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Learning to Love & Submit

Page 6

by Eileen Green

  Glancing back up at a smiling Mistress Eliza, Carrie was still conflicted, but then she looked at Thomas. There was fire in his eyes, a lust that scared her a bit. On his lap, Gerard was looking at her in the same way. She slid her gaze down the length of Gerard’s body, and she felt her face flush with heat when she eyed his hard, thick cock that lay on his lower stomach.

  Is that for me?

  “Go to them,” Mistress Eliza whispered as she pressed her hand on Carrie’s lower back.

  All her life, Carrie had been fighting to make her life comfortable, to have a life that was better than her mother’s. Carrie didn’t want to be like the woman who drank her sorrows, her life away. She wanted better, and now that she was in a good place having nearly paid off her loans and doing something she loved, perhaps it was time to do something spontaneous and out of her comfort zone.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Carrie moved towards the couch where her future might lie. At first, it felt as if her feet were made of lead, but then she moved with a sureness that surprised her.

  * * * *

  Watching Carrie walk towards him, Gerard thought it was akin to watching a bride walk towards her groom. He had only set eyes on her that evening, but he felt in his heart that this was the woman he was supposed to be with, to share with Thomas. It was all so new, but it felt so right.

  His back and butt were on fire from the whipping he had sustained because of his stubbornness, but what he had done to deserve it had brought them to this place in time. Carrie was joining them for his aftercare where she belonged. Hopefully one day soon he and Thomas could be cuddling her and providing aftercare.

  Once Carrie was standing before them, nervousness written on her face, Gerard realized the condition of his dick. This is what the woman did for him, and he could feel Thomas’s growing beneath his head. At least his was hidden under Gerard’s head, not out there for everyone to see.

  Leaning his head back, he looked up at Thomas and saw him with his hand stretched out towards Carrie. “Come, little one,” Thomas said with a smile. “Kneel on the floor next to Gerard. Touch him. Talk to him.”

  Gerard felt as if his cock was going to explode. He had to hope he wouldn’t embarrass himself in front of Thomas and Carrie.

  Wonder filled Carrie’s beautiful face along with a touch of trepidation as she looked down at the two men. Gerard remembered being new to the lifestyle, how overwhelming it could be.

  He held his breath until Carrie moved to kneel, but then stopped and slipped out of her boots first. Then, as she knelt, her long hair swung and danced across his chest briefly, sending tendrils of delight across his skin. She smiled at him as she looked down his body, her gaze stalling at his cock for a moment before she looked back at his face.

  Color flamed on her cheeks as she looked him in the eyes. If Gerard wasn’t mistaken, Carrie wasn’t used to being around naked men. He had to wonder if she was a virgin.

  Thomas’s hand was caressing Gerard’s chest, his fingers moving lightly. Gerard wanted more, and he wanted Carrie’s hands on him.

  As if Thomas had read Gerard’s thoughts, he asked softly, “How many men have you been with, Carrie?”

  Her face turned crimson as her eyes lowered, and she nibbled on her bottom lip. At first Gerard thought she wasn’t going to answer the question, but then she quietly answered. “I dated a boy a couple of times, Sir. But I haven’t been with a man before. I’m a virgin.”

  “That’s a wonderful thing to hear,” Thomas said. “Touch Gerard.”

  Carrie’s tongue darted out and licked her top lip before she raised her hand and laid it on Gerard’s bicep. It was cold, but he chalked it up to her nerves. As she began to stroke up and down between his shoulder and elbow, her hand warmed up, but all the while, her touch sent tingles to his cock. His heart swelled in his chest as he absorbed the feel of both people who had recently come into his life, and he hoped they would be a big part of it.

  * * * *

  With one sub resting partially on his lap and one kneeling next to him, Thomas’s heart was full. He knew it was too soon in the relationship to expect anything out of either one of them, but he was being optimistic for he felt deep inside that these were the two that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Of course, only time would tell.

  Reaching out with his free hand, Thomas picked up a handful of Carrie’s hair and caressed it. It was soft and silky just like he had thought it was when he first saw her. He wanted to see her naked with just her hair covering her breasts so that they played peek-a-boo with the strands.

