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Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8)

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by AJ Alexander

  “Excuse me?” she cocks her eyebrow, probably questioning my sanity. “It’s customary for someone to give their name before asking for someone else’s.”

  “Connor. Connor Bennett.” My fists clench at my side, as I try to reel in the foreign emotions running through my body. I never imagined I would meet someone who lit my soul on fire like Lydia, but today I have. “And your name is?” I ask again, holding out my hand.

  She places her cup down on the table before gripping my hand and standing. As soon as our skin connects, an electrical current sizzles up my arm. Her caramel colored eyes widen in surprise before she pulls her hand from my grasp, “Audrey. Audrey Wilde.”

  I’m about to get down on my hands and knees to beg her to give me a chance, when Jade calls me from the door. “Daddy!”

  I reluctantly pull my eyes away from Audrey and smile, “Hey baby girl. How was class today?” I step forward, wrapping my arms around her.

  “It was amazing! I’m so excited for tryouts in a few weeks. I’m a shoe in for the lead role.” She pulls from my embrace and turns to address a girl standing next to her. “No offense, Love. If you got the part, I’d be happy for you. But I really want the lead role this year.”

  The girl responds with a bright smile, “None taken. Although I’ve never been at a studio long enough to try out for a lead role. I doubt I’d get it anyway.”

  “Don’t talk like that, Sweetie. You’re an amazing dancer, they’d be lucky to have you be the lead,” Audrey chimes in as she wraps the young girl in her arms, pulling her tightly against her chest.

  “You must be Love?” I question as I hold my hand out for her to shake. She gives me a skeptical look before tentatively shaking my hand. “And that makes you Bristol’s friend, Audrey, who moved to town to help at the studio.”

  Audrey rolls her eyes, picking up her mug and finishing the contents in one swallow. “It was nice meeting you, Connor, but we have to get going.”

  “Bye, Jade.” Love waves at both of us over her shoulder before following Audrey out the door.

  I want to rip the door off its hinges as it closes behind them, realizing I have no way to get a hold of her. I should have begged her to give me her number, anything so I can ensure I can see her again.

  “Earth to Dad?” Jade’s voice brings me back to the present, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Bristol called and told me her friend had arrived. When I saw someone in the coffee shop I didn’t recognize, I assumed it was her. I was just being friendly.”

  “Yea, sure,” Jade pats my arm before heading toward the counter, “You can tell me everything over a cinnamon bun and hot chocolate.”

  I shake my head and follow her. There is no way I will talk my way out of having this conversation with Jade, but there really is nothing to tell. Audrey Wilde is one of the most gorgeous women I have seen.

  “Bristol…” I say to myself, remembering I have the perfect excuse to see Audrey again. Suddenly my chances of getting to know Audrey better are looking up.

  Chapter Three


  After my strange encounter with Connor, my hand still tingles. Memories of the brief time we spent talking flash through my mind as I fill out the required paperwork to enroll Love. His imposing form cast a shadow over me as I enjoyed my cup of herbal tea. When I looked into his bright green eyes, I was unsure if he planned to introduce himself or throw me onto the table and have his way with me, not that I would have complained about either.

  Thankfully Love and his daughter, Jade, brought us back to our senses. Jade was the spitting image of her father. After glimpsing at his wedding ring sparkling on his left hand, my heart sank. I should have known he had a wife waiting for him to come home. Just my luck, lusting after a married man again.

  “Here is a class schedule. We’re flexible about what classes she attends. She only needs to sign up for each class online.” Emersyn’s voice breaks me from my trance as she hands me a stack of papers. “Based on what Love has told me about her dance experience, she can take any of our classes.”

  “Can you tell me what classes Jade takes,” Love asks shyly, I can’t help but smile.

  “I sure can.” Emersyn presses a few buttons on the computer before printing off a single sheet of paper and handing it to Love. “She usually sticks to the ballet classes, but she takes a hip-hop class now and then.”

