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Chloe's Dream

Page 17

by Jennifer Ann

  Circumstances and life may get in the way, but it will not shatter.

  Our love is the kind reserved for fairy tales and happily ever after.

  Our love

  Our love is for always

  Our love will prevail

  Semper fi, semper fi

  My feelings for you will never fail.

  I may have hurt you once but never again.

  You became my lover, my life, my friend.

  When I look into your eyes I see my future and happiness.

  Every time you touch me I come apart and it’s glorious.

  Our love

  Our love is for always

  Our love will prevail

  semper fi, semper fi

  my feelings for you will never fail.

  Circumstances and life may get in the way, but it will not shatter.

  Our love is the kind reserved for fairy tales and happily ever after.

  It was always you and me, we were destined to be.

  When I’ve finished the last note, it’s painfully quiet in the car. I open my eyes and see everyone still staring at me like I just recited a sonnet in Japanese. Then I realize nearly every girl has tears in their eyes except for Jewels, who actively cries with tears streaming down her face.

  “Hole. E. Shit,” Kelly whispers, wiping at her eyes.

  “Was it that bad?” I ask, looking between Jewels and Kelly. “I maybe need to work on the bridge a little more. I couldn’t quite get the—”

  Mick kisses the side of my head, chuckling. “Sweetheart, they’re cryin’ because you moved them with your voice.”

  “That song is way too good to for our wedding,” Kelly insists, shaking her head. She reaches across the car to take my hands. “It belongs on an album. Chloe, that fucking rocked. I know you’re usually yelling out hard lyrics, but…I mean…you should sing soft and slow more often. I think you’ve found your calling.”

  “You could give Christina Perry a serious run for her money,” Jewels adds, nodding. “I mean…whoa.”

  Ella, the second youngest of the Cavenaugh girls, dabs at her emerald green eyes with a Kleenex from her purse. “That was beyond amazing. You should put that on YouTube. I’ll bet you’d get a thousand likes within the first hour!”

  I close my eyes for a minute and rest my head on Mick’s shoulder. It’s a real boost to my ego to hear so much enthusiasm for my talent. If only it wasn’t so complicated to follow my calling. “You all are very sweet, thank you. But nothing’s too good for your wedding, and—”

  Kelly grabs onto my knees, shaking them like she’s resisting the urge to strangle me instead. “Stop! I don’t want to hear your buts! It’s time you accepted the fact that you’re crazy talented, sister, and you can still be successful without Landon or Beckett. I know you’re all torn up about your guitar getting smashed by that psycho, but maybe it happened for a reason. Maybe you have a gift for ballads and your softer side. That producer guy Beckett punched was right. You have everything it takes to be a star. I bet you could call him up to see if he’s still interested in only you. It’s past time you actively do something about your talent.”

  “Cavenaugh is right, as always,” Theo says with a smirk. “I could hook you up with a few celebrities who would probably pimp you out on social media. Never hurts to call in a favor or two for something this big.”

  Kelly’s eyes grow wide. “I know! You could butter up to Brooklyn, and she can brag online about your talent to all her Hollywood friends!”

  “Very funny, Cavenaugh.” Theo tilts his head back to face the ceiling.

  With a bright giggle, Kelly sits back, wrapping her hands around one of his bulging biceps. “You know I’m totally going to razz you about her now that I know it was Brooklyn Turner you were dating. I can’t believe you never told me.”

  The storm in Theo’s gaze brews darker when he looks at her. It’s not something he’ll be joking about with her any time soon. “Now that you’ve seen what a crazy bitch she’s capable of being, do you blame me? She’s starved for fame, and she’ll do whatever it takes to find it. Sleeping with my father is just her way of trying to climb the social ladder. I can’t believe he would go for his own son’s leftovers.”

  “I still can’t believe you dated her,” Kelly’s sister Sarah comments with a snort. “I mean, we haven’t met her in person yet, but she does not seem your type.”

  Theo shakes his head. “She was a different person before she made it big. Believe me.”

  Everyone turns to Gwen when she lets out a cackle of a laugh. “She was still a raving lunatic back then. You were just too goggly-eyed over her to see it. I was so happy when you brought Kelly home because I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about your girlfriend stabbing you in your sleep.”

