Marina Tsvetaeva- the Essential Poetry
Page 6
You’re so forgetful, yet so unforgettable.
–Ah, You look just like Your smile!
Say something else? – More beautiful than a golden morning!
Say something else? The only one in the entire Universe!
The prisoner of war of young Love itself,
A chalice cast by Cellini’s hand.46
* * *
Friend, allow me in the age-old way
To declare love, the most tender in the world.
I love You. –In the fireplace the wind is howling.
Lounging – staring into the fireplace fire –
I love You. My love is innocent.
I’m saying it the way little children do.
Friend! All this will pass! –Temples pressed into palms, –
Life will unclench itself! –Love will release You,
A young prisoner of war, but – inspired –
My winged voice will prophesize to everyone –
About the fact that You once lived on this Earth –
So forgetful, yet so unforgettable!
End of November 1918
* * *
Your tender mouth is – nonstop kissing...
–And that’s it; I’m totally like a beggar.
Who am I now? –The only one? –No, the thousandth!
A conqueror? –No, the conquered!
* * *
Whether this is love – or admiration,
The whim of a pen – or the reason,
Yearning to be an angel –
A bit of affectation – by your calling...
* * *
–The sadness of the soul, the enchantment of the eyes,
The flourish of a pen – ah! – it doesn’t really matter,
What you will call these lips – as long as
Your tender mouth is – nonstop kissing!
December 1918
* * *
Mortal lips and mortal arms
Have blindly destroyed my eternity.
With my eternal Soul in separation—
I sing the mortal lips and arms.
* * *
The rumbling of divine eternity is – more muffled.
Only at times at the break of day –
From the dark heavens – a mysterious voice utters:
–Woman! –Remember your immortal soul!
The end of December 1918
* * *
These are ashes of treasures:
Of losses, affronts.
These are ashes before which
Granite turns — to dust.
* * *
A bare and bright dove
Not living as a pair.
Solomon’s ashes
Above the great vanity there.
The threatening chalk
Of sunsetless time.
It means God entered my doors
After the house burned down!
* * *
Not stifled in rubbish,
Master to dreams and days,
Like a sheer flame
Spirit comes – from the premature gray!
* * *
And it is not you who betrayed me,
Years — go to the rear!
This grayness is the victory
Of immortal powers.
September 27, 1922
* * *
Quieter, praise!
Don’t slam the door,
* * *
Corner — and an elbow.
* * *
A commotion, stop!
Heart, give it a rest!
An elbow — and forehead.
An elbow — and a thought.
* * *
Youth is — for loving,
Old age — for keeping warm:
No time — to be,
Nowhere to go.
* * *
At least a nook —
Just without others!
Spigots — leak,
Chairs — thunder,
* * *
Mouths speak:
Mumbling with marbles
In the mouth
Give thanks “for beauty.”
* * *
If only you knew,
Near and far one,
How much I pity
My own head —
* * *
Like God in the Horde!
The steppe’s — a casemate —
Paradise — this is where
They do not speak!
* * *
A womanizer’s — a swine —
A storekeeper’s just — a detail!
God for me will be the one
Who’ll give me
* * *
— Not the time! —
My days are numbered—
But four walls
For silence’s sake.
Paris January 26, 1926
* * *
With the otherworldly
Hall of tsars.
— What about this one of marble,
The unbending one?
* * *
So magnificent
In the gold of the shoulder mantle.
— A pitiful gendarme
Of Pushkin’s glory.48
* * *
He cursed — the author,
He cut — the manuscript.
The vicious butcher
Of the Polish land.49
* * *
Look more sharp-eyed!
Don’t you ever forget:
The killer of singers
Tsar Nicholas
The First.
July 12, 1931
* * *
I opened my veins: indefatigably,
Irretrievably life gushes out.
Set out the bowls and plates!
Each and every plate will be too shallow,
The bowl — too flat.
* * *
Over the edge — and past it —
Into the black earth, to nourish a reed,
Irreversibly, indefatigably,
Irretrievably lines of poetry gush out.
January 6, 1934
Liebster, Dich wundert
die Rede? Alle Scheidenden
reden wie Trunkne und
nehmen gerne sich festlich...50
You shudder — mountains drop from your shoulders,
And the soul — ascends.
Let me sing of my mounting grief:
Of my mountain!
* * *
I will not plug up the dark hole
Not today nor tomorrow.
Let me sing of my mounting grief
At the top of the mountain.
* * *
That mountain crest was like the chest
Of a recruit, felled by a shell.
That mountain wanted virgin
Lips, that mountain demanded
* * *
A wedding ceremony.
— The ocean into the cochlea
With a suddenly breaking-in hurrah! —
That mountain spurred and warred.
* * *
That mountain was like thunder!
We flirt with titans in vain
(Do you remember the last house
Of that mountain — at the edge of the city limits?)
That mountain was — worlds!
God charges dearly for the world!51
Mourning began from the mountain.
That mountain above the city.
* * *
Not Parnassus, not the Sinai,
Just a bare barracks
Hill, — Line up! Fire! —
Why then for my eyes
(Since it’s October now, not May)
Was that mountain Paradise?
* * *
Like a paradise offered
On a palm — don’t touch it if it’s burning!
The mountain threw itself under our feet
In the ruts of slopes.
As though with a titan’s paws
Of bushes and needles —
The mountain grabbed us by the hems
And ordered us: Stop!
