Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8)

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Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8) Page 4

by AJ Alexander

  “Dad, time for dinner,” Jade shouts as she bangs on the bathroom door, bringing me back to the present.

  “Be right out,” I get out as I grab a handful of tissues and clean up the floor. Once all evidence of my indiscretion is hidden, I buckle my pants, wash my hands and head toward the kitchen. Here is hoping that finally claiming Audrey as my own is half as good as my fantasies.

  Chapter Seven


  Dinner was a hit, both girls cleaned their plates in no time before heading back upstairs. I made sure Connor was settled on the couch before I began the dishes. Connor tried to take care of them, but there was no way I would let him stand here washing dishes. Especially after the work out I heard him giving himself in the bathroom earlier.

  The guest bathroom and the kitchen share a wall, he wasn’t as quiet as he thought he was. Connor’s gruff voice filtered through the wall as he came hard while moaning my name. It was damn near impossible to look him in the eye when he came into the kitchen. Images of him pushing me up against the wall and having his way with me filtered through my mind.

  I knew I was playing with fire caressing his legs and back, I even went as far to show him my breast when I leaned down to speak to him. His pupils dilated as he fought to maintain control. I groan aloud into the kitchen imagining how differently things would have gone if I’d taken the initiative and given into our desires.

  “Hey, Audrey. Do you need any help?” Jade’s voice is like a bucket of ice water being dumped on all my fantasies.

  “If you want to dry while I wash, you can help Love put them away when we finish.” Jade grabs a dish towel from the drawer. “Hey, Love, get your booty in here so we can get these dishes finished.” I shout, knowing she’s lurking nearby.

  “No need to shout, Mom. I was standing right here,” Love grumbles as she waits patiently for Jade to dry the dishes in the drainer and point her in the right direction.

  The three of us work in silence before Jade blurts out, “My dad really likes you, Audrey. Do you like him even a little?”

  My head whips to the side, her emerald green eyes pleading with me to answer in the affirmative. Not wanting to get her hopes up, I answer carefully. “Of course, I like your dad. Would I be going through all this trouble to make sure he rests if I didn’t?”

  Love rolls her eyes at me as she leans forward, “You know exactly what she meant, Mom. We both see the way the two of you look at each other.”

  “You also know I’ve sworn off men after the last fiasco we went through.”

  “Connor is nothing like Ian and you know it!” Love raises her voice slightly before apologizing quietly. “I know you’re scared, Mom, but Jade and I want the both of you to be happy.”

  “My dad hasn’t been with anyone besides my mom, she died when I was born. He says I’m everything he needs in life, but there’s someone out there that can love him in a romantic way.” Jade hangs her head as Love pulls her in for a one-armed hug.

  “Jade, your dad is an amazing man. I’m sure someone equally as amazing will love both of you to the end of time.” I give her a sad smile before turning back to the dishes.

  “But that person can be you, Audrey,” Jade responds hopefully, followed quickly by Love.

  “Just think about it, Mom. I know you said you wanted to focus on making a life here for us before getting into a relationship but men like Connor don’t come along every day. You don’t want to miss your chance because you were afraid of getting hurt.”

  Not bothering to look up at either girl I say, “Enough with the love advice. I know your name is Love, but the day I take relationship advice from my fourteen-year-old daughter will be the end of my dating life.”

  Both girls giggle as we finish up the dishes in silence. As soon as the last dish is put away in the kitchen, the three of us head to the living room and find Connor fast asleep on the couch. Jade heads toward him and pulls a blanket off the back of the couch, covering him up. “He’s down for the count. I gave him one of those muscle relaxers before Love and I came to help you with the dishes.”

  Love shakes her head from beside me, “We told him to go upstairs and lay down but he’s so stubborn.”

  “That’s my dad. He’s always so strong, even when he needs to listen to someone else.” Jade leans down and gives her dad a gentle kiss on the forehead before addressing us again, “Thanks so much for making him go to the hospital and dinner.”

  I raise my hands in defense, “It was no trouble at all. It was my fault he fell.”

  Love and Jade both have a laugh at my expense before I chime in, “Okay, ladies. Love and I need to head home but text us if you or your dad need anything before the morning. We’ll be back in the morning for breakfast. I have to teach a class tomorrow, but Love can stay here and help.”

  “I think I can manage him by myself, Audrey,” Jade rebuts, but I’ll hear none of that.

  “I insist. Besides don’t you want homemade pancakes for breakfast?”

  “Okay, you twisted my arm. I’ll text Love when we are awake and moving in the morning.”

  Love and I both give Jade a hug as we head for the door, but I stop to have one last look at Connor. I want nothing more than to curl up with him on the couch and never move, but I need to make sure the girls both understand we are nothing but friends.

  “Night, honey. Make sure you lock up when we leave,” I tell Jade as she slowly closes the door. I wait until I hear the deadbolt lock before Love, and I turn and head toward home.

  After spending the evening with Connor and Jade, I realize that’s the one thing Love and I have been missing all these years–a family. People to come home to that love and care for us as much as we care for them. Here is hoping that my attraction to Connor does not ruin this for either of us.