  “Thanks so much,” Love gives her a bright smile before taking a seat and examining the sheet of paper.

  “They have made quite the impression on each other,” I say to myself, but a tall woman responds.

  “I’ve never seen Jade open up to someone the way she has with Love. These two are meant to be the best of friends.” I turn toward the voice and gasp, “Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Selina, I own this studio.”

  Selina is drop dead gorgeous. Taller than I would expect most ballerinas to be, but not overly tall. Her tiny waist is accentuated by a flowing pink dance skirt. The black leotard and pink stockings she is wearing hug every curve of her body.

  “Thank you so much for allowing Love to sit in on a class. Leaving her last studio was hard for both of us.”

  “No problem. I loved having her and hope to see her again soon.” She smiles politely before I chime in.

  “I just finished signing her up. Now she has to choose her classes, but I have a feeling her and Jade will be taking the same classes.”

  “Then I’ll see you both again in a couple of days for another pointe class.”

  “I’ll be there,” Love chimes in from beside me, placing the piece of paper down and threading her fingers through mine. “It was nice meeting you, but if I don’t pull her out of here now, she’ll talk your ear off.”

  My cheeks pink in embarrassment, “She isn’t wrong.” We all laugh at her antics as she pulls me toward the door. I give Selina and Emersyn a wave as we head out, things are looking up for both of us. We quickly climb into the car and I plug in the directions for our new home.

  The robotic voice of the GPS leads us a few miles further into town before we pull into our rental home. I smile, “Here it is. What do you think?” Love doesn’t respond but gives me a small smile before climbing out of the car. I quickly follow and bump our shoulders together, “It won’t be so bad. You already have Jade as a friend.”

  “I like her, Mom. You should see her dancing! She looks like one of those Prima Ballerinas on television,” Love whispers.

  I hear the longing for a chance to put down roots and thrive in her voice. She has never said it outright, but I’m sure she blames me for our recent move. Who would have thought following your heart would lead you in the wrong direction, every time?

  “I promise this time will be different, Love. We determine the path of our lives, not a deck of cards,” I respond, my heart aching as the words slip through my lips.

  “The cards didn’t make Ian turn into an asshole, Mom. He was nice to you, to both of us. No one would have known he was keeping secrets.” Love places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes before continuing toward the door, “I have a wonderful feeling about this place.”

  “I do too.” I don’t know what the future holds for either of us, but it’s time to get my head out of the clouds and make better decisions, not just for me but for my baby girl. I shake the negative thoughts from my mind before following Love to the front door, ready to begin our new adventure. We took a look around the house and mapped out where our things would go before unpacking the few items we carried with us in from the car. Having driven for almost ten hours today, we ordered some Chinese food and went to bed early.

  After a fitful night of sleep thinking about Connor and the things I shouldn’t want him to do to me, I wake up bright and early to wait for the movers to arrive. Before I finish my morning routine, there is a knock on the door signaling their arrival. It only takes a few hours for them to move everything in and be on their way. After letting them out, Love and I flop down on the couch, �
�Do we unpack now, or should we call Bristol and get some pizza?”

  “We should at least unpack the kitchen. I don’t want to deal with you again in the morning without your coffee.” We both giggle as we shove ourselves off the couch and head into the kitchen.

  A large double fridge is tucked into the wall to the right with a small buffet table right next to it. White shaker cabinets wrap around the wall, separated by a decent size window with the sink underneath it. Not the largest kitchen, but one of the nicest I have ever had. “Let’s get to it, then order some pizza,” Love gives me a smile before cracking open one box.

  As we unpack, my mind drifts back to my meeting with Connor. He is everything I used to want in a man, but not anymore. Although he looks like an Adonis - meaning he is more trouble than he is worth, all men are. Besides, there is no way a man like him doesn’t have the perfect wife he dotes on.

  But why did he look at me like I was something to eat?

