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Page 24

by Ella Frank

  “You okay?”

  Nodding, she squeezed his fingers a little tighter. “I’ve never been happier than right at this moment.”

  “Really? Because you look a little sad.”

  Her smile changed then, and morphed from a half-smile to something he’d never seen on her, a confused look.

  “Do I? I don’t mean to be. If anything, it’s sad things can’t stay exactly as they are right this second.”

  He snuggled in putting an arm around her. “So you’re enjoying yourself then?”

  Tilting her head, she leaned in and kissed his lips. “Every second.”

  He was about to respond when he heard her beeper go off. She sighed and reached down into her bag. Pulling it out, he watched her brow come down to form a serious frown line. Then she reached up and rubbed a hand over her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry. I need to go to the hospital. One of my patients, Robbie.”

  “That little boy?” Mason asked, watching as she stood, pulling the bag over her shoulder.

  She nodded at him and then smoothed her hands down her thighs, “Yes. He’s taken a turn for the worse. That was Shelly letting me know his parents have been asking for me.”

  Mason nodded, understanding immediately that she had to go. His mother stepped forward and grasped Lena’s hand.

  “We understand, dear. You have a very important job. It’s important to be around those who need us in times like these.”

  Mason felt Lena stiffen a little and he pulled her toward the door. “I’ll walk you out.”

  When they reached the back door, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at his family. “Thanks again. Dinner was amazing.”

  “Anytime, honey. You’re welcome in this house any time,” Catherine answered with her warm smile. When they finally reached Lena’s car, they stopped and she turned slowly.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Mason asked, tilting her chin up so their eyes met.

  “Probably not. This is when it gets hard. When the child really has no other option than to fight hard or to let go gracefully. The parents are going to have a rough decision to make.”

  “And you’re going to have a rough night.” He paused and then reached down into his pocket. He’d wanted to give her this the day after their first night together, but he hadn’t thought she was ready. He was hoping she was now.

  “Will you come home to me when you’re finished at the hospital?”

  He took her hand and placed a key in it. She looked down at her hand and then back up to him, nodding.

  “If I’m asleep, just let yourself in. Okay?”

  Closing her hand around the brass key, he heard her whisper, “Okay.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you later. Be safe.”

  She climbed into her car, looked at him where he was standing on the curb, and then without another glance she turned on the ignition and drove away.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The night had been horrible. Lena had arrived at eleven p.m. and had gone straight down to the Pediatric ICU. Robbie Tipton had been brought in with severe pneumonia and it didn’t look good. When she walked in the unit, Becky Tipton had turned to her with glassy red eyes and just burst into tears. Her husband Chad wrapped an arm around her shoulders and looked as though he’d gone ten rounds in a boxing ring. Lena had known there was nothing she could say. After all, what can you say to the parents of a child who was lying motionless on a hospital bed with a breathing tube down his throat? Not a whole lot. So she just went to their sides and held their hands while Becky told her what Dr. Monroe, Shelly, had explained to them.

  Lena had finally left the room, emotionally exhausted, around one a.m. She was sitting in her office staring out at the night sky and clutching the key Mason had given her earlier. What did the key mean? Was it just a heat of the moment decision on his behalf because he thought she’d need the company tonight? After all, she had told him that when he slept next to her the nightmares seemed to leave her alone. Or was this more serious? Did he expect her to use this key whenever she wanted, or was it only to be used this one night? Or worse, on the nights he wanted sex? She gripped it in her hand and tried to push aside all the thoughts that were nagging her. Her emotions were running high and she didn’t know if it was wise even to go by his house. Between the talk she had this evening with Catherine and then having to console the Tiptons, she felt like she was walking on an emotional tightrope and didn’t know how or when she was going to fall. Pulling her bag up and over her shoulder, she took the elevator down to her car, walked over and got in and drove where her heart was telling her—straight to Mason’s house.

  He didn’t know what to expect. Quite honestly, he wasn’t even sure if she was going to show up. He’d given her the key to keep and use whenever she wanted. He liked having her in his house, and loved having her in his bed. In fact, he couldn’t remember being happier than the mornings he woke up with her lying beside him. However, right now, as he sat in his living room in the dark, watching the clock and waiting for her, he felt nervous. Nervous she wouldn’t show up, nervous she would and he wouldn’t know what to do to help her, and nervous that she wouldn’t let him. Just as the clock turned to 1:27 a.m., he heard a key push into the lock and turn slowly. The door was pushed opened lightly and he watched Lena softly tiptoe into the room. She hadn’t seen him sitting on the couch since it was completely dark, and he wondered if she would turn a light on. He’d seen her illuminated for just a moment from the light in the hall and she was still wearing what she’d been dressed in earlier this evening. A cream buttoned-down blouse and his favorite black pencil skirt. He watched her silhouette gently put down her bag and then his eyes tracked her as she made her way toward the large window in his living room in the dark.

  Not turning on any lights, she stopped when she got to the clear glass and put her hands on her hips rolling her head back and forward, as if she was stretching out the kinks. Finally, he stood quietly and padded softly over to her. Not until the last minute when he was right behind her did she tense and turn to face him.

