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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

Page 4

by Cora A. Murray

  "Blu, can you drive for awhile? My eyes are so heavy and I can't keep them open a second longer." I say.

  "Yeah, sure. Let me wake Gage so I'll have a second set of eyes." He replies as he walks to the truck to wake his younger brother. "Gage, wake up man. Gage, wake up!" I hear the alarm in Blu's voice when he can't get his brother to wake up. "Mak, he's burning up." He says, concern reflected in his eyes.

  Running back to the truck, I feel Gage's forehead then the side of his neck. He is on fire. Why the hell didn't we notice this earlier? "Help me strip him down to his boxers then get in the truck and turn the ac as low as you can get it." I shout out orders as I begin to undress Gage.

  By this time Tessa wakes up. "He's not turning into a zombie, is he?" She asks in a tiny voice.

  "No, sweetie, he's not." I answer, hoping I'm right. "Tessa, go in the back and grab the lightest blanket you can find. Once Gage starts to cool down he'll need it." I say giving her something to do.

  Damn I wish I had some water.

  After placing Gage inside the truck, Blu pulls me to the side. "What do we d… d… do, if he does turn?" He asks as a tear slips from the corner of his eye.

  "You drive I'll sit in the back with Tessa. If I notice the change starting to take effect, I'll deal with it." I say sadly, looking him in the eyes. "Let's look for a drug store on the ride. Antibiotics may be needed." I add trying to give Blu some hope for his brother.

  "Ok, I'll keep my eyes peeled." He says with a trembling lip.

  The hours pass slowly, the ac keeping Gage's temp down somewhat, but it still rages through his young body. Not at all sure what is going on, we pull to the side of a pharmacy. I am not taking chances this time, my Glock is in my hand.

  "Blu, Tessa, stay by the truck, but not inside with Gage. We need to be careful just in case it is the zombie virus. Understand?" Both nod, tears glistening their eyes. Damn, I've scared them. I just want them to be prepared.

  Blu reaches out, grabbing my elbow, "Be careful in there."

  "I will." I answer, glancing up into his sapphire eyes.

  Chapter Eight

  Walking into the pharmacy, I can just barely make out the peeling sign. It reads; Welcome to Penn's Pharmacy.

  Casting my eyes from side to side, I wait for a brief moment before I move forward; my Glock cocked and ready. I can see two doors from my vantage point, one leads to the bathrooms, the other I’m not sure as it doesn't have a sign.

  Sliding into first one bathroom then the other, I find both empty. Trying both faucets, wishing for water, but nothing comes out. "Damn!"

  Back in the main room of the pharmacy, I slowly walk behind the counter. Once there I go down aisle after aisle of meds, looking for anything that can be useful. I reach for the plastic containers next to the long abandoned cash register and fill them with pill bottles; everything from vitamins to antibiotics. Once those are full, I move out into the pharmacy; grabbing bandages, alcohol, peroxide and, thank you God, gallons of distilled water.

  I want to open a gallon right there, but I don’t because I know Gage needs it more than I do.

  Once I have everything gathered, I run outside with my hands full and throw everything to Blu, who starts to place it all in the truck. Running back and forth, I carry the eight jugs of water outside. "Put those inside the truck along with any antibiotics." I say as I slide back inside the pharmacy. We are lucky we found this place.

  Grabbing the plastic baskets from the front of the store, I go down each aisle; filling basket upon basket of needed supplies. There is also hard candy for Gage and Tessa. I am all smiles as I step from the pharmacy for the last time. We are really going to be ok.

  Thinking that the town is safe, we decide to find a place to hold up for the night. We can all use the rest and I will be able to nurse Gage through the night. We ride through town three times before we decide on a two story brick house nestled between two smaller houses. There are no cars anywhere in sight. As we pull to the front of the house, I lean over checking Gage's forehead. His temp is still up, but he feels cooler to the touch.

  "Blu, Tessa, stay inside the truck with your brother while I check around and inside the house. I'll yell when I’m certain it's all clear." I say before opening the door.

  "Mak, be careful, please." Blu says with a wink.

  "Always." I respond.

  After a quick search of the grounds surrounding all three homes without a sound or movement, and hoping it continues that way, I move to the door that we decided on. Turning the knob slightly it immediately opens, allowing me my first look of where we plan to spend the night. The front room is covered in blood; the pictures, couch and tables all tinted red. Someone or something is using this place to kill people. Backtracking, I make my way to the door, this place is out of the question. My Dad's is cocked and ready to go once more as I stop and take one more look around. Something evil is happening here.

  Stepping through the door, I see that the sun is casting shadows across the yard and eyes are staring out from hiding places I didn't see before.

  "Blu, start the truck, it's a trap!" I yell.

  The truck roars to life just as the first fresh zombies I've seen in a long time step out from their hiding places. The evil grin in place on the first one's face is very eerie, very terrifying. The three that are on his flank are also freshies. This makes no sense. The ones we've been seeing lately are falling to pieces, rotting where they stand.

