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Chloe's Dream

Page 13

by Jennifer Ann

  Kelly and Theo also seemed to have coordinated her chevron skirt with his navy button down. They flirt relentlessly with each other, Kelly’s wild giggles often taking the center of attention away from the gift opening process.

  Mick and I sit side by side in the back row of chairs, his arm around me the entire time. He stops to kiss my temple whenever he catches me smiling. It feels so good to have someone doting on me so tirelessly. Yet I’m that much more fearful that everything will eventually come crashing down. Because it always does.

  After we indulge in a giant brunch of some baked egg dish, fresh fruit, croissants and strawberry-filled pastries, Adam’s parents come to each table with bottles of champagne. Once everyone has been served, Theo taps a fork against his glass and stands, clearing his throat until all are quiet. “First off, I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Peterson for hosting us all weekend in their beautiful home. This has been a phenomenal weekend filled with first class accommodations all the way.”

  The rest of us hoot and clap in agreement. Theo waits for the noise to die down before nodding his head at the couple of honor. “Since I already gave a speech last night, highlighting how inspiring Jewels and Adam’s love story has been to the rest of us, I’ll spare you a rehash. And I think they already know how much we all wish them the very best in a long, happy life together. So instead, Kelly and I would like to take this moment to invite all of you to the Virgin Islands for our wedding in November.”

  Mick and I exchange a look of surprise.

  “What?” Jewels cries out, staring at Kelly with bulging eyes.

  “We decided last night,” Kelly explains, reaching out to take Theo’s hand. “Don’t get me wrong, Jewels. Your wedding was totally perfect and we had the time of our lives dancing to the killer band, but Theo and I picture ourselves barefoot on the beach, celebrating afterwards in a tiki bar with our closest friends and family. Theo’s dad owns a huge house in the Virgin Islands where the wedding party could stay for free. It sleeps something like twenty-five people. We’ll provide food and drinks. Basically everyone would just be looking at cost of the flights down there.”

  Jewels darts from her chair to fling her arms around Kelly’s neck. “Omigod we’re going to the Virgin Islands!”

  The two friends squeal excitedly among an animated hug. I turn to Glori and she shrugs with a “why not” face. Mick brings his lips to my ear. “Somethin’ tells me I’ll fancy seein’ you in a bikini.”

  I rest my head on Mick’s shoulder most of the flight home, anxious to get my meeting with Beckett over so I can move forward on my life with Mick. I haven’t had much time alone with him since the night before, so just holding his hand is driving me so insane that I wish we could sneak off to the plane’s bathroom without the others noticing. I’m not even sure Mick would agree to such a thing, but it’s a fantasy that keeps me from straddling him in the cramped seats.

  Theo arranged for a pimped-out limo to meet us at JFK. Jewels and Adam are the first to be dropped off, followed by Kelly and Theo, then finally, Glori. Mick and I are taken to his place on the edge of Chinatown. Originally I was going to take a taxi home so Theo wouldn’t have to pay for the extra mileage to Staten Island, but then Mick offered for me to spend the night at his place and I accepted. I figured it would be a good chance for me to collect my wits before arranging a meeting with Beckett.

  Mick lives in a red brick building above a Canton restaurant. He leads the way up the first flight of stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder and my pull-behind in hand. The hallway reeks of raw seafood and fried oil, but as soon as we enter his place, the smell is hardly noticeable.

  Mick sets our bags next to the doorway inside and throws his keys on a small table. “It’s not much, but it’s been home t’me for long enough.”

  The small apartment is considerably tidy, and its only decorations are of 70s band posters and a blond Fender hanging from a pair of hooks on the gray wall. A suede couch and recliner both look to be a couple decades old by their funky designs, and there isn’t room in the kitchen for more than one person to function at a time, but otherwise I really dig the place. Between the worn wooden floors and the painted brick wall, there’s a warm, cozy vibe to the place.

