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True Bliss

Page 14

by BJ Harvey

  Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers look up at me, and I'm shocked when I see that they're sparkling with dirty thoughts. In fact, they're mirroring the exact thing that is going through my mind right now, I'm fucking sure of it. When I see her bite her lip and look down at the ground bashfully, I lose the ability to think with any part above my waist.

  I move my body close to hers, slowly dragging out the moment until we touch again, loving the fact that she doesn't shy away from me as I step toward her.

  Lifting my hand up to her face, I push a wayward hair that has fallen across her cheek, sweeping my fingers across her warm skin as I tuck it back behind her ear.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  She shakes her head, and I see the blush crawling up her cheeks. God, I love that blush. It makes me want to trace my tongue along her collarbone and up the soft skin of her neck until she moans for more. What I wouldn't give to have her coming apart under my hands as I take her to the edge over and over again. Shit. Back it up, Roberts. You'll end this for everyone before you've even begun.

  “Beautiful is not enough of a word to describe you. You're electric, you're alive and vibrant, and when you look up at me like that, you make me feel invincible. I've been staring at you all night, wondering how on earth I got so lucky to have met you, to spend time with you, to get to know you.”

  I run my hand down her cheek, turning it over and trailing my fingers down her neck, holding a grin back when I feel her heartbeat racing under my touch.

  “I feel lucky too. I thought you didn't want me,” she replies softly.

  I grit my teeth, and I can feel the tick in my jaw going crazy. She really doesn't see herself how the world sees her, and it grates on me that my one moment of chivalry-that took every ounce of my self-control to do-made her feel unwanted.

  Taking a step forward, I push her slightly backwards until her back is against the tree trunk. I know we're alone in this clearing at the moment, and I know that what I'm about to do will push her limits more than I was intending to tonight. But it's time my little firebird understood exactly what she does to me, and how much I truly want her.

  Her little gasp as she realizes what's about to happen spurs me on as I lift my hands to her jaw and move my mouth in close to hers, waiting just inches away and staring into her eyes as we breathe each other in.

  “I'm the lucky one,” I say, peppering kisses along her jaw before circling my tongue just below her ear. Her head falls away as she offers more of herself to me. It's taking everything I have to hold back. “God, you are sexy,” I murmur against the soft skin of her neck as I trail my tongue down to her exposed collarbone. I feel her body shudder against me.

  “Zander,” she whimpers. “Someone could see us.” I lift my head and tangle my hand in her hair, my other hand possessively gripping her hip as I lean into her, letting her feel every inch of me.

  “Let them see, babe. You're beautiful, stunning, and I'd love someone to see that I've got a woman like you rubbing her body against mine.” I move the back of my hand down her neck, and around the swell of her gorgeous breast. Cupping my hand around her, I love how she fills my hands perfectly. What did I tell you? Every man's wet dream and I'm the lucky bastard with her right now.

  “Tell me to stop, Kate. I don't want to push you too far.”

  “I can't stop.” Her voice is low, full of want and need. It is the sexiest sound I've ever heard. “Don't stop.”

  “You need to know the affect you have on me. You need to feel whatever this thing is that's going on between us.”

  “I feel it. I've been feeling it all night,” she answers breathlessly. Her tongue darts out and wets her lips, and my eyes watch the innocent movement as if it's the most intriguing thing I've ever seen in my life. In all honesty, it's hot as hell. I just want to reach out and run my thumb against her lips, feeling them part under my touch. My dick twitches at the mere thought of it. Damn, what is this woman doing to me?

  Leaning closer so that my entire body is now flush with hers, I bend down, making sure my hard cock is firmly nestled against her pelvis. She groans as I lean my full weight against her.

  “You okay?” I ask, moving my mouth to the crook of her neck, softly nipping the skin and soothing it with my circling tongue. When I hear a breathy whimper escape her lips, I lose the short tether of control I had left. I lift my head and crash my mouth onto hers. My right hand shifts back and tangles in her soft red hair as my left hand curls around and grips her ass, pulling our bodies as close as they can get without melding together.

  But it's all about the kiss. It's not about my hard body pushing into her deliciously soft one. It's about our tongues entwined together, exploring each other as if we're starving. And I am. I'm starving for her.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss even further, and when she starts making soft moans into my mouth, I lose it completely. As our lips continue to mesh in a passionate frenzy, her breathing starts picking up, her moans get louder, and it dawns on me that my little responsive pocket rocket might actually be getting more than we both bargained for. In that moment, there is nothing I want to give her more. Here, in the middle of Lincoln Park, I want to give her everything I have.

  My grip on her ass tightens, my fingers twist in her hair, and my tongue takes on a mind of its own as I caress hers, gently sucking it back into my mouth. As her breathing gets sporadic, and I feel her whole body tense up like a spring ready to explode, I gently scrape my teeth against her bottom lip, and with one long continuous thrust, grind my cock hard against her clit, causing her to cry out into my mouth as she comes apart in my arms.

  I pull away and look at her, her flushed cheeks, her panting breaths, and her eyes wide as she stares back me.