  Thomas let his gaze slide over to Eliza who was watching the trio intently. He understood her concern since she had been the one to bring Carrie into the fold of the Tiger’s Lair. There was a lot to be thankful for when it came to the Domme, and, he couldn’t let her down by hurting Carrie, not that he would. He had a lot to prove to Gerard and Carrie as his potential lovers and partners, but also to all the others who were invested in them, who had a hand in bringing them together.

  After giving a nod of thanks and understanding to Eliza, Thomas gave a nod to Jenson, one of the volunteer dungeon monitors, for him to close the curtains so the three of them had privacy. Others could possibly hear them, but not see them.

  As the gauzy material fell to hide the trio away, Thomas saw the slight fear in Carrie’s eyes. He moved his hand so that he caressed her cheek. “Don’t worry, little one. Nothing will happen here that you don’t give your consent to.”

  She calmed and nodded her understanding as she continued to stroke Gerard’s arm.

  “Do you have any questions, Carrie?” Thomas inquired as he ran his fingers across one of Gerard’s nipples, drawing a moan from the man.

  Carrie looked quickly at Gerard, a small smile on her lips before she looked back up at Thomas. Her gaze held his for a few moments before she lowered her eyes. “Why me?” she asked.

  The question surprised Thomas, and by the feel of Gerard’s body which tightened up, it did him also. Tamping down his emotions, Thomas said, “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m not…” She cut herself off from speaking the rest of that sentence, and Thomas had a feeling what she was going to say. Carrie licked her lips and then continued. “I’m new here, and there are so many pretty women here for you to choose from. Ones with more experience than me.”

  Good save!

  Thomas looked at Carrie, watching the play of emotions on her face, from confusion, trepidation, and nervousness, to aggravation and arousal. He finally spoke.

  “When I followed you to the door this evening, I felt an attractiveness to you. I wanted to get to know you better. You’re a beautiful woman, Carrie. Everyone sees that.” Thomas took a long deep breath. “I noticed that Gerard had a fascination with you also. Of course, he jumped to conclusions, but I knew in that moment that we needed to get to know you and see if you were a fit for us. When Eliza introduced us earlier, I knew for certain that my instincts were correct.”

  “May I speak, Sir?” Gerard asked.

  “Yes, boy. And, you may sit up.”

  As Gerard tried to sit up, he acted a bit woozy, so Thomas helped him until he was sitting up next to him. Carrie knelt between the two men’s legs, right where Thomas wanted her to be.

  Gerard leaned forward. “You stepped into the lobby, and my heart stopped in my chest. It only did it one other time, and that was a year ago when I began working here and I saw Thomas…” He cleared his throat and looked at Thomas. “I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t even know what to call you.”

  “Semantics at the moment,” Thomas said as he wrapped one arm around Gerard’s shoulders and then returned his gaze back to Carrie. “See, Carrie, we’re just starting out in this as a relationship. It was fate that brought you here at the beginning, so we’re all on an even keel.”

  Thomas’s statement seemed to have shocked Carrie as her mouth was open in a perfect O, drawing a chuckle from him. Gerard glanced at him and then looked back at Carrie.

  Carrie quickly closed her mouth and lowered her eyes, rosiness flooding her face and neck. “I thought Gerard was jealous because you had been together for a long time,” she murmured.

  Shifting and removing his arm from Gerard’s shoulders, Thomas made room for Carrie and then patted the empty spot between them. When Carrie made to stand, both he and Gerard helped her up. She carefully sat down, sitting closer to Thomas than Gerard.

  “Are you afraid he is going to bite?” Thomas asked as he gazed down at Carrie.

  She shrugged. “I just don’t want to make him any more uncomfortable than he already is.”

  “Honey, I’m already hard just being around the two of you. You can sit as close as you want,” Gerard said as he placed his hand on Carrie’s thigh. “I hope I please you.”

  Thomas could tell that Gerard had shocked Carrie. She was going to have to get used to it, especially in the club.