  A collection of vinyl records spans nearly half a wall on a shelf beside a stereo in the living room. I immediately move over to inspect it closer, resisting the urge to squeal like Kelly and Jewels. I run my fingers along the albums, smirking as I skim through the titles. “I didn’t realize you were this into the classics. I mean, it’s great and everything, but are you sure my love for the modern stuff won’t bother you?”

  Mick’s arms slip around my waist. “Whatever ya love is fine with me.”

  I turn around in his arms to cradle his face. “It seems like forever since we had a minute alone. I want to see your bedroom.” I stand on the balls of my feet to kiss him, slow and teasingly. Then I wiggle my eyebrows. “Preferably now.”

  “Yer not the only one who can’t wait.” He bends down to gather my legs with the crook of his arm, carrying me like a child. I scream and laugh, holding onto his neck for dear life.

  When he flicks the bedroom light on, I’m pleasantly surprised by what I see. More 70s posters against gray walls, a simple bed without a headboard and a black comforter, a simple wooden nightstand that reminds me of the bar, and a small window with plain black curtains. I think it’s more about Mick being a simple man than not having a lot of money to make things fancy. It’s exactly how I imagined it to be, considering Mick’s generally a no-nonsense kind of guy. He sets me on the bed and lingers over me, teasing me with light, intermittent kisses. I loop my hands around his neck and pull him close, eager to taste him.

  It grows dark outside as we disappear in each other’s arms, doing nothing more than kissing and caressing with our shirts off. Mick seems to be holding back on taking it any further and I don’t care. I could kiss him for hours on end and be satisfied. At one point he stops kissing me and moves to his side, pulling me close.

  “I’ve been meanin’ to ask ya something since we got on the plane,” he whispers, wiping my stray hairs from my face. He bits his bottom lip as he stares down on me, a tentative look on his face.

  Smiling, I brush my finger against his beautiful lips. They’re slightly puffy from our make out session. “Mick Flanagan, are you nervous about something? I don’t think I’ve seen you make that face before now.”

  The misplaced look is replaced by a sheepish smile. “I don’t want ya to think this is about money and me wantin’ to split the rent. I don’t know if this is too fast, but it’s just now that I have ya back, I hate the thought of not seein’ ya at night. I know how many times you crash at Kelly’s place so you don’t have to take the ferry home. And I hate that you take the ferry all alone at night.” He runs his index finger across the top of my breasts. “Will ya move in with me, love?”

  My pulse thrums sporadically. As much as I want to spend every night next to this sweet man, there’s Gavin, and I can’t even consider such a thing until I know Beckett is going to accept the news that I’m in love with someone else. After his angry phone call before the wedding, I don’t see that happening any time soon. I run my tongue over the ridge leftover on the inside of my lip, recalling just how volatile Beckett’s temper can be.

  Mick rolls away from me, onto his back. “I’m movin’ too quick.”

  “No, you’re not,” I say quickly, shaking my head. I crawl over to him, setting my head on his warm stomach. He begins to run his fingers through my hair. “I’m happy you asked. I want to move it with you, I swear. It’s just…my brother has a lot of issues and I can’t exactly throw him out on the street. I’m going to need some time to figure things out.”

  “Ya don’t hate the place then?”

  I lift my head and grin, wanting to kiss the hell out of those gorgeous lips curling back at me. “No! It’s great! You’ve got yourself a classy joint and I can appreciate that you’re a minimalist. With some
different lighting and my new leather couches, we could make this a killer place to chill out. I can see us sitting around, playing our guitars together all night for our friends. And I just bought a pillow-top bed a few months ago that would kick your scrawny mattress’s ass.”

  He chuckles in a low sound. “For all I care, ya can paint the place pink so long as yer in it. And I can wait as long as it takes, s’long as yer doin’ whatever ya need to make it happen.” He pulls me up until our mouths can connect, his gentle hands exploring me as our tongues go to work.

  My heart soars. I love everything about this man. The way he smells and tastes. The sound of his voice and the small colic in the back of his hair. The way he kisses and the way he touches me. The way he always keeps a positive attitude in a world gone to shit. It seems I’ve waited my whole life for someone who would treat me this way, and it seems a miracle Mick comes with so few flaws, yet still wants to be with me.