  It’s been a week since Connor injured his back, things have finally gone back to normal. Jade and Love have dance class every Tuesday and Thursday night and if they aren’t in class together, they are texting back and forth.

  Every day before and after work, Love and I headed over to Connor’s house to make breakfast and check on him. We’d have a loud breakfast full of laughter before I had to head to work. Love stayed at their house to make sure Connor was resting and the two of them would report his behavior, good or bad, to me when I let them know I was on my way to make dinner or grab them to head off to dance class. Afterward we would have a nice dinner together, the settle in around the television for a movie, before Love and I headed home for the night.

  On the nights the girls convinced me to let Love spend the night, Connor and I would have deep conversations. We talked about my lack of relationship with Love’s father and how hard it was taking care of her all on my own. I even told him about all my different careers and my tendency to let fate make choices for the two of us most of the time. Unlike most men, he never made me feel like a lunatic or that I wasn’t doing what was best for my daughter.

  He listened to all my stories and even talked about his late wife, Lydia. Anyone with eyes can tell that she still holds a piece of his heart, he even still wears his wedding ring. My concern is he doesn’t have room in his heart for anyone else.

  I shake my head as I pull into a parking spot near the dance studio, “Get your head out of the clouds, Audrey. You’re here to make a life for yourself and Love not to fall for mister tall, dark, and handsome.”

  But you want him, don’t you?

  “Shut up, you,” I respond to the nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me that if it was any other time Connor would be exactly what I’m looking for. “I’m not falling in love with Connor Bennett,” I shout inside my car before shutting it off, hopping out, and slamming the door behind me for good measure.

  “It doesn’t really work like that, Hun.” I spin around, plastering myself to the driver’s side door as I come face to face with Bristol.

  “When did you become a ninja? You appeared out of nowhere,” I respond, placing two fingers on my neck t
o check my pulse.

  “Stop being so dramatic, Audrey. I’ve been standing here for a while; you were too into the conversation with yourself to notice.”

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes for good measure before squeezing between her belly and the car next to me. “Shouldn’t you be teaching a class or something?”

  “I should be, but we finished early. I saw you pull in and figured I’d come and say hi.”

  “Okay. Hi, now if you’ll excuse me,” I mumble trying to avoid any further conversation about Connor and I, but before I can head toward the studio Bristol places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

  “If the two of you are meant to be, there really isn’t anything you can do about it.”

  “Just like you and your baby daddy? I’m done with letting a deck of cards tell me how to live my life, Bristol.”

  She threads her arm through mine and pulls me toward the dance studio, “I’ve never used tarot cards before, but maybe I should give it a shot. Besides, things between Seth and I are complicated,” Bristol trails off before quickly changing the subject, “I hear Connor is planning to ask you on a date the next time he sees you.”

  “Is that so? And who might that be.”

  “You silly! Now be nice and put the man out of his misery. You’ve been avoiding him and we all know it.”

  “I’ve been busy, not avoiding him,” I mumble, knowing that I’m full of crap. I promised Connor he could make me dinner one night when he was feeling better, but I expected I could use the girls as a buffer. However, the last night we all had dinner together, he made it perfectly clear he wanted an adult only evening.

  “You can’t avoid him anymore.” Bristol tilts her head to the side, bringing my attention to Connor’s truck parked right in front of the dance studio. “I may have let him know you’d be here to get Love today.”

  I always wanted to move to a small town, but I’m finding that people knowing everyone’s business is not the most ideal situation. “You are so lucky I love you…”

  “And you are lucky I love you, that’s why you will go in there and tell Connor you’d be happy to go to dinner with him.” Just as I’m about to respond, Bristol swings the door open and shoves me inside.

  “Just the woman I’ve been looking for,” Connor’s deep voice causes me to freeze in place.

  Well, here goes nothing.

  Chapter Eight


  “Fancy meeting you here,” Audrey’s voice quivers. I have it on the best authority she’s been avoiding me for the last week, but that ends now.

  “Did you forget our deal?” I smirk at her, stepping closer toward her.

  “I didn’t forget. I’ve just been busy. When would you like for us to come over for dinner?”

  “Oh…” I rub the back of my neck. “I was hoping we’d be able to have dinner alone, giving us a chance to get to know each other. I love my daughter, but I don’t make a habit of taking her on dates.”

  “This isn’t a date, Connor,” Audrey sighs before stepping to the side and heading toward the waiting area, “I promised you dinner, not a date.”

  “Is there something wrong with dating me?” I question as Vance and Selina’s voices get slightly louder. Not wanting to interrupt their conversation, I tug gently on Audrey’s arm. “Hold on a moment, I want to give Vance time to crash and burn.” Audrey raises her eyebrow as I motion toward the waiting room and creep forward. I place a finger over my mouth to signal her to stay quiet. As we move closer, I pick up their conversation.

  “For the last time, Vance. There’s no chance I’ll ever go on a date with you.” Selina crosses her arms over her chest and cocks her hip to the side.

  “We used to be good together, Selina. What happened to the girl who loved me with all her heart?”

  “She grew up.” Selina huffs before spinning on her heels and heading into the back room.