  “Did you just…”

  She nods, so slightly that I may have missed it had I not been studying her gorgeous face. Her head drops as she moves her hands from my back and twists them in her lap.

  “Has that ever happened to you before? Because god damn, babe, that is the first time I've ever almost come from making out.”

  She shakes her head and giggles.

  I turn my hand up, placing my thumb under her chin and lifting her gaze to mine again. “That was the hottest thing I've ever seen. If that happens just from us kissing, from us just touching and kissing, imagine how hot it's going be between us when we get to the good stuff.”

  A sly smile grows on her face, her red swollen lips curling upwards as she cups my face in her hands, leaning in and lightly kissing me before tracing her tongue along my bottom lip. “Wanna see if you can do it again?” she whispers against me.

  Fuck! Don't have to ask me twice.

  My little firebird is a pocket rocket of sexual energy. I'm still reeling after making her come from just kissing and some fully clothed frottage. That was fucking mind-blowing, and the sounds she makes when coming are almost enough to make me mess my pants.

  After finding the strength to kiss her goodnight and go to bed alone, my brain and, of course, my dick will not switch off.

  While not sleeping, I conjure up hot scenarios in my head where I get to kiss her all over, or I make her come while taking her hard against the wall of an elevator. The best one is my lap covered by a sea of fire engine red hair as she gives me head at the top of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier Park.

  I fall asleep with a smile on my face, wondering how my little firebird is holding up.

  One more date.


  My second date with Zander was epic. I mean, EPIC. He gave me two orgasms through my clothes by kissing me with a few carefully timed thrusts against a tree in a Chicago city park. I was shocked the first time it happened, as well as a little embarrassed. Who comes from just kissing and heavy petting? Me obviously, since we proved it wasn't just a one hit wonder. But despite my mind and body having other ideas when we got home, Zander was again a perfect gentleman, kissing me against my bedroom door before pushing me behind it and b
idding me goodnight.

  Stupid fucking three date rule. Who was the dumbass who wanted to enforce that one?

  It's Friday, and Zander is out working a full night of gigs, so I went out for a quick bite to eat with Nathan, and now I'm snuggled on the couch watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and trying to learn some tips. You know, just in case I decide to try and ruin whatever is growing between the two of us. It may have only been two dates, but we've been living together for nearly three weeks and we have known each other, albeit at a distance most of the time, for over a year.

  We haven't had “the talk” “the talk” even something adults do anymore? Who knows, but I log on to Chicago Singles and send one last message to Nightdancer23 before I cancel my profile.

  After reading the message three times, and editing it twice, I push send. I know it sounds distant and formal, but as much as the intellectual connection was there between us, without meeting in person and seeing whether that physical connection was there, it was never going to be anything more than an online friendship.

  Fireinthesky24: Hi. Sorry for not coming on here sooner, but I've been a bit distracted, of the good variety. That friend I told you about who was staying with me and was taking me out for a date? Well, things are going really well with him, and I'm hoping that things continue to go well with him. Part of that means canceling my membership to this site. I feel that it's disrespectful to stay on here when I should be focusing on building the relationship with him. I hope you understand, and I just want to let you know how much I've enjoyed talking to you. It's been great to make a friend on here, if not anything else. Who would've thought I'd meet a guy offline after trying to find one online? I wish you all the best in the future, and I just know that a great, funny, easygoing guy like yourself will get snapped up super quick.

  Now I'm waiting for Zander to get home. I don't want to seem like the eager beaver by waiting up for him...get it? Eager beaver? Well, actually, that's not far from the truth to be honest. I'm so pent up. I've been trying to rip the label off my wine bottle all night-yes, I'm one bottle in and on a roll-and my nether regions are so ready to party that they're threatening to pack up and leave town.

  So what is a girl to do? She waits up for her two date maybe boyfriend to finish stripping in front of hordes of horny, drunk women, and come home to her, hopefully needing some relief of the oral variety. Or the vaginal variety. How about two for the price of one?

  Remember, when I'm drunk I become very loose-lipped, so you'll have to bear with me.

  For the past few days, all I've been able to think about is Zander's mouth...and his arms...and those firm biceps that feel so good under my hands...and that hard steel between his legs that I've felt on more than one occasion now...

  So what is a girl to do? Get drunk, get horny...ier, and wait for her man. I want him to be my man, desperately. I find myself excited to wake up in the morning and see his gorgeous face waiting for me with a freshly poured brew in his hand. I'm eager to finish up work and get home in the hope that I beat him just so that I can make dinner for him, and I love snuggling up on the couch with him watching mindless television, just spending time together.

  There has been no pressure from him for sex. Nothing more than the heavy petting in the park. I'm well aware of his penchant for public, outdoors sex, and although my sexual adventures have generally been indoors, and probably nowhere near as thrilling as his have been, I'm more than willing to give whatever he has to offer a try. Try everything once, maybe twice just to be sure.

  I check the time and see that it's after eleven p.m. With him still not home, and my drunken mind wandering to rather dangerous places, I pour the rest of my wine into my glass and drink my sorrows away.

  And that is the last thing that I remember.