  “She wasn’t that bad,” Theo replies. “Was she?”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Theo,” Glori says, “but you’re giving the girl far too much power. I get that you’re mad because she’s with your father because who wouldn’t be? Still, she’s someone from your past and you’re here this weekend to focus on your future. I say you accept that your father’s an…asshole and move on. Make sure Brooklyn sees how crazy in love you are with my sister and maybe she’ll realize she’s made a mistake by agreeing to come here this weekend.”

  “She’s right.” Kelly kisses his cheek and clinks her glass with his. “I say we focus on our future and sweep your past under the rug.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Theo smirks, holding his glass in the air. “Here’s to focusing on the future and good times with friends and family!” A round of hoots and hollers follow as everyone clinks glasses and takes a long swig. Just like that, the energy of our group shifts and the night suddenly fills with hope. Hope that Brooklyn won’t ruin the festivities and hope that there’s something to my solo career after all.

  Chapter 11

  The yacht is much bigger than Theo suggested and could easily hold three times the size of our party. It’s one of those sleek, white jobbers you see the likes of Rihanna renting out for a weekend on tropical vacations, complete with a helicopter pad and jet skis strapped to the back. We’re met with a crew of crazy good-looking men dressed in white button down shirts who help us step on board and seem eager to meet our every need.

  After a divine meal of lobster and steak, we wait around for a small band to set up their system on the top deck. The men gather down below for cigars and bourbon at Kurt’s request, leaving Brooklyn to defend for herself among the ladies. I caught her eyeing us from where she sat during the meal, peacefully contemplating her next move. When she stands and heads directly from where I stand with Kelly and Jewels, I clear my throat and touch Kelly’s arm.

  Kelly adjusts her dress and straightens so she’s taller than everyone. She offers Theo’s ex a genuine smile and her hand. “Brooklyn. We haven’t had a chance to be officially introduced. I’m Kelly.”

  The starlet blinks several times, appearing surprised. “Yeah, I know.” She puts her limp hand inside Kelly’s and smiles weakly. “You probably won’t believe me, but it really is nice to meet you.” Jewels and I follow suit, giving the celebrity our names and hands to shake. A nervous giggle falls from Brooklyn’s lips. “I have a feeling I’m not going to remember a lot of names after this weekend.”

  “You have to admit, it was a ballsy move for you to come here this weekend,” Kelly says, crossing her arms and cocking an eyebrow. “To our wedding.”

  Brooklyn pales and literally shrinks back from the three of us. “About that…I’m really sorry. I had no idea—I mean the way Kurt talked about Theo and his fiancée, it sounded like a last-minute kind of thing. I was worried that Theo found someone who was just in it for his money. When Kurt invited me down, it was more because I wanted to make sure Theo knew what he was getting into and wasn’t making some kind of a mistake. I may have cheated on him, but I still care about the guy. I mean, how could I not? He’s probably one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever known. And no offe
nse, but I don’t know anything about you. I need to make sure he wasn’t being used for his money. I just…I wanted to make sure he’s okay.”

  “Well you came all this way for nothing,” Jewels snaps. “He’s more than okay.”

  Snorting, Kelly nudges Jewels and whispers, “Down girl.”

  “I realized that the minute I saw you standing next to him that you weren’t what I expected,” Brooklyn mutters to Kelly before hanging her head. “And I realized I made a mistake by coming down here.”

  Kelly frowns, her arms still crossed. “Excuse me for being blunt, but I don’t get it. You’re a big star now. What does sleeping with Kurt accomplish?”

  “Sleeping with Kurt?” Brooklyn repeats, her eyes growing wide. “God, no! He’s really generous to me and everything, but I am not sleeping with him. He’s more of a father figure or a mentor. I’m considering being in one of his upcoming films. Shit, is that why Theo was so mad to see me here? He thinks I’m sleeping with his dad?”

  “No offense, but you’re really fucking naive,” Kelly answers. “What was he supposed to think?”

