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Tied to a Boss 4

Page 5

by J. L Rose

  “This is what the fuck I’m talking about!” Dre said with a smile as he looked over the piece, only to shift his eyes back toward his brother as he opened the larger duffel bag.

  He handed off the Colt .45 to someone else and took the semiautomatic piece from Dante’s hands.

  “This a bad muthafucka right here. What the fuck is it?”

  “It’s an M14 battle rifle with a grenade launcher,” Johnson spoke up, smiling at Dre.

  “This is some military shit right here!” Dre said with a huge smile on his face.

  “Blood clot!” Wesley said, pushing to the front of the group to stand beside Dante. “Fuck the blood clot. Shit! Dis boy say an M14! Me want only the AK. You have one of dem, rude boy?”

  Johnson walked to the back of his SUV and dug inside another duffel bag.

  A few moments later, he pulled out the piece the Jamaican was asking about and said, “Is this what you’re looking for?”

  “Blood clot!” Wesley cried, smiling as he took the AK-47 from the man Dante called Johnson.

  Looking from Monica and back toward a smiling Johnson, Dante then said, “You work for me now!”

  “Hell yeah, I do!” Johnson replied with a smile.

  Johnson remembered something that Monica had told him, so he held up a finger for Dante to hold on as he walked around to the front passenger side door. He soon returned, stood next to Dante, and handed Dante something that put a smile on his face.

  “Monica told me about you getting shot, and since I now work for you, and seeing how you pay your employees, I feel it’s my responsibility to keep you safe now!”

  Dante took the metallic black bulletproof vest that Johnson handed him.

  He then looked at Monica and saw the small smile on her lips and said, “So you’re starting to really give a fuck about me now!”

  “Shut up, Blackwell!” Monica playfully told him as she shoved him away. “You still got a promise to keep!”

  “Yeah, I remember,” Dante replied, thinking about Angela for the first time in a few days.

  * * *

  “Where is Dante?” Carmen asked, after returning to her husband’s hospital room and only seeing Alinna, Roosevelt, Evelyn, and her husband.

  “Dante left to pick up Samuel Randolph,” Alinna replied, noticing the distraught expression on Carmen’s face. She then continued, “Carmen, there will be a meeting here in another hour with you, me, Dominic, Roosevelt, and two other business associates.”

  “Who are these business associates?” Carmen asked as she walked back over to stand by her husband’s bed.

  “They’re Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen,” Alinna answered, just as she heard her cell phone begin to ring. “Excuse me!” she told the group while walking off to the far side of the room to answer the phone.

  “Where did you go?” Dominic asked, drawing Carmen’s attention around to him.

  “I went to the restroom,” she replied, but then quickly asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel like I’m past ready to get out of the bed!”

  Dominic answered, just as Alinna rejoined the group.

  “So, Alinna,” Roosevelt began, getting her attention, “who exactly are these men we’re supposedly having a meeting with?”

  “I’ll let Dante explain that since Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen deal directly with him.”

  “You mentioned that both Dominic and Roosevelt will be involved in this meeting,” Carmen spoke up, focusing her eyes on Alinna. “Have Dante and yourself decided to allow them back into the Council Covenant?”

  “Both Dante and I have had a discussion, and, yes, we have decided that both Dominic and Roosevelt will return,” Alinna explained.

  “When exactly was I supposed to be informed of this decision or even the discussion, Mrs. Blackwell?” Carmen asked with a little attitude.

  Alinna slowly smiled while catching yet ignoring the attitude from Dante’s mother-in-law, and simply replied, “I’ll let any of you who has a problem with the decision that was made discuss it with my husband once he returns.”

  Alinna’s phone rang again in her hand. A big smile appeared on her face when the name showed up on her phone.

  “We were just talking about you, Dante. What’s up?”

  “We’re at Samuel’s mansion, and homeboy is already gone. The front gate was left wide open, and the front door was still unlocked as well,” Dante told Alinna. “We’re looking the place over, but I’m pretty sure that Samuel up and disappeared since he knew we were coming.”

