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The Soul Thief

Page 7

by Kim Richardson

  “All I know, after some investigation of my own,” began Lance, “is that the murders…the missing souls…are all happening in this town. Why? I have no idea. But that’s what you people are here for, right?”

  “Have there been more murders?” asked Alexa.

  “Yes,” said Lance. “Two more dead with missing souls in the last two hours. One was found near the dumpsters behind Fabio’s Pizza, and the other in an alley next to The Friendly Bean Coffee Shop. There seems to be a lot of demon activity in this town, an abnormal amount for such a small town. It looks as though Coffin Grove is a demon magnet.”

  Alexa bit her bottom lip. “Were the new victims female?”

  “Yes,” said the Scout, sounding slightly impressed. “How did you know?”

  “Just a guess,” said Alexa. But it was more than that. She sensed that a darkness leaked from somewhere inside this town. Why were the demons picking on female victims? Were they easy targets? What was the connection?

  “So whatever demon is doing this, it is probably still here and looking for its next victim. We could still find it. We still have time.”

  She watched their bleak expressions and had the distinct feeling that she wasn’t part of their gang any longer, that they didn’t want her here. She understood their frustration with the Legion. If she were one of them, she’d be mad, too. But she didn’t want them to give up on her because for the first time since she had been a guardian, she felt more of a connection with these mortals than she had ever felt with the angels back in Horizon.

  “Coffin Grove’s not that big,” said Haru. “We could search the entire region in just a few hours.”

  “Do we even know what we’re looking for?” asked Erik.

  “Anything out of the ordinary, for starters,” said Santo. “We’ll talk with the local police first and see if they’ve discovered anything worth our attention. Keep our ears on their scanners.”

  Santo moved next to Alexa so quietly that it made her jump. “Are you going to help us or are you going back?” he asked.

  Alexa knew right away that he wanted her to say yes. Her respect and appreciation for him welled up in her. She wanted to hug him but managed to restrain herself.

  “I’m staying. I feel just as much a responsibility to stop these killings as you do. And I’m not going back till we find the killer.”

  Santo smiled and then turned his gaze to Lance. “And you?”

  “I go where she goes.” Lance jumped up onto all four legs. With his ears straight up and his tongue lolling to the side of his jaw, he looked like a dog ready for a walk.

  Santo looked relieved. “Good. I have the feeling we’re going to need your help. Evelyn, Haru, Denton, you come with me. We’ll cover everything north of Gory Brook. Erik, you take the angels with you and cover the south side. Call me if you find anything. Let’s find these SOBs, so I can finally get some sleep.”

  Everyone moved out of the morgue with a new sense of urgency. With a final look at the body, Alexa followed them out, anxious to feel warmer air. Lance followed at her heels like a well-trained dog.

  Alexa watched Erik closely for any signs of annoyance or regret that he was stuck with her again. Despite his hard emotional wall, Erik might be the friend she hoped for. No one had ever stood up for her before, no one. And it didn’t hurt that the guy was hot.

  But who was she kidding? She was being ridiculous. He had called her a stiff. What did it matter? She didn’t think of Erik in that way. Angels weren’t even allowed to think about any young men. Emotions should be the last thing on her mind. They would just create another complication. There were enough problems already.

  She tried to suppress her feelings. It didn’t matter if he liked her company or not. They were here for a job. That was all. She focused on finding and vanquishing the demons. It was why she was here. It was just business.

  But when he turned to look at her, she saw a tired young man. She felt a pang of guilt because angels didn’t get tired until the M-suits ran out of stamina.

  “What?” he said. His rough tone sobered Alexa right up. She could see the dark shadows below his eyes, and she realized that he looked utterly exhausted. It wasn’t that late. She was worried that he looked so tired.

  Alexa looked away. “Nothing.” She felt his glare burn the back of her head. She rushed past him and nearly bumped into Evelyn on the front steps.

  Evelyn was staring at something just below the steps, as were all the others. Their swords glinted in their hands.

