Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8)

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Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8) Page 3

by AJ Alexander

  Living in a small town we know everything that goes on here, no one leaves or arrives without someone knowing. That is why I know for a fact Vance has no desire to just say hi to his high school sweetheart. She left with nothing but a note as a farewell when she headed off to Julliard, never looking back. Now she’s home and Vance wants answers.

  “You sure you don’t want to torment her instead?” I look over the schedule and find two hours where I can squeeze Bristol into the schedule. If I’m lucky things will go quickly, and I can get over there earlier.

  “Yup, just like you don’t want to go check out Audrey Wilde in her element.”

  “Watch your mouth,” I growl, a wave of possessiveness shoots through my body. I know Vance has only ever had eyes for Selina but thinking about him looking at Audrey sends me into a fit of rage.

  Vance holds his hands up in surrender as he backs away from my desk, “You know I meant nothing by it, man. I’m having a hard-enough time convincing Selina to give me the time of day.”

  “I know. Hopefully, we can keep to the schedule today. I want to be done before Jade finishes dance class.”

  “I can always pick her up for you. I miss hanging out with the squirt.” Vance smiles and gives me a wink. I’m sure Jade would love to spend time with Vance. “She can even stay the night, just like old times. In case you get busy…”

  “That won’t be necessary. I don’t think it will take that long if it’s the air condenser. We already have the stuff I need to clean it, hopefully I can get her to order a new unit like we suggested.”

  “Whatever you say, Boss.” Vance gives me a mock salute as one of the guys walks into the office and asks about the lumber delivery.

  Luckily, the day goes off without a hitch and I make it to the yoga studio in plenty of time. I notice through the front window that Bristol is giving a large class in the main room. I wave to get her attention and point toward the back where the air condenser is located.

  I look around quickly wondering where Audrey is and notice one of the smaller room’s door closed, she must be teaching a class. I head toward the break room, slightly disappointed I won’t see her but hopefully we can bump into each other soon.

  I quickly get to work getting the compressor cleared out, before heading back inside to check the new ducts for any issues. I begin in the front of the studio, placing the ladder within view of the small room where Audrey is teaching to ensure everyone can see the ladder. Once it is locked into place, I climb it quickly and remove the drop ceiling. Poking my head inside and using a flashlight to look around.

  After a few moments of searching I find nothing, pull the tile back into place, and move the ladder. Once I have the ladder in place, I begin the process over again. After a few seconds I feel something bump into the ladder causing it to wobble beneath me. I attempt to regain my balance, but the ladder falls out from under my feet. I grasp onto the ceiling support, but unfortunately, they hold no weight and I come crashing to the ground, landing flat on my back. I clench my eyes shut and try desperately to hold back the groan of pain wanting to escape.

  Once I regain some of my composure, I open my eyes and see Audrey with a shocked expression on her face as she mumbles, “Sorry.”

  Chapter Five


  I take a moment to regain my composure before I bend down to help Connor stand. What a great way to make a good impression on someone.

  “Are you alright?” I ask as I try to pull his large frame up from the floor. After tugging on his arm a few times, I get on the floor with him. “Connor, can you hear me?” I ask quietly before a groan leaves his lips. My core tightens at the sound, wishing we were anywhere but in the middle of the yoga studio.

  Down, girl! This is not the time to climb him like a tree.

  “How could you have missed the enormous ladder right in front of you?” Connor asks, turning his head to make eye contact with me.

  “I was talking to someone as we left class and ran right into it, besides who puts a ladder in front of a door anyway,” I respond defensively.

  Connor rolls to the opposite side, pushing himself up on all fours, giving everyone a marvelous view of his ass. A few of the ladies in the main room bend slightly to check him out. I don’t blame them. If I am being honest with myself, I’m jealous.

  “We need to get you to the hospital.” I push to my feet and head toward him, gripping his arm to help him stand.

  “The closest hospital is about twenty minutes away. It's nothing serious, I should be fine after some pain killers and ice,” Connor groans loudly as he stands.

