” in front of Mick?

  “She’s perfectly safe with me,” Mick answers.

  Beckett’s eyes dart back to Mick’s in a silent challenge. When I realize he may launch into one of his jealous episodes with Mick, my breath becomes shallow. It wouldn’t be the first time Beckett was pushed into a rage over some guy hitting on me, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

  I touch Beckett’s arm, hoping the contact will calm the beast. “You remember Mick, right? From Flanagan’s?”

  “The one that sent his girlfriend running with his voice,” Beckett quips with a mean sneer. “Yeah, I remember.”

  Mick meets Beckett’s cold stare with sheer confidence. “I don’t suppose the good Lord could bless us all with as much talent as Chloe.”

  Beckett’s eyes flare with the backhanded compliment. I know from the dangerous tightening of his muscles in his jaw that he’s two seconds from coming unglued. I hop off the barstool and turn to him, lightly tapping his chest. “You know what? I’m actually dying to take a shower and call it a night. Why don’t you go get Blue Beauty and the rest of my stuff and you can walk me back to Kelly’s on your way home?”

  Beckett peers around me to glare at Mick one last time. He takes me by my hips possessively, the strong stench of booze flooding my nose when he leans in. “Yeah, okay.”

  I hold my breath, expecting him to try to kiss me, but mercifully, he sulks away instead.

  “Was nice meetin’ you again,” Mick calls after him in a snarky tone.

  I close my eyes long enough to collect myself before turning back to Mick. “I’m sorry about that. He’s...difficult.”

  Though he’s smiling again, there’s disapproval in his eyes. “Ya never mentioned you were playin’ with a Holy Joe.”

  “‘Holy Joe?’” I repeat, cracking a smile.

  “Ya know, the self-righteous, bastardly type. Are the two of you together?”

  “No, it’s not like that.” I wave my hands through the air, blushing again. I’m pretty sure Mick’s the first guy to make me turn red like this. He has a way of flustering me like no one has before. “I mean, we were, a long time ago. We’ve known each other forever. He’s just an old friend now. You’re right, he’s really into himself. He also tends to get overly protective when I date. Not that I date a lot or anything.”

  Mick glances over my shoulder, seeming tense. “Sure yer okay bein’ alone with him? I could walk ya to Kelly’s instead, if you’d like.”

  “It’s perfectly fine, I promise. He’s drunk. I should probably make sure he finds his way home anyway.” I touch Mick’s arm, brushing my fingers against his ink. “I’m sorry about this. I really wanted to hang out with you a little longer tonight and hear whatever it is you have to say about this Vivienne woman.”

  He grabs my arm before I can pull away, gentle yet pleading. “Are ya sure you can’t stay?” Gazing into his alluring eyes, I realize there’s nothing I want more than to hang with him and tell Beckett to take a hike.

  But Beckett swoops in beside me with Blue Beauty over his shoulder and my bag in hand. “Let’s go,” he grumbles, refusing to acknowledge Mick again.

  I nod, taking my bag to sling it over my head and across my body. “I’ll see you soon, I promise. I’ll call.”

  Mick throws me one last gleaming smile. “G’night, Chloe.”

  “Bye, Mickey. Thanks for the drink!” It’s all I can say before Beckett drags me away.

  Out onto the sidewalk, I pry Beckett’s hand off my arm. “Did you have to be such a huge asshole back there? What’s your problem? Were you drinking during our show again? I thought we agreed you weren’t going to do that anymore!”

  “I’m not the one who fucked up our last set tonight.” He turns to me, advancing until my back’s up against the brick building next to the bar. Pushing his hips into me, he pins me in place with his hands against the wall on either side. “You lied to me. You said you were going to Kelly’s but instead you met up with that Irish prick.”

  As my breath stills, I narrow my eyes. Dealing with Beckett is far too similar to defusing a nuclear bomb. “Let’s make one thing clear. You and me are not together just because we slept together a few times. It was fun, but it’s over. We can’t be together like that. Besides, you’re with other girls all the time and it’s none of my business. That means it’s none of your business who I spend my time with either.”

  His expression turns blazing hot. “It becomes my business the minute you hurt our reputation because you’re all hot and bothered for some dick in the audience! When are you going to grow the fuck up and realize you’re never going to find anyone better than me?”

  Setting my bag on the ground, he leans in closer until our noses are nearly touching, his hard-on pressed to my stomach. The anger in his eyes subsides, and he touches my lips gently with the tips of his fingers. “You and I found each other for a reason, baby. With our combined talents, we’re unstoppable. It’s only a matter of time before we’re signed on by that producer, and all our dreams becomes a reality. How do you think it’s going to play out between you and Liam Neeson in there if you’re on the road six months out of the year?”

  “It doesn’t matter!” I yell, exasperated by this never-ending back and forth between us. “That producer wasn’t interested in us! He just wanted me! I didn’t have the heart to tell you because you were so stoked!”