  “Let’s go ahead and talk about communication, little one.” Thomas heard her gasp at his words. “When we’re at the club, you will call me Sir, as will Gerard. While out in public, I’ll be Thomas, or whatever nickname you want to use. And, don’t be afraid to ask questions, but if we’re here, don’t be disrespectful about them. Eliza invited you here, so she would be someone to go to for questions also. She is very knowledgeable, and she seems to like you a lot.”

  “I was very surprised when she told me about this place. I never thought anyone would want to be with me.” Carrie’s words were soft and sad as she spoke.

  “You’ve made reference to that a couple times now, Carrie,” Thomas pointed out. “Why would you say that?”

  Again, she shrugged. “I’m new to all this. Inexperienced. Plus, look at the women out there. They’re thin. I’m…not.”

  Confusion reigned in Thomas. How could she say that? So, she had a bit of meat on her bones. He liked that in a woman. Carrie was acting as if she were bigger than she was.

  “You’re beautiful, Carrie, and I won’t stand for you to talk badly about yourself. I like your body. It’s made for loving.”

  “Thomas is right,” Gerard added. “Your hips are fantastic. I’ll be able to hold on to them while I fuck you.”

  It amazed Thomas how many shades of pink and red Carrie’s ivory-colored skin could turn. He hoped he would be able to break her of that whenever they spoke of sex, her body, or BDSM. However, he could imagine her ass turning that color after a paddling.

  Jeez, what this woman does to me!

  “How old are you?” Thomas inquired without thinking. Damn, man! Mama always said you don’t ask a woman her age. “Sorry. That was crass of me,” he added quickly.

  Carrie looked up at him, a smile touching her lips. “I’m twenty-six. How old are you two?” She then looked at Gerard.

  “Forty-one.” It was a fifteen-year difference. Was it going to bother her?

  “I’m thirty-three,” Gerard answered.

  When Carrie didn’t say anything, Thomas said, “Let’s just cuddle right now. We can talk about ourselves later.”

  He slid his arm around Carrie’s shoulder, letting himself savor the feel of her, but laid his hand on Gerard’s shoulder, so he was connected to them both. Thomas hoped for a lifetime of this connection. For some strange reason, he knew these were his life mates.

  Carrie wrung her hands together repeatedly, giving Thomas the impression she was nervous. She stopped when both he and Gerard covered her with theirs.

  “Talk to us, little one.”

  She cleared her throat. “Um,” she began. “Aren’t you going to do something about him?”

  That’s what she was nervous about?

  Thomas squeezed her hands. “Did you think this is part of his punishment?” He sought out her answer to gauge how she felt about Gerard’s discipline and the fact Thomas had left him in a state of need.

  He had fully intended to take care of Gerard’s need, until he noticed Carrie watching them with Eliza. A deep wish was to have the woman help relieve Gerard, but Thomas knew it was too soon to request it of her.

  She nodded her answer to the question he had asked moments ago.

  Lesson time, but Gerard beat him to it, drawing her eyes to him.

  “When a question is asked, sugar, you need to answer vocally. That way there is no mistaking your answer. Also, it helps in case the other person has looked away.” Gerard looked at Thomas before returning his gaze back to Carrie. “It should be that way in every relationship.”

  She looked back at Thomas. “I’m sorry. And, yes. I think it’s part of his punishment.” Her tongue darted out to lick at her lips. “I think it’s cruel to make him wait.”

  “That wasn’t my intention, little one. It’s just that you were standing there, and then I brought you in here.”

  Thomas shifted. He stood, moved so that he stood in front of Gerard, all the while feeling both sets of eyes watching him. Kneeling between Gerard’s legs, Thomas was now looking at the hardened cock that looked as if it was going to burst.

  Long and thick, it rose out from a nest of red curls. The blue veins were stark against the paleness of the silky skin, leading up to the purple-blue mushroomed head. Pre-cum had leaked from the eye, slowly dribbling down the curving top, enticing Thomas’s hunger.

  Leaning forward, Thomas lowered his head, so he hovered inches above the work of beauty. Lashing out his tongue, he licked the rivulet of liquid before it could fall. Salty, musky, and it was his.

