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Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off

Page 29

by Manda Mellett

  I take her over to the picnic table, noticing she’s favouring her right leg and realising that her prosthesis must be making her stump sore. She’s been on it for a long time today. I help her sit down and hear her quiet sigh of relief. Nodding to Carmen and Sandy, I know they’ll take care of my girl. After bending to give her a deep kiss, and leaving my hand on her shoulder for a moment before lifting it, I return and make my way back to my prez’s side.

  As I re-enter the club room I have to push my way through the exodus of the rank and file, just as we agreed earlier, all members would hear the background to what’s going on, but strategy would be determined by officers only.

  Now much emptier, presidents, VPs, sergeant-at-arms, enforcers and treasurers and secretaries have pulled up seats or are sitting on the tables. Drum’s called the prospects in and they busy making sure everyone has drinks before they’re dismissed once again.

  Once only the most experienced officers are left, Drum calls the meeting to order.

  “Grateful for your support, brothers.” His gaze slowly goes around the assembled crowd, a nod for each of the presidents. “Now let’s thrash around some thoughts on how to get these bastards out of our hair once and for fuckin’ all.”

  In the end, it all hinges on how much we can find out about the Rock Demons, and Mouse’s plans to get eyes on them goes down well. After an hour or so kicking around ideas, Drum and I get what we were aiming for. Support by way of manpower if we need it once we know the kind of numbers we’re up against, and agreement that they’ll lock down other chapters of the Demons when it’s time for us to go in. We do come away with the useful information that not all chapters of the Demons are involved in trafficking, and that retaliation for taking out the Phoenix chapter might not be as bad as we fear, though obviously, we wouldn’t be making friends. But we couldn’t give a fuck about that.

  We shoot the shit, drink some more, then the meeting breaks up. Some wander back outside to the party; some stay to catch up with brothers they haven’t seen for a while. Although the reason for coming together today is a sombre one, a chance for the chapters to meet up is always welcomed.

  Taking Drum’s arm I clasp my hand around his forearm, an action that’s reciprocated, and with a chin lift, I thank him for his part today. We don’t need words as he gives a sharp nod in return, and then once more I’m heading outside.

  As I come up behind her, those words, Property of Wraith, stitched onto the back of her cut have me hardening in my pants and while it looks like she’s enjoying herself, I know it won’t be long before I’m dragging her back to my room to have a party of our own. But making my way through the throngs of people I haven’t seen for some time, especially since they all want to offer support to help me keep my old lady riding behind me, takes time. I’m getting impatient to get back to her when a beefy hand lands on my back, almost making me fall. I swing around, fast.

  “Red, you fucker.”

  He grins lopsidedly, “Never thought I’d see a bitch on the back of your bike, Wraith.”

  My face creases. Red and I prospected together, then he went off to Vegas while I stayed here. It’s the kind of bond that never dies. “How d‘you like being prez?” He only got the position last year when the previous president of the Las Vegas chapter succumbed pretty darn fast to cancer. Mind you; he’d smoked like a chimney for years.

  Red’s grin fades, “It was easier being VP.”

  I know where he’s coming from, there’s no way I covet the responsibility of Drum’s position.

  “But gettin’ back to your girl, you gonna introduce me properly?”

  My face shutters as my suspicions start to grow, “What exactly are you askin’, Red?”

  He opens his hands in a gesture of innocence, but there’s a glint in his eye, “She’s a beautiful woman, and you’re one lucky motherfucker. Shame about what that bastard did to her, though. How’s she copin’ with just one leg?”

  I sigh, waving over to a spot behind the grills where no one seems to be making out, and it looks a good place to have a word without being overheard. Soph looks up as I walk past, so I hold up five fingers, and she smiles and gives a little wave of her hand to show she’s okay with waiting for a few minutes.

  There’s a convenient log, so as Red sits down, I rest my leg on it, leaning over with my hands on my knee. “When she first came here, she was in a wheelchair,” at last I start to answer his question, “Horse suspected she was suicidal.”