  Beckett stills, anger lighting his expression. “So you lied to me? Again? How can I trust anything that comes out of your mouth?”

  I avoid his gaze and the sudden tension it creates. “Let’s just forget it, okay? I’m not going to leave you guys for a solo career. That’s not how I roll and you know it.”

  “Now you think you’re too good for me?”

  Rolling my eyes to the sky, I subtly shift away from him. “Did you hear a word I just said? That’s not at all what I’m trying to say. Jesus, you’re one of my best friends. I think you know that by now.” I take his hand. “C’mon, let’s go before we get into an ugly fight out here in the middle of the street.”

  Beckett doesn’t move. Instead he looks down on me, wounded. “I’ll never be good enough for you. That’s it, isn’t it? I’m just s
ome dumb-shit you found in the street and that’s all I’ll ever be to you.”

  I wait until a group of guys pass before taking his bearded jaw in my hands. “Beck, listen to me. You know you mean so much more to me than that. That producer was a dumbass for not seeing your talent. He was probably hoping that he could get me away from you and make some pervert move.” I inwardly cringe with the lie. But it’s more important that I calm Beckett before he blows up. “Don’t let the opinion of one idiot put a wedge between us like this.”

  Despite my prodding, he won’t move. His eyes sizzle with the kind of rage that strikes bolts of fear into my core. “How do I trust you’re telling me the truth now and not feeding me another bullshit line?”

  “I’m sorry I lied.” I step closer to him, touching his chest. Times like this with Beckett, I’m sure I could pursue a side career in taming wild lions. “I just…I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Let’s talk about this tomorrow when you’re sober.”

  “Only if you do something for me first.” He hooks an arm around me, crushing me against him. His breath is warm against my lips. “Tell me you’ll forget about that prick back there.”

  I search his bloodshot eyes, trying to gauge how far my answer will send him off the edge. It’d be so easy to pacify him and say I’ll forget about Mick like he wants, only I don’t have an intention of forgetting about Mick, nor do I want to.

  “And what? You and I live happily ever after? Come on, we’ve been over this a million times. I’m not going to throw our friendship away just because you get jealous the few times I give another guy attention. I love you, Beck, but I care about you too much to play this game.”

  “If you love me and care about me like you always say, then why won’t you give us a chance? Why can’t I be enough of a man to make you happy?”

  There will never be enough words to make Beckett 100% happy. There will never be an answer that will keep his doubt at bay, that will make him understand I truly do care about him, just not in the way he wants. Exhausted, I stand on my toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “You do make me happy. Now let’s go back to your place.”

  Once we’re back at his place, I make it clear we won’t be having sex again, though I do let him hold me as he falls asleep. Sometimes it just isn’t worth the fight.

  Over the next few days, I struggle with the decision to call Mick. I’m eager to hear more about Vivienne and why she was so jealous when she discovered us kissing outside of Flanagan’s. And I can’t wait to spend more time with him. Whenever I remember Beckett begging me to forget about Mick, however, I can’t find the strength to pick up my phone and dial his number. It’s like I’ve been living this double life, eager to please Beckett and his ever-changing mood while wanting to start something meaningful with kind-hearted Mick.

  One afternoon as I’m waiting for my next client at the shop, Lexie comes rushing at me from the front desk, her dark eyebrows raised high. The black corset she wears with leather leggings features bright red ribbon the same color as her hair. Every time I see her I’m reminded how much I admire her fashion sense. “Omigod, there is a delicious man waiting to see you. Do you want me to send him back?”

  Setting my hand on the back of my chair, I sigh. I could care less what the guy looks like. I just hope he’s not going to spend the next two hours hitting on me. I’m not in the mood for that shit. “Yeah, sure.”

  As I’m straightening out my tools, idly listening to Ozzy and Hunter banter with a customer over the recent Yankees game, I hear Mick say my name in his Irish tongue.

  Spinning around, I grab the chair for support. “Mickey! Hi!” I wasn’t prepared to see him here and now. He’s a beautiful sight to behold in a black t-shirt and dark jeans. I resist the urge to let my eyes wander onto his delectable arms or soft hair. “Wait. Are you my walk-in?”

  With a mega-cute smile, he stuffs his hands in his back pockets. “Figured it’s the only way to talk to ya since you won’t return m’ calls.”

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” Lexie buds in from behind, offering her hand. “I’m Lexie.”

  “Lex, this is Mick Flanagan,” I say as Mick takes her hand.

  “Pleasure to meet ya,” he tells her with a warm smile.

  Lexie giggles. “Hot and Irish. Have you known our Chloe long?”

  “A while,” I say, throwing her a dirty look. Lexie may seem like she’s flirting, but I know she’s warming up to him, hoping he’ll dish on the details of how well we know each other. “Lexi was just getting ready to run to the deli and grab us sandwiches. Did you eat yet?”

  Mick and Lexie drop hands. “Ya, nothin’ for me, thanks.”

