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Wild, Wicked and Wanton: A Hot Historical Romance Bundle

Page 87

by Natasha Blackthorne

Her heart skipped a beat then began racing.

  Her book.

  He handed it to her. “These are creating quite a stir in Congress.”

  She was still afraid of what changes he had made to her work. She couldn’t deny that. And it surprised her to realize that she didn’t wish for this issue to intrude on their reconnection.

  Alex was more important to her than her art?

  Yes, maybe he was.

  She caught her breath. That was a new revelation, one which would take time for her to reconcile herself with.

  She took the booklet with a shaking hand, afraid to look inside and see her art distorted beyond recognition. What if she found that he had changed things so much, slanted her work so much, that she couldn’t forgive him.

  “You should know something,” he said in a grave tone.

  “Oh—what, Alex?” She couldn’t keep the alarm from her voice. What if their reconnection was too fragile a bond to bear this matter at this time?

  “I asked an artist friend to advise me on the editing of your book.”

  Startled by his words, she jerked her gaze to his. “An artist friend?”

  “Mr. Peale, you have heard of him?”

  She gaped at him. “Mr. Peale?”


  “Mr. Peale, the artist, the naturalist—he edited my book?”

  “He advised me.”

  A trembling sort of fear and amazement overtook her. “Alex, he is a master of his craft.”

  “So they say.”

  “And he advised you on the editing of my book.” She was trembling fairly hard now. “Oh, my.”

  He frowned. “You should have a look at it and let me know what you think.”

  Now, for mixed reasons in the face of his incredible revelation, she hardly dared turn the pages. But she had to look. And she did.

  What she saw made her weak with relief, and then followed the most intense feeling of satisfaction.

  “Well?” His deep voice reverberated with impatience.

  She looked up at him where he leaned against his desk. “They—the portraits look exactly as I sketched them.”

  He nodded with a wisp of a smile on his lips. “I told you, I know much about woodcuts and etchings. I would only allow the most skilled artisans to work on your book.” His look turned censuring. “You did not trust me.”

  “I just wanted to be there—to see the process…Goodness, you had Mr. Peale help with my book…”

  She was still a little intimidated by the notion. She was in awe of everything that he had told her.

  “He isn’t a god, Emily,” Alex said.

  “He is in my world…maybe not a god but surely a demigod.”

  “He was happy to help.”

  “Yes, he was happy to help you, a Dalton.” Then a grin broke over her trembling lips. “Goodness, Alex, what a gift you have given me through your connections. What a gift you have given me in getting my book printed.”

  The elation of holding her printed work in her hands, the awe she felt at the generosity of spirit he clearly felt toward her, was almost too much to bear. Then a slight uneasiness niggled at her, unwelcome but there nonetheless. “Why didn’t you tell me the booklets had been printed?”

  He steepled his hands over his chest. “I was afraid you would leave here as soon as you knew. I didn’t want you wandering off on your own yet. Not until I could convince Green that you no longer mattered so much to me.”

  His damned protectiveness—she shook her head. “You don’t have the right to hide such important things from me. You should have told me the truth about Green and his threats.”

  “I didn’t want you to be frightened. I was sure I could protect you—that I could watch over you and you wouldn’t need to know.”

  “What was the secret between the two of you? What could he possibly have feared that much?”

  He shook his head. “That secret will be buried with him; I shall never speak of it.”

  His tone was flat and final and cold like lead.

  At one time, she’d have thought that to finally have her work distributed to Congress would be the pinnacle of joy.

  But now, she couldn’t concentrate on the happiness she felt at the success of her work, for Alex would not share his past pain and secrets. She loved him. She’d do anything for him.

  Yet even after a day like today, he wouldn’t share all of himself.

  Frustration burnt in her but she knew she couldn’t press or pry. If he didn’t wish to tell, that was his prerogative. Just as no one had the right to take a person’s liberty away, no one had the right to force or coerce another person to reveal themselves. He sat on the other settee, leaving her there alone. Moments passed in silence.

  Then he sighed loudly, the sound full of remorse. “I should have found a way to forgive him. I don’t think his actions in the past changed the eventual outcome for me one bit. It would have cost me nothing to pardon him and it might have given him everything. He couldn’t help what he was.”

  Seeing that he would still speak around the whole issue, she dared to press a little more. Pressing wasn’t the same as forcing, right? She only wanted to know because his pain was hers. “Why would he kill himself when you told him you wouldn’t tell?”

  “He believed I was discrediting him to the business community. That I was maligning him to his political contacts and ruining his chances of running for public office. I would never have done that. This fear was purely a product of his own guilt and insanity. It was his own conscience persecuting him.”

  “But you told him—you swore you wouldn’t tell. Why couldn’t that be enough for him?”

  “He wanted to die.”

  He spoke with firm confidence, as if he were utterly sure of this truth. It put a chill over her and she hugged herself.