  “So what now?”

  “We’re on our way back to the hospital. I wanna talk to both Dominic and Roosevelt. Is Carmen still there?”

  Alinna shifted her eyes to Carmen and locked eyes with her.

  “Yeah, she’s still here.”

  “I’ll talk with her too, once we get there,” Dante answered.

  “All right!” Alinna replied. “Also, I spoke with Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen. The both of them will be here within the next thirty minutes. I told them that you would be meeting them here to discuss business.”

  “I’m on my way. Did Monica call you?”

  “Yeah. I called Natalie and explained to her what you wanted done with Monica and that Johnson guy.”

  “All right. He works for us now!”

  “Doing what?”

  “I’ll explain later when I see you.”

  Alinna hung up the phone and announced to the others what Dante had explained to her about Samuel Randolph, and that he and the others were on their way back to the hospital.

  “What did Dante want with me?” Carmen asked, drawing Alinna’s eyes back to her.

  Alinna easily noticed that the woman was nervous about something. She slowly smirked and then answered Carmen’s question, “Dante said that he would speak with you when he got back here.”


  MONICA RETURNED TO JOHNSON’S office at his request, after he mentioned that he had something he wanted to show her.

  Monica stood behind Johnson as he sat in front of his laptop and clicked away at a few keys. He then turned the screen so that she could see.

  “Who the hell is Samuel Thorpe?” she asked, reading the information on the man.

  She was surprised to find out that Thorpe was a retired FBI agent.

  “Why are you showing me this?” Monica asked after she was finished reading.

  “It was something Dante said earlier,” he replied, smiling at Monica. “I didn’t think about it at first, but on the way back it came to me.”

  “No! Why?”

  “Never mind!” Johnson said. “Listen, Monica. This is the same guy who Dante is looking for. I know because I remember some years back when I was just starting out with the DEA that there was a huge investigation about a senior FBI agent by the name of Samuel Thorpe, who was supposedly the half-brother of the drug lord Edward Randolph. It was later found out that Samuel Thorpe had changed his name from Samuel Randolph.”

  “Why didn’t the FBI first catch on when Thorpe joined the organization?”

  “It was never figured out,” Johnson told her. “Samuel Thorpe resigned from his position and just disappeared.”

  “But the computer says that he retired.”

  “Thorpe was pretty high up in the ranks, and instead of putting out that he basically quit or that the FBI fired him, it was said that he retired.”

  “And you’re sure this is the same guy?”

  Turning the screen back to face him, Johnson hit a few more keys and then turned the screen back toward Monica.

  “That’s the guy right there!”

  Monica stared at the picture of a surprisingly handsome older man.

  She took out her cell phone and said, “Make me a print of this, Nash!”

  * * *

  Dante heard his cell phone ring while he, Alinna, Dominic, Carmen, Roosevelt, and Evelyn sat discussing new business orders and deals with both Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen, who Dante introduced as new members of the Co
uncil Covenant.

  When he saw that Monica was on the phone, he held up a finger for the others to hold on as he stepped away and answered, “Yeah, Monica.”

  “Dante, where are you?”

  “At the hospital with Dominic and Alinna. Why?”

  “I just got some information that Nash found out on Samuel Randolph. You’re not going to believe what he showed me!”

  “You on your way here now?”

  “Right now!”

  “I’ma talk to you when you get here.”

  After he hung up the phone and returned to the group, Dante caught Alinna’s eyes a moment. He said nothing and instead turned back to the conversation that was going on.

  “What’s the decision gonna to be?” Dante asked, directing the question to Dominic and Roosevelt.

  Dominic stared at his son-in-law for a moment and then looked over at Roosevelt, with whom he met eyes and a slight nod of the head.