  “Okay, I guess I’m off then,” Lexie sings, throwing me a good-humored grin. “Mick, it was awesome meeting you. Don’t worry, you’re in very capable hands.”

  “I don’t doubt it for a moment,” Mick answers with a wink.

  I grip the chair tighter once we’re alone, summoning the strength to keep my shit together. “So you finally decided to get your next piece done?”

  “I was hopin’ you’d design something with m’ family name. I’d like to get it across here.” He gestures to the top of his pectoral muscle on the left.

  Good lord, I’ll be touching the man’s chest for the next hour. I’m suddenly overheated in my elbow-length t-shirt and wish I would’ve worn something sleeveless. I clear my throat and set my hands over my chest. “I’m honored that you came to me. Do you have a particular script in mind?”

  Crossing his beautifully inked arms, he smiles crookedly. “Not exactly. Draw somethin’ up and I’ll let ya know what I think.”

  “Okay,” I say with a nervous nod that probably looks more like a mini-seizure. “Have a seat and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  My heart pounds as I head to the drawing table beside Ozzy’s booth where I spend the next ten minutes sketching something out. Of course I want each customer’s art to be sublime, but there’s an added pressure knowing I’m going to permanently mark Mick’s gorgeous body. Not only that, but I’m going to get my first glance of him without a shirt on. It’s a miracle my hand remains steady as I finish up.

  “Stellar work, Chloe,” Ozzy remarks from over my shoulder. “Print always has been your specialty.”

  Armed with the added confidence of Ozzy’s praise, I take the drawing over to show Mick. At first he looks almost unnerved, then his face relaxes to give me one of his genuine smiles. “That’s lovely.”

  “Let’s see how you…uh…are going to have to take your shirt off so we can figure out the placement.”

  Peeling off his black t-shirt, he reveals his exceptionally sculpted chest without a speck of hair to be seen. I’ve worked on plenty of attractive guys the past few months, but this is Mick. Not only is he crazy hot, but I’m plagued with a million raging emotions whenever he’s near. How am I supposed to stay calm when what I really want to do is throw him in the chair and have my way? With my breath caught in my throat, I reach for the counter and knock a few bottles of ink to the floor.

  Mick hurries to my side to help collect them. “Ya alright, sweetheart?” He gives me this innocent look like he has no idea what the sight of his gorgeous body has done to me. I swear there can’t be anyone less presumptuous than Mick Flanagan.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know if I can do this.” I stand and sweep my bangs from my eyes, hoping to maintain my balance because I’m feeling uncharacteristically weak. “Maybe you should find someone with more experience. There’s just too much between us for me to pretend this isn’t weird. I mean I want to do it for you, I really do. But you deserve the absolute best. I thought I could—”

  He steps in closer, taking me by my arms. “I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Oh,” I say, feeling a flush crawl up my neck.

  “And I don’t just mean for this tattoo.” His lips curl into a glorious smile as he touches my cheek. “I haven’t been able to get ya off my mind. But ya have to understand, Vivienne and m
e…we have a history that goes back to our families in Ireland and she was m’ girlfriend years ago. She recently came back into m’ life when my mum started losing her memory. Viv’s a nurse and deals with these kinds of things. T’ be honest, she wants more from me, but I told her I fancy someone else.” A smile stretches across his face. “I think we should give this thing a go. There are things about m’ family that I’ll have to eventually tell ya and I don’t have much free time to offer, but what I do have, I wanna spend with you, if you’ll have me.”

  A heaping mound of lust swells inside my belly as I touch his bare chest. “Your mom’s losing her memory? How bad is it?”

  His bright smile falters. “Bad enough that she can’t live alone.”

  “Ah, Mickey, I’m so sorry.” As I look up into his shining eyes, I feel a prick of tears forming in my eyes as well. “Is there anything I can do?”

  He takes my face in his warm hands. “Be there when I need ya. It’s all I ask.”

  I nod and hook my hand on his arm, leaning in to kiss him even though we’re standing in the middle of the shop surrounded by my boss and a hand full of customers. I dissolve with the feel of his warm, soft lips, so gentle as they take mine. We become so wrapped up in each other that I don’t even mind when I hear someone wolf whistle or Ozzy barking something about a running a brothel. The only thing I care about is standing in front of me.

  Chapter 5

  Once Mick and I make things “official” that afternoon in the shop, we don’t find time to actually be together again for days, though we’re constantly calling each other over the smallest things. He sends me pictures every few hours of just about anything from the sweet old man in the bar who wanted to “say hi” to Mick’s girlfriend, to his new tattoo once fully healed a few days later. I honestly think it was some of my best work of record and eagerly await the day when I can run my fingers across my masterpiece.

  The first time the band plays after my kiss with Mick, I sense Beckett’s curious gaze the entire hour and half. I’m mindful of the energy I give off, throwing myself into the music without letting my cheerful spirit shine too bright. Glori, Jewels, and Kelly bounce around with us from the front row, making it even harder to hold back every time I look at my friends’ boundless spirit.


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