  After three gigs, I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I may work out, but dancing and performing for forty-five minutes is way harder than you think. And three of those in one night is borderline insane but the boss was caught short, so I offered to cover. My theory is that if I earn enough tonight, I can take a day off next weekend, or even the whole weekend to rest and spend time with Kate.

  I've got it bad, and I don't even care if I sound like a sap. She is better than I could have imagined. Three times this week I've come home from the academy, and she's been cooking dinner for us with a cold beer in the fridge waiting for me. What makes it better still is that I'm totally not expecting her to do it, but she tells me she wants to. We still haven't had sex, we haven't even slept in the same bed together yet. But shockingly, I'm in no rush. I want Kate to stick to her three date rule. I don't want her to have any reason to question what we have and what we're building.

  When I finally walk in the door close to midnight, I find a blank screen on the TV and a sleeping Kate curled up on the couch with her wine glass clutched in her hand like her life depends on it. I grin at her. She looks so damn cute and she's making these adorable soft snoring noises, but it's more than that. She was waiting up for me, and I've never had that. I've never had this intimacy, this level of anything with a woman before, and I like it. I like it a lot. Is this what happens when you embark on relationships not solely based on casual sex? If so, I think I might have been missing out.

  I put my bag down, and after turning off the TV, I wrench the wine glass from her hand, and place it on the table behind me. I see an empty wine bottle on the coffee table and chuckle to myself as I lift her up into my arms, cradling her against me with one arm around her back, the other underneath her knees.

  She buries her head in my neck as I walk toward her bedroom. The smell of her hair-a vanilla concoction I've seen in the bathroom-fills my senses, and fuck if it doesn't fill my brain with thoughts that are really not helpful right now. The warmth of her breath laced with her favorite wine taunts me as I pull the covers back and lay her down on her bed, softly placing her head on the pillow. She opens her eyes slowly, smiling when she sees me. She wraps her arms around my neck to stop my retreat.

  “You came home.” Drunk or not, thinking that this is home for me isn't too short off the mark.

  “Of course I did. Didn't want to be anywhere else,” I reply as I kiss her forehead.

  “I want you,” she whispers in a soft drunken slur as her eyes close again. She tries to pull me closer, but I put an arm to the bed and hold my ground, leaning above her and taking in the sight of my drunken cute as hell firebird in person.

  “I want you so bad it hurts, babe, but my plans involve you being sober, coherent and very much awake. So how about we wait for that third date and really make it worth our while?”

  Her hands slip down my chest, gripping tightly to my T-shirt. “Hmmm. Stay with me then,” she rasps, opening her eyes again. I can see how much she wants this. One look like that, and I'll give her the world and ask her if she needs anything else.

  “Never thought you'd ask.” She loosens her grip, allowing me to stand. I reach over my shoulder and pull my t-shirt off before stepping out of my jeans.

  “Do you need to get changed, babe?” I ask, earning a shake of her head, her eyes closing again as sleep threatens to take hold. She's wearing a tight tank with no bra which I'm begging my cock to ignore, and short, silk pajama bottoms.

  “Nope…I'm perfect.” Yes, goddammit, you are.

  I walk around the four-poster bed. All it needs is drapes around the sides, and it would be like those princess beds you see in movies. I remember when I first saw her room all those months ago, and thought it was a perfect fit for her. Never did I think I'd be sleeping with her in it. And only sleeping.

  As I get into bed and lie down, Kate rolls over and straight into my arms. Oh shit. I'm in fucking deep trouble now. This girl...that body...those damn, silky cock jerks awake, cursing me for teasing him constantly.

  No, this is not about sex. It never has been with Kate; otherwise I would have been in this bed, in various stages of nakedness, long before now. I migh
t as well hand in my man card because this girl has gotten under my skin in the seven weeks it's been since I saw her in the bar on her date. Bullshit, it was well before that, but now I don't think there is any way I can get her out again, even if she tried.

  My last thought before sleep finally takes me is how the fuck did I get so lucky.


  I wake up plastered to a warm body. And I mean plastered. One arm is underneath my head, the other is over a slow beating heart, my legs are tangled with long, hard muscular ones and my pelvis is being stabbed by either a rather hard stick, or the stiffest cock I've ever felt against me.

  Nope, I must still be dreaming. There is no way I could have dragged Zander to my bed and had my way with him-finally!-and not remember it. That would be a violation of the 'all that is holy' girl code, and that wouldn't fly. You never just 'sleep' with a man like Zander, you let him own your soul.

  I lie there for a few more minutes, my mind racing at thoughts of what I'm wearing, was it cute, what happened last night, then oh shit, my hair must be a mess, my breath must be horrendous and-eww, yuck!-I forgot to brush my teeth before bed. Then there are the flashes of memories. The way he carried me to bed, how I nuzzled his neck, how happy I was that he was home, and him telling me he didn't want to be anywhere else.

  I smile and slowly open my eyes, being met with the gorgeous sight of Zander Roberts lying in my bed beside me, his eyes still closed, his breathing steady as he sleeps off his late night. He must have gotten home late if I had conked out on the couch. He must think I'm such a lush.

  Lying beside him as still as I can, I decide that if I never have this opportunity again, I owe it to myself to at least explore my surroundings.


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