  With the threat of Beckett’s jealousy looming in the distance, however, I fear our relationship is too gentle and will be shattered too easily.

  Minutes into our intimate moment, my phone chimes with an incoming call. Mick reaches out to the night stand with his lips still attached to mine.

  “Let it ring,” I whisper between kisses. “I don’t want to talk to anyone. I just want to get naked with my boyfriend.”

  Mick hands me the phone anyway, grinning in that tantalizing way. “We’ve got all night for this, love. Just answer it.”

  I roll my eyes when I see it’s my brother calling. He’s probably upset that I’m not home to feed him supper. “Hey, Gav,” I greet him with a heavy sigh. “What is it? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Are you with Beckett?”

  “No, why?” I look away from Mick, unable to have any conversation about Beckett while looking at him. He repositions me so he can sit up and kiss my neck.

  “He called about an hour ago, yelling like a crazy person, wondering where ‘the fuck’ you were. He said if I hear from you that I should tell you to meet him at the warehouse. I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you two, but I think maybe you better meet him. He’s incredibly pissed about something. I’ve never heard him so angry.”

  The pit of my stomach drops, leaving me cold and breathless. Does Beckett somehow know I’m here with Mick? My phone trembles inside my hand.

  “Chloe,” Gavin says sharply, “are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah, I heard ya. Thanks. I’ll be home tomorrow, I’m staying in the city tonight.”

  “I know you two have a really twisted history. Is there something going on that I should know about? Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I’ll be fine,” I say, swallowing down a huge lump in my throat. “Talk to you later.”

  Mick stops kissing me and pushes my hair behind my ear, frowning as he tries to read my expression. “Everythin’ okay?”

  “I’m sorry to do this to you, but Gav said Beck and Lando stopped by looking for me. They want to meet to hammer out a few songs before our big show this Friday. They’re right, we’re playing for a crazy big crowd and need to get our shit together.” I stand from the bed, grabbing my t-shirt and slipping it over my head. “I’m just going to pop down there for a couple of hours, then we can finish where we left off.”

  Mick reaching for my hand with a small smile. “Do ya mind if I come with to watch?”

  “I don’t, but the guys would. They don’t like an audience when we’re practicing. They both have big egos and don’t like it when I boss them around.” With every false word, it’s like I’m becoming this colossal disappointment that could never meet Mick’s standards. My stomach twists with regret. I lean in to kiss him softly. “But I promise to give you a private performance when I return.”

  Mick raises his arms, resting them behind his head on the pillow. “Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’ll be the bloke layin’ here, pinin’ away for a chick in a rock band.”

  “Stop bein’ so adorable or I’ll never make it outta here.” I throw my bag over my head and blow him a kiss. “Bye, baby. Love you.”

  His gaze warms with desire. “Eye. And I love ya, too.”

  Approaching the warehouse, my skin prickles with the eerie stillness created from the lights out. Normally I’m not bothered by walking alone in the dark as I’ve done it hundreds of times over the years, but there’s a lingering presence in the shadows. I don’t know if it’s because Beckett told Gavin to have me meet him here and he’s not around, or if I’m afraid he’s actually sitting inside among the darkness, waiting for me.

  After opening the door with my key, I reach for the light switch. The loud noise that follows makes me jump and I’m temporarily blinded by the glaring lights that cut through the darkness. Once my heart has slowed and I’m able to catch my breath, I open my eyes to a sight I know I’ll never be able to un-see, no matter how hard I try or no matter how much time has passed. I cover my mouth as a loud cry escaped my throat.

  What’s left of Blue Beauty lies in the center of the open floor, her neck severed in half and her broken body scattered in several pieces. The sight of her jaded, wooden core is like a stab to my heart. The words “FUCKING LIAR” are written on one of the walls, its red color dripping down from each recklessly written letter. If I didn’t smell the pungent odor of fresh spray-paint, I’d worry he killed someone and wrote the message in their blood like some kind of Charles Manson follower. Beckett was clearly unhinged when he scrawled the message.