  Dominic then looked back at Dante and said, “All right, Dante, we’ll agree to the terms of the deal you’ve offered. But understand that we’re only doing this because we’re both aware of the enemies we’ll be up against once the product is released onto the streets, and I’m sure everyone inside this room is fully aware of what you’re capable of handling. So again, we’ll agree to the terms that were set.”

  Dante nodded his head toward Dominic and then looked at both Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen, who stood quietly and simply nodded their approval as well.

  Dante then looked back at Dominic and said, “When can we meet with this Kevin Kim?”

  “There’s a meeting set up for next week—on Monday!” Roosevelt spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “A phone call will need to be made to inform Mr. Kim of your joining us at the meeting.”

  Nodding his head in agreement, Dante looked over to Alinna and asked, “You have anything you want to say?”

  “You’ve covered everything,” she replied, shaking her head no.

  “Dante, if this meeting is over, I’d like to speak with you in private, please,” Carmen asked him, staring straight at her son-in-law.

  Dante nodded his head, said a few more words to Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen, and then turned back to Carmen and followed her into the hall.

  “We’ll be back!” Dante told Carlos and the others.

  Carlos motioned for two of his men to follow behind Dante and Carmen.

  “Dante, I think I need to explain.”

  “Carmen, you don’t have to explain anything to me,” Dante told her, cutting her off before she could finish what she was trying to say to him.

  “Whatever happens or was going on before I got here to Phoenix was then, but I trust you. You wouldn’t have had me come out here if you were playing for the opposite team. And before you mention it, what happened in the restroom will remain in the restroom!”

  Carmen stared up into her son-in-law’s eyes and slowly shook her head. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

  * * *

  Monica arrived back at the hospital and rushed to get back onto the floor where Dante’s father-in-law was located. She stepped off the elevator just as Dante and Carmen were walking past the elevator.


  Recognizing Monica’s voice, Dante stopped and turned around to face her as she left the elevator and walked over to join him and Carmen.

  Dante spoke first, seeing the cream-colored folder in her hand: “That’s the information you said Johnson found?”

  Monica handed the folder to Dante and stated, “You remember the name we first gave you—Samuel Randolph? Well, that’s the birth name, but it was changed to Samuel Thorpe.”

  “Samuel Thorpe?” Carmen asked, looking from Monica to Dante. “What is she talking about, Dante?”

  “From what these papers say, Samuel Atlas’s real name is Samuel D. Randolph, but it was changed to Samuel C. Thorpe. He worked for the FBI until retiring a few years ago after it was discovered that he was related to Edward Randolph. He then disappeared after he retired, and was never heard from again.”

  “Because he changed his name to Samuel T. Atlas and joined the Council Covenant,” Monica added, drawing Carmen’s attention to her. “So, what happened when you all went after him, Dante?”

  “He disappeared again!” Dante admitted. “But that’s where I need you and Johnson to get to work. Start with Edward Randolph! Find out where he rests his head at, and find out who’s all tied in with this dude and then get me their addresses or locations.”

  “I’ll get with Nash,” Monica replied. “You need anything else?”

  “Yeah, see if Johnson knows anyone that deals with armor.”

  “I want to get Dominic, Carmen, Roosevelt, Alinna, and Natalie’s cars all bulletproofed,” Dante explained, just as he heard Alinna calling his name.

  Dante turned around and looked back up the hall as Alinna was rushing toward him. He started toward his wife and called, “What’s up? What happened?”

  “It’s Zoe Papi!” Alinna told him, holding out her cell phone to him. “It’s about Rob!”

  Dante grabbed the phone from her, placed the cell phone to his ear, and said, “Yeah!”

  “What’s up, killa? I have a little information for you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Remember the boy Rob you was looking for before you and Alinna left town? Well, I know where the boy lays his head at now!”

  “What about Fish Man?”

  “That I don’t know. But if you wish me to, I’ll have the boy Rob picked up and—!”

  “Nah!” Dante interrupted. “You’ve done what was asked, and I’ll have your money, but I want you to keep an eye on Rob for me. We’ll be there soon to deal with him.”