  “Shit!” He wipes his hand over his chin and adds sadly, “Gets to some like that.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Peg said. Anyway, Peg has been helpin’ her―huh, he bullied her and came on strong so she couldn’t turn him down. But he got her exercisin’ and now walkin’ again. She’s just about getting there as you can see.” I jerk my head backwards, and his eyes follow and look at my girl.

  “Peg would be the right man to help.” He knows our sergeant-at-arms.

  “Yeah, didn’t help that one of our members tried to fuckin’ rape her. Threw her prosthesis against the wall and fuckin’ broke it.”

  “You what?” Red gets to his feet and slams his fist into his palm. He flexes his muscles and looks around, narrowing his eyes. “He still fuckin’ breathin’?”


  “Thank fuck for that.”

  I drag my hand down my beard. Truth is, I’ve known Red a very long time, was really close to him at one point, and still regard his as one of my best friends. So I tell him the rest of it, “Bastard put some fuckin’ bad thoughts in her head. That no one would want her as she wasn’t a proper woman.”

  He huffs a laugh, “Bit twisted seeing as he obviously did.”

  “Yeah, but it was only what she’d been thinkin’ all along, so that’s why I acted when I did. I’d been wantin’ her for weeks but puttin’ it off unless it was the right time. Red, she’s got to me. Haven’t wanted anyone else since I saw her.”

  “You’re a lucky devil you did see her first.” He claps his hand on my shoulder, and then pushes me slightly, so I turn to face him. “Want any help convincin’ her she’s a fuckin’ stunner?”

  When I’d seen Red, memories of our past had come back to me. I knew I could trust him, in ways I wouldn’t trust anyone else. Hoping I’m not going to regret this, I huff, and say, “Come on then, but remember whose patch she’s wearin’.” I stomp my way over to the picnic bench. Bullet and Viper are hovering close by, and at my arrival, scope up their women and leave. I jerk my chin towards them, knowing they were waiting until I was here to take care of my girl myself.

  Red pushes past and takes the seat beside her. He looks down at the leg she’s ruefully rubbing, “That painin’ you, sweetheart?”

  I see her face reddening; he’s embarrassed her.

  She looks to me as though for guidance, “You getting’ tired, darlin’?”

  She seems grateful I’ve noticed, “A bit,” she pauses, then motions to me to come closer so she can whisper into my ear, “I’m getting fed up with everyone treating me like a freak in a carnival.”

  Red hears and rears back before I can react, “You’re no fuckin’ freak, sweetheart. And the only reason anyone’s lookin’ at you is ‘cos you’re fuckin’ beautiful.”

  I’m grateful to him, but Sophie stares him down, “The first thing you mentioned was my leg, Red.” She remembers his name from my introduction earlier; he apparently made an impression on her.

  He raises his hand, and gently touches her cheek, “It’s been a long ass day, and you looked like you’re in pain. You ain’t got to hide that from anyone, girl. Fuck, most of us are in awe at what you’ve suffered and come through.” As he smooths his fingers down her skin, he rests the tips for a second on the scar Buster left and flicks his eyes to me. I give a short nod in response, and see his face tighten.

  Watching as she leans into his touch, I see her quickly straighten and look at me; her mouth has dropped open, and her eyes widened. Her breathing speeds up, and her f
lush deepens. Quickly I reach out and reassuringly caress her hair, while my eyes connect with Red’s. The fucker’s smiling, and out of her sight, he’s reached his hand down to his crotch, pointedly adjusting himself.

  I stake my claim, leaning forwards and taking advantage of her open lips, I sweep my tongue inside. My grip on her hair tightens, and I pull her into me, delving as deep into her mouth as I can. A slight waft of oranges comes to me from the shampoo she uses, but beneath that, the scent of something that’s all her. Her taste teases me, my cock, already lengthened, swells almost to the point where it’s painful, and my balls throb seeking release.

  She gasps into my mouth, but I hold her in place, and her lips move more urgently over mine. Opening my eyes, I see, as I’d expected, Red has his hands on her hips, and his fingers gently caressing her. My nostrils flare, as I slowly end the kiss, and stare at my girl.

  “Who do you belong to?” I ask, my own breathing speeding up.

  Still held prisoner by my grip on her hair, she looks directly at me and gasps out, “You, Wraith.”

