Book Read Free

Learning to Love & Submit

Page 3

by Eileen Green

  * * * *

  Confusion blanketed Carrie as she took in the bizarre conduct of the security guard who had greeted her. She had to wonder if she had done something wrong, but then as she thought about it, all she had done was walk up to the desk and announce herself, albeit clumsily.

  Looking over at the man who had held the door for her, she looked into the face of an Adonis. He was gorgeous and built. He had dark brown hair, cut close, as if he was in the military. His dark brown eyes were breathtaking with hints of green in them.

  He was watching her closely, his mouth slightly open, and his nostrils flaring. As if he realized he was staring, he shifted his eyes towards the remaining guard. “I’m sorry. We don’t usually behave like this,” he apologized. “I’m going to need Gerard’s address.”

  The guard looked nervously at the tall man next to her. “I don’t have it. We’re not close outside of work. I’m sure Mr. Owens will be able to provide that for you when he arrives.”

  “No. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go find him.” The man looked at Carrie. “You said your name is Carrie?” She nodded before he went on. “I’m Thomas. I look forward to getting to know you further. Enjoy your first night here.”

  When he smiled, he seemed to light up the room. It was a genuine one, one that reached his eyes.

  “Thank you, Thomas. It was nice to meet you, too.”

  Thomas turned on his heel and headed out the door from where he had come in from. Carrie turned her attention back to the guard.

  “Mistress Eliza has informed us of your visit, Miss Carrie. If you’ll have a seat over there”—” The man pointed to the seating area as he spoke. “”—when the rest of the class gets here, you’ll be taken up to the classroom.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  Doing as she was instructed, Carrie moved over to the quaint area of black and burgundy couches and chairs to wait. She noticed a glass door that led into what looked like a store. A closed sign was on the door, but she could see some lingerie hanging on a rack close to the door. Depending on what happened in the class, she may want to visit the store at some point since she didn’t have anything close to sexy apparel.

  The lobby was a bit decadent when it came to the furniture, but otherwise, it was still nondescript as to what went on behind closed doors. As she sat there, she tried to tamp down her nerves which had her knee bouncing. She really hoped this was legit.

  A little investigation online the other day had her looking into the Tiger’s Lair. There were no pictures, but some testimonials. The website spoke of a large play space for various types of kinks, private rooms for those who were uncomfortable with being watched or just wanted privacy, and the classes. Many of the comments were from former students all praising the teachings.

  Her mind went to the two men who seemed to have something going on. The more she thought about it, the less she thought it was about her, but perhaps a lover’s spat? She had seen how the good-looking guard looked at Thomas, but then again, she saw how he had looked at her. It had been the same way Thomas had looked at her before he left.

  Carrie didn’t have very much experience with men in general. There were times men watched her, but she really didn’t think she was pretty. Perhaps they were looking at her out of pity?

  Some more people walked in the door, looking as nervous as Carrie felt. Chad handled them as best he could since he was the only guard there. He also had to check in what appeared to be members as they came in. Those people moved on to the double doors at the back of the lobby and disappeared through them. The nervous-looking people came and joined Carrie.

  It was a few minutes before anyone spoke to each other, an older gentleman finally breaking the ice by introducing himself. Since Carrie had arrived a half hour early, she knew she was going to have to wait, and by the time that class was nearly supposed to start, six other people had shown up.

  Chad made a quick phone call, and it was another minute before a different security guard appeared from the double doors people kept disappearing through. The newly arrived guard came over to the small group. “Hello, everyone. I’ll take you all up to the classroom in just a minute, but before then,” the guard explained as Chad came over to join him with large plastic bags in his hand, “phones are not allowed in the club. Members are assigned lockers which is where they leave their personal items. You will put your phones, purses, and wallets in these bags, and you will get them when class is finished.”

  “And if we don’t want to do so?” asked a young woman who looked to be about Carrie’s age. She had a death grip on her small purse as if she intended not to give it up.

  “Then you will not be given access to the club.” Chad set his gaze on the woman and stared at her as if he was challenging her. “These are the club rules.”

  “Can we speak to management? I have to have my phone on me because…because I have kids at home that may need me,” the woman said quickly. Even Carrie didn’t like the hesitant pause in the woman’s reaction, and it sounded like she possibly may be lying.

  “Then perhaps you should be at home with your children,” a large man with shoulders like a line-backer said near the double doors. Carrie hadn’t heard the man arrive which was odd considering his size. “As Chad explained, this is a club rule so people can’t sneak pictures. This is for the safety of our members. So, if you don’t intend to give up your purse, Chad will escort you to your car and see you off the premises.”

  The man, who was wearing blue jeans and a white button-down shirt, moved closer to the group as he spoke, revealing just how big he really was. Carrie had to look up at the man who was at least a half foot taller than her. The woman who was challenging them was about four inches shorter than Carrie and should be very intimidated.

  “And who are you?” The woman didn’t seem to get it. Was she stupid?