  I trusted a man based on the way he looked at me and treated Love, but that left me with nothing but a broken heart. I need to protect Love and give her a life she deserves. No more running around in search of someone to love me. I have Love, that’s all I need.

  We spend most of the day unpacking the kitchen until the doorbell rings around dinner time, “I guess Bristol brought pizza.” I smile as we head toward the front door. Love reaches the door first, throwing it open and gasps in surprise, “Jade! What are you doing here?”

  Connor’s daughter, Jade, is standing in the doorway holding a large plate of cookies. Her golden-brown hair is braided over her shoulder and a welcoming smile crosses her face, “We’re neighbors.” She turns and motions over her shoulder as I notice Connor standing at the end of the driveway holding a couple boxes of pizza.

  I wave over her head, “You don’t need to stand at the end of the driveway. We were going to order pizza anyway.” I give him a shy smile as he comes up the walkway to the front door. An earthly smell envelops my senses as he steps closer, he must be over foot taller than me.

  “Sorry to impose, but Bristol said you were moving into my neighborhood. I figured some pizza and help unpacking would be nice.”

  His voice causes moisture to pool between my legs. I clench them tightly together, hoping for some relief for the ache that’s been present since we met yesterday. He smiles softly at me before shifting the pizzas to one hand, “Or I could just hand you these pizzas and the plate of chocolate chips cookies Jade spent most of the day making and head home.”

  I release a shaky breath and I take the plate of cookies from Jade. I turn toward the kitchen, but it takes a moment to realize no one is following me. “Are you coming?” I ask before him and Jade head inside, closing the door behind them.

  Jade and Love fly past me into the kitchen, talking a mile a minute about everything and nothing at the same time. Neither of them bothers to help us bring the food in, off in their own world chatting as if they’ve known each other their entire lives.

  “Those two will be trouble,” I mumble to myself as I place the plate of cookies on the breakfast buffet and rummage around in the boxes beside me for some paper plates.

  “They are, but I’m glad Jade finally found someone she could relate to.” Connor’s deep baritone echoes through the compact kitchen, I catch a hint of sadness in his voice, “She’s lived in Dixie Point all of her life, but few people look at her with anything but sadness in their eyes.”

  “She’s a beautiful girl, you and your wife must be proud of her,” I whisper, trying to get any information out of him.

  “No wife. It’s just Jade and me. Her mother, Lydia, died during childbirth.”

  “I’m sorry,” he holds his hand up, halting my words.

  “It’s in the past. Jade and I have made it through all these years, us against the world you know.” Connor has a soft smile on his face as he looks over at the girls.

  “Don’t I know it?” I smile brightly at him. Finally finding the paper plates, I raise them above my head in triumph. “Now let’s eat.” I place pizza on plates as we all head for the living room. As I take a seat on the couch, I send up a silent prayer. Hoping the stars are finally aligning in my favor.

  Chapter Four


  Having dinner with Audrey and Love only cemented the need for this woman in my life. Her voice filled me with a sense of longing as we spoke about Jade and me. I chuckle softly as I remember her fishing for information about whether I have a lady in my life.

  My chest swelled with pride discovering Audrey was even remotely interested in me. The way her eyes devoured me as I walked up the driveway toward her home lit a fire in my veins that continues to burn. My cock has been rock hard since we met, my hand no longer an option. Only sinking between Audrey’s folds and devouring her mind, body, and soul will quench my need.

  “Earth to dad.” Jade bumps me with her shoulder as we head toward home.

  “What’s up, squirt?” her green eyes light with fury as she crosses her arms over her chest.

  “I’ve asked you a million times to stop calling me that, old man.” She sticks her tongue out at me before stomping further down the street toward home.

  I chuckle as I jog to catch up with her, throwing my arm over her shoulder. “Touché. What’s on your mind?”

  “You like Love’s mom, don’t you?” She stops dead in her tracks; hope fills her eyes as she looks at me.