  Running, I jump into the back of the truck just as the sun’s shadow covers the lawn. Tapping the roof of the truck I scream, "Go, Blu! Get the hell out of here!"

  Shooting as we reverse out of the yard, two go down fast, but are replaced by a multitude, each clamoring for our flesh and blood.

  I sit down in the back of the truck just to see more zombies spilling out of their hiding places. Either this town didn't catch the virus in the beginning or they'd just been found and turned. We roar through the streets of the small town and just when we reach the city limits sign, I hear a scream and shots fired out. Not sure if we should help or keep moving, I run a hand down my ponytail as indecision races through my mind.

  "Blu, we have to help if we can. Turn to the right up here and let me get a better look." I say with a frown.

  "Ok Mak, but if it's bad, we're gonna haul ass." He replies.

  "You bet we will." I say looking into Tessa’s frightened face.

  As we pull around the corner I see a small car surrounded by more freshies. The occupants are putting up a hell of a fight. Their gun shots are only going to draw more, but in this case they are out of options. Blu, pulls alongside the car and with our guns added to the fray, the six freshies are dead quickly.

  "Thank you. Thank you for the help. We were looking for supplies when our car wouldn't start." Someone from inside the car says.

  "How many are with you?" I ask, knowing we can only carry two or three more.

  "It's just me, my sister Lainey, and her son Ricky." The stranger says.

  "Well hurry and get in before we are besieged by zombies." I respond hesitantly.

  "We have a few supplies, guns, ammo, but little food and water." He says.

  "Ok hurry, load it up and get in." I say, my Glock not far from my reach.

  "Whoa, you have a sick kid in here. Is he sick with the virus?" The tall brunet man asks.

  "No and we have medicine for him. Besides, what are you going to do stay here and get eaten? You have one minute to decide; leave with us or stay!" I say, irritation clearly showing in my speech.

  They look at each other for a second before crawling inside just as more zombies emerge from the shadows. They fall on the dead fleshies, gorging themselves on their own kind.

  Opening the back window, I crawl in beside Tessa. The truck is now overflowing with survivors.

  "We need to stop soon. I have to get some meds into Gage." I say glancing in the rear view mirror at Blu.

  "Alright, Mak. As soon as I think it's safe, I'll pull over.

  "I'm Makayla, the one driving is Blu, the cutie beside me is Tessa, and our sick boy is Gage." I say, trying to get the introductions out of the way.

  "I'm Lainey, this is my son, Ricky, and that's my hardheaded younger brother, Logan. Nice to meet all of you. Thank you so much for coming to our aid. We'd be goners for sure if not for y'all." She says while reaching to shake my hand.

  After a couple hours pass, Blu pulls to the side of the road and we all spill out to stretch. The truck with everyone inside is too cramped. Jumping into the back, I start going through the meds we got back at the pharmacy.

  "I'm a nurse. I just graduated before all this started, but I can help." Lainey tells me.

  When I nod she climbs in the back and starts sorting through the meds we managed to gather. "Wow, y'all must have cleaned out a pharmacy." She laughs.

  "We did, actually." I say casually.

  She holds out two bottles of antibiotics, I take them and mutter, "Thank you."

  "With him being passed out we're going to have to grind them into a power and mix it with water then slowly drip the combination in his mouth." Lainey says nodding to the bottles.

  "How many should we give him to start with?" I ask, reading the bottles in my hand.

  "Three or four, then two every four hours. It should combat what's going on in his body and start to lower his temp." She's says in one breath.

  Chapter Nine

  Who would have thought it possible? A nurse just when we need one. Looking up into the heavens I mutter a quick "Thank you." then find one of the traveling mugs we found at the old farmhouse. I drop the four tablets inside, and using the hilt of my katana, I grind them into dust before slowly mixing in some water.

  With the cramped quarters, Gage's temp has gradually started raising again. He is so hot. Wetting a blanket, I wipe down his dehydrated body, the water drying on his skin instantly.

  Looking to Lainey, I say, "I may need your help pouring the meds in."

  Stepping forward, she holds onto Gage's head as I start the drip. Every so often she closes his mouth and runs a caressing hand down his throat. "Makes the swallowing easier." She says softly.

  We are all concerned about Gage's health and we cast uneasy eyes to one another as I hold the water bottle over his dry cracked lips. Why didn't I notice before how dehydrated he is?

  Pouring the last of the meds in his mouth, I let his head relax against my chest. I just want to run my hands through his dark locks. He is so unlike his brother. He is dark, whereas Blu is a lighter version, with his natural blond hair and tanned skin.

  Gage, please wake up baby, please. I pray over and over as Lainey pours more water into the cup.

  "He needs to drink more. If we can find some IV meds it will rehydrate him faster."

  "Would doctor’s offices have them? I'm not sure about going into a big hospital." I say, frowning at the thought.

  "Most should. We can always check out a couple." Lainey says, with a soft smile on her face.

  With a concrete plan in place, we start searching for country doctor’s offices and a means to get gas. The truck is running low on fuel once again. The night stretches on in front of us, but giving Gage his meds and a drink of water every two hours breaks up the monotony.