  “Kurt knows I’ve been seeing Jackson Connor. He invited both of us to stay, but Jackson’s in production and couldn’t get away.” Her shaking hand touches her forehead. “God, I’m such an idiot. Jackson warned me Kurt has a reputation with the ladies, but I never dreamed he would see me that way after I dated Theo for so long. I only met the guy twice before this weekend.”

  Kelly waves her hand through the air as if it’s all irrelevant. “You know what? It doesn’t matter why you’re here as long as you’re not planning to sabotage my wedding. Because if that was your plan all along, you can get your ass on a plane right now. Theo and I are crazy about each other and nothing your or anyone else may do will tear us apart.”

  “Wow. You sound pretty sure of that,” Brooklyn answers. She sets her hands on her hips, looking stuck between awe and annoyance.

  Theo swoops in behind Kelly, looping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “That’s because it’s true.” He kisses Kelly’s neck, drawing a soft sigh from his fiancée’s lips. In a matter of seconds they’ve managed to demonstrate just how wild they are for each other.

  Brooklyn sets her shoulders back with a stiff smile of defeat. “Don’t worry, I believe her. I’m just impressed the level of commitment you’re showing. You made it clear that you weren’t going to be dating again after we broke up.”

  “That’s because you broke my heart,” Theo snaps, “but I'm over it. And I knew early on that Kelly was the one I’m meant to grow old with.” Theo hugs Kelly tightly against him. She closes her eyes, smiling, and leans her head against his neck. “And I she’s right. If you’re here to cause trouble, you can leave. There isn’t anything you could say or do that would stop me from marrying her. And if you think for one minute that sleeping with my father is going to make me want you back, you never really did understand me.”

  Brooklyn stares at him with her lip quivering, looking like she’s ready to burst into tears. Jewels and I share an awkward glance, feeling like outsiders in a very intimate conversation. The band tunes up their instruments behind us. Kelly turns to take Theo by the hand, dismissing Brooklyn. “Finally. It’s time we show off our moves. My sisters don't believe me that you can actually dance.”

  Theo nods with a devilish grin. “I can’t wait to prove them wrong.” They walk away, glancing at the upset actress before leaving her alone with me and Jewels.

  Jewels immediately turns to Brooklyn, her eyebrows raised. “So was all that stuff you told Kelly a bunch of bullshit? Were you honestly hoping to somehow win Theo back this weekend?”

  “He was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Brooklyn whispers, tears spilling from her eyes. “And I fucked it up.” She glances at me before excusing herself and rushing over to the stairway.

  “Shit,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. “Something tells me she’s going to be a problem.”

  “I don’t think so. She seems to have gotten the message, loud and clear.” Jewels eyes light up with the first jazzy chords from the band. “Holy shit, they’re playing Moondance! I freaking love this song!”

  “And I think the guys are ready for us.” Giggling, I point to the dance floor where Adam and Mick dance together like they’re in a sock hop.

  The day of the wedding I wake when it’s still fairly dark outside. A loud wind blows against the guest house and thunder rumbles in the distance. Mick lays mere inches away on the bed, one side of his face pressed to the pillow and his arm draped across my bare thigh. It’s one of those moments in which I’m amazed by his beauty and grace, unable to believe he belongs to me. And yesterday he was talking about wanting to spend the rest of his life with me. Am I ready for marriage? I touch his family name inked across his breastbone, wondering what it would feel like to share the same last name, to tell people I have a husband and go home at night to make supper for and cuddle up on the couch with.

  Mick stirs at my side, a low hum falling from his lips as he hooks his arm out, pulling me tight against his warm body until he starts to lightly snore. I lay in his arms for several minutes, breathing him in and listening to the waves crashing on the rocks of the cliff below us.

  All at once I hear the low growl of an engine. It seems ridiculously early for visitors and anyone attending the wedding arrived the night before. Would Brooklyn have called for a ride so she could sneak out without any more drama? Curious, I carefully slip from Mick’s embrace and tip-toe to the window.

  A taxi circles around the long driveway, leaving its passenger standing on the cobblestone with a duffle bag in hand. A surprised squeak rises in my chest. I quickly slap my hand over my mouth, but Mick doesn’t stir with the noise or when I sneak to the front door and waltz barefoot to the uninvited guest. Crossing my arms when the early morning chill passes through me, I tell myself it will be okay even though it feels like my world is about to crumble.