  “But why? He had a comfortable life, friends and his business.”

  “Some people are damaged.” He stared at the whiskey in his glass. “When a man is pushed to his personal breaking point and he must face his own inner cowardice, his own inner weakness, he can never be whole again. He is, in a way, already dead inside.”

  “You’re speaking of yourself now, aren’t you?”

  He met her gaze and nodded. “I am damaged inside. I can’t stand my own company and I can’t stay in one place for very long. I don’t know what I can give to you or for how long. That’s not fair to you. But God help me, I don’t want to let you go either.”

  She knew in her bones that he could never do an evil thing. He was not corrupt nor damaged. But he believed that he was. The pain of it sliced into her heart.

  She wanted to help Alex but he would not open up to her about what had happened in his missing years. She suspected he held back partially out of misguided protectiveness, for protection seemed to drive so many of his actions.

  No wonder he believed she didn’t have the strength to help him face his inner battles. Now she knew what she must do. She must listen to her heart and make the conscious decision to trust in him. That didn’t mean she had to let him manipulate her with charm or give up all her personal power. It meant she must put aside her girlishness and meet him on his level, as a woman.

  She could start now by not reacting to his pushing her away. No, she needed to remain calm and trusting and show him that she would not be pushed aside.

  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “It’s my choice, my life—my decision to make. You can’t decide for me what is too risky or too dangerous for me in matters like these. You’re closing me out and not even letting us see if we can make a future together. That’s what is not fair to me.”

  He started, then stared at her as if discrediting his ears. Well, good—he understood now that she wouldn’t be fobbed off so easily.

  Emily had taken all his logic and turned it on its head, and now Alex felt as if his whole world was turning and twisting along with it. “Well, what can I decide in regards to you, Emily? What would you consider fair?”
  “You can decide if you still want me near.”

  “But you know already that I do want you. That it’s killing me inside to even think of being without you. I need you like I need air to breathe.”

  “Then I shall stay here, by your side, for as long as you feel that way.”

  “But it’s not fair to you. I can’t be sure what kind of love I can give.”

  “Oh, you are the most exasperating person. It’s not your place to protect me in this situation. It’s my decision whether to stay or not, based on if I want to. Just as it should be your decision to have me stay based on whether you want me or not. At least give me the choice to follow my heart. Don’t deny it to me out of some misguided chivalry.”

  “It’s very difficult, Emily. I love you and because of that I never want to see you hurt, even by me.”

  “Then keep me. Because if you let me go now, you’ll surely break my heart.”

  “I might break it a lot worse in the long run.”

  Her full, red lips curved into a smile. “I am willing to take a chance on us.”

  “And what if I fail you? What then, Emily?” Alex watched with his heart in his throat, waiting to see the impact of his words upon Emily. Her sweet expression turned pained as her finely etched, dark red brows drew together. She touched his arm and her warmth transferred directly to his heart. “You have a distorted view of yourself. I’ll never believe you are corrupt.”

  Her sherry-brown eyes stared into his, shining with a woman’s faith and strength. He wanted to draw on that strength and faith and warm himself with it forever. He wanted to believe in what he saw there. But he feared leaning on anyone, especially her. He feared draining her, corrupting her, and turning her into what he was.

  “But what if you’re wrong, Emily? You’ll be the one to pay the price.”

  “I am willing to take the gamble. I have learnt that I must let my heart guide me in my decisions. I won’t be ruled by fear any longer and I will fight this darkness that holds you in its grip.”

  The determination in her voice, in her lovely eyes, warmed him even more. At the same time, it made him restless. He stood, walked to the window and brushed the curtains aside. Light snow flurries swirled in the air, falling haphazardly, just like people knocked about by the forces of life. Randomness had taken him to Turkey, to slavery. But randomness had also made him a very wealthy man and randomness had brought him Emily. She was a treasure he didn’t deserve, but what if he set her apart from him and she was hurt by some randomness of life and he wasn’t there to protect her, as he had been there today?

  Maybe she had a point about the unfairness of taking away her freedom of choice. Maybe it would hurt her too much to set her aside now. Maybe she was his angel, sent here for him alone. To heal him. And he wanted her so desperately. Damn, what was the right or wrong in this situation? Maybe there was no absolute right or wrong.

  And what of all the ways in which marriage could hurt her? What if a husband were to shame her over her sensual nature? What if a husband were to neglect her sexually or emotionally? Abuse her physically? Deny her the means and freedom to fully develop and express her artistic talents? Once she was someone’s cara spousa, she would be their legal supplicant. After that, there would be no possible way for Alex to make sure she didn’t suffer under such tyranny. Unless he were her husband.

  What a thought that was…

  He turned and faced her. “How much of a chance are you willing to take?”

  “As much of a chance as you are willing to take with me.”