  "Tessa, are you doing ok? You've been so quiet." I ask, turning to face her.

  "I'm scared, Mak. Scared we can't find gas. Scared we can't find meds to help Gage. I seem to constantly be afraid." She says as she wipes tears from her eyes.

  Gathering her in my arms, I hold her tight until she eases into a deep sleep. I am essentially her mother now and that scares the shit out of me.

  I wake with a start sometime later and see that the truck is pulled into a small doctor’s office, Blu and Logan are gone. Shaking Lainey, I sit up. "I'm going to kick Blu's ass. He knows I don't want him going into these places." I say furiously.

  The truck is off and the doors are locked, but we were left defenseless inside with us all asleep. "What the hell is running through their minds? Anything could happen." I am so mad, I could actually spit.

  "Look." Lainey says, gesturing to the office door. Blu is standing there with his gun in his hand and I can just make out a shadow in the interior of the office. Logan is rummaging through the office.

  Sliding Tessa over beside Gage, I jump out of the truck, stretching my arms high over my head. Once I was stretch sufficiently, my arms automatically fall to the Glock at my side, then to my dad's dog tags. I want to berate Blu, but I know it wouldn't solve anything so I stand there, watching our surroundings.

  "Lainey, get your ass in here I may need you to tell me what to grab." I hear Logan yell.

  Searching the perimeter of the office, I notice for the first time that it is situated in the middle of a small town. In the parking area a blue Land Rover, which I assume once belonged the doctor who owned the place, sits. It will make a great second vehicle if we can find the keys and, if after two years, it will start. A layer of dust covers the top and sides.

  "Logan, look for a set of keys in there, too. They may be with the occupant of the building, though." I yell out across the parking lot.

  "As far as I can tell the occupant isn't here anymore. I'll search through his or her office though." He says, walking through another door.

  Several minutes tick by before he walks out and tosses a set of keys to me. "Try it." He says grinning.

  Sure enough, the keys unlock the SUV. Stepping up to the seat I try the engine. It turns over, but doesn't start. Jumping down from the seat, I run around and lift the hood. My dad wanted his girl to know about everything from guns to motors, so he taught me everything he knew. It was like he wanted his only child to be able to take care of herself if the world fell apart around us. So, here I stand looking at the motor, thinking what I can try to get it working. First I think the wiring so I check the coil wire, then the spark plugs.

  "Logan can you come over and try starting her up?" I ask as I lift each spark plug, cleaning and replacing them down the line.

  "Seriously, you can fix cars, too?" He asks as he steps up into the SUV. A quizzical smile on his face.

  "Well, yeah. My dad didn't waste my education on girly crap." I say as I replace the last plug. Twirling my fingers in the air as a sign for him to try it. The engine turns over instantly. Jumping up and down, I know we’re set as long as there is gas in it.

  Slamming the hood, I hear feet walking up behind me and I rapidly grab for my Glock. I turn to see Lainey and Blu standing there, surprise written across their faces.

  "Sorry, two years of being on my own has trained me to be cautious." I say with a shrug.

  Smiling slightly, Blu says, "That's why I know we can trust you to help keep us safe."

  Slapping a hand on the Land Rover, Logan interrupts us for a sec, "Well, she's full of gas. Where to next?" He asks looking directly at me.

  "We're heading all the way to the Pacific Ocean. I have friends I need to find, but if you three want to leave us and go your own way, please feel free to take the SUV."

  Shielding my eyes, I look to both Lainey and Logan for their answer. "I honestly think it's safer to stay together. Don't you think so, Logan?" Lainey asks, looking to her brother.

  "We'll stick with y'all for the time being, but if I feel that it's putting my sister and nephew in danger, we will head out on our own." He says simply, walking over to grab some supplies from the truck.

  "Did he find any IV fluids?" I ask, once again worried about Gage.

  "Yes, and we need to get an IV in Gage and get some liquids going before it gets too late. We also need to clear out the doctor’s office. There are some things that may be helpful in there." Lainey says, walking towards the truck.

  Lainey, Logan and Ricky ride behind us in the Land Rover and I am glad to have two vehicles on the road. I felt better about our chances together than apart, but I know deep down that if there are any signs of trouble Logan will leave us in the dust. It is a fact I am ok with as long as h
e doesn't cause us any problems in the process. I trust his sister, but him, I do not. So far he hasn't tried to get to know any of us.

  Two hours later we pull to a stop at a rest area as the sun is making its way down to the Earth, it’s rays now casting deep shadows. Gage stirred once, moaning in his sleep. The antibiotics and fluids having an effect on the infection that is running rampant through his young body. His fever finally started dropping and he is beginning to feel cooler to the touch. I am ready for him to wake up. I need to know for sure he is going to be ok.

  Jumping down from the truck, one hand on the door the other on my Glock, I look around and know without a single doubt that we can't stay here tonight. The doors are full glass. Even if we can get them to lock, it is way too easy to break one.


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