  Throwing a glance at Red I see his eyes are dilated, and there’s a look of hunger in his eyes.

  Suddenly I’m scooping her up in my arms, “My room’s closest,” I tell them both.

  She hugs me around my neck, holding on and holding me close. As Red gets up to follow us her eyes widen, “Wraith? Red…”

  She weighs nothing at all, so it’s easy for me to turn her, so her hips are straddling my waist and carry her that way. Automatically she rubs her pelvis against me. Pausing my stride, I check for signs of concern, but she’s perplexed, rather than afraid.

  “Red’s comin’ with us. If you’re okay with that?”

  She throws a glance over my shoulder at the other man, and just when I think I’ll need to prompt her to respond, she turns back to me, and I can see her pupils dilate as she whispers into my ear, “Are you okay, with it, Wraith?”

  Only with Red. And only because I’m confident that whatever sexual feelings she might have for the Vegas President don’t hold a candle to the depth of her emotion for me. So I kiss her, and whisper into her mouth, “Yes.”

  She leans into me, her eyes feeding on the man following us.

  I get to my room, unlock it―with the numbers here today I’m not going to trust leaving it open―and take her inside. Red closes the door behind us.

  Chapter 27


  One minute I was sitting talking with Carmen and Sandy and the next Wraith comes up with that stunningly attractive man I’d seen in the clubroom. When Red seated himself beside me it was so close I could feel the warmth of his leg next to mine. Too close, invading my personal space, but instead of feeling trapped, a shiver of anticipation ran down my spine.

  It was like a bucket of cold water being thrown over me when he commented on my missing leg, as though that was all I was. But then, the reminder that I’m a cripple was swept away, and things became blurred as Wraith was kissing me, and I felt Red’s hands touching me, holding my hips, his fingers finding the skin between my top and jeans and gentling circling and I was spiralled into a level of arousal that was out of this world.

  It took me only seconds to know that if they both wanted me, I wouldn’t be able to resist. But Wraith wouldn’t want to share me, would he?

  Then I was in Wraith’s arms, and being carried to his room. And Red was following. Over Wraith’s shoulder, I could see his face, his fair skin darkening, his eyes narrowed, his lips pursed as though fighting to keep control. He was walking, legs slightly apart, drawing my attention to what’s hidden beneath the denim of his black jeans. And it’s quite a lot. My eyes widen and rise to his at the size of the package he has difficulty concealing, and he smirks in response.

  Wraith checked with me, but I had to check back. My love for Wraith isn’t going to waiver, but the chance to have this other man too? The one I’d felt such an immediate reaction too? The old Sophie would never have given up an opportunity like this, so why should the new version? It wouldn’t be my first time with two men.

  Then it hit me as we entered Wraith’s room.

  Suddenly my hands are beating on his shoulders, “Stop, Wraith, no.”

  Wraith freezes, and gradually allows me slide to the floor. When I’ve got my balance he lets me go, stands back and tunnels his hands through his hair, “Fuck, Soph. I’m so sorry. I thought you might want this.” He turns away and hits his fist against the wall, “Shit, I’ve fucked this up.”

  “I’ll go.” Without hesitating, Red turns to walk out of the door.

  “No,” a hoarse cry comes from me, not wanting to them to think they’d upset me. “Wraith, my leg!” That’s why I’m not the old Sophie! That’s why I can’t do this, can’t think of another man seeing me.

  “Oh, babe,” Wraith’s back by my side, and I feel a body come up behind me.

  “Don’t give a fuck about what you’ve got or not got, beautiful. Don’t matter none to me,” Red’s sexy rasping voice rumbles into my ear.

  Wraith’s hands brush my hair back from my face, studying me, “Get that out of your mind, darlin’, Red ain’t gonna care.”

  But my fears of a man rejecting me have come back in force, those cruel words Buster threw at me never far from the back of my mind. I know I’m still desirable to Wraith, he’s convinced me of that time and time again, but to anyone else?

  Red is gently kissing my neck, his teeth gently nipping, then his tongue soothing, but I stiffen at his touch, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes. Then he whispers to me, “Show me, trust me.”

