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The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)

Page 4

by Bellucci, Bree

  Olivia moved quickly to a nearby art easel, but she could feel the monster’s eyes on her; her skin crawled. She tried to busy herself by looking through the array of drawing pastels. Pastels were not her medium of choice, but she was beyond grateful for any art supplies. Moments later, she could feel someone standing behind her; she knew it was not the young girl.

  “Hello,” a gruff voice spoke behind her.

  Slowly, Olivia turned around, knowing she had brought this on herself by staring.

  “Hi,” she murmured, bravely looking the monster in his eyes. Surprisingly, his eyes were gentler than Rurik’s. In fact, they were intelligent and soft in a way that neither Gorside’s nor Rurik’s were.

  “I’m Leo.”

  “Umm...I’m Olivia,” she stuttered, finding it strange that this monster had such a normal name. Then again, she didn’t have much for comparison.

  “You’re new here.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Obviously,” Olivia said dryly, realizing her thirty precious minutes were ticking quickly away.

  “What’s your story?” Leo stretched out one of his paw-like arms, and pulled up a nearby stool. Olivia wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries, especially now.

  “I don’t really want to go into it, and forgive me for being rude, but I would really prefer to be by myself right now.” Olivia chose her words carefully.

  It was hard to tell with Leo’s strange eyes, but he seemed hurt and his twisted face seemed to falter a bit.

  “Of course. I understand. Please forgive the intrusion.” He lowered his voice so that Olivia could barely hear him. “I’ve been planning an escape, and the ones who have been here too long,” he nodded towards the redhead, “are too dead inside to care.”

  This got Olivia’s attention and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “How do I know this isn’t a trick?” she whispered heatedly.

  “I’m a prisoner just like you,” Leo said, shrugging his ugly shoulders. “I was working with Mastiv since he had been smuggling out nymphs, but once he was captured, I’ve been on my own.” Leo looked almost wistful. “His knowledge was extensive.”

  Olivia recalled how Rurik said she was his reward for capturing a monster that had been smuggling out nymphs.

  “Rurik captured him, didn’t he?” Olivia asked, and Leo nodded.

  “How did you know?”

  “I’m Rurik’s reward,” she said somberly.

  “Then you have every reason to work with me!”

  Olivia shook her head, scared. “I don’t know. I just got here. I just met you. At least give me until—”

  Leo’s yellow eyes became angry. “Until what? Until Rurik abuses your body so much that he all but breaks you? Until you become dead inside, living only for the moments when he fills you, tricking you into thinking you want him? Having him degrade you? Share you? Become a monster’s fuck toy?”

  Olivia angrily pushed her hair out of her eyes. “Isn’t that what you’re doing here?” she demanded. “Fucking young women who had their whole lives ahead of them? Aren’t you just as bad as the rest of them? Why should I trust you?”

  Leo recoiled as if he had been physically hit.

  “You know nothing about me,” he hissed.

  Olivia’s face fell. She realized that was true; she didn’t know Leo’s story. But he was a monster, just like Rurik and Gorside.

  “I’m not like them,” he insisted softly. “Forgive me for bothering you.”

  He turned away and walked stiffly towards a fat armchair.

  “Leo, wait,” Olivia said. She knew Leo heard her, but he didn’t turn around. Moments later, the elevator slid open, and Michael stepped out.

  “Let’s go, you piece of filth,” he spat at Leo. “Time to go back to the dungeons.”

  Leo looked long and hard at Olivia before following Michael into the elevator.

  Olivia slumped over once the doors had shut. Leo had been telling the truth; he was a prisoner, just as she was. And even worse for him, he had to reside in the dungeons. Panicked, Olivia wondered when she might see him again—if she would see him again.

  Her mind began to race. She needed to find a way to speak to Leo again. Monster or not, Leo seemed to have answers and a plan and he had reached out to her. Olivia knew that the following day she was going to be ripped open by Rurik when he showed her just how monstrous he truly was.

  Olivia needed to get out of this hellhole before it was too late.

  And it seemed another monster had the answers.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2

  * * * * *

  Olivia stared at the blank wall, her mind churning with a number of thoughts. In her brain, she ticked off everything she knew so far. She knew that she was in another universe. She knew that she was being held prisoner. She knew that she was a gift to the Master’s son. As she thought of Rurik, her mind spun in a thousand different directions. Rurik, the son of Gorside, was a grotesque beast. The only silver lining was that Gorside was even more grotesque.