  “Nonsense! You could have broken something and have no idea until it’s too late. I’m taking you, that’s final.”

  Connor’s green eyes blaze as he pulls his arm from my grasp, standing to his full height. “I said I was fine, Audrey.”

  “And if Jade would have fallen like that? Would you let her go home without seeing a doctor?” A few of the ladies’ snicker at his expense.

  “She’s got you there. You made Jade go to the hospital for a splinter when she was six. You swore that it would get infected and they’d have to cut her finger off,” Bristol chimes in from besides me.

  “See! We’re going. Luckily, I’m finished for the day. I doubt my boss will have a problem with me leaving.” I turn toward Bristol and she winks.

  “She sure doesn’t. Now help Connor to your car and I’ll grab your bag.” Bristol gives my shoulder a squeeze before turning toward the break room.

  “I need to grab Jade from dance after school. If I’m going to the emergency room, there is no way I’ll be back in time.”

  “Is there anyone you can call to pick her up?” I bite my bottom lip. I should be picking Love up from home and heading to her first dance class this evening. She will be upset about missing it, but will understand when I explain what happened.

  “Don’t either of you worry, I’ll call Vance. He can grab both girls from dance and bring them back to Connor’s.” Bristol says as she heads for the door, holding it open as I help Connor outside to my car. “I’ll grab Love from the house and drop her off in between classes. Selina won’t mind her hanging around for a bit before class.”

  “Selina will never forgive me for unleashing Vance on her.” Connor grumbles as we amble toward my car. “I don’t know if I’ll even fit in that thing.”

  “You’ll fit, don’t worry. You aren’t that tall.” Bristol clicks the unlock button on my car before opening the passenger side for Connor. It takes a few minutes, but I get him in and his seatbelt buckled. As I stand up and shut the door, I stifle a giggle. Connor was right, he looks like a sardine stuffed inside my Kia Optima. I give Bristol a quick hug and promise to call when we find out what is going on before hopping into the car myself.

  “I told you I wouldn’t fit.” Connor moves slightly, attempting to get comfortable.

  “You fit. If you push the seat back some, maybe it will be a little more comfortable.” I pull out my phone and shoot Love a text letting her know about the change of plans before asking Connor for directions.

  “Just head down main street to find the entrance to the highway. There are signs telling you where to go from there.”

  “How about I just look up the address and plug it into my GPS? I can get lost in a brown paper bag if I’m not careful.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Connor holds his hand out for my phone. I reluctantly hand it to him before putting the car in reverse and heading down main street toward the highway.

  The electronic voice from my GPS fills the car, alerting me I need to turn around. My cheeks pink in embarrassment as Connor’s chest rumbles with laughter. Thankfully, he keeps his comments to himself and I make a U-turn.

  We make it out of town and onto the highway without any more problems before my phone chimes with a text from Love. “Can you check that for me?” I ask as I concentrate on the road ahead of me.

  “Way to go, Mom. Now you can nurse him back to he
alth,” Connor reads the message aloud. Love would choose right now to send me a message like that. Although they are the norm between us, I did not need Connor knowing I had the hots for him.

  “So, you plan to be my nursemaid?” Connor questions as he puts my phone back into the holder on the dashboard.

  “Yes, if you need one.” I focus on driving, there is no way I will elaborate on anything Love has to say. I know my girl; her mind instantly went to Connor and I having babies and living happily ever after. She has a good head on her shoulders, but she gets her ideas on love from me.

  I am insanely attracted to Connor, but I promised Love I would focus on putting down roots in Dixie Point. Love is my number one priority, any relationship I could have with Connor is the least of my concern right now. If he is the right man for me, he will still be around when I get settled. I refuse to fall head over heels for the first guy I find attractive again. I doubt it would lead to anything other than heartache.

  “Audrey, there’s no need for you to take care of me. They will probably give me some pain killers and tell me to rest for a few days. I can manage on my own.”