  He went to his desk, opened the top drawer and retrieved a small box. Then he returned to where she sat on the settee and dropped to his knee. He took her delicate, long-fingered hand into his. The hand of an elegant lady. He looked up into the face that was the most beautiful in the entire world to him. “Would you be willing to marry me?”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly. The moments hung suspended. She had to say yes. She had to. The ardency of his inner words stunned him and then he knew that he had been deceiving himself. He never would have been able to put her from him.

  She nodded slowly, biting her lip.

  He took her hand. “Sweetheart, let me hear you say yes.”

  Her face broke into a wide smile, all red, luscious lips and dazzling white teeth. She nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and flung herself at him, taking him by surprise and nearly knocking him over.

  “Wait, wait,” he said, reaching for her hand. He removed the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger. The ruby stone glowed richly in the firelight. “It was my mother’s, and it would please me if you’d wear it. But if you’d truly like something else, you shall have it.”

  She pulled her left hand in front of her face and stared at the ring. “No, it’s perfect.” She glanced back up at him and smiled. “I adore it.”

  “And I adore you, my angel.” He put his lips to hers and kissed her long and lingeringly. And he vowed that he would make her happy. He would prove himself worthy of her faith. He would prove himself worthy of his angel.

  The End.

  Emily’s Seduction

  ©Copyright Natasha Blackthorne 2014, 2012

  Edited by Jon Rauch

  Cover Art by Natasha Blackthorne ©Copyright January 2014

  Kindle Edition

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Publishing History

  Second Edition published by Hearts Aflame Press November 2014

  First Edition published by Total-e-Bound Publishing February 2012

  All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be “loaned” or “shared” or reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including sharing/transferring the file email or IM, (outside of an authorized vendor’s valid lending program) without prior written permission from the author, Natasha Blackthorne, at

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction, sharing, or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This e-book contains explicit erotic scenes and graphic sexual language. Some readers may consider such content offensive. It is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country and/or state where this e-book was purchased. Please store your files where minors cannot access them.

  DISCLAIMER: Natasha Blackthorne writes romantic fiction for entertainment purposes only. Please do not attempt to use this book as a “how-to” book for any topic. Her works are not meant to be a guide or a “how-to book”. Please seek the guidance of an experienced practitioner and/or your personal physician before trying any new sexual practice. The author, Natasha Blackthorne, will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of her titles.

  What are people saying about Emily’s Seduction?

  “Natasha Blackthorne definitely knows how to draw a reader into her salaciously wicked historical romances. These erotic stories will have you wiggling in your seat...wherever that seat may be…I absolutely love this continuation of Alex and Emily's story. They both grew in so many ways. Natasha's writing is just so heartfelt and you are so emotionally drawn into her stories. You feel what her characters feel and I really do like that. I like to be emotionally tied to the people I'm reading about. I personally feel more connected and Natasha does that perfectly. Heat Level - 5 High Flames. “ ~ Salacious Reads

  “This is book 2 in Emily and Alex’s sensuous discovery of their love. Even though the first book hinted at a naughtily ever after, Emily and Alex have a long way to go and many things to explore before they can finally settle down…Alex’s fears are potently portr
ayed in this book, along with the unfolding of his horrific past, and his carnal urges. The decadence displayed in this book leaves you panting for more! The sensuous scenes are just my kind of naughty.” ~ Close Encounters With The Night Kind

  “…everything I look for in this genre and a whole lot more…This series is amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoy, hot, steamy, erotic romance.” ~ Gayle on Goodreads

  “I love Natasha’s work and I really get excited when it comes to reading her books. I found that this one was a little darker then the others and I have to say I loved it.” ~ Satin Sue’s Bookish Corner

  Emily’s Seduction


  Natasha Blackthorne

  Erotic Romance

  Georgian Historical Set in the USA

  NOTICE: This ebook contains sample chapters from Natasha Blackthorne’s other stories

  Book four in the Wild, Wicked and Wanton Series

  Before he can share his deepest, darkest secrets with her, he has to show her what seduction truly means.

  For the first time in a long time, Alex is genuinely happy. He's found a woman he can love. Now he wants only to enjoy his life. But the past won't let him go. His dark secrets threaten to engulf him. Yet how can he tell his innocent fiancée about the horrific things he's experienced?

  Emily finds herself locked in a battle with the darkness that appears to hold Alex captive. As he reveals more of his inner torment, as he seduces her into carnal decadence, she wonders who is this man she's so desperately in love with.

  Can their love survive this intense journey of erotic exploration, shocking revelations and unsettling discoveries?

  Reader Advisory: Emily's Seduction is an Erotic / Hot Historical Romance and contains frequent scenes of explicit sex and uses graphic language. Emily's Seduction also features light bondage, sensual spanking, anal sex, toys, voyeurism and one scene of ménage à trois M/f/M.


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