  “Mason. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Reaching out, he placed a finger over her lips. “Shh. You didn’t. I was waiting up for you.”

  He felt her head shake. “You shouldn’t have done that. You should go to bed.”

  Stroking a finger down her cheek, he noticed how tense her jaw was and rubbed at the tight spot just in front of her ear. “I wanted to. Rough night?”

  Nodding, she replied softly, “One of the roughest.”

  He stepped close to her, crowding her back up against the cool window. He watched her head tilt up toward him and he knew her eyes were on his face. “What can I do?”

  He heard her take a deep breath and then let it out. She remained rigid in front of him so he asked her again. “Tell me, Lena, what can I do to help you?” Pausing, he lifted a hand and brushed a curl back behind her ear. “What do you need?”

  He felt her throat, where his fingers rested, as she swallowed deeply and then asked in a low voice, “Take me?”

  Mason’s hand froze against her neck. That was the last thing he’d expected. He had thought maybe hold me, kiss me, or talk to me, but what she’d just said had knocked the wind right out of him. He felt her hands come up and rest low on his hard stomach right above the drawstring of his pants.

  “I don’t understand what you want, Lena.” He paused, licking his lips. He didn’t want to screw this up and misunderstand what she was telling him, but when she trailed a hand down over his hard cock and gripped him in a tight squeeze, he knew there was no mistaking.

  “I want you to take me. Hard.” She panted the last word at him and he wished the lights had been a little brighter because at that moment he would’ve given anything to see her eyes dilate clearly along with the passion he heard in her voice.

  “Lena, are you sure? You’ve had a rough night and . . .” he trailed off as she pulled on him with her hand and l
eaned in to kiss his chest.

  “I want to forget tonight, Mason. Make me forget,” she begged softly.

  When she let go of him he groaned at the loss but was thrilled to see her jerking her blouse from her skirt. As she started to unbutton the blouse from the bottom up, Mason blinked once and then got his brain in gear. He reached out when she was halfway up the buttons and brushed her hands away. He held them down at her sides and then leaned in so she could now focus on his face even in the darkness. He watched her eyes widen when he licked his lips.

  “Are you positive this is what you want?”

  Mirroring his move, she moistened her own lips and nodded. With that final decision from her, Mason stood up, released her hands, and ordered in a voice he didn’t even recognize, “Turn around and put your palms on the window.”

  Lena sucked in a breath at the command she heard in his voice. She hadn’t known what she wanted when she’d shown up here. However, as she pivoted toward the window and looked out at the night sky and the glowing city park below, marked with tiny little street lamps, she had a feeling she was about to get it. Mason had seemed reluctant at first, almost as though he was worried if he touched her she’d break, but now that she’d given permission, he seemed to have let go of whatever he’d been holding back at that moment.

  Reaching out in front of her, she laid her palms flat on the glass window. It was cool to touch but she knew that wouldn’t last long. She could see Mason’s silhouetted reflection moving in behind her and she sighed as she trailed her eyes down his naked chest. It was almost a shame the lights weren’t on, but then again if the lights were on everyone outside would’ve been about to get a very interesting show. Breathing deeply she waited, silently wondering where this was going to go—or should she say, how far. When she felt his hands come around her waist to where she’d unbuttoned her shirt, she sighed as he ran his palms up her naked skin to her bra. He cupped her breasts in his hands and pushed them up as he ground his hips hard against her ass. She could feel his breath on her neck when he whispered, “I’m going to fuck you right here, Lena.”

  She felt her wet core clench hard between her thighs and she swallowed deeply, looking out the window to the street below. It was true there was no one down on the sidewalk but looking out across the top of the park to the buildings on the other side who knew, she thought to herself, who knew if someone was watching or could see them? As he dragged one big hand down the front of her body and pressed a flat palm over her throbbing mound, she thought at this moment, she didn’t even care.

  Rubbing against the apex of her thighs with his hand and squeezing her breast with the other, he pushed his hard cock up against her ass and asked in that deep voice that seemed to be designed to drive her crazy, “Is that what you want, Lena? You want me to lift your skirt up? Bend you over and shove my cock in you so deep you forget everything else?”

  Moaning at the erotic picture he was painting, she tilted her head back and felt his hard chest behind her. He kissed the side of her head and then took both hands away and placed them on her hips. He pulled her back so she was tilted a little forward now. She felt him kick his foot lightly between her heeled ones and she started to take her hands from the window.

  “Ah, ah, Lena. Hands stay there, the whole time. What are you trying to do?”

  It was hard to make out his features when she looked over her shoulder at him, but it looked as though his mouth was pulled in a grim line and his hands were balled by his sides.

  “I was going to take my shoes off,” she told him hesitantly, unsure if that was the correct answer.

  Reaching out, he placed his hands on her hips and leaned down, brushing her back with his chest and rubbing his erection against the thin skirt covering her ass.

  “No. I like them on. You’re the perfect height in those shoes.” He thrust against her and she bit back a moan. “See? When there’s nothing between us, I’m going to slide right in deep. Now keep your hands right there and widen your feet a little, Lena.”