  Sighing with frustration, Olivia rolled over and got out of bed. She glanced down at the purple pajama pants. This was the standard outfit for whenever she was not “in service.” Olivia knew she should go to bed, that she had a long day ahead of her, but she couldn’t turn her mind off. She knew that her earlier encounter with a particular monster was the reason for her sleeplessness.

  Earlier that evening, Olivia had been granted permission to visit the Rec Room. It had been a reward from Rurik since she had pleased him that day. In the Rec Room, she had met a monster named Leo. He had basically asked her to escape with him. She had scoffed at the offer, thinking it was a trick and not truly believing that Leo was a prisoner.

  Olivia had felt horrible when she saw Michael escort Leo to the dungeons; he had been speaking the truth about being a prisoner. Olivia had just assumed that any beast would be like Rurik and Gorside; fucking the life out of the women who were being held captive. Olivia now needed to find Leo again. She needed to apologize and she needed to find a way to become part of his escape. She was terrified for what the following day, as Rurik was planning on taking her virginity. Angrily, Olivia shut the lights off. She knew that there was no way to avoid what Rurik had in store for her.

  * * *

  The following morning dawned, but Olivia had no idea if it was sunny or cloudy, rainy or snowy. There were next to no windows in the fortress, and the only ones Olivia had seen were the ones in the Rec Room. Not seeing sunlight was messing with Olivia’s mind and she buzzed, waiting for Nae, one of the nymphs, to collect her. To her surprise and dismay, Samuel opened the door instead. He scowled at Olivia and motioned for her to follow him.

  Silently, Olivia followed Samuel down the hall to the small dining room. Emily was there again, silently eating her breakfast. Olivia’s stomach turned when she saw the huge black and blue bruises across Emily’s face. Olivia glanced quickly at Samuel, who also seemed to blanche, but quickly regained his scowl.

  Nae came bustling around the corner with a plate of hot food.

  “Thank you, Samuel,” she said brusquely, smiling kindly at Olivia as she motioned for her to have a seat. Grateful for Nae and her sweet demeanor, Olivia sat obediently. Samuel seemed to linger for a moment and Nae shot him a look.

  “Is there something you need?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “No,” Samuel snapped, stalking out of the room.

  “Watch him,” Nae said in a low voice, “He has his eye on you.”

  Olivia gave Nae a skeptical look and pushed her porridge around in her bowl.

  “Eat,” Nae urged.

  “I can’t,” Olivia said quietly, “I’m too nervous.”

  This seemed to get Emily’s attention and to Olivia’s amazement, the girl moved from her seat and sat down next to her. She fixed her grey eyes on Olivia, and Olivia squirmed in her seat. Something about Emily’s stare unnerved her. Emily seemed wise beyond her years, and also slightly unstable.

“Take your mind somewhere else. Think of anything else. Think of someone you love. They might be able to break your body, but they can’t break your spirit.”

  “Emily,” Nae warned.

  Emily shook her head, her eyes flashing. “They will never break me,” she said hoarsely. “Never!” She threw her plate across the room and it shattered into a million pieces.

  “Enough!” Nae cried out, hurrying to clean up the mess. “Haven’t you gotten yourself into enough trouble? Do you want them to kill you?” she demanded. Emily shrank back into her seat, shaking her head. Nae came to Emily’s side and sat beside her. “This is what happens,” she said gesturing to Emily’s face, “when you disobey. You’re lucky you’re not dead.”

  Emily smiled wryly at Nae and Olivia, her face a mixture of sadness, defiance and pride. “I’m a really good fuck.”

  Olivia turned away. She could feel the tears building behind her eyes, and she wasn’t going to cry in front of these women. Everything was becoming far too real. Something about Emily’s acceptance of her fate, her fierce pride, broke something in Olivia. Nae seemed to sense Olivia’s bordering emotional state, and she ushered Emily out of the room. When they were alone, Nae sat next to Emily.

  “You can’t think about her. Her situation is different than yours.”

  Olivia looked up at Nae. “Is it?”