  “I barely know her, baby. She’s nice enough to talk to.” Jade sighs before giving my hand a squeeze.

  “I saw the way you looked at her in the coffee shop yesterday, I’m not blind, Dad. It’s okay to fall in love again.”

  I knew Jade was observant, but I was counting on her being so wrapped up with her new friend to avoid having this conversation. Immediately after meeting Audrey, Jade pelted me with a million questions about how I met Audrey and what I found out about her, wanting to know everything I knew about her new friend and her mom.

  From what Jade told me, Love and Audrey moved to the area because of Bristol. She wouldn’t go into details, but apparently something sent them running from their last place. My protective instincts kick in, overcome with the desire to protect them from harm.

  I’d called Bristol after Jade headed to bed, but she was reluctant to give up any new information. She did, however, let it slip that Audrey had rented a house near mine. As luck would have it Jade and I spotted Audrey standing outside instructing the movers a few houses down on our way to check the air conditioner at Nurture Space this afternoon. Jade was excited her new friend lived near us and I was all too happy to suggest stopping by with pizza and dessert for dinner. That must have clued her in that something was up with me. I’m not one to want to socialize with unfamiliar people, but there’s something about Audrey that draws me to her.

  I rub my hand across the back of my neck before pulling her toward the house, “When did you get so smart?”

  “I’ve always been smart.” She gives me a bright smile and we continue our walk toward home.

  I don’t want to lie to my daughter, but it’s been the two of us for the last fourteen years. She is my entire world and adding someone else to that could spell disaster. I want Audrey, I won’t deny my attraction to her, but we both have children to think about. I need to take things slow with Audrey, no matter the pull I feel toward her.

  I break the silence as we head up our driveway, “If I were to start something with Audrey, would you be okay with it?” I hold my breath waiting for her answer. “If you have an issue with it at all, I won’t do anything. You’re my number one priority, no matter what.” I reassure her.

  Jade raises on her tiptoes, placing a kiss on my cheek, “I’m perfectly fine with it. I’m not a little girl anymore, Daddy. I know that you love me more than life itself, but it’s time to make yourself happy.”

  “Who said I wasn’t happy?” I step onto the porch, unlock the front door, and push it open for Jade.

  “No one, but t
he way you look at Audrey tells me something is missing in your life. Something I can never fill.”

  “How do I look at Audrey?”

  “Like she’s something to eat. See you in the morning.” Jade gives me another kiss on the cheek before walking into the house and heading to her room.

  I quickly shut the door behind me and head to my room. I would love to imagine Audrey spread out on my bed, ready and waiting for me to make her mine, but I know that will never be enough. Having spent the evening joking and talking with Audrey, she has quickly become my everything.

  After another night filled with dreams of Audrey, I grab coffee and muffins for the guys before heading to the office, hoping to butter them up. I need to get things moving today if I want to get to Bristol’s place to repair the air conditioning instead of waiting ‘til next week. I need to see Audrey again and find some way to convince her to give me, us, a chance.

  I drop a carton of coffee and a bag of muffins off with the guys before taking the rest into the office for Vance and me.

  “Someone is in an excellent mood this morning,” Vance raises his eyebrow at me as he leans back in his desk chair. “I know for a fact there’s no way you got laid, spill.”

  “When did we start gossiping like teenagers?” I ask before placing my travel mug on my desk, “Where is the schedule for today? I know we have a lumber delivery for Seaside Estates, but Bristol needs me to repair the new thermostat installed a few weeks ago.”

  “I thought you and Jade headed over there yesterday?” Vance questions as he drops the schedule for the day onto my desk.

  “I looked but it'll be hot this week. I don’t want her to suffer because of a dirty air condenser.”

  “I knew we should have convinced her to put in an entire new unit.” Vance leans against my desk as he grabs a muffin and takes a large bite. “I can head over and look. I’ve been meaning to stop in and say hi to Selina anyway.”


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