  I chuckle as I wrap my arm around Vance’s shoulder, “How many times now has she turned you down?”

  “I lost count, but I’m wearing her down. I can feel it.” Vance flashes me a smile before focusing on Audrey. “Did he finally convince you to go on a date with him?”

  She dips her head slightly before answering, “Not exactly.”

  I grimace, “It’s not a date man, just a quiet night with the girls.”

  “But you said…” I shove Vance in the shoulder before chiming in.

  “I know what I said, but we’re going to have dinner together as a family.” I look directly into her eyes, attempting to convey how serious I am about the four of us becoming a family in the future.

  “Sure, dinner with the girls sounds nice. When did you want to get together?”

  “How about tonight? He doesn’t have to be at work until the afternoon tomorrow just in case you guys stay up chatting.” Vance flashes us both a bright smile before slapping me on the back, “I’ll be in the truck waiting for you two.”

  Audrey covers her giggle with a cough, “Is he always like that?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. But I couldn’t ask for a better friend. He has been there for Jade and me since she was born.”

  “It’s great to have people around when you need them.”

  I reach out and grasp her hand in mine. “Jade and I are here for both of you, all you have to do is let us.”

  Audrey’s cheeks pink as the girls come crashing out of the studio. Jade speaks first, “Can Love and I have a sleepover?”

  Audrey shakes her head as I squeeze her hand, “Sure thing. We’re having dinner together tonight anyway.” I flash her a bright smile, “Jade and I will head home to shower and get the grill started. We’ll see you both in about an hour.”

  “Sure thing. I’m sure my mom wants to make a desert or something to bring over. My grandma always says never visit someone empty handed.” Love grabs her mom’s other hand and pulls her toward the door. “Jade, I’ll text you when we are on our way over.” She waves over her head before heading out the door with Audrey in tow.

  “You two are up to something. Aren’t you, squirt?” I wrap my arm around Jade’s shoulder, pulling her tightly into my side leading us toward the exit.

  “No, never.” Her voice raises slightly before she clears her throat, “Love and I just want to spend time together again. Is that too much to ask?”

  I give her a kiss on the forehead as I push the door open, “It’s nice having someone else in the house besides the two of us, isn’t it?”

  “I wouldn’t mind if we made it a little more permanent either.” Jade pulls away and heads toward the truck, quickly spotting Vance sitting in the passenger seat. “Uncle Vance! Tell dad to make a move on Audrey before she runs away.”

  Vance throws his hands up in surrender as she opens the pocket door and slides in, “I’ve been telling him, but he’s taking his sweet time with it. Strike while the iron is hot, I say.”

  “Have you gotten Selina to go out with you yet?” Jade asks before popping a headphone into one ear, when Vance doesn’t respond she continues, “That’s what I thought.”

  “Shut it, squirt. I’m wearing her down,” Vance grumbles before turning his attention toward me. “You’re welcome by the way. If I wouldn’t have given you the idea to have dinner together tonight, you’d have been trying for another week to catch her off guard.”

  I send up a silent prayer of thanks for Vance’s meddling ways. “Don’t I know it, but this isn’t a date. She made that perfectly clear.”

  “Love and I can hang out in my room after dinner and give you two time to chat. That will be the perfect time for you to make your move.”

  I peak at Jade in the rear-view mirror as I back out of the spot and head home, “I don’t want to discuss my moves with you.”

  “I don’t want you to either. I’m speaking hypothetically.” Vance lets out a boisterous laugh, slapping his knee a few times before gripping his stomach.

  I shake my head at his antics, “I can’t wait for you to have a teenage daughter.”<
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  “Neither can I. Selina and I will have gorgeous children.”

  “Wishful thinking,” I mumble to myself before focusing my attention back on the road.

  Jade is right, I need to use this opportunity to get closer to Audrey. I know someone hurt her badly in the past. It’s understandable she has trust issues when it comes to men. I haven’t thought about having a relationship in years, believing there was no one else in this world for me but Lydia. Until I met Audrey, just being near her completes me in a way I didn’t know was possible. Now the only thing I need to do is convince her to take a chance on me. Not a hard task, not at all.

  Chapter Nine


  “Hold on a second, Love.” I pull my hand from her grasp, “What’s gotten into you?” I stop dead in my tracks and cross my arms.

  Love turns toward me and mirrors my position, “I’m not letting you get out of having dinner with Connor.”

  “Who said anything about trying to get out of it? He asked, and I said we would come over for dinner.” I step around her and hit the button to unlock the car.

  “Mom, I heard you two talking. He didn’t want to have dinner with all of us. He wanted to take you on a date.” Love pulls her door open, dropping into the seat.

  I open my door and take a seat. Before I have a chance to start the engine, Love sighs, “I just want you to be happy, Mom. What are you so afraid of?” Love stares into my eyes searching for an answer.

  “I’m not afraid of anything. I’m focused on getting settled in and making a home for the two of us here in Dixie Point.” I quickly start the engine and reverse out of the parking spot, pointing the car towards home.

  “You can fall in love and make a home for us at the same time. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.” Love ends the conversation by shoving her headphones into her ears.


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