  “Why is it so hard to let me help you?”

  “I don’t need help. I’ve been taking care of myself and Jade for the last fourteen years,” Connor sighs, “Ever since her mother died it’s been her and I. I grew up in Dixie Point, my parents live in town, and I have some friends to help in emergencies, but it's always been Jade and me.”

  “I’ve been alone with Love her entire life, too. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it, Connor. Unfortunately, for you, I won’t be taking no for an answer. If you need to rest, I will make sure you get it. Besides, the whole reason you fell is because I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  Wanting to avoid arguing with him any further I change the subject, “What’s your sign?”

  “My what?” Connor grimaces as he shifts in the seat.

  “Your astrological sign.” When he doesn’t respond I think of an easier way to ask the question, “When’s your birthday?”

  “August 27th. When’s your’s?”

  A Virgo. Virgos and Capricorns are very compatible in relationships, a great sign. No, I promised Love I would focus on what is in front of my face. I cringe as I answer, “January 1st.”

  “And you named your daughter, Love?” he paused before laughing loudly and groaning in pain at the same time, “Fuck, that hurts.”

  “Serves you right,” I grumble, not bothering to answer his question. How do you explain to someone you just met that you have an unhealthy obsession with love? Thankfully, the GPS signals our exit for the hospital, bringing our conversation to an end.

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to insult you,” he grumbles as the hospital comes into view, “thank you for offering to help, but we will be fine on our own.”

  “If you’re a good boy and listen to the doctor, I’ll bake a chocolate cake for you,” I say as his eyes light in excitement.

  “Deal,” he says as I pull into a parking spot and shut off the car, “but you have to let me at least cook you and Love dinner one night. I’m not the best cook in the world, but I can grill with the best of them.”

  “I can live with that,” I give him a shy smile before opening my door.

  Chapter Six


  I didn’t spend the night in the Emergency room. After x-rays and being poked and prodded by the doctor they sent me home with some pain killers and instructions to rest for a few days.

  I could have saved us both a lot of trouble if Audrey would have listened to me. Although, I'll never tell her I enjoyed our short time together. While we waited, Audrey talked about anything she could think of to help keep my mind off the pain. I learned about her hippie parents back in Louisiana and all the places she’s lived over the years. No mention of a boyfriend or Love’s dad being in the picture, I took that as a good sign.

  Every brush of her hand or touch on my arm sent my body into overdrive. For the last few hours, I’ve been in constant war with my body. Thinking of my grandmother naked or dead kittens on repeat to stop my body's reaction to her touch, but nothing has worked.

  “How about baked chicken and vegetables for dinner?” Audrey questions as she helps me have a seat on my couch. Love and Jade both propped pillows up to make it a little more comfortable for me to sit down. I don’t need all these ladies fussing over me, but I won’t complain. It’s nice to have someone worrying about me for a change.

  Audrey sits down gently beside me and begins rubbing small circles on my back. This is not helping, lady. I inhale deeply and hold my breath, praying the lack of oxygen will help tame the beast in my pants.

  “Sounds amazing. I can’t remember the last time we ate something that didn’t come off the grill or from the local diner,” Jade chimes in as she bends down to take off my work boots. I lean forward, groaning in pain as I use my forearms to cover the problem in my pants. I don’t want to traumatize my daughter.

  “You never complained about my cooking before now, squirt,” I bend down further to untie my boots.

  Jade slaps my hand lightly before squinting her eyes at me, “I asked you not to call me that! Besides, I don’t hate your cooking but sometimes I’d like a home cooked meal that doesn’t come from grandma’s house.”

  I open my mouth to respond but she tugs on my leg, sending a jolt of pain up my back. “I’m not complaining, Daddy. You’re the best dad a girl could ever ask for, but we all have limitations. Yours is cooking.” All the girls cackle as I lean back carefully, replacing my arm with a throw pillow.