  “I’m not here to hurt you.” Beckett steps out of the shadows, his hands held low at his sides the way one would try to calm a wild animal. He sets the duffle bag down by his feet and steps closer to me. “Chloe, baby, you need to hear me out. I hired an old buddy of my dad’s to dig around into your boyfriend’s past.”

  “Beck, you have to stop this,” I warn, gritting my teeth. “What are you doing here? You have completely lost your mind!”

  “Please, just listen to what I have to say! This guy Mick, he’s been lying to you all this time! His last name isn’t even Flanagan, it’s O’Donnell. His dad’s a wanted man in Ireland. He came to America with his mom and sister because there were threats on their lives back home.” The way he tucks his hands into his shorts pockets, he reminds me of the Beckett I first saw playing a guitar and knew I had to have in my life. It makes it extremely difficult to hate him even though I should. “Mick’s a terrorist, Chloe.”

  I’m struck with a dizzy spell as my insides become numb. For several long, drawn out moments, I blink at Beckett. His blond hair is neatly styled, face freshly shaved, clothes relatively neat for someone who just stepped off an airplane. The wild look is gone from his eye. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s trying to tell me my sweetheart of a boyfriend is a killer, I’d actually believe he’s reclaimed his sanity since I last saw him at the club.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” I finally say, shaking my head. “Why did you fly all the way down here to tell me this shit?”

  “Because you wouldn’t take my calls and your life is in danger!” he snaps, bringing his fists up at his sides. “It doesn’t matter if you won’t be with me! You can’t be with him because he’s a cold-hearted killer!” His open hand reaches for my face, but he stops himself. All at once his expression becomes gentle and he touches a strand of my hair instead. “If you don’t believe me, I can show you pictures of Mick and his dad together. They’re all over the internet if you look him up by his real name. There’s an entire Wikipedia page dedicated
to the things his dad has done. Mick and his sister Tess are listed as two of his seven children. There’s even a paragraph on how it’s been arranged for your boyfriend to marry the daughter of another man who is well known in the IRA. He’s lying to you, Chloe! He’s not who you think!”

  I bite my lip, wishing Mick would get his ass out here to tell me it’s all a bunch of lies. None of this can be true, can it? Then I remember Mick’s mom saying they had to flee Ireland and nearly vomit. “There are security guards on the property,” I say with an exasperated sigh. “Security cameras. You’re breaking the law just by being here. How did you know where to find us? How did you get in?”

  “It was in the news…Brooklyn Turner attending her ex-boyfriend’s wedding in the Virgin Islands. There are pictures of Theo with her all over social media. I’d heard Theo talk about his dad’s house on this island before. Once I got here it didn’t take much to bribe a few locals into telling me where I’d find the place.”

  “You’re on U.S. soil, Beck.” I reach out to touch his chest, patting it with resistance before laying it over his heart. “Please leave before someone else finds you here. I don’t want to see you go to jail and Mick will lose it if he sees you talking to me. I’m begging you, don’t do this. I can’t be friends with you if you can’t get your shit under control. This is not okay…any of it!”

  His fingers lace around my hand as he lets out a slow, deep sigh. “I’ve accepted the fact that you won’t leave him for me, even though I still think deep down you know we were meant to be together.” Closing his eyes, he draws my hand to his lips for a moment. “But please, baby, you have to promise me you’ll ask him about his dad and Ireland. Watch his reaction when you ask about his real name. Make him tell you what he’s hiding. Just don’t do it when the two of you are alone. I’m afraid what he’ll do to you if he knows you’re on to him.”

  “Do you hear yourself?” I whisper, feeling tears building behind my eyes as I reclaim my hand. “Mick had Flanagan tattooed on his chest. Why would he do that if it’s not his real name? All this stuff you’re saying, it sounds incredibly delusional. Terrorists? Arranged marriages? The Irish Republican Army? You’ve gone too far. Maybe it’s time you talk to a psychiatrist and get the help you really need.”


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