  Nae swallowed. “Yes. Your spirit hasn’t been broken. Even though Emily thinks her spirit isn’t broken, it is. She’s not fooling anyone.”

  Olivia nodded but pushed her bowl away. “I’m not hungry. Let’s get this over with.”

  Nae nodded and led Olivia down to Room Eight, where Calista and Daphne were waiting for her. Calista and Daphne bustled around Olivia, smiling and talking gaily, clearly trying to lift her spirits. Olivia was ready and prepped far too quickly, and she looked at her reflection in the mirror once the nymphs were finished. Of course, they had made Olivia beautiful, dressing her in a silk ice-blue dress that fell in soft waves to the ground. It cut across her shoulders in a flattering design and Olivia’s hair fell softly past her shoulders.

  Feeling tears well up again, Olivia turned around.

  “I look beautiful, but I just can’t look,” she choked.

  Calista rubbed her back. “I know, honey. You will be alright. Rurik is kinder than his father.”Olivia nodded vigorously, trying to convince herself. Once more she was surprised to see Samuel collect her.

  Daphne stared at Samuel suspiciously. “Where’s Michael?”

  Samuel shrugged. “Busy.”

  Warily, Daphne let Samuel lead Olivia away. Samuel stared straight ahead as he led Olivia up the stairs. Once he opened his mouth as if to speak, but closed it again. He deposited Olivia on Rurik’s doorstep.

  “Wait!” Olivia cried. Samuel turned back around, his eyes unreadable. “How long will I be here? Will you wait for me?”

  Samuel’s face almost seemed to soften but then it was gone. “I have no idea,” he scoffed. “And no, I won’t be waiting for you.”

  Olivia nodded and looked back at Rurik’s door. “I’m sorry. They were stupid questions,” she said stiffly, feeling her pride get the better of her.

  Samuel left her and Olivia found herself knocking on Rurik’s door. One disgusting arm wrapped around the door, unveiling Rurik’s hideous body. His grin spread slowly across his face and Olivia recoiled.

  “Please. Come in,” Rurik said gruffly, motioning for Olivia to enter. Slowly, she stepped into the room and she followed Rurik to the couch. Rurik situated his huge body on the small sofa, and Olivia gingerly sat next to him. Breathing heavily, Rurik ran his fingers slowly along Olivia’s bare arms.

  “I must thank Daphne and Calista,” he breathed, “they know what I like.” Olivia managed a weak smile. She wanted to get it over with. “You seem tense,” Rurik said perceptively, tracing the outline of her cheek. Olivia nodded. “Don’t worry. I promise you it will feel good.” Rurik stood up and disappeared around the corner before coming back with a delicate teacup. “Drink this,” he urged, handing the cup to Olivia.

  Knowing she had nothing to lose, and knowing that she wouldn’t be able to refuse anyway, she took the cup. The detail was exquisite and she examined it closely. “It’s so beautiful,” she murmured.

  “Taste it.”

  Olivia brought the teacup to her lips and took a small sip. The liquid was warm and steamy and it slid easily over her tongue. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted before. It smelled similar to the lavender scent that she had remembered from the previous day. This time she could taste the strange sweet smell—it was delicious. Olivia took another sip, letting the liquid warm her. She could feel her body starting to relax.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “A hot sugar juice.” Olivia looked at Rurik blankly. “My mother used to make it. It was a recipe from her land.”

  This piqued Olivia’s interest. Rurik had only mentioned his father; she had never given any thought to his mother. “Does your mother still make it?” Olivia asked, partly curious and partly wanting to keep Rurik talking.

  Rurik turned around. “She’s dead,” he said flatly.

  “I’m sorry,” Olivia said. She was feeling much calmer after the drink. She did feel sorry for Rurik. In fact, it made her heart ache for her own parents. She wondered what they thought now that she had been missing for a few days.

  “Are you? We are from different worlds, Olivia. I’m a monster who was born from my father raping my mother – a nymph. He abused her one too many times before he finally killed her. Just like the other women who bore him sons.”

  Horrified, Olivia turned away. “I truly am sorry,” she whispered and she heard Rurik sigh heavily.

  “Let us not talk about this,” he said. “Lie down on the bed and calm down. I will be in shortly.”