* * *
O, it’s far from being an ABC-primer of
Paradise — a draft of drafts!
The mountain knocked us on our back,
It commanded us: lie down!
* * *
Struck dumb beneath the onslaught
— How? You can’t figure it out even today! —
The mountain, like a matchmaker of — holiness,
Pointed: here...
* * *
The pomegranate seed of Persephone,52
How can I forget you in the frosts of winter?
I remember lips like a double seashell
Partly opening up to mine.
* * *
Persephone, ruined by a seed,
The persistent crimson of lips,
And the spaces between your eyelashes — like notches,
And the golden point of a star.
* * *
Passion’s not a deception, or figment of imagination!
It doesn’t lie — just don’t prolong it!
O, if only we’d appear in this world
As commoners of love!
O, if only with common sense and in simple terms:
Just — a hill, just — a mound...
They say — you measure the height of a mountain
By your attraction toward the abyss.
* * *
In heaps of brown heather,
In islands of afflicted pine needles...
(The height of delirium — above the level
Of life)
— Here take me! I’m yours...
* * *
Rather the quiet cordialities of the family,
Rather the babbling of nestlings — alas!
Because we appeared in this world —
As celestial beings of love!
* * *
The mountain mourned (but mountains mourn
With bitter clay in the hours of parting),
The mountain mourned about the dovelike
Tenderness of our unheralded mornings.
* * *
The mountain mourned over our friendship:
The most constant kinship of lips!
The mountains spoke that everyone
Will receive — according to his tears.53
* * *
The mountain also mouthed that life
Is a gypsy camp, that you squandered your life in different hearts!
The mountain also mourned: you could at least
Let Hagar and her child go!54
* * *
And it also said this is a demon that
Is twisting and turning, that there is no plan to
the game.
The mountain spoke. We were mute
We let the mountain judge.
* * *
The mountain mourned that it will become only
Sorrow — that today there is only blood and torrid heat.
The mountain mourned that it will not release
Us, not let you be with another woman.
* * *
The mountain mourned that it will become
Just smoke — that today: it will be both peace
and Rome.
The mountain mouthed that we are to beWith another (I don’t envy them!).
* * *
The mountain mourned over the awful burden
Of an oath, that was too late to be cursed.
The mountain said that the Gordian Knot is —
Just too old — duty and passion.
* * *
The mountain mourned over our mourning:
Tomorrow! Not right away! When above the brow —
There already is no memento, but just — mori!55
Tomorrow, when we will understand!
* * *
The sound...well is it as though someone
Is crying...somewhere nearby?
The mountain mourned that we have to go down
Separately, through this dirt —
* * *
Into a life, of which we all know:
The mob — the market — the barracks.
The mountain also said that all poems
Of mountains — are written — like this.
* * *
That mountain was like the hunched back
Of Atlas, a moaning titan.
Prague will be proud of that mountain
The city where from morning to night we
* * *
Trump our life — like a card!
We passionate people persist in not being.
In the same mold as the bear moat56
And the twelve apostles —
Revere my gloomy grotto,
(I was — that grotto, and the waves splashed in!)
Do you remember the last move
Of that game — at the edge of the suburbs?
* * *
That mountain was — worlds!
Gods take revenge against their imitations!
Mourning began from the mountain.
That mountain on me is — a tombstone.
* * *
Years will pass. And — the above-mentioned
Stone will be removed, replaced by a flat one.57
They will cover our mountain with dachas,
They will clutter it with little garden plots.
* * *
They say that in these kind of outlying areas
The air’s cleaner and it’s easier to live.
And they’ll start to carve up the land into lots,
And dazzle you with crossbeams of the dachas,
* * *
To smooth out my mountain gaps,
All my ravines — turn bottom’s up!
After all — for someone
Homes are — happiness, and happiness to the home!
* * *
Happiness — at home! Love without delusions!
Without the stretching of sinews!
I need to be a woman — and endure!
(There used to be happiness when he used to come,
* * *
Happiness — in the home!) The city of love,
Brightened up neither by parting or a knife
Will rise on the ruins
Of our happiness: the city of husbands and wives.
* * *
And in that blessed air,
— While you still can — be sinful! —
There will be shopkeepers resting
To chew up the profits,
* * *
To think up floors and passages,
So that every thread — would be used for the house!
For somebody after all needs
A roof with a stork’s nest.58
* * *
But beneath the weight of those foundations
The mountain will not forget — the game.
The mountain has — mountains of time:
It has those gone astray, but not those memory-free!
* * *
Along the unrepentant fissures
A vacationer will grasp it too late:
* * *
This is not a knoll, overgrown with families —
But a crater, set into rotation!
* * *
p; You can’t fetter Vesuvius
With grapevines! You can’t bind a giant
With hemp! Just the madness
Of lips is — enough for the vineyards
* * *
To begin to stir like a lion’s mane,
Pouring out the lava of hate.
Your daughters will be strumpets
And your sons — poets!
* * *
Daughter, raise a child out of wedlock!
Son, ruin yourself with gypsy women!
There will be no den of iniquity,
For you, bodies, on my blood!
* * *
With an oath of a man on his death-bed,
An oath stronger than a cornerstone, I swear:
You will have no earthly happiness,
Ants, upon the heights of my mountain!
* * *
At an unknown hour, at an unknown date,
You will comprehend with all your family
The foolhardy and massive
Mountain of the seventh commandment!59
* * *
There are blank spots in memory — cataracts