  She complied quickly, feeling her panties dampen as they pressed up against the hot slick folds that were quickly becoming swollen and achy. She tried helplessly to focus on him in the reflection of the window but she couldn’t make him out. He was just a shadow behind her. He was a huge sexy shadow that was about to take her.

  Mason took a deep breath and told himself to calm the hell down. This was what she wanted; it was, he realized, what she needed. She was wound up so tightly that she needed a release and this was the perfect way. Right now as she was arched forward, her hands supported her and her legs were spread just enough to keep her stable. She looked sexy as hell and he couldn’t believe she was about to let him fuck her in front of the window. As he looked out into the dark night, he was almost positive they’d be okay and right now they were both beyond caring. He reached down around her, took the loose ends of her blouse in his hands, and ripped the remaining buttons apart. She gasped but kept her hands on the window. He felt her breathing kick up as he let the material flutter down and hang from her arms by her sides. Her breasts heaved inside her bra and he wanted them free. He wanted to pinch them and squeeze them, so he reached around and pulled the cups down from her breasts. The bra plumped the creamy white mounds out at an obscene level, almost as though they were being offered for the whole world to see, and in a sense they were. He felt her breathing stop for a moment, then she wiggled her hips and he knew she was becoming extremely aroused. Leaning down over her, he licked the back of her ear and felt a shudder run through her. He could see her breasts reflected in the window as they swayed with each breath she took. Her eyes were glued to his reflection above her head and he could tell she was trying to anticipate his next move.

  Nibbling her ear but touching her nowhere else, he said in a husky growl, “Do you know how fucking sexy you look right now?” He gripped her hips and tightened his fingers on her waist. “Anyone out there could be watching you, Lena. Just think—there may be someone out there who can see your naked breasts as they move with each breath you take. How does that make you feel?”

  She swallowed and tried to bite back a small moan and when she didn’t answer he ground his cock up against her ass. She caved, letting out a small cry of pleasure. Mason asked again, “How does it make you feel?”

  “Sexy,” she admitted between deep breaths. “It makes me feel sexy.”

  Running his hands around her hips, he flattened his palms on her stomach and dragged them up to her breasts where he cupped them from underneath, pinching her nipples and feeling a deep moan vibrate up and out of her chest.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned, and rocked her hips back on him. He pushed up hard on her ass and continued pinching and pulling her hard tight nipples. “Mason,” she panted against the window, causing it to fog in front of her.

  Leaning down so his mouth was by her ear, he asked softly, “Yes, Lena?”

  He saw her mouth in the window and she licked her lips and panted, “I need.”

  “What?” he pushed her mentally and emotionally, knowing she needed it, knowing she wanted it. “What do you need?”

  She clenched her teeth and thrust back hard on his aching cock. “More,” she moaned, rubbing her ass up and down his rigid length.

  “Hmm,” he groaned in her ear, thrusting against her ass as he pinched her nipples again. He let go with one hand and reached down to grip the side of her skirt with the other. He dragged it up her legs and she groaned, knowing he was getting closer to what she wanted.

  “You feel so fucking good, Lena. You’re so eager, all hot and ready for me and begging to be fucked.” He took his hands from her breasts and she groaned at the loss. “Now be a good girl and leave your hands right where they are and I promise I’ll give you what you want.”

  Stepping back, now that he finally had her skirt scrunched up around her waist, he watched her long legs move apart a little more. Now that they were free of the skirt, she was bracing herself so that she was steadier agains
t the window. She should’ve looked ridiculous standing at his window bent over with her hands planted firmly, her shirt ripped apart and her breasts bared for the whole nocturnal world to see. However, with the addition of her little black skirt pulled up high around her waist and a tiny black thong separating her ass cheeks, she looked like every sexual fantasy he’d ever had. Groaning loudly at the vision in front of him, he quickly undid the drawstring of his pants and released his hard aching cock. It wanted in and it wanted in now.

  Lena was going insane. She felt like she was overheating from the inside out. She was so aroused that her whole body was trembling uncontrollably. Her legs were shaking and her hands were sweating where they rested against the window. She could hear Mason rustling around behind her and was wondering what he was doing until she felt a long finger reach out and trace the line of the lace thong that was separating her ass. Groaning low, she hung her head down. He was only touching her in one spot and she was ready to orgasm.

  Swallowing a deep breath, she shut her eyes and tried to concentrate, not wanting to go off until he was planted fully inside of her. That finger dragged down the lace until it was between her thighs and pressing up against the soaked material covering her. Behind her, Mason groaned deep in his throat and moved in closer until she felt his naked cock slide up between her ass cheeks. Mason removed his hand and Lena felt him bend down so his naked chest was pressed against the shirt covering her back. She was almost upset he hadn’t taken it off until he bunched it up at the bottom of her back and pulled her back a little, thrusting up against the tiny strip of lace.

  “Fuck,” he moaned, and did it again. Leaning down over her, he asked softly, “Are you ready Lena? You feel ready to me. You’re dripping all over my fingers.”


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