  “Whatever you say!”

  Dante hung up the phone, handed it back to Alinna, and then said, “He’s got a location on Rob.”

  “So what are we gonna do?” she asked him.

  “We deal with this meeting with this Japanese connect, and then afterward we’ll make a trip back home to deal with Rob.”

  “Dante, what about what’s going on here?” Monica asked him.

  “Dante, after the meeting with Mr. Kim, why don’t me, the girls, and some security guards take a trip out to Miami and deal with Rob. Then once we’re done, we’ll fly back. That way, you can handle what’s going on here.”

  Dante stared into Alinna’s eyes with a negative response on the tip of his tongue, but he knew how his wife would react if he rejected what she was asking.

  Instead, he looked at Monica and said, “Tell Johnson I want another vest for Alinna!”

  “Vest?” Alinna asked with a confused look on her face as she stared at Dante.

  “Bulletproof vest, Alinna!” Monica answered for Dante.

  * * *

  “What’s up with Carmen?” Alinna asked as she and Dante were driving home after finally leaving the hospital.

  He turned his head and looked over at Alinna, who was waiting for him to answer her question.

  Dante then focused back on the road but said, “She was still messing around with Samuel, but I don’t think it was sexual this time. I just think she was just at that point of being comfortable and trusting with the nigga.”

  “So basically what you’re saying is that Carmen’s the reason why Edward Randolph knows about the new heroin connect that Dominic and Roosevelt know about?”

  Dante nodded his head as he came to a stop at a red light.

  He then looked back over at Alinna and said, “I honestly think Carmen was somewhat in love with or had deep feelings for Samuel. She didn’t expect homeboy to be the one who would cross the Council Covenant, or specifically her, this way.”

  Alinna remained quiet for a moment as Dante pulled off once the light turned green.

  She looked over at him and asked, “So, what’s your plan to deal with Samuel and his brother?”

  “I’m killing them both!” Dante stated, looking ove
r toward Alinna again. “I’ma murder both their asses and every muthafucka that’s part of that organization. Period!”

  Not surprised in the least by her husband’s answer, and with nothing more to say about the subject, Alinna reached over and took Dante’s right hand into hers. She intertwined their fingers as she laid their hands on her lap. She then turned her attention out the passenger window and allowed her mind to wander on to thoughts of Miami and dealing with Rob and hopefully Fish Man.


  AFTER DOMINIC WAS FINALLY released from the hospital, he, Dante, Alinna, Roosevelt, James, and two new bodyguards assigned to Dominic and Roosevelt made the flight from Phoenix to Honshu, Japan.

  Once they landed early the next morning, a day after leaving the States, Dante was the first off the G4 jet. He instantly locked in on the Mercedes limo and Mercedes truck that were waiting for them on the airstrip.

  “That’s Yasmine Kim,” Dominic informed Dante, who noticed the slim yet athletic and muscular young Asian woman with straight, long black hair in a ponytail that cascaded over her right shoulder.

  “So, she’s Mr. Kim’s daughter, huh?” Dante asked while watching the team of Asian security moving into position on each side of the young woman.

  Dante waited for Alinna at the bottom of the steps. He allowed Dominic and Roosevelt to walk ahead of him with their new bodyguards, who were introduced to the group by James. Wayne was assigned to Dominic, while Jackson was assigned to Roosevelt. Dante and James then both escorted Alinna over to the others.

  “Miss Kim, meet Mr. Dante Blackwell and his wife, Alinna Blackwell. I spoke with your father about them joining us as business partners,” Dominic introduced while leaning most of his weight on his pearl and gold walking cane.

  “Mr. Blackwell,” Yasmine said in perfect English.

  She bowed slightly to Dante and then repeated the same routine with Alinna, all while keeping an intrigued eye on Dante.

  “Shall we leave?” she asked as one of her men opened the back door to the limo.


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