  I have to bite back a groan as it comes in contact with my aching cock, “Fine. I guess I need to find a cooking class.”

  Audrey lays a hand on my shoulder as she stands, “I can help. It has been a lot of trial and error, but I can show you a few simple things to make.”

  “Yeah, Mom wasn’t always the best cook. I’m thankful for the cooking network or we’d probably eat a lot of take out too,” Love says as she wraps her arm around Jade’s shoulder.

  Having finally pulled both my boots off, Jade and Love scurry up the stairs to her room as I slowly put my legs up on the couch. Audrey leans down slightly, giving me the perfect view of her breasts through the dip in her shirt, as she grips my legs and places them onto her lap.

  My cock was almost under control, until images of her pert nipples filter through my mind. Her smell envelops my senses and I inhale deeply, lavender, and vanilla swirl through my mind. I want to lean forward and bury my nose in her hair and inhale her scent.

  “Are you comfortable?” Audrey places her tiny hand on my forehead, “You look a little flushed.” She once again begins rubbing small circles on my calves.

  “As comfortable as I will get,” Audrey smiles before sliding out from under my legs, placing them gently back on the cushions. My cock hardens further at her touch. “Thanks for the help.”

  Audrey heads toward the kitchen, “It’s not a problem. I’ll get started on dinner, holler if you need anything.”

  “Will do,” I groan as I move my legs off the couch, my cock pushing against the zipper of my jeans, begging for release.

  “You better not be moving around in there.” Audrey yells from the kitchen.

  “I’m not about to sit here and piss myself, Audrey. I’m heading to the bathroom, no need to worry. Just focus on whatever you’re doing in there. I’ll be fine.” The journey to the bathroom has never been more difficult. I am not entirely sure what’s worse, the shooting pain running down my legs as I make my way to the door or trying to move with my cock as hard as a rock.

  After what feels like an eternity, I fling the bathroom door open and brace my arms on the sink. I try to think of anything other than bending Audrey over my kitchen table and fucking her senseless. “This is not helping,” I groan as my hand grips my cock, begging for some relief. “I’m a grown ass man, there’s no way I’m rubbing one out in my guest bathroom like a
teenage boy.”

  If I say it out loud, I can make it so, right? Isn’t that the saying? But no amount of will can stop the image of Audrey’s perfect breasts waiting for me to pull them between my lips. “I’m going to hell for this…” I trail off as I unzip my jeans and my cock springs free.

  I grip it tightly in my hand, pumping my fist up and down a few times to relieve the pressure to no avail. Suddenly I remember I left that bathroom door open and turn to my right, pulling the door shut. The last thing I need is someone walking by and catching me with my dick in my hands.

  Tightening my grip, I gather the pre-cum leaking from my tip and use it to lubricate my movements. “Audrey,” I groan as I pump faster up and down my shaft, my mind drifting back to when I was sitting on the couch.

  If I’d have acted on my impulses, I could have tasted her skin as I pulled one of her nipples into my mouth. I imagine her begging me to fuck her right there on the couch, not caring if we were caught by our girls. Lifting her shirt over her head, I give the opposite nipple the same attention as I thrust my hips into her warm center. My cock hardens even further as the tip hits her sensitive bud before sinking into her.

  “That’s right, baby. I can’t wait to feel your juices dripping down my cock,” I mumble quietly into the empty bathroom, thrusting my hips as I climb higher toward oblivion.

  Visions of Audrey’s caramel colored eyes filling with passion and she begs me to make her cum. “Cum for me, Audrey. I want to see you come undone. Cum all over my cock like a good little girl.”

  I continue to thrust into my hand, picking up the pace as she cums, biting down on my shoulder. Ribbons of jizz shoot onto the floor as I bite down on my bicep, trying to keep my actions a secret from everyone in the house. My knees buckle from the pleasure coursing through my body and I plop down on the toilet seat. Pain shoots up my back, but I don’t give a shit, not after the orgasm I just had.


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