  Staring at Wraith, I know I can’t let this go further without showing Red what he’s going to be dealing with. Pushing the man in front of me away, and stepping out of the grasp of the man behind, I half walk, half stumble to the bed and perch myself on the side. My hands go to the button of my jeans, and I hear two sharp intakes of breath as I start to undo it.

  I close my eyes, unzip by touch, and ease my bum up to remove my jeans to my hips. Slowly I draw the denim down.

  The unique smell of my man reaches me, and I know it’s his gentle touch that takes over, taking off my shoes, then my jeans following. I feel him undo the straps around my prosthesis, and can’t help the sigh of relief when it’s off. I’ve been standing too long today.

  Then another man’s touch, his hands feeling coarser, smoothing down my thighs.

  Taking a breath to fortify myself, I look up to see Red staring down at me, nothing but sheer male appreciation shining from his face. As Wraith slips onto the bed behind me and pulls me back into his body, Red steps forwards, taking my hand and resting it on his crotch. He feels hot to the touch and hard, and every bit as big as my eyes told me he was.

  “Ain’t turnin’ me off none, girl.” He’s grinning, but breathing hard, as though it’s an effort to get air into his lungs. “It’s hot,” as he waves at my stump his words make me inhale sharply, and then he clarifies, “You’re fuckin’ brave, that’s clear. That’s what I see, sweetheart.”

  Then, his eyes fixed on mine, he removes his cut and slowly slides off his shirt revealing a muscular body underneath, decorated with colourful tattoos. Unable to let out my indrawn breath, I let my eyes absorb the sight in front of me. He’s gorgeous. His skin is fairer than Wraith’s and glistens with a slight sheen of perspiration due to the heat of the day, freckles abound, making me want to reach my fingers out and trace them like a child’s join the dots puzzle.

  Behind me, Wraith divests himself of his top, pulling me to him, so I feel his warmth against my back. Then he reaches around and taking the ends of my shirt, pulls it up over my head.

  Now it’s Red’s turn to stare as Wraith undoes the front fastening of my bra, letting my breasts fall free. “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he rasps.

  I feel myself grow wet at the two hot bodies surrounding me, my nipples peak as though crying out for attention, and Wraith doesn’t disappoint, his hands coming out to tweak and caress them, sendin
g a tingle directing down my spine to my clit which begins to throb. I can’t stifle the moan that his touch, and the greedy eyes of the man in front of me, elicits.

  Red’s hands go to the top button on his jeans, and lazily he undoes it then flicks the next through the button hole. He takes his time, and I can’t pull my eyes away as one by one the buttons reveal what he’s been hiding underneath. Unconsciously I lick my lips in anticipation as his massive cock springs into view, hard and ready.

  Part of my brain kicks into gear, and I glance towards his face, “You clean?”

  “Yeah, got tested recently and I never go ungloved.”

  “You can trust him, sweetheart,” Wraith whispers in my ear.

  Now Wraith scoots off the bed, toes off his boots and removes his jeans and boxers entirely. With a wry glance as though he’s lost a race, Red stops his slow striptease and lets everything drop. Coming back to the bed, Wraith centres me on it and lies to one side, pulling my front towards him. Red slides next to me, his warm chest up against my back.

  Wraith kisses me deeply, and then turns me to Red, who takes his turn. His taste is different, and his tongue swirls around mine in an unfamiliar dance but is not at all unpleasant. As they take turns, slowing rolling me between them, their hands roam until I’m not sure which one is touching me where.

  I hear murmurs in two different voices, telling me how beautiful I am, telling me how sexy, how they can wait to be inside me, and I feel two hard cocks pressing against me reassuring me of the truth of the words coming out of their mouths. It’s beyond hot, their touches almost scorching me.

  Then Wraith’s familiar hand finds my clit, and a different set of fingers probe inside me, curling round, seeking that special spot inside.

  “Fuck me; she’s so wet.”

  “That she is.” Wraith kisses my neck, nipping it and sucking, marking me as his.

  And then I can’t think anymore; my senses are on overload, mouths at my breasts, hands everywhere, fingers touching, probing, stroking and strumming. My muscles contract and I can’t get a breath as I reach higher and higher until Wraith gives me permission, “Come for us.”


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