  A hiss sounded from Gerard at the contact as his cock jumped. A gasp emanated from Carrie. Looking up, Thomas saw Gerard had his head tossed back against the couch, his eyes closed. The man’s muscles were straining in his neck and shoulders, and his hands had curled into tight fists at the sides of his thighs.

  Turning his head, Thomas looked at Carrie. Her eyes were darker, like hurricane clouds when he was a kid in Arkansas, and she was focused on Gerard’s cock. Her lips were parted as if she was breathing through them, and her breaths were short and becoming rapid. She was the epitome of an aroused woman, and for the time being, she was his and Gerard’s, and hopefully forever.

  * * * *

  Carrie couldn’t believe that Thomas had licked Gerard’s cock, nor could she believe that Gerard’s cock was gorgeous. Of course, it was the first erect one she had seen in her life. The statues she had seen were never in an aroused state, so she really didn’t have anything to compare Gerard’s to, but she was certain most men probably weren’t that big.

  When Thomas indicated he and Gerard were interested in her, she thought they were platonic soon-to-be partners, not bisexual ones. She had thought that Thomas taking care of Gerard’s hard-on after the punishment indicated that Gerard would be able to get himself off. However, now that she thought about it, Gerard was laying his head in Thomas’s lap. That was how naïve she was.

  Fascination filled her to see what Thomas was going to do next. She wanted him to do what someone does to a cock with their mouth, their hands, but deep down inside, Carrie was tired of being alone and wanted to be a part of this. Was it truly possible to have what these two men were offering her?

  Thomas was looking at her now as if he was watching to see how she reacted to what was happening or was going to happen. His eyes were nearly black with his arousal and his nostrils flared.

  She let her gaze slip up to Gerard’s face and found his head leaning on the back of the couch, his eyes closed. His body tense.

  Licking her lips, she glanced down at the throbbing cock between Gerard’s legs and swallowed hard. Never had she been impetuous, but a need within her wanted to taste what Thomas had. Would she like it? Would it please both men?

  As if in a trance, she stood and moved next to Thomas before she sank to her knees, Thomas scooting over slightly to make room for her. She lifted her hand and set it on Gerard’s left knee. Slowly, she slid it along the inside of his thigh, feeling the hard muscles beneath the lightly hairy skin. Her nails touched his sac, drawing a tortured groan from Gerard
and Thomas both.

  “Are you sure about this, little one?” Thomas asked quietly.

  Carrie nodded but then remembered the rules. She whispered, “Yes,” before she cupped her hand under the sack, testing the weight of them. The skin was tight but silky to the touch, and she could feel the twin balls encased in it. Above that was a sparse amount of trimmed red hair that surrounded the base of his cock that stood proudly and waiting for relief.

  Gently, she moved her hand up and wrapped it around the length of him, surprised when a few inches of his dick rose above her fingers before reaching the head. He was so big!

  Thomas’s hand wrapped around hers and began to move up and down slowly. Gerard moaned as his hips began to gyrate. It seemed like a couple of minutes that they performed this little dance, the entire time Carrie watching Gerard’s face.

  It seemed as if he was in pain, but she knew he was enjoying what she and Thomas were doing. Letting bravery overtake her, Carrie leaned forward and licked the head of his cock. She took in a drop of his pre-cum, tasting the musky, salty flavor of him, and she found it not repulsive as she thought it would be.

  Guiding her hand, Thomas began to move quicker, which was driving Gerard to thrust his hips up at them as if he was trying to lead them. Thomas moved in closer and licked the other side of the mushroomed tip, his tongue meeting Carrie’s repeatedly. It was the most erotic thing Carrie could ever imagine doing in her dull life, but it felt so right.

  Moans filled the area, all of them from the three of them, enticing her even more. She could feel Gerard’s cock pulsing wildly beneath her hand as his hand came up to the back of her head. He held her close to him as she licked him and tangled her tongue with Thomas’s. It wasn’t long before hot thick liquid spurted onto her face several times as she heard Gerard groan loudly. She could feel the liquid oozing between Thomas’s fingers onto hers, tying the three of them together in Gerard’s orgasm.


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