  It took two steps for the man to be able to stand just inches from the woman, the other people in the group moving out of his way. He looked down at the lady and sneered. “I am security here, and since you don’t want to abide by the rules, I take it you are a reporter? Perhaps trying to land a big story to jump start your career?”

  Dark brows lifted on the bleached blonde’s now furious face. Before she could speak, the man leaned over closer to her. “Just a tip. If you ever try to sneak into a place again, you might want to learn to keep your big mouth shut. It’s going to get you in trouble just like it did here. Now, smile for the camera.”

  A flash went off, drawing Carrie’s attention to the second guard who had just taken a picture of the woman. The new guy grasped the woman by her upper arm and pulled her towards the front doors. “We now have your picture which will go into the computer, and we do have face recognition software in case you try this again and try to change your appearance. If you show up again, you will be arrested for trespassing. Bye.”

  The second guard escorted her out of the building as the large man returned to the group. This was the moment Carrie could have taken her little purse and her nervous Nellie body and left, but she knew she needed this to make her a stronger person. She needed to live a little, and this was as good a place to start.

  Taking one of the bags, she dumped her purse inside it and removed her coat. “Where can I put this?” she asked, wanting these men to know she had nothing to hide.

  “Go ahead and put your coats on the rack in the corner there. They’ll be safe,” Chad said as he handed out the bags.

  The others deposited their items into the bags and then handed them to Chad who placed them all in a drawer in the desk and locked it. “Please follow me.”

  Going through the double doors, they stopped in front of the elevator. Carrie stared at the reflective doors, waiting for the car to arrive to take her to the beginning of the rest of her life.

  Chapter Three

  “Do you really think you’re going to walk away from me?” demanded Thomas from his car window. “We’re going to talk about this, and then later on, you will
be disciplined.”

  He had driven around several blocks of the business park looking for Gerard. He couldn’t believe that the man had stormed out of the club with no explanation, and on top of that, he had decided to walk in the cold and dark. A storm was due in, and the temps were already in thirties. Plus, the fool hadn’t grabbed his jacket.

  Gerard kept walking, his steps purposeful and quick. He was making better time than Thomas thought he would.

  “Boy, you better get your ass in this car!” Thomas barked. This was not the way to start this relationship.

  Irritation spiking high in him, Thomas sped up, turned, and drove up onto the sidewalk and cut Gerard off. Gerard darted around Thomas’s car and began to walk through the parking lot of a building.

  This was getting old.

  Repeating the action to cut off Gerard, this time, Thomas jumped out of the car and stalked up to the retreating man. He grabbed Gerard’s arm and held tight even though Gerard struggled a bit.

  “Listen to me, Gerard!” Thomas ground out between clenched teeth. “I don’t know what the fuck got into you, but you are going to get in my car to get out of the cold, and so we can talk.”

  Gerard’s eyes moved as if he was trying to read Thomas’s face, defeat finally taking over his body as his shoulders drooped and his head hung. Not wanting to chance Gerard running again, Thomas walked the man around the car and then waited for him to sit inside. As he closed the door, he gave Gerard the evilest look he had to make the man understand he needed to stay.

  When he got in the driver seat, Gerard was where he had left him. Turning towards the man, Thomas asked, “What happened back there?”

  Silence prevailed for several moments before Gerard spoke, although he kept his head bowed. “I saw how you looked at that woman when she walked in. I thought you were more interested in her than in me.”

  Thomas reached out and grasped the man by the nape and with a touch of force, he turned Gerard’s head towards him. “First off, I am still very interested in you. I couldn’t wait to get here to see you, but there was a maintenance issue with the plane, and we were delayed. I texted you.”

  Gerard reached into the front pocket of his slacks and pulled out his phone. He pressed some buttons, and his brows lifted as he read the message. Still keeping his eyes lowered, he said sadly, “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t see that when I started work.”

  “Okay. Now, that aside, I will admit that I am interested in that woman. We were going to sit down when I got back and discuss our relationship, but you made that happen sooner. I want what my friends have. A man of my own, along with a woman. I can’t say why she got me going, hell, why she got me hard so quickly, but she did.” Thomas chuckled. “And don’t think I didn’t see you checking her out. You’re interested also.”

  Crimson flooded Gerard’s pale complexion at the insinuation. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Like I said, I’ve always wanted a threesome. Now, if you had waited around, we could have talked instead of me having to chase you down.” Thomas leaned forward and rested his forehead on Gerard’s. “She probably thinks we’re both a couple of idiots and will want nothing to do with us.”

  Gerard released a big sigh. “I hope I didn’t ruin anything for you, Sir.”

  “For us,” Thomas corrected. “Now, let’s get you back before your boss has a conniption fit. But first…”

  Using his other hand, Thomas pressed up on Gerard’s chin until he was looking into Gerard’s handsome face. The face that haunted his dreams whenever he slept. The one in said dreams that had twisted in pain or lit with pleasure under Thomas’s hand at play, or while they rolled around in bed, each having Thomas waken with a massive boner. He was amazed at how this man had gotten under his skin.