  Alexa sidestepped Evelyn and Denton to get a better view.

  Five men stood in the parking lot. They were all in their mid-thirties, tall and with powerful shoulders. They all wore expensive-looking gray suits, tailored perfectly to their muscular bodies. Their short white hair was styled neatly over their leering faces, and their skin had a grayish-blue tint to it. The looked like reheated corpses. They were identical in every way. Even their black eyes had the same deep and empty stares.

  Coils of black smoke curled up from the blades in their hands, and the air was hot with sulfur and spoiled meat. They smelled of death.

  Alexa became aware of the stillness around her. It was as though the world stood still, and only she moved. Her courage began to fail, and she was on the verge of blind panic.

  Erik moved right next to her. But before he had a chance to speak, Alexa knew what they were.

  She whispered, “Higher demons.”



  Despite her panic, Alexa saw that they would almost have looked human except that their postures were too hunched over. It made them look too animal-like and predatory. Somehow light from the lamps highlighted the edges of their sharp, emaciated faces and made them look wrong, not part of this world.

  As Alexa tried to remember everything she’d ever learned about Higher demons, a feeling of dread nearly overwhelmed her. They weren’t invincible, but they were some of the most powerful demons from the Netherworld. And they were even more powerful if they’d recently fed on the souls of mortals. Lesser demons could be killed with soul blades or salt. But Higher demons needed a great deal more weaponry to destroy their cores because their bodies could repair themselves.

  Part of her wanted to bolt back to the safety of Horizon. But her chance had come and gone. There was no going back.

  And so she pulled out her soul blade and waited.

  “Well, well, well,” said the closest Higher demon.

  Its voice was guttural and sounded strangely ancient. The thing sneered and licked its lips. Alexa could see it had a mouthful of pointed yellow teeth.

  “What do we have here, brothers? Five little mortals. Or should I say demon hunters. That’s what you call yourselves, isn’t it? You’re nothing more than blood bags with bones. Soft and easily killed.”

  Alexa felt Lance position himself at her side. He was guarding her. “This can’t be good,” said the dog. He rolled back his lips and revealed long, pointy canines. “I wasn’t planning on sinking these babies into that rotten flesh.”

  If Alexa hadn’t been so terrified, she would have laughed.

  “Yes, we hunt scum like you,” said Santo. He stepped forward, and his voice was loud and clear. He slashed the air in front of him with his sword. “But soft and easily killed? I think not. We are much, much more than that. Come closer, and I’ll show you.”

  The Higher demon laughed. “You think to scare us with that little demonstration, mortal?”

  The other Higher demons moved to either side of the entryway, blocking the exits. Their predatory movements were swift and effortless. They sneered with an arrogant confidence, as if they already knew the outcome of whatever was going to happen next.

  At the same time, Haru, Evelyn, and Denton moved to the bottom of the steps and took up defensive positions. Their eyes never left the demons. They were clearly fearless warriors, and Alexa envied them.

  The Higher demon scowl
ed. “You mortals are nothing more than parasites corrupted by age and disease as you move towards death. Did you never wonder why that is? Why things here grow old, wither, and die? Because you’re weak. You think you are superior beings, but you are not.”

  “But demons,” it raised its arms and gestured to the other demons, “are forever. Immortal. We are your superiors. We are your gods. You should be worshipping us on your knees. This world, and everything in it belongs to us.”

  “Seriously?” mocked Santo. “Gods now? Never going to happen.”

  Alexa could see his anger rippling through his shoulders as he shifted his weight.

  “But I’m feeling rather generous today,” continued the demon. It picked something that looked a lot like flesh from its death blade and popped it in its mouth. “Give us what we want…and we’ll let you go free.”

  Alexa stole a look at Erik. She wasn’t the only one who was anxious and afraid. Still, she felt an overwhelming desire to protect him and the others. The angel oath to protect mortal life was intense. It was beyond her control and pulsed strongly inside her.