  I can’t get my hands to cooperate as I try to call Mick. “Shit!” I cry, trying to hold still. My eyes don’t leave the menacing words as I finally hit his number and wait for him to pick up, bouncing with impatience. With the sound of Mick’s voice, saying to leave a message, the fear coursing through me becomes numbing. “Mick, baby, you gotta listen to me. I need you to leave the apartment and go somewhere public. Don't wait for me to get back, just go. Call me when you get there. I’ll explain everything later.”

  I take off in a dead run. By the time I make it to the subway, I’m so disheveled that I almost hop on the wrong line. I try calling Mick several times again before dialing Flanagan's. Someone I don’t know answers and tells me they haven’t seen or heard from Mick since he left for Wisconsin. As I dial Kelly, I swear I’m going to hurl. My head swarms with the possibilities of what could be happening while I’m sitting here on my ass.

  “Chloe? What’s up?” Kelly answers in a chipper tone.

  “Kel, thank god. Listen, I really need your help. Somehow Beckett found out that I lied to him and that Mickey and me are together. He smashed Blue Beauty to bits and left me a message and now I have this shitty feeling that he’s going to go after Mick.” I nearly choke on the word “smashed.” Beckett knew exactly where to hit me to make the biggest impact. I knew I could replace Blue Beauty, but it’s never be the same.

  An old, frail-looking woman frowns at me from the other side of the subway.

  “Whoa, slow down, Chloe. I thought you were staying at Mick’s tonight?”

  “I was…I mean I am, but Gavin said Beck called and wanted me to meet him at the warehouse. He wasn’t there, but he made it crystal clear that he’s incredibly pissed. I tried calling Mick to warn him, but he won’t answer. I’m on the subway now and should be at his place in fifteen minutes. What do I do? Do I call the cops? Shit! I should’ve warned Mick about Beck’s temper! I just never thought he’d go this far off the deep end!”

  “Hold on,” she tells me. I hear the scratchy sound of her hand covering her phone and then her muffled voice volleying with Theo’s deeper one before she comes back to me. “Theo and I are on our way to his apartment. Go to Flanagan’s to see if he got your message and went there to wait. Theo says you better not go to Mick’s alone in case Beckett is there. It’ll be okay, Chloe. I’m sure Beckett’s mad, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to actually hurt Mick. He’s probably pleased enough with himself for breaking your guitar, the fucker.” I hear Theo’s
deep voice calling for a cab in the street. “We’re leaving now. I’ll call you when we get there.”

  I bolt from the subway doors the moment they’re open, shoving my way through the swarm of late-night partygoers and getting more than one dirty look and a middle finger. For years I’d convinced myself that Beckett was only jealous because he loves me and that it was perfectly normal. Even though I have researched enough on serial killers over the years to understand the traits of a psychopath, Beckett’s erratic behaviors slipped past me because what? I’m gullible? In denial? In awe every time I look into his beautiful eyes, making it easy to lie to myself?

  Once I’m out on the street, I have to grab the railing leading down to the subway before I collapse. What if he’s taken away my first real shot at happiness with someone I want to spend the rest of my life with? I run at full speed toward Mick’s block, tears rushing down my face, wild thoughts overtaking anything that may seem rational.

  Chapter 9

  The outside door leading up to Mick’s apartment is locked so I buzz his number over and over. “C’mon, c’mon!” I cry, jumping up and down. My stomach lurches angrily. “Answer, goddamn it!”

  The main door finally swings open. Kelly stands in the doorway, looking at me with a mix of sympathy and disapproval. By the way she tenses up, I get the feeling she just saw something pretty horrific. “You weren’t supposed to come here!”

  I push past her and start up the stairway. “What happened? Is he okay?”

  Kelly’s right on my heels. “Okay enough that he doesn’t need to go to the hospital, anyway. Theo’s trying to convince him to call the cops.”

  My heart sinks when I step into Mick’s apartment and find him standing near the kitchen with Theo. His left eye already looks swollen and there’s a deep cut at the corner of his mouth. Frozen in place, I let out a small cry when I realize he’s okay otherwise.


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