  Licking his lips, Thomas stared into Gerard’s eyes as Thomas leaned forward and pressed his lips to Gerard’s. Thomas’s eyes closed at the feel of Gerard’s soft plump lips. Gerard opened to him immediately and slid his tongue across Thomas’s lips requesting entrance.

  Kissing wasn’t something that Thomas had a protocol for, except during a scene. He didn’t mind if his subs wanted more from a kiss than what he had already started.

  Thomas opened to Gerard, their tongues sliding against each other’s in an erotic dance. Gerard tasted of mint and coffee, the latter something he must have had recently. Over and under their tongues teased, tasted, mimicked, and loved as they moved from mouth to mouth. Sighs sounded in the car along with deep breathing.

  Time stood still for Thomas as they savored one another’s mouths until he remembered they had somewhere to be. Also, two grown men didn’t need to be caught by the police necking in a car.

  Pulling out of the kiss slowly, Thomas dragged in several much-needed breaths. When he opened his eyes, he noticed the windows had fogged up in his car, something that hadn’t happened since Jennifer Spencer in his senior year of high school.

  After releasing Gerard, Thomas could see the blush on the man’s face as he looked around him. When Gerard moved his hand up to wipe away the condensation on the passenger side window, Thomas shouted, “No!” startling the red-head and gaining an apology from him.

  Thomas turned the defroster on high while opening the small fins at the front of the windows. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I don’t like the streaks that occur when someone does that.”

  “I guess we have a lot to learn about each other.” Gerard shifted in his seat as he continued. “How long have you had the car?”

  “It was my father’s. When my parents died, their possessions went to my grandparents, and when they passed, I was informed I had inherited all their belongings. This was in the barn. I had all that I was interested in put in a storage unit until I got out of the Navy and was able to go through it all. So, I dropped in a new engine, got a new paint job, new transmission, and now it’s good as new. It’s like I can feel my father whenever I drive it.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gerard offered sadly. “When did your parents pass?”

  “I was seven. There was a tornado one day while me and my brother were at school. It took out the house. Apparently, they weren’t able to get to the basement before it hit.” Thomas hated to relive that day, and the ones to come after it, but starting out fresh with someone always had them resurfacing.

  Gerard didn’t say anything, but he reached across the short distance and placed his hand on Thomas’s thigh in a show of support. Thomas knew he was one lucky man to have a compassionate man along with a sensual one.

  * * * *

  The incident in the lobby—well, both of them—whirled around in Carrie’s brain as they were escorted to the classroom. She remained quiet while the others in their group were talking smack about the woman who had made a scene.

  Carrie had always kept to herself in school for she had discovered early on that kids could be unmerciful with their words and actions. Being the daughter of an alcoholic, and not having a father, had the kids making nasty comments about her parents and what Carrie’s future held. She knew that a lot of what was said was stuff the kids had heard from their parents because she had heard the same things when she’d go to the store for groceries, but the words still hurt. Wanting to avoid hearing them, Carrie hid out in the library. It was easier that way, and even as an adult, it was simpler to keep to herself.

  Once they reached the classroom, the talking ceased between the others as everyone seemed to take in the room.

  There were two doors in the room with light gray walls. The one she had just come through, and one off to the side up near the front of the room. A window was off to the right, or at least that’s what Carrie thought for there were burgundy drapes over the expanse.

  A geometrical patterned short pile rug was beneath her feet, probably to help with some warmth to the room.

  A myriad of colored markers sat in the tray beneath a long whiteboard which was perched on the front wall. In front of the board was a modern desk made from metal l
egs and a flat surface. It wasn’t like the teacher’s desks from school.

  Carrie sat in the second row, which might as well have been the first since the others all sat behind her. She would treat this as any class and be an astute student. She had promised herself she would give this a chance.

  While they waited for the teacher to appear, Carrie’s mind went to the two men and their unspoken spat in the lobby. She hadn’t really gotten a good look at the man who had held the door open for her, but she had felt a stirring in her core as she passed him. She did know he was handsome.

  The guard behind the counter was gorgeous. He had darker red hair and emerald-green eyes that reminded her of shamrocks. One look at him had her nipples hardening in her bra and moisture gathering in her panties. Her coat helped hide the first, and she had to hope that there wasn’t going to be a wet spot on her dress when she stood.

  Being between the two men had her breaths coming in short bursts while she felt overheated. This was a reaction she had never experienced before. She had to talk herself into a safe, comfortable frame of mind before the others arrived for the class while waiting in the lobby.

  The door near the front of the room opened, and a familiar face appeared. There were gasps from several men behind Carrie, and she knew that some wet dreams had just insinuated themselves into their subconsciousness for the coming night’s sleep.

  Mistress Eliza was every bit as tall as Carrie had envisioned. The woman was wearing a black pencil skirt that came to right below her knees, a white blouse that buttoned up, and a pair of five-inch shiny black stilettos. Her platinum blonde hair was done up in a tight bun, and she wore a pair of black-rimmed round glasses. She was the epitome of every boy’s fantasy teacher, one that did naughty things in the classroom.


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