  She had felt this same protective impulse back at Pine Park when the boy had been attacked by the demon. It was more intense this time. Perhaps because there were more lives at stake. Perhaps because of Erik…

  Meanwhile, Santo hadn’t backed down. A cynical smile played on his lips. “A bargain with a demon?” he laughed. “It’s lucky I have a sense of irony. Tell us what it is, and maybe I’ll consider it.” It was clear by his tone that he would never deal with a demon.

  They didn’t have to wait long for an answer. The Higher demon’s gaze moved to Alexa.

  “We’re here for the angel.”

  Alexa nearly dropped her soul blade and had to lean on Lance for support. She stiffened with fright that washed over her like an icy-cold wave. The creature watched her with a look of such cold, inhumane menace that she was almost overwhelmed by the urge to run and hide.

  It was obvious they wanted to kill her. How did they even know she was here? And why were they here for her in the first place? She was confused and terrified. She bit her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. She wouldn’t show them fear, even though her body was consumed with it. She could almost feel the demon’s cold, dead fingers wrapping around her neck.

  Erik looked at her with a despair that mirrored her own. She looked away.

  The Higher demon smiled. “No. Make that two angels.” The demon motioned to Alexa’s left side, where Lance’s white coat shone in the light. “We’ll take the mutt, too. I’m sure he’ll taste just as good once I peel off his hide and use it as a fur coat. Two delicious angel souls. How thoughtful of you.”

  Lance growled, “Shotgun on that one.”

  “Give us the angels, and you’re all free to go,” said the Higher demon. “What is it you mortals say again? Ah, yes. I promise.”

  The few seconds of waiting felt like hours to Alexa. Santo held up his sword quietly, and Alexa feared he might actually give her up to save his friends. It was logical. She was dead. They were alive. She was terrified that the demons would torture her slowly, relishing her pain until they finally devoured her soul.

  She could see that the other operatives were all waiting for Santo’s answer. None of them would meet her gaze directly, and she feared they had already made their decision to give her up.

  Alexa bent her knees and prepared herself for a desperate escape. She couldn’t depend on Erik or anyone else. She needed to focus on saving herself and Lance.

  Just as she was about to bolt, Santo spoke.

  “We’re not giving up the angels.”

  Alexa’s eyes burned with relief and gratitude. Santo had stood his ground, proud and strong…for her. She suspected that he had never even considered giving her up. He’d decided to keep her, and that was good enough for her.

  Santo shifted his weight. “The only deal here is that we’re going to send you back to Hell.”

  The Higher demon laughed, and yellow spit flew from its mouth. “I’m surprised you’d choose to save the very creatures that forced you into slavery.”

  The demon’s black gaze settled on Alexa again. “No matter. We’ll take all your souls.”

  The demons charged like the wind, leaving puffs of black smoke in their wake. And all five of them came for her.

  The Sensitives broke formation and flung themselves at the demons.

  The silent night air was suddenly filled with earsplitting screams and the clang of metal hitting flesh and bone. The demons swept around them fluidly, tantalizing them with their superior strength and agility.

  “Protect the angels!” cried Santo.

  He slashed his sword across the demon’s chest. It was a strike that would have killed a lesser demon. But the Higher demon grinned and countered Santo’s strike with a powerful blow that would have decapitated the Sensitive leader if he hadn’t ducked and rolled as the death blade sliced though his fedora.

  Evelyn and Haru tumbled out of reach and just escaped the demons’ powerful strikes. Denton matched them strike for strike, but Alexa knew that his strength would eventually fail. With brutal efficiency, the Higher demons sliced through their leather garments, and shocks of blood sprayed across the pavement.

  “Hope you’ve learned from your training,” said Lance, in a half growl. “It’s about to get ugly.”

  Santo disappeared into a blur of limbs and silver blades, and the others fought alongside him. A demon leaped at Alexa with its black blade aimed at her throat. She knew she would have perished if Erik hadn’t given her his soul blade.

  She would have been useless.