  Olivia nodded, taking one long last sip of her hot drink. On shaky legs, she made her way to the bedroom and crawled onto Rurik’s bed. She gently laid down, resting her head on one of Rurik’s pillows. The room began to fill with the scent of lavender and sugar as Olivia inhaled. She could feel her body relaxing further.

  She thought of Rurik’s mother being killed by Gorside. She hated feeling sorry for Rurik, but she couldn’t help it. Her mind also jumped to Emily. Would she have children for Gorside? Another monster like Rurik? Would Gorside eventually kill her, too? Nae already seemed amazed that Emily was still alive.

  Olivia couldn’t think any more, because her mind was becoming blissfully blank. And she could feel a hot warm feeling sliding over her body, starting at her toes and slowly spreading upwards.

  Moments later Rurik appeared in the doorway.

  “My Olivia,” he said hoarsely. He crept to the bed, and sat down, the bed creaking and groaning as it protested his weight. Rurik brought his mouth to Olivia’s arm and licked from her wrist to her shoulder. Olivia shuddered. From pleasure. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” Rurik asked.

  “Yes,” Olivia breathed, as Rurik licked her other arm. Quickly, Rurik moved between her legs, pushing them open to reveal her blue panties. Rurik let out a groan of delight and he brought his hand to her undergarments, shredding them as if they were tissue paper. Greedily, he pushed his mouth to her pussy, licking and sucking at her folds. Olivia cried out from the sudden onslaught, but her body quickly adjusted. She began to moan and writhe as Rurik’s bumpy tongue lapped at her delicate spot, tasting all of her as he flicked against her clit.

  “Yes! Yes!” Rurik moaned as Olivia bucked beneath him. She thought nothing of the monster that Rurik was, but instead of the delicious pleasure and the lovely lavender smell. “Let go,” Rurik urged and Olivia let herself release as she shook violently on the bed. Panting, she felt her body come down from her orgasm, and she realized that she wanted Rurik in the most carnal of ways.

  Rurik ran a thick finger through her juices and smiled, revealing his yellow teeth. “You are wet, but not nearly wet enough.” He lay on his back, and flipped Olivia o
n top of him, so that she was sitting on his face. “Grasp the headboard,” he ordered. Obediently, Olivia took the headboard and she cried out as she felt Rurik’s tongue snake into her tight opening.

  “Oh! Oh!” she cried, riding his face. Groaning loudly, Rurik noisily slurped her as he continued to pleasure her from this new angle. Olivia threw her head back as she moaned wantonly, feeling Rurik’s tongue push into her. She bucked against his face, feeling his stubby fingers push against her sensitive nub as he held her in place. “Rurik!” she gasped. “It’s going to happen again!”

  “Yes,” he groaned and Olivia came, this time harder as she shook and cried out. Roughly, Rurik pushed her face down on the bed and Olivia took another deep inhalation of the intoxicating scent in the room. She instantly felt better. Rurik’s hands were between her thighs again, and this time she could feel her own wetness on her thighs.

  “Nearly there,” Rurik groaned, moving to the floor and pulling Olivia down with him. Olivia heard her dress tear, but she didn’t care; she was consumed with thoughts of Rurik. Moving behind her, Rurik positioned Olivia so that her hands were holding onto the bed, but she was kneeling on the floor. Rurik pushed his face below her ass and began licking her from behind. Though he had been licking her pussy before, this angle felt different. She began to slowly writhe on her knees, feeling the new sensation when Rurik began tracing her anus with his finger. Surprised, Olivia tensed up and she felt herself pucker.

  “Relax,” Rurik whispered. Olivia breathed in again, forcing herself to relax. She felt Rurik slide her wetness from her front to her back, rubbing it along her anus. He began rubbing her engorged clit with one hand, while his other hand stroked her asshole, coaxing her to relax and enjoy it.

  “Mmm,” Olivia murmured, her head rolling from side to side. This pleasure was sharper and deeper. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach, and she felt dirty for enjoying it so much. In one swift movement, Rurik pushed the tip of his finger into her anus and Olivia cried out from surprise and pleasure as she tightly clenched around it. Rurik groaned from arousal and slowly slid his finger in and out as Olivia’s muscles loosened.


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