  Instinctively, she brought up her blade to defend herself. But then Erik intercepted the demon. He moved skillfully and never faltered. With quick jabs, he slashed his silver dagger across the demon’s face before its menacing jaws could clamp around his neck. Black blood spurted onto Erik’s face.

  The Higher demon squealed in delight as it licked its lips with its gray tongue and tasted its own blood.

  Alexa could see the sheen of sweat that covered Erik’s face as he battled the demon and jabbed its abdomen relentlessly. But the thing never wavered. It seemed to enjoy those moments when Erik managed to get through its defenses.

  A dark shape appeared behind him, and another demon raised its weapon to strike him in the back.

  Alexa launched herself at the demon. With a powerful swing, she brought her soul blade down on the creature’s weapon hand and severed it. Her face was immediately showered in foul cold liquid. Alexa screamed as the liquid burned her eyes and almost blinded her. But she discovered that her supernatural strength and balance were far greater than she had imagined, and she turned and hit the demon square in the chest. They tumbled down the steps.

  She vaguely heard something snap. It would suck if she had messed up her M-9 suit. She prayed she hadn’t. She landed on the pavement hard. Temporally muddled and partially blind, she could smell her skin burning with acid. The weight of the demon pressed against her as they rolled to a stop. Miraculously, the demon fell away from her, and she leapt to her feet with her blade still in her hand.

  The demon hissed as it examined its black, corrupted stump. “You’re going to pay for this, little angel girl. You’re going to wish you’d stayed dead.”

  Her vision was still blurred, and she missed when she tried to parry his next strike. She faltered momentarily as she felt the pain of its blade graze her back, but she managed to straighten up. She whirled around, weapon ready. But she knew she’d been poisoned by the demon’s deadly blade. She was about to find out if her M-suit could protect her.

  “You missed,” she said, wiping her eyes. “And you stink.”

  She could see that Evelyn moved through the demons like a skilled ballet dancer. She balanced on the tip of her toes, slicing and dicing as she twirled.

  Haru did an impressive backflip onto the back of a demon while Santo and Denton, their faces swollen and red with blood, fought ba
ck to back and hacked away at the demons.

  She looked for Erik, but a flash of white fur obscured her vision as Lance jumped down the steps and threw himself on an approaching demon. It ripped at its clothes and flesh, and within seconds his gleaming white coat was covered with sticky black goo.

  The demon attacking her shouted, “Your soul is mine, angel! Surrender now, and your mortal friends can walk away unscathed.”

  “Not going to happen,” growled Alexa.

  “The smile on my face will be the last thing you’ll see when I kill you. I won’t miss a second time, and that is a promise.” It lifted its severed hand to its chest. Tiny fingers, like a baby’s, wiggled out of its severed, raw, and blackened stump. It was growing its hand back.

  Alexa retched. It was the most disgusting thing she’d ever seen.

  The demon waved his semi-grown hand at her like a small rubber glove, knowing it would unbalance her. Then it leapt at her again.

  But Alexa was ready.

  She felt the death blade whisper past her throat as the demon landed next to her. But Alexa spun and met the next swipe with her blade. She kicked, but the creature twisted out of the way and cracked its semi-grown hand against her head. Cursing, Alexa stumbled and swung wildly with her blade to keep the demon back.

  The demon lashed out and kicked her in the knee. She howled and barely managed to fend off a blow that would have separated her head from her body.

  Just as she took a fighting stance, an anguished cry bellowed over the cacophony of the battle. It was followed by a series of blood-curdling howls.

  Everything seemed to still. Her attacker. The battle.

  Her vision cleared, and Alexa followed the sound. A death blade was impaled in Denton’s abdomen. He met her stare. The whites of his eyes showed he knew he was about to die.

  With a flash, the Higher demon cut through him like a loaf of bread. He pulled him apart with his hands, as though the big muscled man was nothing but paper. Denton’s body plopped to the pavement in two severed pieces of blood and guts.


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